Esempio n. 1
        private DataReader DecodeFile(DataReader reader, FileType containerType, int fileNumber)
            var header   = reader.Size < 4 ? 0 : reader.PeekDword();
            var fileType = ((header & 0xffff0000) == (uint)FileType.JH) ? FileType.JH : (FileType)header;

            if (fileType == FileType.JH)
                reader.Position += 4; // skip header
                reader           = new DataReader(JH.Crypt(reader, (ushort)(((header & 0xffff0000u) >> 16) ^ (header & 0x0000ffffu))));
            else if (containerType == FileType.AMNC) // AMNC archives are always encoded
                reader = new DataReader(JH.Crypt(reader, (ushort)fileNumber));

            header   = reader.Size < 4 ? 0 : reader.PeekDword(); // Note: The header might have changed above.
            fileType = (FileType)header;                         // Note: No need to check for JH here as this can not happen.

            // See if it is a LOB file
            if (fileType == FileType.LOB || fileType == FileType.VOL1)
                reader.Position += 4;                               // skip header
                uint decodedSize = reader.PeekDword() & 0x00ffffff; // the first byte would contain the offset for the size entry (= 6)

                // AMNP archives are always encoded
                if (containerType == FileType.AMNP)
                    reader.Position += 4; // skip decoded size
                    reader           = new DataReader(JH.Crypt(reader, (ushort)fileNumber));
                    reader.Position += 4; // skip encoded size
                    reader.Position += 8;  // skip decoded and encoded size

                return(Lob.Decompress(reader, decodedSize));
                // AMNP archives are always encoded
                if (containerType == FileType.AMNP)
                    // ensure and skip the header (should be FileType.None here)
                    if (reader.ReadDword() != (uint)FileType.None)
                        throw new AmbermoonException(ExceptionScope.Data, "Invalid AMNP file data.");

                    reader = new DataReader(JH.Crypt(reader, (ushort)fileNumber));

Esempio n. 2
        // Test encryption
        static void TestCryptography()
            IHashProvider p;

            // Generate a random set of bytes
            byte[] Bytes = SecureRandom.Bytes(32);

            // Write bytes to console
            Console.WriteLine($"Randomly generated bytes: {Encoding.ByteArrayToHexString(Bytes)}");

            // Keccak the generated bytes
            byte[] KeccakBytes = Keccak.keccak(Bytes);

            // Write keccak bytes to console
            Console.WriteLine($"Keccak: {Encoding.ByteArrayToHexString(KeccakBytes)}");

            // Blake256 the generated bytes
            p = new Blake();
            byte[] BlakeBytes = p.Hash(Bytes);

            // Write blake256 bytes to console
            Console.WriteLine($"Blake: {Encoding.ByteArrayToHexString(BlakeBytes)}");

            // Skein the generated bytes
            p = new Skein();
            byte[] SkeinBytes = p.Hash(Bytes);

            // Write skein bytes to console
            Console.WriteLine($"Skein: {Encoding.ByteArrayToHexString(SkeinBytes)}");

            // Groestl the generated bytes
            p = new Groestl();
            byte[] GroestlBytes = p.Hash(Bytes);

            // Write groestl bytes to console
            Console.WriteLine($"Groestl: {Encoding.ByteArrayToHexString(GroestlBytes)}");

            // JH the generated bytes
            p = new JH();
            byte[] JHBytes = p.Hash(Bytes);

            // Write JH bytes to console
            Console.WriteLine($"JH: {Encoding.ByteArrayToHexString(JHBytes)}");

            // Base58 the generated bytes
            string Base58String = Base58.Encode(Bytes);

            // Write base58 bytes to console
            Console.WriteLine($"Base58: {Base58String}");
Esempio n. 3
        /* CryptoNight Step 5: Apply Keccak to the state again, and then
         * use the resulting data to select which of four finalizer
         * hash functions to apply to the data (Blake, Groestl, JH,
         * or Skein). Use this hash to squeeze the state array down
         * to the final 32 byte hash output.
        public static byte[] HashFinalState(CNState cnState)
            /* Get the state buffer as an array of ulongs rather than bytes */
            ulong[] hashState = cnState.GetHashState();

            Keccak.Keccakf(hashState, 24);

            /* Set the state buffer from the coerced hash state */

            /* Get the actual state buffer finally */
            byte[] state = cnState.GetState();

            /* Choose the final hashing function to use based on the value of
             * state[0] */
            switch (state[0] % 4)
            case 0:

            case 1:

            case 2:
