public void ClearCurrentEditor( ) { if( _currentEditor != null ) { _currentEditor.PreviewEndedReadyForCreation -= ( s, e ) => _whenEntityReadyToBeAdded( ) ; } _currentEditor = null ; }
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); foreach (var a in Find.EnumerateParents(Selection.SelectedItem, null, true)) { var ie = new ItemEditor(); phAncestors.Controls.Add(ie); ie.ContainerTypeFilter = typeof(RecursiveContainerAttribute); ie.CurrentItem = a; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { "Testing ItemEditor Package".title('='); WriteLine(); ItemEditorTest iET = new ItemEditorTest(); iET.insertData(db); DBEngine<int,DBElement<int,string>> db = new DBEngine<int, DBElement<int, string>>(); ItemEditor<int, DBElement<int,string>> iEditor = new ItemEditor<int, DBElement<int,string>>(db); "\n1) Editing metadata".title(); "\nBefore editing metadata for key 1".title(); db.showDB(); "\nAfter editing metadata for key 1".title(); iEditor = new ItemEditor<int, DBElement<int, string>>(db); iEditor.editMetaData(1, "Sachin Tendulkar", "Cricket player"); //send the values to be edited to the editMetaData() function db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "\n2) Adding children".title(); "\nBefore adding relationship(children) for key 1".title(); db.showDB(); "\nAfter adding relationship(children) for Key 1".title(); iEditor.addrelationships(1, new List<int> { 3 }); //send a new list with children to be added to a key db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "\n3) Deleting children".title(); "\nBefore deleting relationship(children) for key 1".title(); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "\nAfter deleting relationship(children) to Key 1".title(); //send a new list with children to be deleted from a key iEditor.deleteRelationships(1, new List<int> { 3 }); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "\n4) Replacing value instance".title(); DBElement<int, string> elem = new DBElement<int, string>(); //create a new element for replacing value = "Messi"; elem.payload = "Plays for Argentina"; elem.descr = "Football player"; elem.children.AddRange(new List<int> { 2 }); elem.timeStamp = DateTime.Now; "\nBefore replacing the value instance for key 2".title(); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "\nAfter replacing the value instance for key 2".title(); iEditor.replaceValueInstance(2, elem); //send value to be replaced for a key db.showDB(); }
protected override Control AddEditor(Control container) { var panel = AddPanel(container); foreach (var themeDirectory in GetThemeDirectories()) { var themeName = Path.GetFileName(themeDirectory); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(themeName)) continue; var tabContainer = new TabContainerAttribute(themeName + "-tab", themeName, 0); var tab = tabContainer.AddTo(panel) as TabPanel; var editor = new ItemEditor { ID = themeName.ToLower() }; editor.Init += OnChildEditorInit; tab.Controls.Add(editor); AddValidator(tab); } return panel; }
public void ItemEditor_AddsNewChild() { var item = new DecoratedItem(); var definition = new DefinitionMap().GetOrCreateDefinition(item); var editable = (EditableItemAttribute)definition.Properties["TheItem"].Editable; var page = new Page(); var enclosingEditor = new ItemEditor(); var editor = AddEditorAndInit(item, editable, page, enclosingEditor); editable.UpdateEditor(item, editor); ItemUtility.FindInChildren<N2.Web.UI.WebControls.NameEditor>(editor).Single().Text = "Hello child"; enclosingEditor.UpdateObject(new N2.Edit.Workflow.CommandContext(definition, item, Interfaces.Editing, engine.RequestContext.User)); item.Children.Single().ShouldBe(item.TheItem); }
private void InitializeAllComponents() { TablesController = new System.Windows.Forms.TabControl(); recipesTable = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); createNewRecipeButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); TextBoxForSearchRecipe = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); recipeSearch = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); recipeGrid = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView(); recipeNameColumn = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); deleteRecipeColumn = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewButtonColumn(); recipeIdColumn = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); recipeEditor = new RecipeBook.Gui.EditRecipe(); TableOfItems = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); itemEditor = new RecipeBook.Gui.ItemEditor(); createNewItem = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); TextBoxForSearchItem = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); IngredientSearch = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); IngredientTableCreator = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView(); IngredientNameColumn = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); IngredientDeleteColumn = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewButtonColumn(); IngredientIdColumn = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); }
private void OnEnable() { m_Target = target as EquipmentItem; m_EquippedEffectListProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(EquipmentItem.EquippedEffects)); m_SlotProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(EquipmentItem.Slot)); m_MinimumStrengthProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(EquipmentItem.MinimumStrength)); m_MinimumAgilityProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(EquipmentItem.MinimumAgility)); m_MinimumDefenseProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(EquipmentItem.MinimumDefense)); m_ItemEditor = new ItemEditor(); m_ItemEditor.Init(serializedObject); var lookup = typeof(EquipmentItem.EquippedEffect); m_AvailableEquipEffectType = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() .SelectMany(assembly => assembly.GetTypes()) .Where(x => x.IsClass && !x.IsAbstract && x.IsSubclassOf(lookup)) .Select(type => type.Name) .ToList(); }
