Esempio n. 1
        public async Task ListResponses()
            string   id            = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            Settings guildsettings = JSONUtil.GetSettingsObj(id);   //get the settings for this guild
            Dictionary <string, string> cmddict = guildsettings.customcommands;

            if (cmddict == null)
                cmddict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            StringBuilder outputstr = new StringBuilder();

            if (cmddict.Count > 0)
                outputstr.Append("Here are a list of command responses for this server\n");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in cmddict)
                    outputstr.Append($"**{entry.Key}** - {entry.Value}\n");
                outputstr.Append("No commands stored yet, try adding one with the addresponse command");

            await ReplyAsync(outputstr.ToString());
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task GetHelp()
            Console.WriteLine("executing help command");
            string   id            = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string   settingsfile  = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(id, FileDirUtil.JSONSETTINGS);
            Settings guildsettings = JSONUtil.GetSettingsObj(id);   //get the settings for this guild

            string helpstring = "";

            helpstring += "List of commands for this bot:\n**{0}start** - tells the bot start monitoring for live streams (notifies in same channel)\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}stop** - Tells the bot to stop monitoring (NOTE this may take up to 1 minute to fufil)\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}add <twitch name or link>** - to add a streamer to watch out for\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}remove <twitch name or link>** - to remove a streamer from the watch list\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}notify <on/off>** - Adds the “notify” role to the user invoking the command. (Creates the role if it doesn’t already exist)\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}list** - lists current watch list";
            helpstring += "\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}prefix <new prefix>** - Changes the default or existing prefix to the new one entered\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}addresponse <trigger> <response>** - The bot will watch out for the trigger word and reply with a response when seen\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}deleteresponse <trigger>** - Deletes the response for that trigger\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}responses** - Lists the current stored responses for this server";
            helpstring += "**{0}stats <user>** - Returns the most used words from that user\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}stats all** - Returns the top word for each user in the chat log\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}stats server** - Returns the top words in the server\n";
            helpstring += "\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}pc <coin> <currency>(opt) full(opt)** - Returns basic or full price info for a coin\n";
            helpstring  = String.Format(helpstring, guildsettings.prefix);
            await ReplyAsync(helpstring);
Esempio n. 3
        //public async Task InstallAsync(DiscordSocketClient c)
        //    _client = c;                                                 // Save an instance of the discord client.
        //    _cmds = new CommandService();                                // Create a new instance of the commandservice.

        //    await _cmds.AddModulesAsync(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());    // Load all modules from the assembly.

        //    _client.MessageReceived += HandleCommandAsync;               // Register the messagereceived event to handle commands.

        private async Task HandleCommandAsync(SocketMessage s)
            var msg = s as SocketUserMessage;

            if (msg == null)

            var context = new SocketCommandContext(_client, msg);

            string   id            = context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            Settings guildsettings = JSONUtil.GetSettingsObj(id);
            Dictionary <string, string> customargs = guildsettings.customcommands;

            int argPos = 0;

            if (msg.HasStringPrefix(guildsettings.prefix, ref argPos) ||
                msg.HasMentionPrefix(_client.CurrentUser, ref argPos))
                // Try and execute a command with the given context.

                Console.WriteLine("trying to execute with command" + context.Message.Content);
                var result = await _cmds.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos);

                if (!result.IsSuccess)
                    await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result.ToString());
            if (customargs != null)
                if (!context.Message.Author.IsBot && !context.Message.Content.Contains(guildsettings.prefix))
                    //string emote = "<:dampC:277086968905728000>";

                    //await SendAsync("PUT", () => $"channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId}/reactions/{emoji}/@me", ids, options: options).ConfigureAwait(false)
                    Dictionary <string, int> messageorder = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in customargs)
                        if (context.Message.Content.ToLower().Contains(entry.Key.ToLower()))
                            messageorder.Add(entry.Value, context.Message.Content.ToLower().IndexOf(entry.Key.ToLower()));
                    if (messageorder.Count > 0)
                        await SendCustomMessages(context, messageorder);
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task ChangePrefix(string newpref)
            string   id            = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string   settingsfile  = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(id, FileDirUtil.JSONSETTINGS);
            Settings guildsettings = JSONUtil.GetSettingsObj(id);   //get the settings for this guild

            guildsettings.prefix = newpref;

            JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(guildsettings, settingsfile);

            await ReplyAsync($"The prefix for the bot has been changed to **{newpref}**");
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task AddReponse(string word, string reaction)
            string   id            = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string   settingsfile  = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(id, FileDirUtil.JSONSETTINGS);
            Settings guildsettings = JSONUtil.GetSettingsObj(id);

            bool addnew = guildsettings.AddOrModifyCommand(word.ToLower(), reaction);

            if (addnew)
                await ReplyAsync($"Successfully added a new response for {word}!");
                await ReplyAsync($"Successfully modified the response {word}");

            JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(guildsettings, settingsfile);
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task DeleteResponse(string word)
            string   id            = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string   settingsfile  = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(id, FileDirUtil.JSONSETTINGS);
            Settings guildsettings = JSONUtil.GetSettingsObj(id);

            bool remove = guildsettings.DelCommand(word.ToLower());

            if (remove)
                await ReplyAsync($"Successfully deleted the response for {word}!");
                await ReplyAsync($"Oops, looks like {word} didn't exist anyway!");

            JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(guildsettings, settingsfile);