Esempio n. 1
        internal void Begin(FrameworkElement target, bool useTransitions, string visualStateGroupName, bool isVisualStateChange)
            .INTERNAL_GetCurrentDispatcher().BeginInvoke(() =>
                Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                IterationParameters parameters = new IterationParameters()
                    Target               = target,
                    Guid                 = guid,
                    UseTransitions       = useTransitions,
                    VisualStateGroupName = visualStateGroupName,
                    IsVisualStateChange  = isVisualStateChange


                bool isThisSingleLoop = RepeatBehavior.Type == RepeatBehaviorType.Count && RepeatBehavior.Count == 1;

                StartFirstIteration(parameters, isThisSingleLoop, new TimeSpan()); //todo: use a parameter instead of just a new TimeSpan since we can have a Storyboard inside a Storyboard.
Esempio n. 2
 internal void Initialize(IterationParameters parameters)
     _isInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 3
 internal override void Apply(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
     if (To != null)
         OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, To.Value, _propertyContainer, _targetProperty);
Esempio n. 4
        internal void OnIterationCompleted(IterationParameters parameters)
            if (_isAnimationDurationReached) //the default duration is Automatic, which currently has a TimeSpan of 0 ms (which is considered here to be no timespan).
                if (remainingIterations <= 0)
                    if (this is Storyboard)
                        Stop(parameters.Target, revertToFormerValue: false);

                    if (this is Storyboard)
                        Stop(parameters.Target, revertToFormerValue: true);

                    IterateOnce(parameters, isLastLoop: remainingIterations == 1);
Esempio n. 5
        internal void Begin(FrameworkElement target, bool useTransitions, string visualStateGroupName, bool isVisualStateChange)
            this.isUnApplied = false; // Note: we set this variable because the animation start is done inside a Dispatcher, so if the user synchronously Starts then Stops then Starts an animation, we want it to be in the started state.
            // Note: we use a Dispatcher in order to ensure that the page is fully loaded when starting the animation.
            .INTERNAL_GetCurrentDispatcher().BeginInvoke(() =>
                if (!this.isUnApplied) // Note: we use this variable because the animation start is done inside a Dispatcher, so if the user Starts then Stops the animation immediately (in the same thread), we want to cancel the start of the animation.
                    Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                    IterationParameters parameters = new IterationParameters()
                        Target               = target,
                        Guid                 = guid,
                        UseTransitions       = useTransitions,
                        VisualStateGroupName = visualStateGroupName,
                        IsVisualStateChange  = isVisualStateChange


                    bool isThisSingleLoop = RepeatBehavior.Type == RepeatBehaviorType.Count && RepeatBehavior.Count == 1;

                    StartFirstIteration(parameters, isThisSingleLoop, new TimeSpan()); //todo: use a parameter instead of just a new TimeSpan since we can have a Storyboard inside a Storyboard.
Esempio n. 6
        internal override void Apply(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
            DependencyObject target;
            PropertyPath     propertyPath;

            if (parameters.Target != null)
                GetTargetElementAndPropertyInfo(parameters.Target, out target, out propertyPath, parameters.IsTargetParentTheTarget);

                //todo: find out why we put the test on target and put it back? (I removed it because id kept ScaleTransform from working properly)
                if (To != null)//&& target is FrameworkElement)
                    //if (Duration == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    //    AnimationHelpers.ApplyInstantAnimationWorkAround()
                    //    OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, target, propertyPath);
                    // - Get the propertyMetadata from the property
                    DependencyProperty dp = GetProperty(target, propertyPath);
                    PropertyMetadata   propertyMetadata = dp.GetTypeMetaData(target.GetType());

                    //we make a specific name for this animation:
                    string specificGroupName = parameters.VisualStateGroupName + animationInstanceSpecificName.ToString();

                    bool cssEquivalentExists = false;
                    if (propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalent != null)
                        CSSEquivalent cssEquivalent = propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalent(target);
                        if (cssEquivalent != null)
                            cssEquivalentExists = true;
                            StartAnimation(target, cssEquivalent, From, To, Duration, EasingFunction, specificGroupName,
                                           OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, target, propertyPath));
                    //todo: use GetCSSEquivalent instead (?)
                    if (propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalents != null)
                        List <CSSEquivalent> cssEquivalents = propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalents(target);
                        foreach (CSSEquivalent equivalent in cssEquivalents)
                            cssEquivalentExists = true;
                            StartAnimation(target, equivalent, From, To, Duration, EasingFunction, specificGroupName,
                                           OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, target, propertyPath));

                    if (!cssEquivalentExists)
                        OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, target, propertyPath);
Esempio n. 7
        private List <Cell> CreateWallCellsListForTargetCell(Cell targetCell, out IterationParameters iterationP)
            var wallCellsCoveredByRouter = new List <Cell>();
            var targetCellRowPosition    = targetCell.Row;
            var targetCellColumnPosition = targetCell.Column;

            // find restrictions, if any, for further calculations
            var startRowRestriction = targetCellRowPosition - routerRadius;

            if (startRowRestriction < 0)
                startRowRestriction = 0;

            var endRowRestriction = targetCellRowPosition + routerRadius;

            if (endRowRestriction >= building.cells.GetLength(0))
                endRowRestriction = building.cells.GetLength(0) - 1;

            var startColumnRestriction = targetCellColumnPosition - routerRadius;

            if (startColumnRestriction < 0)
                startColumnRestriction = 0;

            var endColumnRestriction = targetCellColumnPosition + routerRadius;

            if (endColumnRestriction >= building.cells.GetLength(1))
                endColumnRestriction = building.cells.GetLength(1) - 1;

            iterationP = new IterationParameters
                StartRowRestriction    = startRowRestriction,
                EndRowRestriction      = endRowRestriction,
                StartColumnRestriction = startColumnRestriction,
                EndColumnRestriction   = endColumnRestriction

            // Considering restrictions calculated above, iterating over all cells that router would cover if was
            // connected to a backbone in given coordinates
            for (int i = startRowRestriction; i <= endRowRestriction; i++)
                for (int j = startColumnRestriction; j <= endColumnRestriction; j++)
                    if (building.cells[i, j].Type == "wall")
                        wallCellsCoveredByRouter.Add(building.cells[i, j]);
Esempio n. 8
        private Dictionary <Guid, IterationParameters> _guidToIterationParametersDict = new Dictionary <Guid, IterationParameters>(); //the purpose of this Dictionary is to be able to retreive the parameters at the next iteration of the Storyboard.

        internal override void IterateOnce(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
            base.IterateOnce(parameters, isLastLoop);
            //we (re)set the children's remaining iterations:
            foreach (Timeline timeline in Children)

            GetPropertiesChanged(); //we make sure INTERNAL_propertiesChanged is filled.

            _expectedAmountOfTimelineEnds = _children.Count;
            if (!_expectedAmountOfTimelineEndsDict.ContainsKey(parameters.Guid))
                _expectedAmountOfTimelineEndsDict.Add(parameters.Guid, _children.Count);
                _guidToIterationParametersDict.Add(parameters.Guid, parameters);
                //I'm not sure this is useful but we never know.
                _expectedAmountOfTimelineEndsDict[parameters.Guid] = _children.Count;
                _guidToIterationParametersDict[parameters.Guid]    = parameters;
            if (parameters.Target != null)
                foreach (Timeline timeLine in _children)
                    IterationParameters currentParameters = parameters.Clone(); //note: we make a clone for each timeline because the value of IsTargetParentTheTarget can change from one timeline to another.
                    timeLine.Completed -= timeLine_Completed;
                    timeLine.Completed += timeLine_Completed;
                    currentParameters.IsTargetParentTheTarget = true;
                    if (currentParameters.IsVisualStateChange && Storyboard.GetTargetName(timeLine) != null)
                        currentParameters.IsTargetParentTheTarget = false;
                    bool isTimelineSingleLoop = timeLine.RepeatBehavior.Type == RepeatBehaviorType.Count && timeLine.RepeatBehavior.Count == 1;
                    timeLine.StartFirstIteration(currentParameters, isTimelineSingleLoop, BeginTime);
                foreach (Timeline timeLine in _children)
                    DependencyObject target = Storyboard.GetTarget(timeLine);
                    if (target is FrameworkElement)
                        parameters.Target   = (FrameworkElement)target;
                        timeLine.Completed -= timeLine_Completed;
                        timeLine.Completed += timeLine_Completed;
                        parameters.VisualStateGroupName    = "visualStateGroupName";
                        parameters.IsTargetParentTheTarget = false;
                        bool isTimelineSingleLoop = timeLine.RepeatBehavior.Type == RepeatBehaviorType.Count && timeLine.RepeatBehavior.Count == 1;
                        timeLine.StartFirstIteration(parameters, isTimelineSingleLoop, BeginTime);
Esempio n. 9
 internal override void IterateOnce(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
     this.Completed -= ApplyLastKeyFrame;
     this.Completed += ApplyLastKeyFrame;
     BeforeApply(parameters, isLastLoop);
     base.IterateOnce(parameters, isLastLoop);
     Apply(parameters, isLastLoop);
Esempio n. 10
 private Action OnAnimationCompleted(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop, object value, DependencyObject target, PropertyPath propertyPath, Guid callBackGuid)
     return(() =>
         if (isLastLoop && _animationID == callBackGuid)
             AnimationHelpers.ApplyValue(target, propertyPath, value, parameters.IsVisualStateChange);
Esempio n. 11
 private Action OnAnimationCompleted(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop, DependencyObject target, PropertyPath propertyPath)
     return(() =>
         if (isLastLoop)
             AnimationHelpers.ApplyInstantAnimation(target, propertyPath, To.Value, parameters.IsVisualStateChange);
Esempio n. 12
 internal virtual void IterateOnce(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
     if (Duration.HasTimeSpan && Duration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds > 0)
         _parameters = parameters;
         _animationTimer.Interval    = Duration.TimeSpan;
         _animationTimer.Tick       -= _animationTimer_Tick;
         _animationTimer.Tick       += _animationTimer_Tick;
         _isAnimationDurationReached = false;
Esempio n. 13
        private void OnAnimationCompleted(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop, object value, DependencyObject target, PropertyPath propertyPath)
            if (!this._isUnapplied)
                if (isLastLoop)
                    AnimationHelpers.ApplyValue(target, propertyPath, value, parameters.IsVisualStateChange);

Esempio n. 14
        internal override void GetTargetInformation(IterationParameters parameters)
            _parameters = parameters;
            DependencyObject target;
            PropertyPath     propertyPath;

            GetTargetElementAndPropertyInfo(parameters.Target, out target, out propertyPath, parameters.IsTargetParentTheTarget);

            _propertyContainer = target;
            _targetProperty    = propertyPath;
            _propDp            = GetProperty(_propertyContainer, _targetProperty);
            _target            = Storyboard.GetTarget(this);
            _targetName        = Storyboard.GetTargetName(this);
Esempio n. 15
        internal override void GetTargetInformation(IterationParameters parameters)
            _parameters = parameters;
            DependencyObject target;
            PropertyPath     propertyPath;
            DependencyObject targetBeforePath;

            GetPropertyPathAndTargetBeforePath(parameters.Target, out targetBeforePath, out propertyPath, parameters.IsTargetParentTheTarget);
            DependencyObject parentElement = targetBeforePath; //this will be the parent of the clonable element (if any).

            foreach (Tuple <DependencyObject, DependencyProperty, int?> element in GoThroughElementsToAccessProperty(propertyPath, targetBeforePath))
                DependencyObject   depObject = element.Item1;
                DependencyProperty depProp   = element.Item2;
                int?index = element.Item3;
                if (depObject is ICloneOnAnimation)
                    if (!((ICloneOnAnimation)depObject).IsAlreadyAClone())
                        object clone = ((ICloneOnAnimation)depObject).Clone();
                        if (index != null)
                            parentElement.GetType().GetProperty("Item").SetValue(parentElement, clone, new object[] { index });
                            //JSIL does not support SetValue(object, object, object[])
                            parentElement.SetValue(depProp, clone);
                    parentElement = depObject;

            GetTargetElementAndPropertyInfo(parameters.Target, out target, out propertyPath, parameters.IsTargetParentTheTarget);

            _propertyContainer = target;
            _targetProperty    = propertyPath;
            _propDp            = GetProperty(_propertyContainer, _targetProperty);
            _target            = Storyboard.GetTarget(this);
            _targetName        = Storyboard.GetTargetName(this);
Esempio n. 16
 private Action OnKeyFrameCompleted(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop, object value, DependencyObject target, PropertyPath propertyPath, Guid callBackGuid)
     return(() =>
         if (_animationID == callBackGuid)
             AnimationHelpers.ApplyValue(target, propertyPath, value, parameters.IsVisualStateChange);
             if (!CheckTimeLineEndAndRaiseCompletedEvent(_parameters))
                 ApplyKeyFrame(GetNextKeyFrame(), isLastLoop);
Esempio n. 17
        internal override void IterateOnce(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
            if (!_isInitialized)
            // This is a workaround to tell the property the effective value should be the animated value.
            base.IterateOnce(parameters, isLastLoop);

