public ActionResult CommentsAJS(int ParentId) { ItemViewModel<int> model = new ItemViewModel<int>(); model.Item = ParentId; return View(model); }
private void ButtonScript_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //NavigationService.Navigate(); var d = new Utils.ScriptDownloader(); var item = (sender as Button).Tag as OnlineScriptViewModel; d.Download(item, this.Dispatcher, (simpleScriptDetail) => { var baseItem = new ItemViewModel() { CategoryTag = simpleScriptDetail.TagsAsText, Code = simpleScriptDetail.Code, Title = simpleScriptDetail.Title, UniqueId = simpleScriptDetail.ScriptId }; bool sameAuthor = false; if (App.ViewModel.Account.UserName != null) sameAuthor = (simpleScriptDetail.AuthorName.ToLowerInvariant() == App.ViewModel.Account.UserName.ToLowerInvariant()); if (sameAuthor) { var existing = App.ViewModel.Items.Where(x => x.UniqueId == simpleScriptDetail.ScriptId).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { var result = MessageBox.Show("Replace your current script?", Iron7.Common.Constants.Title, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (result != MessageBoxResult.OK) return; App.ViewModel.Items.Remove(existing); } } App.ViewModel.CreateNewItemBasedOn(baseItem, NavigationService, !sameAuthor, sameAuthor); }); }
private static string ConstructSamePageUrl(ItemViewModel item) { var appRelativeUrl = DataResolver.Resolve(item.DataItem, "URL"); var url = UrlPath.ResolveUrl(appRelativeUrl, true); return url; }
public ActionResult Address(int Id) { ItemViewModel<int> model = new ItemViewModel<int>(); model.Item = Id; return View(model); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the detail page URL for blog item. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <param name="detailsPageId">The details page identifier.</param> /// <param name="blogDetailLocationMode">The blog detail location mode.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetDetailPageUrl(ItemViewModel item, Guid detailsPageId, BlogDetailLocationMode blogDetailLocationMode) { string url = null; if (blogDetailLocationMode == BlogDetailLocationMode.SelectedExistingPage) { url = HyperLinkHelpers.GetDetailPageUrl(item.DataItem, detailsPageId); } else if (blogDetailLocationMode == BlogDetailLocationMode.PerItem) { var blog = item.DataItem as Blog; if (blog != null) { var blogPageId = blog.DefaultPageId; if (blogPageId.HasValue) url = HyperLinkHelpers.GetDetailPageUrl(item.DataItem, blogPageId.Value); } } else if (blogDetailLocationMode == BlogDetailLocationMode.SamePage) { url = DetailLocationHyperLinkHelper.ConstructSamePageUrl(item); } return url; }
public static IList<ItemViewModel> GetItems(JObject json) { var items = new List<ItemViewModel>(); JToken tokens = json["data"]["children"]; foreach (JToken token in tokens) { string title = ProcessString(token["data"]["title"].Value<string>()); string thumbnail = token["Thumbnail"].Value<string>(); var itemViewModel = new ItemViewModel { Title = title, Url = token["data"]["url"].Value<string>(), Domain = token["data"]["domain"].Value<string>() }; if (thumbnail != "default") { itemViewModel.Thumbnail = thumbnail; } if (!token["data"]["stickied"].Value<bool>()) { items.Add(itemViewModel); } } return items; }
public ActionResult Index() { ItemViewModel<WikiPageContentType> model = new ItemViewModel<WikiPageContentType>(); model.Item = WikiPageContentType.NotSet; return View(model); }
public static IList<ItemViewModel> GetItems(JObject json) { var items = new List<ItemViewModel>(); JToken tokens = json["data"]["children"]; foreach (JToken token in tokens) { try { string title = ProcessString(token["data"]["title"].Value<string>()); var itemViewModel = new ItemViewModel { Title = title, Url = token["data"]["url"].Value<string>(), Domain = token["data"]["domain"].Value<string>(), }; var thumbnail = token["data"]["thumbnail"].Value<string>(); if (thumbnail != "default") { itemViewModel.Thumbnail = thumbnail; } if (!token["data"]["stickied"].Value<bool>()) { items.Add(itemViewModel); } } catch (Exception) { // it's not that great, but we'll eat parsing exception for now } } return items; }
public ActionResult EditFaq(int? faqId = 0) { ItemViewModel<int?> model = new ItemViewModel<int?>(); model.Item = faqId; return View(model); }
internal static void ShareViaClipBoard(ItemViewModel model) { string text = model.Title + "\n" + model.Url; if (MessageBox.Show(text, "Copy to Clipboard?", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK) { Clipboard.SetText(text); } }
public ActionResult AllByOwnerTypeId(int OwnerId, bool isAdmin = true) { ItemViewModel<int> model = new ItemViewModel<int>(); model.Item = OwnerId; model.IsAdmin = isAdmin; return View(model); }
public ActionResult Index(int planId) { ItemViewModel<int> model = new ItemViewModel<int>(); model.Item = planId; return View(model); }
public static ItemViewModel ConvertDoubanUnionStatues(Statuses statues) { ItemViewModel model = new ItemViewModel(); model.IconURL = statues.user.small_avatar; model.LargeIconURL = PreferenceHelper.GetPreference("Douban_FollowerAvatar2"); model.Title = statues.user.screen_name; String attachTitle = ""; if (statues.attachments != null && statues.attachments.Count > 0) { foreach (Statuses.Attachment attach in statues.attachments) { attachTitle = attach.title; } } model.Content = TrimMark(statues.title) + " " + attachTitle + " " + statues.text; model.TimeObject = ExtHelpers.GetDoubanTimeFullObject(statues.created_at); model.Type = EntryType.Douban; model.ID =; model.Comments = new ObservableCollection<CommentViewModel>(); model.CommentCount = statues.comments_count; model.SharedCount = statues.reshared_count; if (statues.reshared_status != null) { Statuses forwardStatus = statues.reshared_status; ItemViewModel forwardModel = new ItemViewModel(); forwardModel.IconURL = forwardStatus.user.small_avatar; forwardModel.LargeIconURL = PreferenceHelper.GetPreference("Douban_FollowerAvatar2"); forwardModel.Title = forwardStatus.user.screen_name; String forwardAttachTitle = ""; if (forwardStatus.attachments != null && forwardStatus.attachments.Count > 0) { foreach (Statuses.Attachment attach in forwardStatus.attachments) { forwardAttachTitle = attach.title; } } forwardModel.Content = TrimMark(forwardStatus.title) + " " + forwardAttachTitle + " " + forwardStatus.text; forwardModel.TimeObject = ExtHelpers.GetDoubanTimeFullObject(forwardStatus.created_at); forwardModel.Type = EntryType.Douban; forwardModel.ID =; forwardModel.Comments = new ObservableCollection<CommentViewModel>(); forwardModel.CommentCount = forwardStatus.comments_count; forwardModel.SharedCount = forwardStatus.reshared_count; if (PreferenceHelper.GetPreference("Global_NeedFetchImageInRetweet") != "False") { FiltPicture(forwardStatus, forwardModel); } // 如果是转播的话,把model的text改成“转播”两字,不然空在那里很奇怪 model.Content = "转播"; model.CommentCount = forwardModel.CommentCount; model.SharedCount = forwardModel.SharedCount; model.ForwardItem = forwardModel; } FiltPicture(statues, model); return model; }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { App.Invoker = RunOnUiThread; App.Init (); base.OnCreate (bundle); ListAdapter = new ItemViewModel { Context = this, ListView = ListView, }; }
public void OnDataContextChanged(object o, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs eventArgs) { var item = (Item)this.DataContext; if (item != null) { this.viewModel = new ItemViewModel(item); this.root.DataContext = this.viewModel; } }
public HttpResponseMessage Upsert(ItemViewModel item) { if (item.Id > 0) { var t = Update(item); return Request.CreateResponse(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NoContent); } else { var t = Create(item); return Request.CreateResponse(t.ItemId); } }
public ActionResult ResetPassword(Guid resetToken) { bool exists = TokensService.Exists(resetToken); if (!exists) { return View("Error_404"); } ItemViewModel<Guid> model = new ItemViewModel<Guid>(); model.Item = resetToken; return View(model); }
public async Task AddOrRemoveToFavoritesAsync(string sectionName, ItemViewModel item) { CheckInitialized(); if (IsOnFavorites(sectionName, item)) { _userFavorites.Remove(sectionName, item.Id); } else { _userFavorites.Add(sectionName, item.Id); } await Singleton<RoamingService>.Instance.SaveAsync(FavFileName, _userFavorites); }
protected void ShareContent(DataRequest dataRequest, ItemViewModel item, bool supportsHtml) { try { if (item != null) { dataRequest.Data.Properties.Title = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Title) ? Title : item.Title; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubTitle)) { SetContent(dataRequest, item.SubTitle, false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Description)) { SetContent(dataRequest, item.Description, supportsHtml); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Content)) { SetContent(dataRequest, item.Content, supportsHtml); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Source)) { dataRequest.Data.SetWebLink(new Uri(item.Source)); } var imageUrl = item.ImageUrl; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageUrl)) { if (imageUrl.StartsWith("http", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Source)) { dataRequest.Data.SetWebLink(new Uri(imageUrl)); } } else { imageUrl = string.Format("ms-appx://{0}", imageUrl); } dataRequest.Data.SetBitmap(Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri(imageUrl))); } } } catch (UriFormatException) { } }
internal static void ShareViaSms(ItemViewModel model) { try { var task = new SmsComposeTask() { Body = model.Title + "\n" + model.Url }; task.Show(); } catch (Exception) { // fast-clicking can result in exception, so we just handle it } }
public static string GetDetailPageUrl(ItemViewModel item, Guid detailsPageId, bool openInSamePage) { string url; if (openInSamePage) { var appRelativeUrl = DataResolver.Resolve(item.DataItem, "URL"); url = UrlPath.ResolveUrl(appRelativeUrl, true); } else { url = HyperLinkHelpers.GetDetailPageUrl(item.DataItem, detailsPageId); } return url; }
internal static void ShareViaEmail(ItemViewModel model) { try { var task = new EmailComposeTask { Subject = model.Title, Body = model.Title + "\n\n" + model.Url + "\n\n" + "Shared via Trivia Buff\n" }; task.Show(); } catch (Exception) { // fast-clicking can result in exception, so we just handle it } }
public static IEnumerable<ItemViewModel> GetItems(JArray tokens) { var items = new List<ItemViewModel>(); foreach (JToken token in tokens) { string title = ProcessString(token["Title"].Value<string>()); var itemViewModel = new ItemViewModel { Title = title, Url = token["Url"].Value<string>(), Domain = token["Domain"].Value<string>(), Thumbnail = token["Thumbnail"].Value<string>() }; items.Add(itemViewModel); } return items; }
internal static void ShareViaSocial(ItemViewModel model) { try { var task = new ShareLinkTask() { Title = model.Title, Message = model.Title, LinkUri = new Uri(model.Url, UriKind.Absolute) }; task.Show(); } catch (Exception) { // fast-clicking can result in exception, so we just handle it } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the serialized image. /// </summary> /// <param name="helper">The helper.</param> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetSerializedImage(this HtmlHelper helper, ItemViewModel item) { var image = (Image)item.DataItem; var itemViewModel = new { Title = image.Title.Value, AlternativeText = image.AlternativeText.Value, Description = image.Description.Value, MediaUrl = ((ThumbnailViewModel)item).MediaUrl, DateCreated = image.DateCreated, Author = image.Author.Value }; var serializedItemViewModel = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(itemViewModel); return serializedItemViewModel; }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); Window.RequestFeature(WindowFeatures.Progress); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.TriviaDetails); var json = Intent.Extras.GetString("json"); _trivia = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ItemViewModel>(json); FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.titleTextView).Text = _trivia.Title; var webView = FindViewById<WebView>(Resource.Id.webView); webView.SetWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); webView.SetWebChromeClient(new ProgressClient(this)); webView.