public static Quest GenerateRandomQuest() { Quest quest = new Quest(); questItemReq itemReqs = new questItemReq(true); quest.questGoals.Add(itemReqs); quest.questID = nextQuestID; quest.questDescription = QuestDescription(itemReqs, quest); quest.characterQuestIntroduction = quest.questDescription; //This should be changed //Debug.Log(quest.questID); NextQuestID -= 1; //Iterate to make sure that the same quest ID isn't reused JSONserializer json = new JSONserializer(); json.SaveFile(quest); return(quest); }
public void CreateNew(List <Texture2D> textures, Vector2 potision) { float vertical = Camera.main.orthographicSize; float horizontal = vertical * Screen.width / Screen.height; int textureIndex = Random.Range(0, textures.Count); Planet planet = new Planet() { name = TempLibrary.randomPlanetNames[Random.Range(0, TempLibrary.randomPlanetNames.Count)], //name = Random.Range(0, 9999).ToString(), boardPosition = potision, textureInt = textureIndex, planetScale = Random.Range(4.0f, 10.0f) }; planet.majorityPopString = TempLibrary.randomRaces[Random.Range(0, TempLibrary.randomRaces.Count)]; int randomSize = Random.Range(1, 4); //print(randomSize); planet.minorityPopsString = "the " + TempLibrary.randomRaces[Random.Range(0, TempLibrary.randomPlanetNames.Count)]; for (int i = 1; i < randomSize; i++) { planet.minorityPopsString += ", the " + TempLibrary.randomRaces[Random.Range(0, TempLibrary.randomPlanetNames.Count)]; } planet.minorityPopsString += " and the " + TempLibrary.randomRaces[Random.Range(0, TempLibrary.randomPlanetNames.Count)]; JSONserializer json = new JSONserializer(); int locationCount = Random.Range(2, 5); for (int i = 0; i < locationCount; i++) { Location location = new Location(); location.position = Random.onUnitSphere; location.GenerateNewLocation(); location.planetName =; planet.locations.Add(; json.SaveLocation(location); } Debug.Log(json.SaveFile(planet)); //Saves planet as a file which returns a string }