Esempio n. 1
        private static void LookIn(User.User player, List <string> commands)
            commands.RemoveAt(2); //remove "in"
            string itemNameToGet = Items.Items.ParseItemName(commands);
            bool   itemFound     = false;
            Room   room          = Room.GetRoom(player.Player.Location);

            string location;

            if (string.Equals(commands[commands.Count - 1], "inventory", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                location = null;
                commands.RemoveAt(commands.Count - 1); //get rid of "inventory" se we can parse an index specifier if there is one
                location = player.Player.Location;

            int itemPosition = 1;

            string[] position = commands[commands.Count - 1].Split('.'); //we are separating based on using the decimal operator after the name of the npc/item
            if (position.Count() > 1)
                int.TryParse(position[position.Count() - 1], out itemPosition);
                itemNameToGet = itemNameToGet.Remove(itemNameToGet.Length - 2, 2);

            int index = 1;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))  //player didn't specify it was in his inventory check room first
                foreach (string itemID in room.GetObjectsInRoom(Room.RoomObjects.Items))
                    Items.Iitem inventoryItem = Items.Items.GetByID(itemID);
                    inventoryItem = KeepOpening(itemNameToGet, inventoryItem, itemPosition, index);

                    if (inventoryItem.Name.Contains(itemNameToGet))
                        Items.Icontainer container = inventoryItem as Items.Icontainer;
                        itemFound = true;

            if (!itemFound)   //so we didn't find one in the room that matches
                var playerInventory = player.Player.Inventory.GetInventoryAsItemList();
                foreach (Items.Iitem inventoryItem in playerInventory)
                    if (inventoryItem.Name.Contains(itemNameToGet))
                        //if player didn't specify an index number loop through all items until we find the first one we want otherwise we will
                        // keep going through each item that matches until we hit the index number
                        if (index == itemPosition)
                            Items.Icontainer container = inventoryItem as Items.Icontainer;
                            itemFound = true;