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true; webView.LoadUrl(_trivia.Url); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); string scriptIndex = NavigationContext.QueryString["ScriptIndex"]; CurrentItem = App.ViewModel.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UniqueId == scriptIndex); if (CurrentItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry - script not found", Common.Constants.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK); try { NavigationService.GoBack(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { // just mask this problem } return; } DataContext = CurrentItem; }
// Constructor for Delete takes a view model of what to delete public ItemDeletePage(ItemViewModel data) { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = this.viewModel = data; }
public static List <ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel> GetBaseLayoutMenuItems(CurrentInstanceViewModel currentInstanceViewModel, ItemViewModel itemViewModel, BaseLayoutCommandsViewModel commandsViewModel) { return(new List <ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel>() { new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "ContextMenuMoreItemsLabel".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\xE712", ID = "ItemOverflow" }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutLayoutMode/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE152", ShowInRecycleBin = true, Items = new List <ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel>() { // Grid view large new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutGridViewLarge/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE739", ShowInRecycleBin = true, Command = currentInstanceViewModel.FolderSettings.ToggleLayoutModeGridViewLarge, CommandParameter = true, }, // Grid view medium new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutGridViewMedium/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uF0E2", ShowInRecycleBin = true, Command = currentInstanceViewModel.FolderSettings.ToggleLayoutModeGridViewMedium, CommandParameter = true, }, // Grid view small new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutGridViewSmall/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE80A", ShowInRecycleBin = true, Command = currentInstanceViewModel.FolderSettings.ToggleLayoutModeGridViewSmall, CommandParameter = true, }, // Tiles view new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutTilesView/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE15C", ShowInRecycleBin = true, Command = currentInstanceViewModel.FolderSettings.ToggleLayoutModeTiles, CommandParameter = true, }, // Details view new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutDetails/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE179", ShowInRecycleBin = true, Command = currentInstanceViewModel.FolderSettings.ToggleLayoutModeDetailsView, CommandParameter = true, }, // Column view new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutColumn/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uF115", GlyphFontFamilyName = "CustomGlyph", ShowInRecycleBin = true, Command = currentInstanceViewModel.FolderSettings.ToggleLayoutModeColumnView, CommandParameter = true, }, } }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutSortBy/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE8CB", ShowInRecycleBin = true, Items = new List <ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel>() { new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutSortByName/Text".GetLocalized(), IsChecked = itemViewModel.IsSortedByName, ShowInRecycleBin = true, Command = new RelayCommand(() => itemViewModel.IsSortedByName = true), ItemType = ItemType.Toggle, }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutSortByOriginalPath/Text".GetLocalized(), IsChecked = itemViewModel.IsSortedByOriginalPath, ShowInRecycleBin = true, Command = new RelayCommand(() => itemViewModel.IsSortedByOriginalPath = true), ShowItem = currentInstanceViewModel.IsPageTypeRecycleBin, ItemType = ItemType.Toggle, }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutSortByDateDeleted/Text".GetLocalized(), IsChecked = itemViewModel.IsSortedByDateDeleted, Command = new RelayCommand(() => itemViewModel.IsSortedByDateDeleted = true), ShowInRecycleBin = true, ShowItem = currentInstanceViewModel.IsPageTypeRecycleBin, ItemType = ItemType.Toggle }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutSortByType/Text".GetLocalized(), IsChecked = itemViewModel.IsSortedByType, Command = new RelayCommand(() => itemViewModel.IsSortedByType = true), ShowInRecycleBin = true, ItemType = ItemType.Toggle }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutSortBySize/Text".GetLocalized(), IsChecked = itemViewModel.IsSortedBySize, Command = new RelayCommand(() => itemViewModel.IsSortedBySize = true), ShowInRecycleBin = true, ItemType = ItemType.Toggle }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutSortByDate/Text".GetLocalized(), IsChecked = itemViewModel.IsSortedByDate, Command = new RelayCommand(() => itemViewModel.IsSortedByDate = true), ShowInRecycleBin = true, ItemType = ItemType.Toggle }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutSortByDateCreated/Text".GetLocalized(), IsChecked = itemViewModel.IsSortedByDateCreated, Command = new RelayCommand(() => itemViewModel.IsSortedByDateCreated = true), ShowInRecycleBin = true, ItemType = ItemType.Toggle }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { ItemType = ItemType.Separator, ShowInRecycleBin = true, }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutSortByAscending/Text".GetLocalized(), IsChecked = itemViewModel.IsSortedAscending, Command = new RelayCommand(() => itemViewModel.IsSortedAscending = true), ShowInRecycleBin = true, ItemType = ItemType.Toggle }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutSortByDescending/Text".GetLocalized(), IsChecked = itemViewModel.IsSortedDescending, Command = new RelayCommand(() => itemViewModel.IsSortedDescending = true), ShowInRecycleBin = true, ItemType = ItemType.Toggle }, } }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutRefresh/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE72C", ShowInRecycleBin = true, Command = commandsViewModel.RefreshCommand, KeyboardAccelerator = new KeyboardAccelerator { Key = Windows.System.VirtualKey.F5, IsEnabled = false, } }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutPaste/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE16D", Command = commandsViewModel.PasteItemsFromClipboardCommand, IsEnabled = currentInstanceViewModel.CanPasteInPage && App.InteractionViewModel.IsPasteEnabled, KeyboardAccelerator = new KeyboardAccelerator { Key = Windows.System.VirtualKey.V, Modifiers = Windows.System.VirtualKeyModifiers.Control, IsEnabled = false, } }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutOpenInTerminal/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE756", Command = commandsViewModel.OpenDirectoryInDefaultTerminalCommand, }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { ItemType = ItemType.Separator, }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutNew/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE710", KeyboardAccelerator = new KeyboardAccelerator { Key = Windows.System.VirtualKey.N, Modifiers = Windows.System.VirtualKeyModifiers.Control, IsEnabled = false, }, Items = GetNewItemItems(commandsViewModel), }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutPinDirectoryToSidebar/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE840", Command = commandsViewModel.SidebarPinItemCommand, ShowItem = !itemViewModel.CurrentFolder.IsPinned }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutUnpinDirectoryFromSidebar/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE77A", Command = commandsViewModel.SidebarUnpinItemCommand, ShowItem = itemViewModel.CurrentFolder.IsPinned }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "PinItemToStart/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE840", Command = commandsViewModel.PinItemToStartCommand, ShowOnShift = true, ShowItem = !itemViewModel.CurrentFolder.IsItemPinnedToStart, }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "UnpinItemFromStart/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE77A", Command = commandsViewModel.UnpinItemFromStartCommand, ShowOnShift = true, ShowItem = itemViewModel.CurrentFolder.IsItemPinnedToStart, }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutPropertiesFolder/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uE946", Command = commandsViewModel.ShowFolderPropertiesCommand, }, new ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel() { Text = "BaseLayoutContextFlyoutEmptyRecycleBin/Text".GetLocalized(), Glyph = "\uEF88", GlyphFontFamilyName = "RecycleBinIcons", Command = commandsViewModel.EmptyRecycleBinCommand, ShowItem = currentInstanceViewModel.IsPageTypeRecycleBin, ShowInRecycleBin = true, }, }); }
private void UpdateIsSelected(IEnumerable<ItemViewModel> collection, ItemViewModel value) { foreach (var i in collection) { i.SetIsSelected(i == value || (value == null && i.Value == null)); } }
private void AddNewItem(ItemViewModel item) { App.CurrentScene.Items.Add(item); ItemViewModel.ItemAdded(item); }
private void MovieListBox_ItemTap(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItemTapEventArgs e) { ItemViewModel movieCategory = this.MovieListBox.SelectedItem as ItemViewModel; NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/VideoPage.xaml?name=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(movieCategory.Title) + "&url=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(movieCategory.URL) + "&avatar=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(movieCategory.ImageSource.ToString()), UriKind.Relative)); }
private void Window_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { ItemViewModel.CleanUp(); }
public override async void GetSpecialProperties() { ViewModel.ItemSizeVisibility = Visibility.Visible; ViewModel.ItemSize = ByteSize.FromBytes(Item.FileSizeBytes).ToBinaryString().ConvertSizeAbbreviation() + " (" + ByteSize.FromBytes(Item.FileSizeBytes).Bytes.ToString("#,##0") + " " + ResourceController.GetTranslation("ItemSizeBytes") + ")"; if (Item.IsShortcutItem) { ViewModel.ItemCreatedTimestamp = Item.ItemDateCreated; ViewModel.ItemAccessedTimestamp = Item.ItemDateAccessed; ViewModel.LoadLinkIcon = Item.IsLinkItem; if (Item.IsLinkItem || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((ShortcutItem)Item).TargetPath)) { // Can't show any other property return; } } StorageFile file = null; try { file = await ItemViewModel.GetFileFromPathAsync((Item as ShortcutItem)?.TargetPath ?? Item.ItemPath); } catch (Exception ex) { NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Error(ex, ex.Message); // Could not access file, can't show any other property return; } using (var Thumbnail = await file.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.SingleItem, 80, ThumbnailOptions.UseCurrentScale)) { BitmapImage icon = new BitmapImage(); if (Thumbnail != null) { ViewModel.FileIconSource = icon; await icon.SetSourceAsync(Thumbnail); ViewModel.LoadUnknownTypeGlyph = false; ViewModel.LoadFileIcon = true; } } if (Item.IsShortcutItem) { // Can't show any other property return; } ViewModel.ItemCreatedTimestamp = ListedItem.GetFriendlyDate(file.DateCreated); GetOtherProperties(file.Properties); // Get file MD5 hash var hashAlgTypeName = HashAlgorithmNames.Md5; ViewModel.ItemMD5HashProgressVisibility = Visibility.Visible; ViewModel.ItemMD5HashVisibility = Visibility.Visible; try { ViewModel.ItemMD5Hash = await App.CurrentInstance.InteractionOperations .GetHashForFile(Item, hashAlgTypeName, TokenSource.Token, ProgressBar); } catch (Exception ex) { NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Error(ex, ex.Message); ViewModel.ItemMD5HashCalcError = true; } }