            Apply(parameters, isLastLoop);
Esempio n. 18
        private bool CheckTimeLineEndAndRaiseCompletedEvent(IterationParameters parameters)
            bool raiseEvent = false;

            lock (thisLock)
                if (_appliedKeyFramesCount >= KeyFrames.Count)
                    raiseEvent = true;
            if (raiseEvent || _cancelledAnimation)
            return(raiseEvent || _cancelledAnimation);
        internal void CheckTimeLineEndAndRaiseCompletedEvent(IterationParameters parameters)
            bool raiseEvent = false;

            lock (thisLock)
                if (_expectedAmountOfKeyFrameEnds <= 0)
                    raiseEvent = true;
            if (raiseEvent)
Esempio n. 20
        internal override void Apply(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
            if (To != null)
                // - Get the propertyMetadata from the property
                PropertyMetadata propertyMetadata = _propDp.GetTypeMetaData(_propertyContainer.GetType());

                //we make a specific name for this animation:
                string specificGroupName = parameters.VisualStateGroupName + animationInstanceSpecificName.ToString();

                _animationID = Guid.NewGuid();

                bool cssEquivalentExists = false;
                if (propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalent != null)
                    CSSEquivalent cssEquivalent = propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalent(_propertyContainer);
                    if (cssEquivalent != null)
                        cssEquivalentExists = true;
                        StartAnimation(_propertyContainer, cssEquivalent, From, To, Duration, (EasingFunctionBase)EasingFunction, specificGroupName,
                                       OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, To.Value, _propertyContainer, _targetProperty, _animationID));
                //todo: use GetCSSEquivalent instead (?)
                if (propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalents != null)
                    List <CSSEquivalent> cssEquivalents = propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalents(_propertyContainer);
                    foreach (CSSEquivalent equivalent in cssEquivalents)
                        cssEquivalentExists = true;
                        StartAnimation(_propertyContainer, equivalent, From, To, Duration, (EasingFunctionBase)EasingFunction, specificGroupName,
                                       OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, To.Value, _propertyContainer, _targetProperty, _animationID));

                if (!cssEquivalentExists)
                    OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, To.Value, _propertyContainer, _targetProperty, _animationID)();
Esempio n. 21
 internal virtual void IterateOnce(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
     if (Duration.HasTimeSpan)
         if (Duration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds > 0)
             _parameters = parameters;
             _animationTimer.Interval    = Duration.TimeSpan;
             _animationTimer.Tick       -= _animationTimer_Tick;
             _animationTimer.Tick       += _animationTimer_Tick;
             _isAnimationDurationReached = false;
             _isAnimationDurationReached = true;
Esempio n. 22
        internal void OnIterationCompleted(IterationParameters parameters)
            if (!Duration.HasTimeSpan || Duration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds == 0 || _isAnimationDurationReached) //the default duration is Automatic, which currently has a TimeSpan of 0 ms (which is considered here to be no timespan).

                if (remainingIterations <= 0)
                    if (this is Storyboard)
                        Stop(parameters.Target, revertToFormerValue: false);

                    _isAnimationDurationReached = false; //for the next time.
                    if (this is Storyboard)
                        Stop(parameters.Target, revertToFormerValue: true);

                    if (Duration.HasTimeSpan && Duration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds > 0)
                        _isAnimationDurationReached = false;
                    IterateOnce(parameters, isLastLoop: remainingIterations == 1);
        private void ApplyKeyFrame(DependencyObject target, IterationParameters parameters, PropertyPath propertyPath, Type propertyType, ObjectKeyFrame keyFrame, DispatcherTimer timer)
            if (timer != null)
            object value = keyFrame.Value;

            if (value is string && propertyType != typeof(string))
                if (propertyType.IsEnum)
                    value = Enum.Parse(propertyType, (string)value);
                    //we convert the value from the given string:
                    value = DotNetForHtml5.Core.TypeFromStringConverters.ConvertFromInvariantString(propertyType, (string)value);

            var castedValue = DynamicCast(value, propertyType); //Note: we put this line here because the Xaml could use a Color gotten from a StaticResource (which was therefore not converted to a SolidColorbrush by the compiler in the .g.cs file) and led to a wrong type set in a property (Color value in a property of type Brush).

            if (parameters.IsVisualStateChange)
                propertyPath.INTERNAL_PropertySetVisualState(target, castedValue);
                propertyPath.INTERNAL_PropertySetLocalValue(target, castedValue);


