Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 会议日历视图
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void GETHYGLVIEW(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string strSql = string.Format("SELECT  hygl.ID,hygl.intProcessStanceid,hygl.FQUser,'['+room.Name+']'+hygl.Title+'  '+CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),hygl.StartTime,8)+'~'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),hygl.EndTime,8) title,hygl.StartTime start,hygl.EndTime [end],CASE when dbo.fn_PDStatus(hygl.intProcessStanceid)='已审批' then 1 when dbo.fn_PDStatus(hygl.intProcessStanceid)='-1' then 1  when dbo.fn_PDStatus(hygl.intProcessStanceid)='正在审批' then 0 end SHStatus from SZHL_HYGL hygl INNER join SZHL_HYGL_ROOM  room on hygl.RoomID=room.ID  where ( dbo.fn_PDStatus(hygl.intProcessStanceid)='已审批' or dbo.fn_PDStatus(hygl.intProcessStanceid)='正在审批' or dbo.fn_PDStatus(hygl.intProcessStanceid)='-1' ) and hygl.ComId=" + UserInfo.User.ComId);

            if (P1 != "0")
                strSql += string.Format(" and hygl.RoomID={0} ", P1);
            msg.Result = new SZHL_YCGLB().GetDTByCommand(strSql);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取日志列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1">日志类型</param>
        /// <param name="P2">查询条件</param>
        /// <param name="strUserName"></param>
        public void GETGZBGUSERLIST(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string userName    = UserInfo.User.UserName;
            string strUserName = context.Request["username"] ?? "";//经费报销统计中的查看列表需要的参数

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUserName))
                userName = strUserName;
            string strWhere = string.Format(" bg.ComId={0} ", UserInfo.User.ComId);

            strWhere += string.Format("and   bg.CRUser='******'", userName);

            if (P1 != "")//分类
                strWhere += string.Format("And  bg.LeiBie={0}", P1);
            if (P2 != "")//内容查询
                strWhere += string.Format(" And (bg.RBContent like '%{0}%' OR bg.CRUserName like '%{0}%' OR bg.BranchName like '%{0}%' )", P2);

            int month = 0;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["month"] ?? "1", out month);
            string strTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, month, 1).ToShortDateString();
            string endTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, month, 1).AddMonths(1).ToShortDateString();

            strWhere += string.Format("And bg.RBDate BETWEEN '{0}' and '{1}'", strTime, endTime);

            string strSql = string.Format(" Select bg.BranchName,bg.RBContent,bg.RBJSR,bg.RBWCQK,bg.RBDate,bg.LeiBie,bg.CRUser,bg.CRDate,bg.ID,bg.Files,bg.CRUserName,zd.TypeName  from  SZHL_GZBG  bg inner join JH_Auth_ZiDian zd on LeiBie= zd.ID and Class=6 Where {0} order by bg.CRDate desc", strWhere);

            msg.Result = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetDTByCommand(strSql);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出工作报告
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void EXPORTGZBG(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            GETGZBGLIST(context, msg, P1, P2, UserInfo);
            DataTable  dt     = msg.Result;
            string     sqlCol = "BranchName|部门,TypeName|类型,RBDate|日期,RBContent|报告内容,TypeName|类型,CRUserName|姓名,RBWCQK|完成情况";
            CommonHelp ch     = new CommonHelp();

            DataTable dt2 = dt.DelTableCol(sqlCol);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows)
                    dr["报告内容"] = CommonHelp.RemoveHtml(dr["报告内容"].ToString());
                    dr["完成情况"] = CommonHelp.RemoveHtml(dr["完成情况"].ToString());
                catch (Exception)

            msg.ErrorMsg = ch.ExportToExcel("工作报告", dt2);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 向服务器发送压缩目录命令
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1">目录ID</param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void COMPRESSFOLDER(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string strCode = P1;
            int    ComId   = int.Parse(P2);

