Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Run a set of iterations and return the resuts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nIterations">Specifies the number of iterations to run.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Returns the data type contained in the byte stream.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the run containing the action are returned as a byte stream.</returns>
        public byte[] Run(int nIterations, out string type)
            IxTrainerCallbackRNN icallback = m_icallback as IxTrainerCallbackRNN;
            if (icallback == null)
                throw new Exception("The Run method requires an IxTrainerCallbackRNN interface to convert the results into the native format!");

            StateBase s = getData(Phase.RUN, -1);
            int nIteration = 0;
            List<float> rgResults = new List<float>();

            while (!m_brain.Cancel.WaitOne(0) && (nIterations == -1 || nIteration < nIterations))
                // Preprocess the observation.
                SimpleDatum x = m_brain.Preprocess(s, m_bUseRawInput);

                // Forward the policy network and sample an action.
                float[] rgfAprob;
                int action = m_brain.act(x, s.Clip, out rgfAprob);


                // Take the next step using the action
                StateBase s_ = getData(Phase.RUN, action);

            ConvertOutputArgs args = new ConvertOutputArgs(nIterations, rgResults.ToArray());

            type = args.RawType;
            return args.RawOutput;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// The Run method provides the main 'actor' that runs data through the trained network.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nN">specifies the number of samples to run.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Returns the data type contained in the byte stream.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the run are returned in the native format used by the CustomQuery.</returns>
        public byte[] Run(int nN, out string type)
            float[] rgResults = m_brain.Run(nN);

            ConvertOutputArgs    args      = new ConvertOutputArgs(nN, rgResults);
            IxTrainerCallbackRNN icallback = m_icallback as IxTrainerCallbackRNN;

            if (icallback == null)
                throw new Exception("The Run method requires an IxTrainerCallbackRNN interface to convert the results into the native format!");


            type = args.RawType;
Esempio n. 3
        public Brain(MyCaffeControl <T> mycaffe, PropertySet properties, CryptoRandom random, IxTrainerCallbackRNN icallback, Phase phase, BucketCollection rgVocabulary, bool bUsePreloadData, string strRunProperties = null)
            string strOutputBlob = null;

            if (strRunProperties != null)
                m_runProperties = new PropertySet(strRunProperties);

            m_icallback             = icallback;
            m_mycaffe               = mycaffe;
            m_properties            = properties;
            m_random                = random;
            m_rgVocabulary          = rgVocabulary;
            m_bUsePreloadData       = bUsePreloadData;
            m_nSolverSequenceLength = m_properties.GetPropertyAsInt("SequenceLength", -1);
            m_bDisableVocabulary    = m_properties.GetPropertyAsBool("DisableVocabulary", false);
            m_nThreads              = m_properties.GetPropertyAsInt("Threads", 1);
            m_dfScale               = m_properties.GetPropertyAsDouble("Scale", 1.0);

            if (m_nThreads > 1)
                m_dataPool.Initialize(m_nThreads, icallback);

            if (m_runProperties != null)
                m_dfTemperature = Math.Abs(m_runProperties.GetPropertyAsDouble("Temperature", 0));
                if (m_dfTemperature > 1.0)
                    m_dfTemperature = 1.0;

                string strPhaseOnRun = m_runProperties.GetProperty("PhaseOnRun", false);
                switch (strPhaseOnRun)
                case "RUN":
                    m_phaseOnRun = Phase.RUN;

                case "TEST":
                    m_phaseOnRun = Phase.TEST;

                case "TRAIN":
                    m_phaseOnRun = Phase.TRAIN;

                if (phase == Phase.RUN && m_phaseOnRun != Phase.NONE)
                    if (m_phaseOnRun != Phase.RUN)
                        m_mycaffe.Log.WriteLine("Warning: Running on the '" + m_phaseOnRun.ToString() + "' network.");

                    strOutputBlob = m_runProperties.GetProperty("OutputBlob", false);
                    if (strOutputBlob == null)
                        throw new Exception("You must specify the 'OutputBlob' when Running with a phase other than RUN.");

                    strOutputBlob = Utility.Replace(strOutputBlob, '~', ';');

                    phase = m_phaseOnRun;

            m_net = mycaffe.GetInternalNet(phase);
            if (m_net == null)
                mycaffe.Log.WriteLine("WARNING: Test net does not exist, set test_iteration > 0.  Using TRAIN phase instead.");
                m_net = mycaffe.GetInternalNet(Phase.TRAIN);