private void MergeWithReference(ItemViewModel item, ReferenceViewModel reference) { item.Name = reference.Name; item.NameWithType = reference.NameWithType; item.FullName = reference.FullName; item.CommentId = reference.CommentId; if (reference.NameInDevLangs.Count > 0) { foreach (var pair in reference.NameInDevLangs) { item.Names[pair.Key] = pair.Value; } } if (reference.FullNameInDevLangs.Count > 0) { foreach (var pair in reference.FullNameInDevLangs) { item.FullNames[pair.Key] = pair.Value; } } if (reference.NameWithTypeInDevLangs.Count > 0) { foreach (var pair in reference.NameWithTypeInDevLangs) { item.NamesWithType[pair.Key] = pair.Value; } } // SHOULD sync with ItemViewModel & ReferenceViewModel // Make sure key inside Additional dictionary does not contain the same key value as ItemViewModel foreach (var pair in reference.Additional) { switch (pair.Key) { case "summary": { if (pair.Value is string summary) { item.Summary = summary; } break; } case "remarks": { if (pair.Value is string remarks) { item.Remarks = remarks; } break; } case "example": { var examples = GetListFromObject(pair.Value); if (examples != null) { item.Examples = examples; } break; } case Constants.PropertyName.Id: case Constants.PropertyName.Type: case Constants.PropertyName.Source: case Constants.PropertyName.Documentation: case "isEii": case "isExtensionMethod": case "children": case "assemblies": case "namespace": case "langs": case "syntax": case "overridden": case "overload": case "exceptions": case "seealso": case "see": break; default: item.Metadata[pair.Key] = pair.Value; break; } } }
public ActionResult ShopingCart(string quentity, string Id) { if (quentity == null || quentity == "") { quentity = "1"; } RestaurantEntities db = new RestaurantEntities(); try { int itemId = Int32.Parse(Id); int Qnty = Int32.Parse(quentity); Item item = db.Items.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == itemId); ItemViewModel itemVM = new ItemViewModel(); itemVM.Id = item.Id; itemVM.Name = item.Name; itemVM.Price = item.Price; itemVM.CatId = item.CatId; itemVM.Description = item.Description; if (Session["cart"] == null) { List <CartCreateViewModel> list = new List <CartCreateViewModel>(); list.Add(new CartCreateViewModel { ItemId = item.Id, ItemName = item.Name, Quentity = Qnty, Tot_price = item.Price * Qnty }); Session["cart"] = list; } else { List <CartCreateViewModel> list = (List <CartCreateViewModel>)Session["cart"]; int sz = list.Count; int flag = 0; int indx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { if (list[i].ItemId == item.Id) { flag = 1; indx = i; break; } } if (flag == 1) { list[indx].Quentity += Qnty; list[indx].Tot_price = item.Price * list[indx].Quentity; } else { list.Add(new CartCreateViewModel { ItemId = item.Id, ItemName = item.Name, Quentity = Qnty, Tot_price = item.Price * Qnty }); } Session["cart"] = list; } }catch (Exception ex) { } return(View()); }
public static void Validate(this ItemViewModel item, JSchema schema) { item.Value.Schema = schema; item.Validation.Validate(schema, item.Value.Token); }
public ItemSave(ItemViewModel from) { this.ModelBase = from.Base; this.ModelVariant = from.Variant; this.DyeId = from.Dye; }
public SplitPage(ItemViewModel model) { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = Model = model; }
public async Task <ActionResult> Transfer(ItemViewModel item) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(item)); } //find transferred item in db var itemInOldOffice = await _db.Items.FindAsync(item.Id); if (itemInOldOffice == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } //if trip notebook if (item.ItemTypeId == 8) { item.Quantity = 1; } //check if we transfer more than we have if (itemInOldOffice.Quantity < item.Quantity) { // return view with error message ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Нельзя переместить больше, чем есть в наличии (" + itemInOldOffice.Quantity + " шт.)!"); return(View(item)); } //find item in target location Item itemInNewOffice; if (item.TargetOfficeId == 1) { //for the main office location may be null itemInNewOffice = await _db.Items.Where(i => i.Name == item.Name && (i.Location == null || i.Location.Id == 1)).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); } else { itemInNewOffice = await _db.Items.Where(i => i.Name == item.Name && i.Location.Id == item.TargetOfficeId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); } //item doesn't exist in target location or it's a trip notebook - create new item if (item.ItemTypeId == 8 || itemInNewOffice == null) { itemInNewOffice = new Item { Name = item.Name, Quantity = item.Quantity, MinQuantity = itemInOldOffice.MinQuantity, ItemType = await _db.ItemTypes.FindAsync(itemInOldOffice.ItemType.Id), Location = await _db.Offices.FindAsync(item.TargetOfficeId) }; _db.Items.Add(itemInNewOffice); await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); //copy attribute-value pairs from source item foreach (var attr in itemInOldOffice.AttributeValues) { var newAttrValuePair = new ItemAttributeValue { Attribute = await _db.ItemAttributes.FindAsync(attr.Attribute.Id), ParentItem = itemInNewOffice, Value = attr.Value }; _db.ItemAttributeValues.Add(newAttrValuePair); itemInNewOffice.AttributeValues.Add(newAttrValuePair); } //cartridge if (item.ItemTypeId == 11) { foreach (var printer in itemInOldOffice.Printers) { itemInNewOffice.Printers.Add(await _db.Printers.FindAsync(printer.Id)); } } } else { itemInNewOffice.Quantity += item.Quantity; } // decrease source item quantity //if trip notebook - delete if (item.ItemTypeId == 8) { foreach (var attr in _db.ItemAttributeValues.Where(a => a.ParentItem.Id == item.Id)) { _db.ItemAttributeValues.Remove(attr); } _db.Items.Remove(itemInOldOffice); } else { itemInOldOffice.Quantity -= item.Quantity; _db.Entry(itemInOldOffice).State = EntityState.Modified; } _db.Entry(itemInNewOffice).State = EntityState.Modified; await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