protected override Control AddEditor(Control container) { var panel = AddPanel(container); foreach (var themeDirectory in GetThemeDirectories()) { var themeName = Path.GetFileName(themeDirectory); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(themeName)) { continue; } var tabContainer = new TabContainerAttribute(themeName + "-tab", themeName, 0); var tab = tabContainer.AddTo(panel) as TabPanel; var editor = new ItemEditor { ID = themeName.ToLower() }; editor.Init += OnChildEditorInit; tab.Controls.Add(editor); AddValidator(tab); } return(panel); }
public async Task Suspend(ItemEditor itemEditor) { var Items = VM.Vm; var composite = itemEditor.OnSuspending(); ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values[pageName] = composite; if (Items.SelectedItem != null) { ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values[selected] = Items.Items.IndexOf(Items.SelectedItem); } byte[] pixels = itemEditor.Current.Pixels; StorageFile imgFile = await PictureHandler.AsStorageFile(pixels, "Current.jpg"); if (ExistsImgFile(current)) { StorageApplicationPermissions.FutureAccessList.Remove((string)ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values[current]); } ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values[current] = StorageApplicationPermissions.FutureAccessList.Add(imgFile); //TileService.threadPoolTimer.Cancel(); }
public void InitWindows() { Skin = (GUISkin)Resources.Load("GUI/EditorGUI"); //windows init npcEditor = new NPCEditor(Skin, this); armorEditor = new ArmorEditor(Skin, this); arenaEditor = new ArenaEditor(Skin, this); enemyEditor = new EnemyEditor(Skin, this); currencyEditor = new CurrencyEditor(Skin, this); conversationEditor = new ConversationEditor(Skin, this); shopEditor = new ShopEditor(Skin, this); questEditor = new QuestEditor(Skin, this); itemEditor = new ItemEditor(Skin, this); minigameEditor = new MiniGameEditor(Skin, this); serviceEditor = new ServiceEditor(Skin, this); npcQuestEditor = new NPCQuestEditor(Skin, this); townEditor = new TownEditor(Skin, this); badgeEditor = new BadgeEditor(Skin, this); constructionEditor = new ConstructionEditor(Skin, this); loadWindows = false; }
void TestR4(){//support editing of value including the addition and/or deletion of relationships, //editing text metadata and replacing an existing value's instance with a new instance "Demonstrating Requirement #4".title(); DBElement<int, string> temp = new DBElement<int, string>(); ItemEditor<int, string> editItem; if (db.containsKey(2)){ db.getValue(2, out temp); Write("\n\n --- value before modified---\n"); temp.showElement(); editItem = new ItemEditor<int, string>(temp); editItem.nameEdit("newName!!");//edit the name of the value with key 2 editItem.descrEdit("new description!!");//edit description editItem.dateTimeEdit();//update timeStamp editItem.addRelationship(18);//add relationship editItem.deleteRelationship(6);//delete relationship editItem.payloadEdit("new payload!!");//modify payload DBElement<int, string> elemNew = new DBElement<int, string>(); editItem.replaceWithInstance(out elemNew);// replace an existing value's instance with a new instance temp = null; Write("\n\n --- value after modified---\n"); elemNew.showElement(); editItem = null; } else Write("Value not found!"); //Write("\n\n Show key/value pairs in data base:\n"); //db.showDB(); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); }
public StagePage() { InitializeComponent(); _propertyGrid = new MXPropertyGrid(); _propertyGrid.Visible = false; _propertyGrid.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; _propertyGrid.PropertySort = PropertySort.Categorized; contentPanel.Controls.Add(_propertyGrid); _itemEditor = new ItemEditor(); _itemEditor.Visible = false; _itemEditor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; contentPanel.Controls.Add(_itemEditor); _playListEditor = new PlaylistEditor(); _playListEditor.Visible = false; _playListEditor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; contentPanel.Controls.Add(_playListEditor); listBoxStage.DataSource = Core.MEX.Stages; SelectTab(buttonGeneralTab, null); }
private static void DownloadAll() { var downloader = new Action <float>[] { (p) => Download(typeof(MasterDataItem), p, m => ItemEditor.Load(m.Item), false), (p) => Download(typeof(MasterDataCell), p, m => CellEditor.Load(m.Cell), false), (p) => Download(typeof(MasterDataCellEvent), p, m => CellEventEditor.Load(m.CellEvent), false), (p) => Download(typeof(MasterDataLevelUpCost), p, m => LevelUpCostEditor.Load(m.LevelUpCost), false), (p) => Download(typeof(MasterDataHousingLevelParameter), p, m => HousingLevelParameterEditor.Load(m.HousingLevelParameter), false), (p) => Download(typeof(MasterDataFacilityLevelParameter), p, m => FacilityLevelParameterEditor.Load(m.FacilityLevelParameter), false), (p) => Download(typeof(MasterDataRoadLevelParameter), p, m => RoadLevelParameterEditor.Load(m.RoadLevelParameter), false), (p) => Download(typeof(MasterDataUnlockCellEvent), p, m => UnlockCellEventEditor.Load(m.UnlockCellEvent), false), (p) => Download(typeof(MasterDataCellBundle), p, m => CellBundleEditor.Load(m.CellBundle), false), (p) => Download(typeof(MasterDataUnlockCellBundle), p, m => UnlockCellBundleEditor.Load(m.UnlockCellBundle), false), }; for (var i = 0; i < downloader.Length; i++) { var progress = (float)i / downloader.Length; downloader[i](progress); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }
public void AddEditor( ItemEditor editor ) { var possibleDuplicate = allEditors( ).FirstOrDefault( e => e.Name == editor.Name ) ; if (possibleDuplicate!=null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( @"Cannot add editor '{0}' into layer '{1}' as an editor of the same name exists in layer '{2}'.".FormatWith( editor.Name, editor.ParentLayer.Name, possibleDuplicate.ParentLayer.Name ) ) ; } if (allEditors().Any(e => e == editor ) ) { throw new InvalidOperationException( @"Cannot add editor '{0}' into layer '{1}' as the same editor has already been added.".FormatWith( editor.Name, editor.ParentLayer.Name ) ) ; } editor.ParentLayer.AddEditor( editor ); ActiveLayer = editor.ParentLayer ; }
protected virtual void AddToContainer(Control container, ItemEditor itemEditor, ContentItem item) { var fs = new FieldSet(); fs.Legend = Engine.Definitions.GetDefinition(item).Title; container.Controls.Add(fs); fs.Controls.Add(itemEditor); }
public int editValue(XDocument message){//method used to do value edition DBElement<int, string> temp = new DBElement<int, string>(); XElement element = message.Element("Message").Element("Key"); int key = Int32.Parse(element.Value); if(db.containsKey(key)){ db.getValue(key, out temp); ItemEditor<int, string> editItem = new ItemEditor<int, string>(temp); element = message.Element("Message").Element("EditType"); switch(element.Value){ case "nameEdit": element = message.Element("Message").Element("NewName"); editItem.nameEdit(element.Value); break; case "descrEdit": element = message.Element("Message").Element("NewDescr"); editItem.descrEdit(element.Value); break; case "timeUpdate": editItem.dateTimeEdit(); break; case "addRelationship": element = message.Element("Message").Element("ChildKey"); editItem.addRelationship(Int32.Parse(element.Value)); break; case "deleteRelationship": element = message.Element("Message").Element("ChildKey"); editItem.deleteRelationship(Int32.Parse(element.Value)); break; case "payloadEdit": element = message.Element("Message").Element("NewPayload"); editItem.payloadEdit(element.Value); break; case "replaceWithInstance": DBElement<int, string> elemNew = new DBElement<int, string>(); editItem.replaceWithInstance(out elemNew); temp = null; break; default: Write("Invalid editing type."); break; } } else key = -1; return key; }
public void Update( ) { //get item under mouse cursor var model = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IModel>( ); ItemEditor item = _canvas.ItemUnderMouse; bool controlButtonPressed = KeyboardStatus.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl); if (item != null) { _mainForm.SetToolStripStatusLabel1(item.ItemProperties.Name); item.OnMouseOver(MouseStatus.WorldPosition); if (controlButtonPressed) { _mainForm.SetCursorForCanvas(_cursorDuplicate); } } else { _mainForm.SetToolStripStatusLabel1(string.Empty); } if (item != _lastItem && _lastItem != null) { _lastItem.OnMouseOut( ); } _lastItem = item; IEnumerable <ITreeItem> editors = selectedEditors( ).ToList( ); if (MouseStatus.IsNewLeftMouseButtonClick() || KeyboardStatus.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.D1)) { if (item != null) { item.OnMouseButtonDown(MouseStatus.WorldPosition); } if (controlButtonPressed && item != null) { _canvas.StartCopyingSelectedItems( ); } else if (KeyboardStatus.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift) && item != null) { model.ToggleSelectionOnItem(item); } else if (editors.Contains(item)) { _canvas.StartMovingSelectedItems( ); } else if (!selectedEditors().Contains(item)) { if (item != null) { _model.SelectEditor(item); _canvas.StartMovingSelectedItems( ); } else { _canvas.CreateSelectionRectangle( ); } } } //MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON CLICK bool anyEditorsSelected = editors.Any(); if (MouseStatus.IsNewMiddleMouseButtonClick( ) || KeyboardStatus.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.D2)) { if (item != null) { item.OnMouseOut( ); } if (controlButtonPressed) { _canvas.StartMovingCamera( ); } else { if (anyEditorsSelected) { _canvas.StartRotatingItems( ); } } } //RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON CLICK if (MouseStatus.IsNewRightMouseButtonClick( ) || KeyboardStatus.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.D3)) { if (item != null) { item.OnMouseOut( ); } if (anyEditorsSelected) { _canvas.StartScalingSelectedItems( ); } } selectedEditors( ).ForEach(e => e.HandleKeyPressWhenFocused()); }
static void ShowEditWindow() { ItemEditor myWindow = (ItemEditor)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ItemEditor), false, "", true); //创建窗口 myWindow.Show(); //展示 }
protected override Control AddEditor(Control panel) { ItemEditor editor = new ItemEditor(); editor.ID = Name; editor.ZoneName = DefaultChildZoneName; editor.Init += OnChildEditorInit; panel.Controls.Add(editor); return editor; }
public void MoveItemToLayer( ItemEditor itemToMove, LayerEditor layer, ItemEditor itemToMoveNewItemUnder ) { int insertPosition = itemToMoveNewItemUnder == null ? 0 : layer.Items.IndexOf( itemToMoveNewItemUnder ) ; itemToMove.ParentLayer.Items.Remove( itemToMove ) ; layer.Items.Insert( insertPosition, itemToMove ) ; itemToMove.ParentLayer = layer ; }
