public PickerCellTestViewModel() { for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) { ItemsSource.Add(new Person() { Name = $"Name{i}", Age = 30 - i }); ItemsSource2.Add(i); } DisplayMember.Value = "Name"; DisplayMember2.Value = ""; OwnAccentColor.Value = AccentColor; PageTitle.Value = PageTitles[0]; MaxSelectedNumber.Value = MaxSelectedNumbers[0]; KeepSelected.Value = bools[0]; SelectedItemsOrderKey.Value = DisplayMembers[0]; ChangeSelectedItems(); SelectedCommand.Subscribe(obj => { var list = obj as ObservableCollection <Person>; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(list); }); }
public PaginatingItemsControl() { NextPageCommand = new PageCommand(() => { if ((_index + 1) * ItemsPerPage >= ItemsSource2.Cast <object>().Count()) { return; } _index++; ItemsSource = ItemsSource2.Cast <object>().Skip(_index * ItemsPerPage).Take(ItemsPerPage); HasNext = (_index + 1) * ItemsPerPage < ItemsSource2.Cast <object>().Count(); HasPrevious = _index > 0; }); PreviousPageCommand = new PageCommand(() => { if (_index == 0) { return; } _index--; ItemsSource = ItemsSource2.Cast <object>().Skip(_index * ItemsPerPage).Take(ItemsPerPage); HasNext = (_index + 1) * ItemsPerPage < ItemsSource2.Cast <object>().Count(); HasPrevious = _index > 0; }); }
private void ItemsSource2Changed() { int maxValue = Math.Max(ItemsSource1?.Max(elem => elem.Score) ?? 0, ItemsSource2?.Max(elem => elem.Score) ?? 0); _secondaryAxis.Maximum = maxValue; _splineSeries2.ItemsSource = ItemsSource2; _splineSeries2.EnableDataPointSelection = true; _splineSeries2.Color = Chart2Color; _splineSeries2.SelectedDataPointColor = ChartSelectedColor; }
protected override void CellChanged(object obj) { base.CellChanged(obj); var text = (obj as Label).Text; switch (text) { case nameof(OwnAccentColor): NextVal(OwnAccentColor, AccentColors); break; case nameof(PageTitle): NextVal(PageTitle, PageTitles); break; case nameof(DisplayMember): NextVal(DisplayMember, DisplayMembers); NextVal(SubDisplayMember, DisplayMembers); break; case nameof(MaxSelectedNumber): NextVal(MaxSelectedNumber, MaxSelectedNumbers); break; case nameof(KeepSelected): NextVal(KeepSelected, bools); break; case nameof(SelectedItems): ChangeSelectedItems(); break; case nameof(SelectedItemsOrderKey): NextVal(SelectedItemsOrderKey, DisplayMembers); break; case nameof(UseNaturalSort): NextVal(UseNaturalSort, bools); break; case nameof(UseAutoValueText): NextVal(UseAutoValueText, bools); break; case nameof(UsePickToClose): NextVal(UsePickToClose, bools); break; case "AddItem": ItemsSource2.Add(new Random().Next(1, 30)); break; case "RemoveItem": if (ItemsSource2.Count > 0) { ItemsSource2.RemoveAt(0); } break; case nameof(IsVisible): NextVal(IsVisible, bools); break; } }
public HCollectionViewTestViewModel(IPageDialogService pageDialog) { _pageDlg = pageDialog; TestSource = new TestFormViewModel { ItemsSource = TestList, PageDialog = pageDialog }; InitializeProperties(); TestList.Add("Test Start").Add( "Manipulation Test1. Has SectionB - Title11 been scrolled to Top to Bottom to Center?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollToStart(); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[1][0], ItemsSource[1], ScrollToPosition.Start, false); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[1][0], ItemsSource[1], ScrollToPosition.End, false); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[1][0], ItemsSource[1], ScrollToPosition.Center, false); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test2. Has SectionB - Title11 been scrolled to Top to Bottom to Center with animation?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollToStart(true); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[1][0], ItemsSource[1], ScrollToPosition.Start, true); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[1][0], ItemsSource[1], ScrollToPosition.End, true); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[1][0], ItemsSource[1], ScrollToPosition.Center, true); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test3. Has SectionC - Title7 been scrolled to Top to Bottom to Center with animation?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollToStart(true); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[2][1], ItemsSource[2], ScrollToPosition.Start, true); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[2][1], ItemsSource[2], ScrollToPosition.End, true); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[2][1], ItemsSource[2], ScrollToPosition.Center, true); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test4. Has Title5 been scrolled to Top to Bottom to Center?", async() => { ScrollController2.ScrollToStart(); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController2.ScrollTo(ItemsSource2[4], ScrollToPosition.Start, false); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController2.ScrollTo(ItemsSource2[4], ScrollToPosition.End, false); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController2.ScrollTo(ItemsSource2[4], ScrollToPosition.Center, false); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test5. Has Title5 been scrolled to Top to Bottom to Center with animation?", async() => { ScrollController2.ScrollToStart(true); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController2.ScrollTo(ItemsSource2[4], ScrollToPosition.Start, true); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController2.ScrollTo(ItemsSource2[4], ScrollToPosition.End, true); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController2.ScrollTo(ItemsSource2[4], ScrollToPosition.Center, true); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test6. Has new cell been inserted before Title1?