            // Find the first LSTM layer to determine how to load the data.
            // NOTE: Only LSTM has a special loading order, other layers use the standard N, C, H, W ordering.
            LSTMLayer <T>       lstmLayer       = null;
            LSTMSimpleLayer <T> lstmSimpleLayer = null;

            foreach (Layer <T> layer1 in m_net.layers)
                if (layer1.layer_param.type == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                    lstmLayer  = layer1 as LSTMLayer <T>;
                    m_lstmType = LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM;
                else if (layer1.layer_param.type == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM_SIMPLE)
                    lstmSimpleLayer = layer1 as LSTMSimpleLayer <T>;
                    m_lstmType      = LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM_SIMPLE;

            if (lstmLayer == null && lstmSimpleLayer == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find the required LSTM or LSTM_SIMPLE layer!");

            if (m_phaseOnRun != Phase.NONE && m_phaseOnRun != Phase.RUN && strOutputBlob != null)
                if ((m_blobOutput = m_net.FindBlob(strOutputBlob)) == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find the 'Output' layer top named '" + strOutputBlob + "'!");

            if ((m_blobData = m_net.FindBlob("data")) == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find the 'Input' layer top named 'data'!");

            if ((m_blobClip = m_net.FindBlob("clip")) == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find the 'Input' layer top named 'clip'!");

            Layer <T> layer = m_net.FindLastLayer(LayerParameter.LayerType.INNERPRODUCT);

            m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK(layer != null, "Could not find an ending INNERPRODUCT layer!");

            if (!m_bDisableVocabulary)
                m_nVocabSize = (int)layer.layer_param.inner_product_param.num_output;
                if (rgVocabulary != null)
                    m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(m_nVocabSize, rgVocabulary.Count, "The vocabulary count = '" + rgVocabulary.Count.ToString() + "' and last inner product output count = '" + m_nVocabSize.ToString() + "' - these do not match but they should!");

            if (m_lstmType == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                m_nSequenceLength = m_blobData.shape(0);
                m_nBatchSize      = m_blobData.shape(1);
                m_nBatchSize      = (int)lstmSimpleLayer.layer_param.lstm_simple_param.batch_size;
                m_nSequenceLength = m_blobData.shape(0) / m_nBatchSize;

                if (phase == Phase.RUN)
                    m_nBatchSize = 1;

                    List <int> rgNewShape = new List <int>()
                        m_nSequenceLength, 1

            m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(m_nSequenceLength, m_blobData.num, "The data num must equal the sequence lengh of " + m_nSequenceLength.ToString());

            m_rgDataInput = new T[m_nSequenceLength * m_nBatchSize];

            T[] rgClipInput = new T[m_nSequenceLength * m_nBatchSize];
            m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(rgClipInput.Length, m_blobClip.count(), "The clip count must equal the sequence length * batch size: " + rgClipInput.Length.ToString());
            m_tZero = (T)Convert.ChangeType(0, typeof(T));
            m_tOne  = (T)Convert.ChangeType(1, typeof(T));

            for (int i = 0; i < rgClipInput.Length; i++)
                if (m_lstmType == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                    rgClipInput[i] = (i < m_nBatchSize) ? m_tZero : m_tOne;
                    rgClipInput[i] = (i % m_nSequenceLength == 0) ? m_tZero : m_tOne;

            m_blobClip.mutable_cpu_data = rgClipInput;

            if (phase != Phase.RUN)
                m_solver                      = mycaffe.GetInternalSolver();
                m_solver.OnStart             += m_solver_OnStart;
                m_solver.OnTestStart         += m_solver_OnTestStart;
                m_solver.OnTestingIteration  += m_solver_OnTestingIteration;
                m_solver.OnTrainingIteration += m_solver_OnTrainingIteration;

                if ((m_blobLabel = m_net.FindBlob("label")) == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find the 'Input' layer top named 'label'!");

                m_nSequenceLengthLabel = m_blobLabel.count(0, 2);
                m_rgLabelInput         = new T[m_nSequenceLengthLabel];
                m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(m_rgLabelInput.Length, m_blobLabel.count(), "The label count must equal the label sequence length * batch size: " + m_rgLabelInput.Length.ToString());
                m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK(m_nSequenceLengthLabel == m_nSequenceLength * m_nBatchSize || m_nSequenceLengthLabel == 1, "The label sqeuence length must be 1 or equal the length of the sequence: " + m_nSequenceLength.ToString());
Esempio n. 4
        public Brain(MyCaffeControl <T> mycaffe, PropertySet properties, CryptoRandom random, IxTrainerCallbackRNN icallback, Phase phase, BucketCollection rgVocabulary, string strRunProperties = null)
            string strOutputBlob = null;

            if (strRunProperties != null)
                m_runProperties = new PropertySet(strRunProperties);

            m_icallback    = icallback;
            m_mycaffe      = mycaffe;
            m_properties   = properties;
            m_random       = random;
            m_rgVocabulary = rgVocabulary;