void addNodeForEditor( TreeNode parentNode, ItemEditor editor ) { ItemProperties itemProperties = editor.ItemProperties ; TreeNode itemNode = parentNode.Nodes.Add( itemProperties.Name, itemProperties.Name ) ; itemNode.ImageKey = itemNode.SelectedImageKey = editor.Icon.Name ; itemNode.Tag = editor ; itemNode.Checked = true ; itemNode.ContextMenuStrip = _hideContextMenus ? null : uiContextMenuForItem ; editor.Behaviours.ForEach( b => { BehaviourProperties behaviourProperties = b.BehaviourProperties ; TreeNode node = itemNode.Nodes.Add( behaviourProperties.Name, behaviourProperties.Name ) ; //node.ImageKey = node.SelectedImageKey = b.Icon.Name ; node.Tag = b ; node.Checked = true ; //node.ContextMenuStrip = _hideContextMenus ? null : uiContextMenuForItem ; } ) ; itemNode.Expand( ); }
public static void RenderDebug(JsonValue root) { if (root.InputInt("Mana Usage", "mana", 0) > 0) { var b = root["mdr"].Int(0); if (ImGui.Combo("Place Mana", ref b, manaDropNames, manaDropNames.Length)) { root["mdr"] = b; } } if (ImGui.TreeNode("Stats")) { root.Checkbox("To Cursor", "cursor", false); root.Checkbox("To Cloest Target", "tomb", false); root.InputFloat("Damage", "damage"); root.InputInt("Projectile Count", "amount"); root.InputText("Sound", "sfx", "item_gun_fire"); root.InputInt("Sound Prefix Number", "sfxn", 0); root.Checkbox("Reload Sound", "rsfx", false); root.Checkbox("Drop Shells", "shells", true); root.Checkbox("Uses Emeralds", "emeralds", false); var c = root.InputText("Color", "color"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c) && !ProjectileColor.Colors.ContainsKey(c)) { ImGui.BulletText("Unknown color"); } ImGui.Separator(); root.InputFloat("Min Speed", "speed", 10); root.InputFloat("Max Speed", "speedm", 10); root.Checkbox("Disable Boost", "dsb", false); ImGui.Separator(); root.InputFloat("Min Scale", "scale"); root.InputFloat("Max Scale", "scalem"); ImGui.Separator(); var range = (float)root["range"].Number(0); if (ImGui.InputFloat("Range", ref range)) { root["range"] = range; } var knockback = (float)root["knockback"].Number(1); if (ImGui.InputFloat("Knockback", ref knockback)) { root["knockback"] = knockback; } root.InputFloat("Additional Angle", "ang", 0); var accuracy = (float)root["accuracy"].Number(0); if (ImGui.InputFloat("Accuracy", ref accuracy)) { root["accuracy"] = accuracy; } var light = root["light"].Bool(true); if (ImGui.Checkbox("Light", ref light)) { root["light"] = light; } var rect = root["rect"].Bool(false); if (ImGui.Checkbox("Rect body", ref rect)) { root["rect"] = rect; } var wait = root["wait"].Bool(false); if (ImGui.Checkbox("Wait for projectile death", ref wait)) { root["wait"] = wait; } var prefab = root["prefab"].String(""); if (ImGui.InputText("Prefab", ref prefab, 128)) { root["prefab"] = prefab; } if (prefab.Length > 0 && ProjectileRegistry.Get(prefab) == null) { ImGui.BulletText("Unknown prefab"); } var slice = root["texture"].String("rect"); if (slice == "default") { slice = "rect"; } var region = CommonAse.Projectiles.GetSlice(slice, false); if (region != null) { ImGui.Image(ImGuiHelper.ProjectilesTexture, new Num.Vector2(region.Width * 3, region.Height * 3), new Num.Vector2(region.X / region.Texture.Width, region.Y / region.Texture.Height), new Num.Vector2((region.X + region.Width) / region.Texture.Width, (region.Y + region.Height) / region.Texture.Height)); } if (ImGui.InputText("Texture", ref slice, 128)) { root["texture"] = slice; } ImGui.TreePop(); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("Modifiers")) { if (!root["modifiers"].IsJsonArray) { root["modifiers"] = new JsonArray(); } ItemEditor.DisplayUse(root, root["modifiers"], "bk:ModifyProjectiles"); ImGui.TreePop(); } }
public void InitWindows() { Skin = (GUISkin)Resources.Load("GUI/EditorGUI"); //windows init npcEditor = new NPCEditor(Skin, this); //weaponEditor = new WeaponEditor(Skin, this); //worldObjectEditor = new WorldObjectEditor(Skin, this); //questEditor = new QuestEditor(Skin, this); //itemCategory = new ItemCategoryEditor(Skin, this); //skillEditor = new SkillEditor(Skin, this); //attributeEditor = new AttributeEditor(Skin, this); armorEditor = new ArmorEditor(Skin, this); //equipmentSlotEditor = new EquipmentSlotEditor(Skin, this); //teleportEditor = new TeleportEditor(Skin, this); //conversationEditor = new ConversationEditor(Skin, this); shopEditor = new ShopEditor(Skin, this); //spellEditor = new SpellEditor(Skin, this); //enemyEditor = new EnemyEditor(Skin, this); //containerEditor = new ContainerEditor(Skin, this); itemEditor = new ItemEditor(Skin, this); //spellShop = new SpellShopEditor(Skin, this); //classEditor = new ClassEditor(Skin, this); // //raceEditor = new RaceEditor(Skin, this); //guildEditor = new GuildEditor(Skin, this); //reputationEditor = new ReputationEditor(Skin, this); //sceneEditor = new SceneEditor(Skin, this); //spawnEditor = new SpawnPointEditor(Skin, this); //questCategoryEditor = new QuestCategoryEditor(Skin, this); //validate = new Validate(); loadWindows = false; }
public AddEditorToSelectionAction(ItemEditor editor) { _editor = editor; }
public void NotifyChanged( ItemEditor item ) { tryFire( ( ) => ItemChanged, item ) ; }
public static unsafe void RenderDebug(string id, JsonValue parent, JsonValue root) { if (ImGui.TreeNode("Origin")) { var v = new System.Numerics.Vector2((float)root["ox"].AsNumber * 3, (float)root["oy"].AsNumber * 3); var region = CommonAse.Items.GetSlice(id); var m = ImGui.GetScrollY(); var pos = ImGui.GetWindowPos() + ImGui.GetCursorPos() - new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, m); if (ImGui.IsMouseDown(1)) { v = ImGui.GetMousePos() - pos; if (!(v.X < 0) && !(v.Y < 0) && !(v.X > region.Width * 3) && !