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollToStart(true); ScrollController2.ScrollToStart(true); await Task.Delay(2000); ItemsSource[0].Insert(0, GetAdditionalItem()); ItemsSource2.Insert(0, GetAdditionalItem()); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test7. Has new cell been inserted after Title20?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[0][20], ItemsSource[0], ScrollToPosition.Center, true); ScrollController2.ScrollToEnd(true); await Task.Delay(2000); ItemsSource[0].Add(GetAdditionalItem()); ItemsSource2.Add(GetAdditionalItem()); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test8. Has new cell been inserted between Title8 and Title9?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[0][8], ItemsSource[0], ScrollToPosition.Center, true); ScrollController2.ScrollTo(ItemsSource2[8], ScrollToPosition.Center, true); await Task.Delay(2000); ItemsSource[0].Insert(9, GetAdditionalItem()); ItemsSource2.Insert(9, GetAdditionalItem()); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test9. Has the first cell been deleted?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollToStart(true); ScrollController2.ScrollToStart(true); await Task.Delay(2000); ItemsSource[0].RemoveAt(0); ItemsSource2.RemoveAt(0); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test10. Has the last cell in SectionA been deleted?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[0][21], ItemsSource[0], ScrollToPosition.End, true); ScrollController2.ScrollToEnd(); await Task.Delay(2000); ItemsSource[0].RemoveAt(ItemsSource[0].Count - 1); ItemsSource2.RemoveAt(ItemsSource2.Count - 1); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test11. Has the cell between Title8 and Title9 in SectionA been deleted?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollTo(ItemsSource[0][8], ItemsSource[0], ScrollToPosition.Center, true); ScrollController2.ScrollTo(ItemsSource2[8], ScrollToPosition.Center, true); await Task.Delay(2000); ItemsSource[0].RemoveAt(8); ItemsSource2.RemoveAt(8); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test12. Has the first cell been changed to AddItem?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollToStart(true); ScrollController2.ScrollToStart(true); await Task.Delay(2000); ItemsSource[0][0] = GetAdditionalItem(); ItemsSource2[0] = GetAdditionalItem(); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test13. Has the first cell been moved to after Title5?", async() => { ScrollController.ScrollToStart(true); ScrollController2.ScrollToStart(true); await Task.Delay(2000); ItemsSource[0].Move(0, 4); ItemsSource2.Move(0, 4); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test14. Has new section been inserted at last?", async() => { await Task.Delay(2000); ItemsSource.Add(_additionalGroup); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollToEnd(true); } ).Add( "Manipulation Test15. Has the last section been deleted?", async() => { await Task.Delay(2000); ItemsSource.Remove(_additionalGroup); await Task.Delay(2000); ScrollController.ScrollToEnd(true); } ).Add( "Has Background turned from Yellow to White to Green to transparent?", async() => { Background.Value = Color.Yellow; await Task.Delay(1000); Background.Value = Color.White; await Task.Delay(1000); Background.Value = Color.Green; await Task.Delay(1000); Background.Value = Color.Transparent; } ).Add( "Tap some cells. Has FeedBack color turned Red?", () => { FeedbackColor.Value = Color.Red; }, () => { FeedbackColor.Value = Color.Yellow; } ).Add( "Has Spacing width been twice as large as previous?", () => { Spacing.Value *= 2; }, () => { Spacing.Value /= 2; } ).Add( "Has Group First Spacing been 30px in Grouped?", () => { GroupFirstSpacing.Value = 30; } ).Add( "Has Group Last Spacing been 30px in Grouped?", () => { GroupLastSpacing.Value = 30; } ).Add( "Has Column width been twice as large as previous?", () => { ColumnWidth.Value *= 2; }, () => { ColumnWidth.Value /= 2; } ).Add( "Has GroupHeaderWidth been twice as large as previous?", () => { GroupWidth.Value *= 2; }, () => { GroupWidth.Value /= 2; } ).Add( "Has Row height been one and a half as large as previous?", () => { RowHeight.Value = 150; }, () => { RowHeight.Value = 100; } ).Add( "Has Scroll come to circulate?", () => { IsInfinite.Value = true; }, () => { IsInfinite.Value = false; } ).Add( "Change the device orientation Landscape, and Back to Portrait. Hasn't the layout broken?" ); }