private string SubmitJiraSupportRequest(SupportRequestModel model) { var currentUser = CheckPoint.Instance.IsAuthenticated ? CheckPoint.Instance.GetUser(this.tdb) : null; string reporter = string.Empty; if (currentUser != null) { reporter = currentUser.Email; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Email)) { reporter = model.Email; } try { var priorityConfig = JiraSection.GetSection().Priorities[model.Priority]; var typeConfig = JiraSection.GetSection().Types[model.Type]; if (priorityConfig == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot find a configured JIRA priority mapping for " + model.Priority); } if (typeConfig == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot find a configured JIRA type mapping for " + model.Type); } string issueTypeId = typeConfig.Id; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(issueTypeId)) { issueTypeId = AppSettings.DefaultJiraTaskType; } JIRAIssueData issueData = new JIRAIssueData(); issueData.project = AppSettings.JiraProject; issueData.type = issueTypeId; issueData.summary = model.Summary; issueData.description = model.Details; issueData.reporter = reporter; issueData.priority = priorityConfig.Id; return(this.SubmitJIRAIssue(issueData, TRIFOLIA_SUPPORT_LABEL)); } catch (Exception submitException) { Log.For(this).Error("Failed to submit JIRA support request", submitException); throw new Exception("Could not submit JIRA support request. Please notify the administrator."); } }
private string SubmitJIRAIssue(JIRAIssueData aIssue, string aIssueLabel) { bool validReporter = true; string encoded = System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes(AppSettings.JiraUsername + ":" + AppSettings.JiraPassword)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppSettings.JiraUserEndpoint)) { var userCheck = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(AppSettings.JiraUserEndpoint + "?username="******"GET"; userCheck.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded); try { var userCheckResponse = userCheck.GetResponse(); using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(userCheckResponse.GetResponseStream())) { var resultsJSON = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <JiraUserSearchResponse> >(resultsJSON); if (results.Count != 1) { aIssue.description = string.Format("{0}\\n\\nSubmitted By: {1}", aIssue.description, aIssue.reporter); validReporter = false; } else { aIssue.reporter = results[0].key; } } } catch (WebException wex) { if (((HttpWebResponse)wex.Response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { Log.For(this).Error("Request to JIRA returned Unauthorized"); throw new Exception("Error submitting support request to JIRA (System Configuration Error)"); } aIssue.description = string.Format("{0}\\n\\nSubmitted By: {1}", aIssue.description, aIssue.reporter); validReporter = false; } } else { aIssue.description = string.Format("{0}\\n\\nSubmitted By: {1}", aIssue.description, aIssue.reporter); validReporter = false; } var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(AppSettings.JiraIssueEndpoint); webRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; webRequest.Method = "POST"; webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded); using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(webRequest.GetRequestStream())) { JiraIssue jiraIssue = new JiraIssue(); jiraIssue.fields.project.key = aIssue.project; jiraIssue.fields.summary = aIssue.summary; = aIssue.priority; jiraIssue.fields.description = aIssue.description; = aIssue.type; if (validReporter) { = aIssue.reporter; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppSettings.JiraLabels)) { string[] labels = AppSettings.JiraLabels.Split(','); jiraIssue.fields.labels.AddRange(labels); } string requestJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jiraIssue); streamWriter.Write(requestJSON); streamWriter.Flush(); streamWriter.Close(); } var response = webRequest.GetResponse(); using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); var key = result.Substring(result.IndexOf("\"key\":") + 7, result.IndexOf(",\"self\":") - result.IndexOf("\"key\":") - 8); return(key); } }