            FT_FolderB.FoldFile Mode = new FT_FolderB.FoldFile();
            Mode.FolderID  = -1;
            Mode.Name      = "压缩文件";
            Mode.SubFileS  = new List <FT_File>();
            Mode.SubFolder = new List <FT_FolderB.FoldFile>();
            foreach (string item in P1.SplitTOList(','))
                int    FileID  = int.Parse(item.Split('|')[0].ToString());
                string strType = item.Split('|')[1].ToString();
                if (item.Split('|')[1].ToString() == "file")
                    FT_File file = new FT_FileB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == FileID);
                    file.YLUrl = "";
                    List <FT_FolderB.FoldFileItem> ListID = new List <FT_FolderB.FoldFileItem>();
                    FT_FolderB.FoldFile            obj    = new FT_FolderB().GetWDTREE(FileID, ref ListID, ComId);
            IsoDateTimeConverter timeConverter = new IsoDateTimeConverter();

            timeConverter.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
            string     Result  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Mode, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, timeConverter).Replace("null", "\"\"");
            JH_Auth_QY qymodel = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(d => d.ComId == ComId);
            Dictionary <String, String> DATA = new Dictionary <String, String>();

            DATA.Add("data", Result);
            HttpWebResponse ResponseData = CommonHelp.CreatePostHttpResponse(qymodel.FileServerUrl.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + qymodel.QYCode + "/document/zipfolder", DATA, 0, "", null);
            string          strData      = CommonHelp.GetResponseString(ResponseData);

            msg.Result = strData;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取页面html(excel)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void GETHTML(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string strWDYM = CommonHelp.GetConfig("WDYM");

            FT_File ff = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(p => p.YLCode == P1).FirstOrDefault();

            if (ff != null)
                HttpWebRequest  httpWebRequest  = null;
                HttpWebResponse httpWebRespones = null;
                Stream          stream          = null;
                string          htmlString      = string.Empty;
                string          url             = strWDYM + ff.YLPath;

                    httpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url + ".html") as HttpWebRequest;
                    msg.ErrorMsg = "建立页面请求时发生错误!";
                httpWebRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Maxthon 2.0)";
                    httpWebRespones = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
                    stream          = httpWebRespones.GetResponseStream();
                    msg.ErrorMsg = "接受服务器返回页面时发生错误!";

                StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                    htmlString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                    msg.ErrorMsg = "读取页面数据时发生错误!";

                msg.Result  = htmlString;
                msg.Result1 = url;
                msg.ErrorMsg = "此文件不存在或您没有权限!";
Esempio n. 6
        public void GETSHAREINFO(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int ID = 0;

            int.TryParse(P1, out ID);
            if (ID > 0)
                FT_File_Share Model = new FT_File_ShareB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == ID);

                if (Model.SharePasd == P2 || Model.ShareType == "0")//公开链接或者输入提取码正确
                    string    strSql = string.Format(@"SELECT qy.QYName,qy.LogoID,share.CRUserName,share.RefType,share.ShareDueDate,share.CRDate,CASE WHEN share.RefType='file' then f.Name+'.'+f.FileExtendName WHEN share.RefType='wj'  THEN folder.Name END Name 
                                            ,CASE WHEN share.RefType='file' then f.ID WHEN share.RefType='wj'  THEN folder.ID END  ID ,f.FileExtendName,f.FileSize,share.ComId,f.ISYL,f.FileMD5,qy.FileServerUrl,f.YLUrl
                                            from FT_File_Share share INNER join JH_Auth_QY  qy on share.ComId=qy.ComId
                                            LEFT join FT_File f on share.RefID=f.ID and share.ComId=f.ComId and share.RefType='file'
                                            LEFT join  FT_Folder folder on share.RefID=folder.ID and share.RefType='wj' where share.ID={0} and share.IsDel!='Y'", ID);
                    DataTable dt     = new FT_File_ShareB().GetDTByCommand(strSql);
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        DateTime dueDate = DateTime.Now;
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(dt.Rows[0]["ShareDueDate"].ToString(), out dueDate) && dueDate > DateTime.Now)
                            msg.Result = dt;
                            msg.ErrorMsg = "分享已过期";
                        msg.ErrorMsg = "分享已取消";
                    msg.Result   = 1;
                    msg.ErrorMsg = "提取码有误,请重新输入";
Esempio n. 7
        public void GETFILELIST(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int FolderID = int.Parse(P1);//
            int ComId    = int.Parse(P2);