(v.Y > region.Height * 3)) { if (snapGrid) { v.X = (float)(Math.Floor(v.X / 3) * 3); v.Y = (float)(Math.Floor(v.Y / 3) * 3); } v.X = VelcroPhysics.Utilities.MathUtils.Clamp(v.X, 0, region.Width * 3); v.Y = VelcroPhysics.Utilities.MathUtils.Clamp(v.Y, 0, region.Height * 3); root["ox"] = v.X / 3f; root["oy"] = v.Y / 3f; } } ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRect(ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(), pos - new System.Numerics.Vector2(1, 1), pos + new System.Numerics.Vector2(region.Width * 3 + 1, region.Height * 3 + 1), ColorUtils.WhiteColor.PackedValue, 0, 0, 1); ItemEditor.DrawItem(region); ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled(ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(), pos + v, 3, ColorUtils.WhiteColor.PackedValue, 8); v /= 3f; ImGui.Checkbox("Snap to grid", ref snapGrid); if (ImGui.InputFloat2("Origin", ref v)) { root["ox"] = v.X; root["oy"] = v.Y; } if (ImGui.Button("tx")) { root["ox"] = 0; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("ty")) { root["oy"] = 0; } if (ImGui.Button("cx")) { root["ox"] = region.Width / 2f; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("cy")) { root["oy"] = region.Height / 2f; } if (ImGui.Button("bx")) { root["ox"] = region.Width; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("by")) { root["oy"] = region.Height; } ImGui.TreePop(); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("Nozzle")) { var v = new System.Numerics.Vector2((float)root["nx"].AsNumber * 3, (float)root["ny"].AsNumber * 3); var region = CommonAse.Items.GetSlice(id); var m = ImGui.GetScrollY(); var pos = ImGui.GetWindowPos() + ImGui.GetCursorPos() - new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, m); if (ImGui.IsMouseDown(1)) { v = ImGui.GetMousePos() - pos; if (!(v.X < 0) && !(v.Y < 0) && !(v.X > region.Width * 3) && !(v.Y > region.Height * 3)) { if (snapGrid) { v.X = (float)(Math.Floor(v.X / 3) * 3); v.Y = (float)(Math.Floor(v.Y / 3) * 3); } v.X = VelcroPhysics.Utilities.MathUtils.Clamp(v.X, 0, region.Width * 3); v.Y = VelcroPhysics.Utilities.MathUtils.Clamp(v.Y, 0, region.Height * 3); root["nx"] = v.X / 3f; root["ny"] = v.Y / 3f; } } ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRect(ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(), pos - new System.Numerics.Vector2(1, 1), pos + new System.Numerics.Vector2(region.Width * 3 + 1, region.Height * 3 + 1), ColorUtils.WhiteColor.PackedValue, 0, 0, 1); ItemEditor.DrawItem(region); ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled(ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(), pos + v, 3, ColorUtils.WhiteColor.PackedValue, 8); v /= 3f; ImGui.Checkbox("Snap to grid", ref snapGrid); if (ImGui.InputFloat2("Nozzle", ref v)) { root["nx"] = v.X; root["ny"] = v.Y; } if (ImGui.Button("tx")) { root["nx"] = 0; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("ty")) { root["ny"] = 0; } if (ImGui.Button("cx")) { root["nx"] = region.Width / 2f; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("cy")) { root["ny"] = region.Height / 2f; } if (ImGui.Button("bx")) { root["nx"] = region.Width; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("by")) { root["oy"] = region.Height; } ImGui.TreePop(); } }
public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { ItemEditor editor = ((ItemEditor)context.Instance); return(new StandardValuesCollection(GetValues(editor.Item.Dictionary))); }
public static void NewItem(bool isFavorite = false) { newItem = new ItemEditor(EditorMode.NewItem); newItem.checkBoxFavorite.Checked = isFavorite; newItem.ShowDialog(); }
private void mItemIncl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ItemEditor.Show(); }
private ItemEditor AddItemEditor(ContentItem item, Control container) { var itemEditor = new ItemEditor(); itemEditor.ID = ID + "_ie_" + itemEditorIndex; container.Controls.Add(itemEditor); itemEditor.ZoneName = ZoneName; itemEditors.Add(itemEditor); itemEditor.CurrentItem = item; return itemEditor; }
public SettlementMarket() { resizeable = false; itemsMenu = new ItemEditor(); }
public void SelectEditor( ItemEditor editor ) { Level.ClearSelectedEditors( ) ; setActiveLayerIfItsDifferent( editor.ParentLayer ) ; Level.SelectEditor( editor ) ; tryFire( ( ) => SelectionChanged, editor ) ; }
private void bItemListEditor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ItemEditor.Show(); }
public ItemController() { itemEditor = new ItemEditor(); }
internal static void GenerateAll() { PanelEditor.GeneratePanel(); ItemEditor.GenerateItem(); }
private static void DownloadItem() { Download(typeof(MasterDataItem), 1.0f, m => ItemEditor.Load(m.Item)); }
public void AddEditorToSelection( ItemEditor editor ) { Level.SelectEditor( editor ) ; tryFire( ( ) => SelectionChanged, Level.SelectedEditors ) ; }
private void LoadItems(string FileName, ItemEditor IE) { this.PWD = new PleaseWaitDialog(I18N.GetText("Dialog:LoadItems")); Thread T = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate() { this.LoadItemsWorker(FileName, IE); })); T.CurrentUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture; T.Start(); PWD.ShowDialog(this); this.Activate(); this.PWD.Dispose(); this.PWD = null; this.EnableNavigation(); this.MarkItemChanges(); }
private static void FillChildItems(ref int key, int?parent, dynamic configuration, ItemEditor editor, ICollection <object> treeItems) { // Контейнер дочерних элементов dynamic container = new DynamicWrapper(); container.Key = ++key; container.Parent = parent; container.Text = editor.Container; container.Image = editor.Image; container.ConfigId = configuration.Name; treeItems.Add(container); var childItems = configuration[editor.Container] as IEnumerable; if (childItems != null) { var orderedChildItems = childItems.Cast <dynamic>().OrderBy(i => i.Name); // Список дочерних элементов контейнера foreach (var childItem in orderedChildItems) { dynamic treeItem = new DynamicWrapper(); treeItem.Key = ++key; treeItem.Parent = container.Key; treeItem.Text = FormatItemText(childItem); treeItem.ItemId = childItem.Name; treeItem.ConfigId = configuration.Name; treeItem.MetadataType = editor.MetadataType; treeItems.Add(treeItem); } } }
private void LoadItemsWorker(string FileName, ItemEditor IE) { ThingList<Item> TL = new ThingList<Item>(); if (TL.Load(FileName)) { if (IE == this.ieLeft) this.LeftItems = TL; else this.RightItems = TL; } this.LeftItemsShown = null; this.RightItemsShown = null; if (this.RightItems == null && this.LeftItems == null) this.CurrentItem = -1; else this.CurrentItem = 0; // In general, this tool supports comparing heterogenic item sets (as useless as that may be). // However, the 2010-09-09 patch prepended a range of 1024 armor pieces to the previous range (so 0x2800-0x4000 instead of 0x2C00-0x4000). // So we detect that specific case and cope with it padding the shorter set at the front (with nulls); this also means we should drop leading null entries whenever // a new set is loaded. while (this.LeftItems != null && this.LeftItems.Count > 0 && this.LeftItems[0] == null) this.LeftItems.RemoveAt(0); while (this.RightItems != null && this.RightItems.Count > 0 && this.RightItems[0] == null) this.RightItems.RemoveAt(0); if (this.RightItems != null && this.LeftItems != null) { if (this.LeftItems.Count != this.RightItems.Count) { uint LID = (uint) this.LeftItems [0].GetFieldValue("id"); uint RID = (uint) this.RightItems[0].GetFieldValue("id"); if (LID == 0x2800 && RID == 0x2c00) this.RightItems.InsertRange(0, new Item[0x400]); if (LID == 0x2c00 && RID == 0x2800) this.LeftItems .InsertRange(0, new Item[0x400]); } this.btnRemoveUnchanged.Invoke(new AnonymousMethod(delegate () { this.btnRemoveUnchanged.Enabled = true; })); } this.PWD.Invoke(new AnonymousMethod(delegate() { this.PWD.Close(); })); }
public AddEditorToSelectionAction( ItemEditor editor ) { _editor = editor ; }
private static void OnCreateItem(object parameter) { var editor = new ItemEditor(new ItemWrapper()); editor.Show(); }
public void SelectEditor( ItemEditor editor ) { LayerEditor parentLayer = editor.ParentLayer ; editor.IsSelected = true ; ActiveLayer = parentLayer ; }
private void OnCreateWeapon(object parameter) { var editor = new ItemEditor(new WeaponWrapper()); editor.Show(); }
private ItemEditor AddItemEditor(ContentItem item) { var itemEditor = new ItemEditor(); itemEditor.ID = ID + "_ie_" + itemEditorIndex; AddToContainer(itemEditorsContainer, itemEditor, item); itemEditor.ZoneName = ZoneName; itemEditors.Add(itemEditor); itemEditor.CurrentItem = item; return itemEditor; }
public static void Init() { window = (ItemEditor)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ItemEditor)); window.InitTable(); }
public frmItems() { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = this.Text + CommonTools.Gui.LoginData.ApplicationVersion; listEditors = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <EditorType, IEditor>(); listSearchDialogs = new Dictionary <SearchDialog, ISearchDialog>(); listSearchDialogs.Add(SearchDialog.Item, m_itemSearch); Restrictions.setRestrictions(chkTerranRest, chkJenquaiRest, chkProjenRest, raceRestrictionsLbl, chkWarriorRest, chkTraderRest, chkExplorerRest, professionRestrictionsLbl); TableIO itemsTableIO = initializeItems(); TableIO ammoTableIO = initializeItemAmmo(); TableIO beamTableIO = initializeItemBeam(); TableIO projectileTableIO = initializeProjectile(); TableIO missileTableIO = initializeMissile(); TableIO deviceTableIO = initializeDevice(); TableIO engineTableIO = initializeEngine(); TableIO reactorTableIO = initializeReactor(); TableIO shieldTableIO = initializeShield(); TableIO manufacturingTableIO = initializeItemManufacturing(m_itemSearch); manufacturingTableIO.setRecordOptional(); // Ungrouped tables m_tableEditor.add(SingleTableEditor.Manufacturing, manufacturingTableIO); // Ammo ItemEditor itemEditor = new ItemEditor(m_itemSearch); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabBase, itemsTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabAmmo, ammoTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(null, manufacturingTableIO); listEditors.Add(EditorType.Items_Ammo, itemEditor); // Beam itemEditor = new ItemEditor(m_itemSearch); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabBase, itemsTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabBeam, beamTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(null, manufacturingTableIO); listEditors.Add(EditorType.Items_Beam, itemEditor); // Projectile itemEditor = new ItemEditor(m_itemSearch); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabBase, itemsTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabProjectile, projectileTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(null, manufacturingTableIO); listEditors.Add(EditorType.Items_Projectile, itemEditor); // Missile itemEditor = new ItemEditor(m_itemSearch); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabBase, itemsTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabMissile, missileTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(null, manufacturingTableIO); listEditors.Add(EditorType.Items_Missile, itemEditor); // Device itemEditor = new ItemEditor(m_itemSearch); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabBase, itemsTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabDevice, deviceTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(null, manufacturingTableIO); listEditors.Add(EditorType.Items_Device, itemEditor); // Engine itemEditor = new ItemEditor(m_itemSearch); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabBase, itemsTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabEngine, engineTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(null, manufacturingTableIO); listEditors.Add(EditorType.Items_Engine, itemEditor); // Reactor