protected void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ItemsDownList.SelectedValue != "---No Items Available---") // First Condition { if (ItemsDownList.SelectedValue != "0") // Second Condition for itemDropDownList { // Text Field Check Condition if (StockOutQTextBox.Text.Trim() != "" && Convert.ToInt32(StockAvailableQTextBox.Text) < Convert.ToInt32(StockOutQTextBox.Text)) { outputlabel.InnerHtml = "Available Quantity is Less"; } else if (StockOutQTextBox.Text.Trim() == "") { outputlabel.InnerHtml = "Please Input Stock Out Quantity"; } else { ItemViewModel itemViewModel = new ItemViewModel(); itemViewModel.ItemId = Convert.ToInt32(ItemsDownList.SelectedValue); itemViewModel.ItemName = ItemsDownList.SelectedItem.ToString(); itemViewModel.CompanyName = companyDropDownList.SelectedItem.ToString(); itemViewModel.StockAQQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(StockAvailableQTextBox.Text); itemViewModel.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(StockOutQTextBox.Text.Trim()); if (ViewState["itemVS"] == null) { ItemViewModels.Add(itemViewModel); ViewState["itemVS"] = ItemViewModels; outputlabel.InnerHtml = "Item Added to Card Successfully"; } else { ItemViewModels = (List <ItemViewModel>)ViewState["itemVS"]; foreach (ItemViewModel item in ItemViewModels.ToList()) { try { if (item.ItemId == itemViewModel.ItemId) { var existItem = ItemViewModels.Find(x => x.ItemId == itemViewModel.ItemId); if (existItem != null) { // Avobe code are corretly working int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(item.Quantity + itemViewModel.Quantity); if (quantity <= Convert.ToInt32(itemViewModel.StockAQQuantity)) { item.Quantity += itemViewModel.Quantity; outputlabel.InnerHtml = "Stock Out Qunatity Increased"; } else { outputlabel.InnerHtml = "Available Quantity is Less"; } } } else if (item.ItemId != itemViewModel.ItemId) { var existsItem = ItemViewModels.Find(x => x.ItemId == itemViewModel.ItemId); if (existsItem == null) { ItemViewModels.Add(itemViewModel); ViewState["itemVS"] = ItemViewModels; outputlabel.InnerHtml = "Item Added to Card Successfully"; } } } catch (Exception a) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sorry! Your Operation Did not Complete" + a.Message); } } } // Third Condition End here stockOutGridView.DataSource = ItemViewModels; stockOutGridView.DataBind(); ClearValue(); } } } }
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { try { base.OnInit(e); JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins); var fileId = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.Params["FileId"]); this.file = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(fileId, true); this.fileItem = this.controller.GetFile(fileId); this.folder = FolderManager.Instance.GetFolder(this.file.FolderId); this.SaveButton.Click += this.OnSaveClick; this.CancelButton.Click += this.OnCancelClick; if (FolderPermissionController.CanViewFolder((FolderInfo)this.folder)) { var mef = new ExtensionPointManager(); var preViewPanelExtension = mef.GetUserControlExtensionPointFirstByPriority("DigitalAssets", "PreviewInfoPanelExtensionPoint"); this.previewPanelControl = this.Page.LoadControl(preViewPanelExtension.UserControlSrc); this.PreviewPanelContainer.Controls.Add(this.previewPanelControl); var fileFieldsExtension = mef.GetUserControlExtensionPointFirstByPriority("DigitalAssets", "FileFieldsControlExtensionPoint"); this.fileFieldsControl = this.Page.LoadControl(fileFieldsExtension.UserControlSrc); this.fileFieldsControl.ID = this.fileFieldsControl.GetType().BaseType.Name; this.FileFieldsContainer.Controls.Add(this.fileFieldsControl); this.PrepareFilePreviewInfoControl(); this.PrepareFileFieldsControl(); // Tab Extension Point var tabContentControlsInstances = new List <PropertiesTabContentControl>(); foreach (var extension in mef.GetEditPageTabExtensionPoints("DigitalAssets", "FilePropertiesTab")) { if (FolderPermissionController.HasFolderPermission(this.folder.FolderPermissions, extension.Permission)) { var liElement = new HtmlGenericControl("li") { InnerHtml = "<a href=\"#" + extension.EditPageTabId + "\">" + extension.Text + "</a>", }; liElement.Attributes.Add("class", extension.CssClass); liElement.Attributes.Add("id", extension.EditPageTabId + "_tab"); this.Tabs.Controls.Add(liElement); var container = new PanelTabExtensionControl { PanelId = extension.EditPageTabId }; var control = (PortalModuleBase)this.Page.LoadControl(extension.UserControlSrc); control.ID = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(extension.UserControlSrc); control.ModuleConfiguration = this.ModuleConfiguration; var contentControl = control as PropertiesTabContentControl; if (contentControl != null) { contentControl.OnItemUpdated += this.OnItemUpdated; tabContentControlsInstances.Add(contentControl); } container.Controls.Add(control); this.TabsPanel.Controls.Add(container); } } this.tabContentControls = tabContentControlsInstances.ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex); } }
private void AddToTree(ItemViewModel item, List <TreeItem> tree) { var treeItem = ConvertToTreeItem(item); tree.Add(treeItem); }
void ItemInfoFooter_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Item = DataContext as ItemViewModel; }
public ModelWrapper(ItemViewModel item, FileModel fileModel) { PrimaryItem = item; FileModel = fileModel; }
public static List <ContextMenuFlyoutItemViewModel> GetBaseContextCommands(NamedPipeAsAppServiceConnection connection, CurrentInstanceViewModel currentInstanceViewModel, ItemViewModel itemViewModel, BaseLayoutCommandsViewModel commandsViewModel, bool shiftPressed, bool showOpenMenu) { var menuItemsList = ShellContextmenuHelper.SetShellContextmenu(GetBaseLayoutMenuItems(currentInstanceViewModel, itemViewModel, commandsViewModel), shiftPressed, showOpenMenu, connection, itemViewModel.WorkingDirectory, new List <ListedItem>()); menuItemsList = Filter(items: menuItemsList, shiftPressed: shiftPressed, currentInstanceViewModel: currentInstanceViewModel, selectedItems: new List <ListedItem>()); return(menuItemsList); }