            msg.Result  = new FT_FolderB().GetEntities(d => d.ComId == ComId && d.PFolderID == FolderID);
            msg.Result1 = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => d.ComId == ComId && d.FolderID == FolderID);
Esempio n. 8
        public void ADDBIDBSET(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            var tt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BI_DB_Set>(P1);

            if (tt.ID == 0)
                tt.CRUser = UserInfo.User.UserName;
                tt.CRDate = DateTime.Now;
                new BI_DB_SetB().Insert(tt);
                tt.UPDate = DateTime.Now;
                new BI_DB_SetB().Update(tt);

            msg.Result = tt;
Esempio n. 9
 public void DELBIDBSET(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
         int ID = int.Parse(P1);
         new BI_DB_SetB().Delete(d => d.ID == ID);
         new BI_DB_DimB().Delete(d => d.STID == ID);
     catch (Exception ex)
         msg.ErrorMsg = ex.Message;
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// 仪表盘页面使用数据集数据
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <param name="msg"></param>
 /// <param name="P1"></param>
 /// <param name="P2"></param>
 /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
 public void GETYBDATASET(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
         DataTable dt = new BI_DB_SetB().GetDTByCommand("select *  from BI_DB_Set  ORDER BY  ID DESC");
         dt.Columns.Add("wd", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
         dt.Columns.Add("dl", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
         for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
             dt.Rows[i]["wd"] = new BI_DB_SetB().GetDTByCommand("select * from BI_DB_Dim WHERE STID='" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "' AND Dimension='1' ORDER BY  ColumnName");
             dt.Rows[i]["dl"] = new BI_DB_SetB().GetDTByCommand("select * from BI_DB_Dim WHERE STID='" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "' AND Dimension='2' ORDER BY  ColumnName");
         msg.Result = dt;
     catch (Exception ex)
         msg.ErrorMsg = ex.Message;
Esempio n. 11
        public void GETBIDBSETLIST(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string userName = UserInfo.User.UserName;
            string strWhere = " 1=1 ";

            int page      = 0;
            int pagecount = 8;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["p"] ?? "1", out page);
            int.TryParse(context.Request["pagecount"] ?? "8", out pagecount);//页数
            page = page == 0 ? 1 : page;
            int       total = 0;
            DataTable dt    = new BI_DB_SetB().GetDataPager(" BI_DB_Set T left join BI_DB_Source S on T.SID=S.ID ", " T.*,S.Name AS SJY,S.DBType ", pagecount, page, " T.CRDate desc ", strWhere, ref total);

            msg.Result  = dt;
            msg.Result1 = total;
            msg.Result2 = new BI_DB_SourceB().GetEntities(d => d.DBType == "SQLSERVER");
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 会议发送提醒信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void SENDWXMSG_TX(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            var tx    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SZHL_TXSX>(P1);
            int msgid = Int32.Parse(tx.MsgID);

            UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserInfo(tx.ComId.Value, tx.CRUser);

            var model = new SZHL_HYGLB().GetEntity(p => p.ID == msgid && p.ComId == UserInfo.User.ComId);

            if (model != null)
                var     rm  = new SZHL_HYGL_ROOMB().GetEntity(p => p.ID == model.RoomID && p.ComId == UserInfo.User.ComId);
                Article ar0 = new Article();
                ar0.Title       = "会议提醒";
                ar0.Description = "发起人:" + UserInfo.User.UserRealName + "\r\n您有会议[" + model.Title + "],会议室[" + rm.Name + "],将于" + model.StartTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + "开始,请及时参加";
                ar0.Url         = model.ID.ToString();