itemEditor = new ItemEditor(m_itemSearch); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabBase, itemsTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabRS, reactorTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(null, manufacturingTableIO); listEditors.Add(EditorType.Items_Reactor, itemEditor); // Shield itemEditor = new ItemEditor(m_itemSearch); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabBase, itemsTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabRS, shieldTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(null, manufacturingTableIO); listEditors.Add(EditorType.Items_Shield, itemEditor); // Component itemEditor = new ItemEditor(m_itemSearch); itemEditor.addTableHandler(tabBase, itemsTableIO); itemEditor.addTableHandler(null, manufacturingTableIO); listEditors.Add(EditorType.Items, itemEditor); // Select the default editor setEditor(EditorType.Items, true); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public FighterPage() { InitializeComponent(); _propertyGrid = new MXPropertyGrid(); _propertyGrid.Visible = false; _propertyGrid.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; _propertyGrid.PropertySort = PropertySort.Categorized; panel1.Controls.Add(_propertyGrid); _itemEditor = new ItemEditor(); _itemEditor.Visible = false; _itemEditor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; panel1.Controls.Add(_itemEditor); _costumeEditor = new MXCostumeEditor(); _costumeEditor.Visible = false; _costumeEditor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; panel1.Controls.Add(_costumeEditor); _copyMoveLogic = new MXButton(); _copyMoveLogic.Text = "Copy Move Logic Struct to Clipboard"; _copyMoveLogic.ForeColor = Color.White; _copyMoveLogic.Height = 24; _copyMoveLogic.Visible = false; _copyMoveLogic.Dock = DockStyle.Top; _copyMoveLogic.Click += CopyMoveLogic; _copyMoveLogic.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10f, FontStyle.Regular); panel1.Controls.Add(_copyMoveLogic); _importBoneYml = new MXButton(); _importBoneYml.Text = "Import Bone YAML"; _importBoneYml.ForeColor = Color.White; _importBoneYml.Height = 24; _importBoneYml.Visible = false; _importBoneYml.Dock = DockStyle.Top; _importBoneYml.Click += (sender, args) => { if (fighterListBox.SelectedItem is MEXFighter fighter && _propertyGrid.SelectedObject is SBM_BoneLookupTable bones) { using (OpenFileDialog d = new OpenFileDialog()) { d.Filter = ApplicationSettings.YAMLFilter; if (d.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var serializer = new DeserializerBuilder() .WithNamingConvention(CamelCaseNamingConvention.Instance) .WithTypeInspector(inspector => new MEXTypeInspector(inspector)) .Build(); using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(d.FileName)) { fighter.BoneTable = serializer.Deserialize <SBM_BoneLookupTable>(r.ReadToEnd()); _propertyGrid.SelectedObject = fighter.BoneTable; } } } } }; _importBoneYml.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10f, FontStyle.Regular); panel1.Controls.Add(_importBoneYml); _exportBoneYml = new MXButton(); _exportBoneYml.Text = "Export Bone YAML"; _exportBoneYml.ForeColor = Color.White; _exportBoneYml.Height = 24; _exportBoneYml.Visible = false; _exportBoneYml.Dock = DockStyle.Top; _exportBoneYml.Click += (sender, args) => { if (_propertyGrid.SelectedObject is SBM_BoneLookupTable bones) { using (SaveFileDialog d = new SaveFileDialog()) { d.Filter = ApplicationSettings.YAMLFilter; if (d.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var serializer = new SerializerBuilder() .WithNamingConvention(CamelCaseNamingConvention.Instance) .WithTypeInspector(inspector => new MEXTypeInspector(inspector)) .Build(); File.WriteAllText(d.FileName, serializer.Serialize(bones)); } } } }; _exportBoneYml.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10f, FontStyle.Regular); panel1.Controls.Add(_exportBoneYml); fighterListBox.DataSource = MEX.Fighters; buttonGeneralTab.PerformClick(); }
private static Control AddEditorAndInit(DecoratedItem item, EditableItemAttribute editable, Page page, ItemEditor enclosingEditor) { page.Controls.Add(enclosingEditor); enclosingEditor.Page = page; enclosingEditor.CurrentItem = item; var editor = editable.AddTo(enclosingEditor); page.InitRecursive(); return(editor); }
private static Control AddEditorAndInit(DecoratedItem item, EditableItemAttribute editable, Page page, ItemEditor enclosingEditor) { page.Controls.Add(enclosingEditor); enclosingEditor.Page = page; enclosingEditor.CurrentItem = item; var editor = editable.AddTo(enclosingEditor); page.InitRecursive(); return editor; }
/// <inheritdoc/> /// <summary> /// Initializes a new VillagerControl object. /// </summary> /// <param name="mainFormReference">The main form reference, which is used by the item editor subcontrols.</param> /// <param name="index">The index of the control.</param> /// <param name="saveFile">The currently open <see cref="T:ACSE.Save" />.</param> /// <param name="villager">The <see cref="T:ACSE.Villager" /> that is being edited.</param> /// <param name="villagers">A dictionary of <see cref="T:ACSE.SimpleVillager" />s and their villager ids.</param> /// <param name="villagerNames">An array of villager names.</param> /// <param name="personalityTypes">An array of personality names.