private void ItemDetailGeneralView_OnAppearing(object sender, EventArgs e) { vm = BindingContext as ItemViewModel; }
private async void SetAddressBarSuggestions(AutoSuggestBox sender, int maxSuggestions = 7) { try { IList <ListedItem> suggestions = null; var expandedPath = StorageFileExtensions.GetPathWithoutEnvironmentVariable(sender.Text); var folderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(expandedPath) ?? expandedPath; var folder = await ItemViewModel.GetFolderWithPathFromPathAsync(folderPath); var currPath = await folder.GetFoldersWithPathAsync(Path.GetFileName(expandedPath), (uint)maxSuggestions); if (currPath.Count() >= maxSuggestions) { suggestions = currPath.Select(x => new ListedItem(null) { ItemPath = x.Path, ItemName = x.Folder.Name }).ToList(); } else if (currPath.Any()) { var subPath = await currPath.First().GetFoldersWithPathAsync((uint)(maxSuggestions - currPath.Count())); suggestions = currPath.Select(x => new ListedItem(null) { ItemPath = x.Path, ItemName = x.Folder.Name }).Concat( subPath.Select(x => new ListedItem(null) { ItemPath = x.Path, ItemName = Path.Combine(currPath.First().Folder.Name, x.Folder.Name) })).ToList(); } else { suggestions = new List <ListedItem>() { new ListedItem(null) { ItemPath = App.CurrentInstance.FilesystemViewModel.WorkingDirectory, ItemName = ResourceController.GetTranslation("NavigationToolbarVisiblePathNoResults") } }; } // NavigationBarSuggestions becoming empty causes flickering of the suggestion box // Here we check whether at least an element is in common between old and new list if (!NavigationBarSuggestions.IntersectBy(suggestions, x => x.ItemName).Any()) { // No elemets in common, update the list in-place for (int si = 0; si < suggestions.Count; si++) { if (si < NavigationBarSuggestions.Count) { NavigationBarSuggestions[si].ItemName = suggestions[si].ItemName; NavigationBarSuggestions[si].ItemPath = suggestions[si].ItemPath; } else { NavigationBarSuggestions.Add(suggestions[si]); } } while (NavigationBarSuggestions.Count > suggestions.Count) { NavigationBarSuggestions.RemoveAt(NavigationBarSuggestions.Count - 1); } } else { // At least an element in common, show animation foreach (var s in NavigationBarSuggestions.ExceptBy(suggestions, x => x.ItemName).ToList()) { NavigationBarSuggestions.Remove(s); } foreach (var s in suggestions.ExceptBy(NavigationBarSuggestions, x => x.ItemName).ToList()) { NavigationBarSuggestions.Insert(suggestions.IndexOf(s), s); } } } catch { NavigationBarSuggestions.Clear(); NavigationBarSuggestions.Add(new ListedItem(null) { ItemPath = App.CurrentInstance.FilesystemViewModel.WorkingDirectory, ItemName = ResourceController.GetTranslation("NavigationToolbarVisiblePathNoResults") }); } }
public async void CheckPathInput(ItemViewModel instance, string CurrentInput) { if (CurrentInput != instance.WorkingDirectory || App.CurrentInstance.ContentFrame.CurrentSourcePageType == typeof(YourHome)) { //(App.CurrentInstance.OperationsControl as RibbonArea).RibbonViewModel.HomeItems.isEnabled = false; //(App.CurrentInstance.OperationsControl as RibbonArea).RibbonViewModel.ShareItems.isEnabled = false; if (CurrentInput.Equals("Home", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || CurrentInput.Equals(ResourceController.GetTranslation("NewTab"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { await App.CurrentInstance.FilesystemViewModel.SetWorkingDirectory(ResourceController.GetTranslation("NewTab")); App.CurrentInstance.ContentFrame.Navigate(typeof(YourHome), ResourceController.GetTranslation("NewTab"), new SuppressNavigationTransitionInfo()); } else { switch (CurrentInput.ToLower()) { case "%temp%": CurrentInput = AppSettings.TempPath; break; case "%appdata": CurrentInput = AppSettings.AppDataPath; break; case "%homepath%": CurrentInput = AppSettings.HomePath; break; case "%windir%": CurrentInput = AppSettings.WinDirPath; break; } try { var item = await DrivesManager.GetRootFromPath(CurrentInput); await StorageFileExtensions.GetFolderFromPathAsync(CurrentInput, item); App.CurrentInstance.ContentFrame.Navigate(AppSettings.GetLayoutType(), CurrentInput); // navigate to folder } catch (Exception) // Not a folder or inaccessible { try { var item = await DrivesManager.GetRootFromPath(CurrentInput); await StorageFileExtensions.GetFileFromPathAsync(CurrentInput, item); await Interaction.InvokeWin32Component(CurrentInput); } catch (Exception ex) // Not a file or not accessible { // Launch terminal application if possible foreach (var item in AppSettings.TerminalsModel.Terminals) { if (item.Path.Equals(CurrentInput, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || item.Path.Equals(CurrentInput + ".exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (App.Connection != null) { var value = new ValueSet(); value.Add("Application", item.Path); value.Add("Arguments", String.Format(item.Arguments, App.CurrentInstance.FilesystemViewModel.WorkingDirectory)); await App.Connection.SendMessageAsync(value); } return; } } var dialog = new ContentDialog() { Title = "Invalid item", Content = "The item referenced is either invalid or inaccessible.\nMessage:\n\n" + ex.Message, CloseButtonText = "OK" }; await dialog.ShowAsync(); } } } App.CurrentInstance.NavigationToolbar.PathControlDisplayText = App.CurrentInstance.FilesystemViewModel.WorkingDirectory; } }
public IActionResult Edit(ItemViewModel itemModel) { service.Edit(itemModel.Todo.Id, itemModel.Todo.Title, itemModel.Todo.IsUrgent, itemModel.Todo.IsDone); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public int GetDetail(long ID, out ItemViewModel model) { return(_itemDAO.GetDetail(ID, out model)); }
private async Task SetPathBoxDropDownFlyout(MenuFlyout flyout, PathBoxItem pathItem) { var nextPathItemTitle = App.CurrentInstance.NavigationToolbar.PathComponents [App.CurrentInstance.NavigationToolbar.PathComponents.IndexOf(pathItem) + 1].Title; IList <StorageFolderWithPath> childFolders = new List <StorageFolderWithPath>(); try { var folder = await ItemViewModel.GetFolderWithPathFromPathAsync(pathItem.Path); childFolders = await folder.GetFoldersWithPathAsync(string.Empty); } catch { // Do nothing. } finally { flyout.Items?.Clear(); } if (childFolders.Count == 0) { var flyoutItem = new MenuFlyoutItem { Icon = new FontIcon { FontFamily = Application.Current.Resources["FluentUIGlyphs"] as FontFamily, Glyph = "\uEC17" }, Text = ResourceController.GetTranslation("SubDirectoryAccessDenied"), //Foreground = (SolidColorBrush)Application.Current.Resources["SystemControlErrorTextForegroundBrush"], FontSize = 12 }; flyout.Items.Add(flyoutItem); return; } var boldFontWeight = new FontWeight { Weight = 800 }; var normalFontWeight = new FontWeight { Weight = 400 }; var customGlyphFamily = Application.Current.Resources["FluentUIGlyphs"] as FontFamily; var workingPath = App.CurrentInstance.NavigationToolbar.PathComponents [App.CurrentInstance.NavigationToolbar.PathComponents.Count - 1]. Path.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); foreach (var childFolder in childFolders) { var isPathItemFocused = childFolder.Item.Name == nextPathItemTitle; var flyoutItem = new MenuFlyoutItem { Icon = new FontIcon { FontFamily = customGlyphFamily, Glyph = "\uEA5A", FontWeight = isPathItemFocused ? boldFontWeight : normalFontWeight }, Text = childFolder.Item.Name, FontSize = 12, FontWeight = isPathItemFocused ? boldFontWeight : normalFontWeight }; if (workingPath != childFolder.Path) { flyoutItem.Click += (sender, args) => App.CurrentInstance.ContentFrame.Navigate(AppSettings.GetLayoutType(), childFolder.Path); } flyout.Items.Add(flyoutItem); } }
public GameItemRemoveFileCommand(ItemViewModel itemViewModel) { this.itemViewModel = itemViewModel; }
private void Item_NewLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ItemControlBase item = (ItemControlBase)sender; ItemViewModel.ItemAdded(item.Item); }
public TableSource(ItemsViewController controller) { this.controller = controller; assignmentViewModel = ServiceContainer.Resolve <AssignmentViewModel>(); itemViewModel = ServiceContainer.Resolve <ItemViewModel>(); }
public async void CheckPathInput(ItemViewModel instance, string currentInput, string currentSelectedPath) { if (currentSelectedPath == currentInput) { return; } if (currentInput != instance.WorkingDirectory || App.CurrentInstance.ContentFrame.CurrentSourcePageType == typeof(YourHome)) { //(App.CurrentInstance.OperationsControl as RibbonArea).RibbonViewModel.HomeItems.isEnabled = false; //(App.CurrentInstance.OperationsControl as RibbonArea).RibbonViewModel.ShareItems.isEnabled = false; if (currentInput.Equals("Home", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || currentInput.Equals(ResourceController.GetTranslation("NewTab"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { await App.CurrentInstance.FilesystemViewModel.SetWorkingDirectory(ResourceController.GetTranslation("NewTab")); App.CurrentInstance.ContentFrame.Navigate(typeof(YourHome), ResourceController.GetTranslation("NewTab"), new SuppressNavigationTransitionInfo()); } else { var workingDir = string.IsNullOrEmpty(App.CurrentInstance.FilesystemViewModel.WorkingDirectory) ? AppSettings.HomePath : App.CurrentInstance.FilesystemViewModel.WorkingDirectory; currentInput = StorageFileExtensions.GetPathWithoutEnvironmentVariable(currentInput); if (currentSelectedPath == currentInput) { return; } var item = await DrivesManager.GetRootFromPath(currentInput); try { var pathToNavigate = (await StorageFileExtensions.GetFolderWithPathFromPathAsync(currentInput, item)).Path; App.CurrentInstance.ContentFrame.Navigate(AppSettings.GetLayoutType(), pathToNavigate); // navigate to folder } catch (Exception) // Not a folder or inaccessible { try { var pathToInvoke = (await StorageFileExtensions.GetFileWithPathFromPathAsync(currentInput, item)).Path; await Interaction.InvokeWin32Component(pathToInvoke); } catch (Exception ex) // Not a file or not accessible { // Launch terminal application if possible foreach (var terminal in AppSettings.TerminalController.Model.Terminals) { if (terminal.Path.Equals(currentInput, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || terminal.Path.Equals(currentInput + ".exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (App.Connection != null) { var value = new ValueSet { { "WorkingDirectory", workingDir }, { "Application", terminal.Path }, { "Arguments", string.Format(terminal.Arguments, Helpers.PathNormalization.NormalizePath(App.CurrentInstance.FilesystemViewModel.WorkingDirectory)) } }; await App.Connection.SendMessageAsync(value); } return; } } try { if (!await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(currentInput))) { throw new Exception(); } } catch { await DialogDisplayHelper.ShowDialog(ResourceController.GetTranslation("InvalidItemDialogTitle"), string.Format(ResourceController.GetTranslation("InvalidItemDialogContent"), Environment.NewLine, ex.Message)); } } } } App.CurrentInstance.NavigationToolbar.PathControlDisplayText = App.CurrentInstance.FilesystemViewModel.WorkingDirectory; } }
public static ItemViewModel OnlyValid(ItemViewModel i) { return i != null && i.Value != null ? i : null; }
public ItemsViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) { assignmentViewModel = ServiceContainer.Resolve <AssignmentViewModel>(); itemViewModel = ServiceContainer.Resolve <ItemViewModel>(); }
public ActionResult Manage(int id = 0) { ItemViewModel<int> model = new ItemViewModel<int>(); model.Item = id; return View(model); }
protected void OnItemTapped(object sender, EventArgs args) { ItemViewModel itemViewModel = (ItemViewModel)sender; NavigationService.NavigateToValidationSessionDetailAsync(itemViewModel.Id, itemViewModel.Name); }