                List <Article> al = new List <Article>();

                string jsr = string.Empty;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FQUser))
                    jsr = model.FQUser;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CYUser))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsr))
                        jsr = jsr + "," + model.CYUser;
                        jsr = model.CYUser;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ZCUser))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsr))
                        jsr = jsr + "," + model.ZCUser;
                        jsr = model.ZCUser;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.JLUser))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsr))
                        jsr = jsr + "," + model.JLUser;
                        jsr = model.JLUser;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SXUser))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsr))
                        jsr = jsr + "," + model.SXUser;
                        jsr = model.SXUser;

                string content = ar0.Description;
                new JH_Auth_User_CenterB().SendMsg(UserInfo, "HYGL", content, model.ID.ToString(), jsr, "B", model.intProcessStanceid, tx.ISCS);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsr))
                    WXHelp wx = new WXHelp(UserInfo.QYinfo);
                    wx.SendTH(al, "HYGL", "A", jsr);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// 会议管理发送消息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void SENDWXMSG(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            var tx    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SZHL_TXSX>(P1);
            int msgid = Int32.Parse(tx.MsgID);

            UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserInfo(tx.ComId.Value, tx.CRUser);
            var model = new SZHL_HYGLB().GetEntity(p => p.ID == msgid && p.ComId == UserInfo.User.ComId);

            if (model != null)
                var     user = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserByUserName(model.ComId.Value, model.CRUser);
                var     rm   = new SZHL_HYGL_ROOMB().GetEntity(p => p.ID == model.RoomID && p.ComId == UserInfo.User.ComId);
                Article ar0  = new Article();
                ar0.Title       = "会议通知";
                ar0.Description = "发起人:" + user.UserRealName + "\r\n您有新的会议[" + model.Title + "],会议室[" + rm.Name + "],请尽快查看吧";
                ar0.Url         = model.ID.ToString();

                List <Article> al = new List <Article>();

                string jsr = string.Empty;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FQUser))
                    jsr = model.FQUser;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CYUser))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsr))
                        jsr = jsr + "," + model.CYUser;
                        jsr = model.CYUser;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ZCUser))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsr))
                        jsr = jsr + "," + model.ZCUser;
                        jsr = model.ZCUser;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.JLUser))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsr))
                        jsr = jsr + "," + model.JLUser;
                        jsr = model.JLUser;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SXUser))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsr))
                        jsr = jsr + "," + model.SXUser;
                        jsr = model.SXUser;

                UserInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserInfo(model.ComId.Value, model.CRUser);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsr))
                    string content = user.UserRealName + "邀请您参加会议:" + model.Title;
                    new JH_Auth_User_CenterB().SendMsg(UserInfo, "HYGL", content, model.ID.ToString(), jsr, "B", model.intProcessStanceid, tx.ISCS);

                    WXHelp wx = new WXHelp(UserInfo.QYinfo);
                    wx.SendTH(al, "HYGL", "A", jsr);

                if (model.TXSJ > 0)
                    DateTime  dt  = model.StartTime.ToDateTime().AddMinutes(-model.TXSJ.Value);
                    SZHL_TXSX tx1 = new SZHL_TXSX();
                    tx1.ComId   = model.ComId;
                    tx1.APIName = "HYGL";
                    tx1.MsgID   = model.ID.ToString();
                    tx1.FunName = "SENDWXMSG_TX";
                    tx1.Date    = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    tx1.CRUser  = model.CRUser;
                    tx1.CRDate  = DateTime.Now;
                    TXSX.TXSXAPI.AddALERT(tx1); //时间为发送时间