            //todo:clone required ?
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the first iteration of this timeline, while managing the BeginTime property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">the parameters required for the iteration</param>
        /// <param name="isLastLoop">A boolean that says if it is the last loop</param>
        /// <param name="parentDelay">The Delay due to the BeginTime of the parent Timeline</param>
        internal void StartFirstIteration(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop, TimeSpan?parentDelay)
            if (BeginTime != null)
                if (BeginTime.Value.TotalMilliseconds > 0)
                    _beginTimeTimer          = new DispatcherTimer(); //this line is to avoid having more than one callback on the tick (we cannot use "_beginTimeTimer.Tick -= XXX" since we use a anonymous method).
                    _beginTimeTimer.Interval = BeginTime.Value;

                    //Note: anonymous method since it allows us to use simply parameters and isLastLoop.
                    _beginTimeTimer.Tick += (sender, args) =>
                        IterateOnce(parameters, isLastLoop);
                    IterateOnce(parameters, isLastLoop);
Esempio n. 25
        private int CountNumberOfTargetCellsCovered(IterationParameters iterationP, Cell routerCell, List <Cell> wallCells)
            var count = 0;

            for (int i = iterationP.StartRowRestriction; i <= iterationP.EndRowRestriction; i++)
                for (int j = iterationP.StartColumnRestriction; j <= iterationP.EndColumnRestriction; j++)
                    if (building.cells[i, j].Type == "target")
                        if (IsTargetCellCovered(building.cells[i, j], routerCell, wallCells))
                            // if target cell is already covered it shouldn't be taken into account anymore
                            if (building.cells[i, j].IsCovered)
Esempio n. 26
 internal override void Apply(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
     _animationID = Guid.NewGuid();
     ApplyKeyFrame(GetNextKeyFrame(), isLastLoop);
Esempio n. 27
 internal virtual void Apply(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop) //Note: stateContainerGroupName is useful for allowing us to stop the animations made using velocity: we can stop all the animations from a queue of animations that has a given name
     //this needs to be overriden
Esempio n. 28
 internal virtual void GetTargetInformation(IterationParameters parameters)
Esempio n. 29
 //Note: stateContainerGroupName is useful for allowing us to stop the animations made using velocity:
 // we can stop all the animations from a queue of animations that has a given name
 internal virtual void Apply(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
     // Needs to be overriden
Esempio n. 30
        internal override void Apply(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop)
            if (To != null)
                var castedValue = DynamicCast(To, _propDp.PropertyType); //Note: we put this line here because the Xaml could use a Color gotten from a StaticResource (which was therefore not converted to a SolidColorbrush by the compiler in the .g.cs file) and led to a wrong type set in a property (Color value in a property of type Brush).

                // - Get the propertyMetadata from the property
                PropertyMetadata propertyMetadata = _propDp.GetTypeMetaData(_propertyContainer.GetType());
                // - Get the cssPropertyName from the PropertyMetadata

                //we make a specific name for this animation:
                string specificGroupName = parameters.VisualStateGroupName + animationInstanceSpecificName.ToString();

                bool cssEquivalentExists = false;
                if (propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalent != null)
                    CSSEquivalent cssEquivalent = propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalent(_propertyContainer);
                    if (cssEquivalent != null)
                        cssEquivalentExists = true;
                        TryStartAnimation(_propertyContainer, cssEquivalent, From, To, Duration, EasingFunction, specificGroupName,
                                          OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, castedValue, _propertyContainer, _targetProperty, _animationID));
                if (propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalents != null)
                    List <CSSEquivalent> cssEquivalents = propertyMetadata.GetCSSEquivalents(_propertyContainer);
                    bool isFirst = true;
                    foreach (CSSEquivalent equivalent in cssEquivalents)
                        cssEquivalentExists = true;
                        if (equivalent.CallbackMethod == null)
                            if (isFirst)
                                bool updateIsFirst = TryStartAnimation(_propertyContainer, equivalent, From, To, Duration, EasingFunction, specificGroupName,
                                                                       OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, castedValue, _propertyContainer, _targetProperty, _animationID));
                                if (updateIsFirst)
                                    isFirst = false;
                                TryStartAnimation(_propertyContainer, equivalent, From, To, Duration, EasingFunction, specificGroupName,
                                                  OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, castedValue, _propertyContainer, _targetProperty, _animationID));
                            OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, castedValue, _propertyContainer, _targetProperty, _animationID)();
                if (!cssEquivalentExists)
                    OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, castedValue, _propertyContainer, _targetProperty, _animationID)();
                OnAnimationCompleted(parameters, isLastLoop, To, _propertyContainer, _targetProperty, _animationID)();