            if (m_runProperties != null)
                m_dfTemperature = m_runProperties.GetPropertyAsDouble("Temperature", 0);
                string strPhaseOnRun = m_runProperties.GetProperty("PhaseOnRun", false);
                switch (strPhaseOnRun)
                case "RUN":
                    m_phaseOnRun = Phase.RUN;

                case "TEST":
                    m_phaseOnRun = Phase.TEST;

                case "TRAIN":
                    m_phaseOnRun = Phase.TRAIN;

                if (phase == Phase.RUN && m_phaseOnRun != Phase.NONE)
                    if (m_phaseOnRun != Phase.RUN)
                        m_mycaffe.Log.WriteLine("Warning: Running on the '" + m_phaseOnRun.ToString() + "' network.");

                    strOutputBlob = m_runProperties.GetProperty("OutputBlob", false);
                    if (strOutputBlob == null)
                        throw new Exception("You must specify the 'OutputBlob' when Running with a phase other than RUN.");

                    strOutputBlob = Utility.Replace(strOutputBlob, '~', ';');

                    phase = m_phaseOnRun;

            m_net = mycaffe.GetInternalNet(phase);

            // Find the first LSTM layer to determine how to load the data.
            // NOTE: Only LSTM has a special loading order, other layers use the standard N, C, H, W ordering.
            LSTMLayer <T>       lstmLayer       = null;
            LSTMSimpleLayer <T> lstmSimpleLayer = null;

            foreach (Layer <T> layer1 in m_net.layers)
                if (layer1.layer_param.type == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                    lstmLayer  = layer1 as LSTMLayer <T>;
                    m_lstmType = LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM;
                else if (layer1.layer_param.type == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM_SIMPLE)
                    lstmSimpleLayer = layer1 as LSTMSimpleLayer <T>;
                    m_lstmType      = LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM_SIMPLE;

            if (lstmLayer == null && lstmSimpleLayer == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find the required LSTM or LSTM_SIMPLE layer!");

            if (m_phaseOnRun != Phase.NONE && m_phaseOnRun != Phase.RUN && strOutputBlob != null)
                if ((m_blobOutput = m_net.FindBlob(strOutputBlob)) == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find the 'Output' layer top named '" + strOutputBlob + "'!");

            if ((m_blobData = m_net.FindBlob("data")) == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find the 'Input' layer top named 'data'!");

            if ((m_blobClip = m_net.FindBlob("clip")) == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find the 'Input' layer top named 'clip'!");

            Layer <T> layer = m_net.FindLastLayer(LayerParameter.LayerType.INNERPRODUCT);

            m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK(layer != null, "Could not find an ending INNERPRODUCT layer!");

            m_nVocabSize = (int)layer.layer_param.inner_product_param.num_output;
            if (rgVocabulary != null)
                m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(m_nVocabSize, rgVocabulary.Count, "The vocabulary count and last inner product output count should match!");

            if (m_lstmType == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                m_nSequenceLength = m_blobData.shape(0);
                m_nBatchSize      = m_blobData.shape(1);
                m_nBatchSize      = (int)lstmSimpleLayer.layer_param.lstm_simple_param.batch_size;
                m_nSequenceLength = m_blobData.shape(0) / m_nBatchSize;

                if (phase == Phase.RUN)
                    m_nBatchSize = 1;

                    List <int> rgNewShape = new List <int>()
                        m_nSequenceLength, 1

            m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(m_blobData.count(), m_blobClip.count(), "The data and clip blobs must have the same count!");

            m_rgDataInput = new T[m_nSequenceLength * m_nBatchSize];

            T[] rgClipInput = new T[m_nSequenceLength * m_nBatchSize];
            m_tZero = (T)Convert.ChangeType(0, typeof(T));
            m_tOne  = (T)Convert.ChangeType(1, typeof(T));

            for (int i = 0; i < rgClipInput.Length; i++)
                if (m_lstmType == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                    rgClipInput[i] = (i < m_nBatchSize) ? m_tZero : m_tOne;
                    rgClipInput[i] = (i % m_nSequenceLength == 0) ? m_tZero : m_tOne;

            m_blobClip.mutable_cpu_data = rgClipInput;

            if (phase != Phase.RUN)
                m_solver                      = mycaffe.GetInternalSolver();
                m_solver.OnStart             += m_solver_OnStart;
                m_solver.OnTestStart         += m_solver_OnTestStart;
                m_solver.OnTestingIteration  += m_solver_OnTestingIteration;
                m_solver.OnTrainingIteration += m_solver_OnTrainingIteration;

                if ((m_blobLabel = m_net.FindBlob("label")) == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find the 'Input' layer top named 'label'!");

                m_rgLabelInput = new T[m_nSequenceLength * m_nBatchSize];
                m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(m_blobData.count(), m_blobLabel.count(), "The data and label blobs must have the same count!");