                    //TXSX.TXSXAPI.AddALERT(UserInfo.User.ComId.Value, "HYGL", "SENDWXMSG_TX", model.ID.ToString(), dt); //时间为发送时间
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取会议人员情况
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void GETRYLIST_PAGE(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int page = 0;

            int.TryParse(context.Request.QueryString["p"] ?? "1", out page);
            page = page == 0 ? 1 : page;

            int total = 0;

            DataTable dt = new SZHL_YCGLB().GetDataPager("JH_Auth_TL", "*", 8, page, " CRDate desc", "MSGType='HYGL' and MSGTLYID='" + P1 + "' and MsgISShow='" + P2 + "' and  ComId=" + UserInfo.User.ComId, ref total);

            msg.Result  = dt;
            msg.Result1 = total;
Esempio n. 15
 public void FINDPASSWORD(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
     //string userpass = context.Request["pass"];
     //if (P1 == "1")
     //    string ComId = context.Request["ComId"];
     //    int qyId = 0;
     //    int.TryParse(ComId, out qyId);
     //    JH_Auth_QY qymodel = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(d => d.ComId == qyId);
     //    if (qymodel != null)
     //    {
     //        JH_Auth_User userInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetEntity(d => d.mobphone == P2 && d.ComId == qymodel.ComId);
     //        userInfo.UserPass = CommonHelp.GetMD5(userpass);
     //        new JH_Auth_UserB().Update(userInfo);
     //        msg.Result = qymodel.QYCode;
     //    }
     //    JH_Auth_User userInfo = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetEntity(d => d.mobphone == P2);
     //    userInfo.UserPass = CommonHelp.GetMD5(userpass);
     //    new JH_Auth_UserB().Update(userInfo);
Esempio n. 16
 public void GETBIDBSET(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
         int ID = int.Parse(P1);
         msg.Result  = new BI_DB_SetB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == ID);
         msg.Result1 = new BI_DB_DimB().GetEntities(d => d.STID == ID && d.Dimension == "1");
         msg.Result2 = new BI_DB_DimB().GetEntities(d => d.STID == ID && d.Dimension == "2");
     catch (Exception ex)
         msg.ErrorMsg = ex.Message;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取文档资源
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void GETWDZY(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            FT_File    ff = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(p => p.zyid == P1).FirstOrDefault();
            JH_Auth_QY QY = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetALLEntities().FirstOrDefault();

            if (ff != null)
                HttpWebResponse ResponseData = CommonHelp.CreateHttpResponse(QY.FileServerUrl + "/document/officecov/" + ff.zyid, null, 0, "", null, "GET");
                string          Returndata   = CommonHelp.GetResponseString(ResponseData);
                msg.Result  = Returndata.ToString().Split(',')[1];
                msg.Result1 = ff.Name;
                msg.Result2 = QY.FileServerUrl;
                msg.ErrorMsg = "此文件不存在或您没有权限!";
Esempio n. 18
        public void UPBIDSET(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
                string WD = context.Request["WD"] ?? "";
                string DL = context.Request["DL"] ?? "";
                var    tt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BI_DB_Set>(P1);
                tt.UPDate = DateTime.Now;
                new BI_DB_SetB().Update(tt);

                List <BI_DB_Dim> ListWD = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <BI_DB_Dim> >(WD);
                List <BI_DB_Dim> ListDL = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <BI_DB_Dim> >(DL);
                new BI_DB_DimB().Delete(D => D.STID == tt.ID);

                ListWD.ForEach(D => D.CRDate = DateTime.Now);
                ListWD.ForEach(D => D.CRUser = UserInfo.User.UserName);

                ListDL.ForEach(D => D.CRDate = DateTime.Now);
                ListDL.ForEach(D => D.CRUser = UserInfo.User.UserName);

                new BI_DB_DimB().Insert(ListWD);
                new BI_DB_DimB().Insert(ListDL);
            catch (Exception ex)
                msg.ErrorMsg = ex.Message;
Esempio n. 19
        public void CHECKREGISTERPHONE(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            var qy2 = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntities(p => p.Mobile == P1.Trim());

            if (qy2.Count() > 0)
                msg.ErrorMsg = "此手机已注册企业,请更换手机号继续注册";
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// 发送手机验证码
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void SENDCHKMSG(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(P1))
            //    string code = CommonHelp.numcode(4);
            //    try
            //    {
            //        string type = context.Request["type"] ?? "";
            //        string content = "";
            //        switch (type)
            //        {
            //            case "changeadmin":
            //                content = "您更换超级管理员的验证码为:" + code + ",如非本人操作,请忽略本短信";
            //                break;
            //            default:
            //                content = "注册验证码:" + code + ",如非本人操作,请忽略本短信";
            //                break;

            //        }

            //        CommonHelp.SendSMS(P1, content, 0);
            //        msg.Result = CommonHelp.GetMD5(code);
            //    }
            //    catch
            //    {
            //        msg.ErrorMsg = "发送验证码失败";
            //    }
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断是否公开链接
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void ISPUBLIC(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int           ID    = int.Parse(P1);//
            FT_File_Share Model = new FT_File_ShareB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == ID && d.IsDel != "Y");

            msg.Result = Model.ShareType;
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 /// 验证企业名称
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <param name="msg"></param>
 /// <param name="P1"></param>
 /// <param name="P2"></param>
 /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
 public void YZQYMC(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(P1))
         var qy = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(p => p.QYName == P1);
         if (qy != null)
             msg.ErrorMsg = "企业名称已存在";
Esempio n. 23
        public void REGISTERYSOLD(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            JH_Auth_QY QY = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(d => d.ComId == 10334);

            QY.CRDate        = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-2);
            QY.QYProfile     = QY.FileServerUrl;
            QY.FileServerUrl = "";
            QY.IsUseWX       = "N";
            new JH_Auth_QYB().Update(QY);
            msg.Result = QY;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取企业信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void GETQYINFO(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string qycode = context.Request["qycode"];
            //string qycode = "2072782222";
            JH_Auth_QY Qyinfo = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(d => d.QYCode == qycode);

            if (Qyinfo == null)
                msg.ErrorMsg = "没有找到该企业";
                msg.Result = Qyinfo;

                //WXHelp wx = new WXHelp(Qyinfo);
                //var list = wx.GetAppList().agentlist.Select(p => new { id = p.agentid, info = wx.GetAPPinfo(Int32.Parse(p.agentid)) });
                //wx.WX_WxCreateMenuNew(138, "GZBG");
                //msg.Result1 = list;
Esempio n. 25
        public void REGISTERYS(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string       strXM    = P2;
            string       strPhone = P1;
            JH_Auth_User user1    = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserByUserName(10334, P1);

            if (user1 != null)
                msg.ErrorMsg = "用户已存在";
            JH_Auth_User user = new JH_Auth_User();

            user.UserName     = strPhone;
            user.mobphone     = strPhone;
            user.UserRealName = P2;
            user.UserPass     = CommonHelp.GetMD5("abc123");
            user.ComId        = 10334;
            user.BranchCode   = 1728;
            user.CRDate       = DateTime.Now;
            user.CRUser       = "******";
            user.logindate    = DateTime.Now;
            user.IsUse        = "Y";
            if (!new JH_Auth_UserB().Insert(user))
                msg.ErrorMsg = "添加用户失败";
                JH_Auth_QY QY = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(d => d.ComId == 10334);
                WXHelp     wx = new WXHelp(QY);

                JH_Auth_UserRole Model = new JH_Auth_UserRole();
                Model.UserName = user.UserName;
                Model.RoleCode = 1219;
                Model.ComId    = user.ComId;
                new JH_Auth_UserRoleB().Insert(Model);
Esempio n. 26
 public void CHECKPHONE(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
     //string ComId = context.Request["comId"] ?? "";
     //int id = 0;
     //int.TryParse(ComId, out id);
     //if (id > 0)
     //    List<JH_Auth_User> userList = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetEntities(d => d.mobphone == P2 && d.ComId == id).ToList();
     //    JH_Auth_User user = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetEntity(d => d.mobphone == P2 && d.ComId == id);
     //    if (userList.Count != 1)
     //    {
     //        msg.ErrorMsg = "此手机号无效";
     //    }
     //    List<JH_Auth_User> userList = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetEntities(d => d.mobphone == P2).ToList();
     //    if (userList.Count == 0)
     //    {
     //        msg.ErrorMsg = "此手机号无效";
     //    }
     //    else if (userList.Count > 1)
     //    {
     //        msg.ErrorMsg = "-1";
     //    }
Esempio n. 27
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context, ref Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(GZBGManage).GetMethod(msg.Action.ToUpper());
            GZBGManage model      = new GZBGManage();

            methodInfo.FastInvoke(model, new object[] { context, msg, P1, P2, UserInfo });
Esempio n. 28
 public void FINDYZQYYM(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
     //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(P1))
     //    if (P1.ToLower() == "www" || P1.ToLower() == "saas") //www及saas不让用户注册
     //    {
     //        msg.ErrorMsg = "二级域名无效";
     //        return;
     //    }
     //    var qy = new JH_Auth_QYB().GetEntity(p => p.QYCode == P1);
     //    if (qy == null)
     //    {
     //        msg.ErrorMsg = "二级域名不存在";
     //    }
     //    else
     //    {
     //        msg.Result = qy.ComId;
     //    }
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加工作日志
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="strUserName"></param>
        public void ADDGZBG(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            SZHL_GZBG GZBG = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SZHL_GZBG>(P1);

            if (GZBG == null)
                msg.ErrorMsg = "添加失败";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GZBG.RBContent))
                msg.ErrorMsg = "日报内容不能为空";
            if (GZBG.LeiBie == null)
                msg.ErrorMsg = "日报类型不能为空";
            if (P2 != "") // 处理微信上传的图片
                string fids = new FT_FileB().ProcessWxIMG(P2, "GZBG", UserInfo);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GZBG.Files))
                    GZBG.Files += "," + fids;
                    GZBG.Files = fids;

            if (GZBG.ID == 0)
                GZBG.CRDate     = DateTime.Now;
                GZBG.CRUser     = UserInfo.User.UserName;
                GZBG.CRUserName = UserInfo.User.UserRealName;
                GZBG.BranchName = UserInfo.BranchInfo.DeptName;
                GZBG.ComId      = UserInfo.User.ComId;
                new SZHL_GZBGB().Insert(GZBG);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GZBG.ChaoSongUser))
                    SZHL_TXSX CSTX = new SZHL_TXSX();
                    CSTX.Date           = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    CSTX.APIName        = "GZBG";
                    CSTX.ComId          = UserInfo.User.ComId;
                    CSTX.FunName        = "SENDGZBG";
                    CSTX.CRUserRealName = UserInfo.User.UserRealName;
                    CSTX.MsgID          = GZBG.ID.ToString();
                    CSTX.TXContent      = UserInfo.User.UserRealName + "抄送一个工作报告,请您查阅";
                    CSTX.ISCS           = "Y";
                    CSTX.TXUser         = GZBG.ChaoSongUser;
                    CSTX.TXMode         = "GZBG";
                    CSTX.CRUser         = UserInfo.User.UserName;
                    TXSX.TXSXAPI.AddALERT(CSTX); //时间为发送时间
                new SZHL_GZBGB().Update(GZBG);

            msg.Result = GZBG;
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新会议记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void UPDATEHYJL(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int    Id      = int.Parse(P1);
            string jlfiles = context.Request.Params["JLFiles"];
            var    hy      = new SZHL_HYGLB().GetEntity(p => p.ComId == UserInfo.User.ComId && p.ID == Id);

            if (hy != null)
                hy.HYJL    = P2;
                hy.JLFiles = jlfiles;
                new SZHL_HYGLB().Update(hy);