</param> public VillagerControl(MainForm mainFormReference, int index, Save saveFile, Villager villager, Dictionary <ushort, SimpleVillager> villagers, string[] villagerNames, string[] personalityTypes) { Index = index; _saveFile = saveFile; _villager = villager; _villagers = villagers; _villagerNames = villagerNames; _personalityTypes = personalityTypes; FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; AutoSize = true; Margin = new Padding(0); MaximumSize = new Size(0, 66); // Set up controls that are always used _indexLabel = new Label { AutoSize = false, Size = new Size(45, 32), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, Text = index == 16 ? "Islander" : (index + 1).ToString() }; var margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_indexLabel); _indexLabel.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 0, margin); _villagerSelectionBox = new ComboBox { Size = new Size(120, 32), DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList }; margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_villagerSelectionBox); _villagerSelectionBox.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); _villagerSelectionBox.Items.AddRange(_villagerNames); for (var i = 0; i < _villagers.Count; i++) { if (villagers.ElementAt(i).Key != _villager.Data.VillagerId) { continue; } _villagerSelectionBox.SelectedIndex = i; break; } _villagerSelectionBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => VillagerSelectionBoxChanged(); _personalityBox = new ComboBox { Size = new Size(80, 32), DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList }; margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_personalityBox); _personalityBox.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); _personalityBox.Items.AddRange(_personalityTypes); _personalityBox.SelectedIndex = _villager.Data.Personality % _personalityTypes.Length; _personalityBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (o, e) => PersonalityChanged(); _catchphraseBox = new TextBox { Size = new Size(100, 32), MaxLength = _villager.Offsets.CatchphraseSize, Text = _villager.Data.Catchphrase }; margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_catchphraseBox); _catchphraseBox.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); _catchphraseBox.TextChanged += (s, e) => CatchphraseChanged(); _shirtEditor = new SingleItemEditor(mainFormReference, _villager.Data.Shirt, 16); margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_shirtEditor); _shirtEditor.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); _shirtEditor.ItemChanged += delegate(object sender, ItemChangedEventArgs e) { _villager.Data.Shirt = e.NewItem; }; if (_villager.Data.Umbrella != null) { _umbrellaEditor = new SingleItemEditor(mainFormReference, _villager.Data.Umbrella, 16); margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_umbrellaEditor); _umbrellaEditor.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); } // Add controls to flow panel Controls.Add(_indexLabel); Controls.Add(_villagerSelectionBox); Controls.Add(_personalityBox); Controls.Add(_catchphraseBox); Controls.Add(_shirtEditor); Controls.Add(_umbrellaEditor); // Set up controls that are used on a per-save generation basis switch (_saveFile.SaveGeneration) { case SaveGeneration.N64: case SaveGeneration.GCN: case SaveGeneration.iQue: // e+ exclusive controls TODO: These will probably be used in City Folk as well. if (_saveFile.SaveType == SaveType.DoubutsuNoMoriEPlus || _saveFile.SaveType == SaveType.AnimalForestEPlus) { _nameBox = new TextBox { Size = new Size(60, 32), Text = _villager.Name, MaxLength = _saveFile.SaveType == SaveType.AnimalForestEPlus ? 8 : 6 }; margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_nameBox); _nameBox.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); _nameBox.TextChanged += (s, e) => NameTextChanged(); _importDlcButton = new Button { Text = "Import DLC Data", AutoSize = true }; margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_importDlcButton); _importDlcButton.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); _importDlcButton.Click += (s, e) => ImportDlcVillager(); Controls.Add(_nameBox); Controls.Add(_importDlcButton); } _villagerPreviewBox = new OffsetablePictureBox { Size = new Size(64, 64), Image = Properties.Resources.Villagers, Offset = (_villager.Data.VillagerId < 0xE000 || _villager.Data.VillagerId > 0xE0EB) ? new Point(64 * 6, 64 * 23) : new Point(64 * ((_villager.Data.VillagerId & 0xFF) % 10), 64 * ((_villager.Data.VillagerId & 0xFF) / 10)) }; Controls.Add(_villagerPreviewBox); break; case SaveGeneration.NDS: case SaveGeneration.Wii: case SaveGeneration.N3DS: _carpetWallpaperEditor = new ItemEditor(mainFormReference, new[] { _villager.Data.Carpet, _villager.Data.Wallpaper }, 2, 16); margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_carpetWallpaperEditor); _carpetWallpaperEditor.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); _musicEditor = new SingleItemEditor(mainFormReference, _villager.Data.Song, 16); margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_musicEditor); _musicEditor.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); _furnitureEditor = new ItemEditor(mainFormReference, _villager.Data.Furniture, _villager.Data.Furniture.Length, 16); margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_furnitureEditor); _furnitureEditor.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); Controls.Add(_carpetWallpaperEditor); Controls.Add(_musicEditor); Controls.Add(_furnitureEditor); if (_saveFile.SaveGeneration == SaveGeneration.N3DS) { _boxedCheckBox = new CheckBox { Text = "Boxed", Checked = _villager.Boxed() }; margin = CalculateControlVerticalMargin(_boxedCheckBox); _boxedCheckBox.Margin = new Padding(0, margin, 10, margin); _boxedCheckBox.CheckedChanged += (o, e) => BoxedCheckBoxChanged(); Controls.Add(_boxedCheckBox); } break; case SaveGeneration.Unknown: break; default: Console.Write($"Unhandled save generation {_saveFile.SaveGeneration}!"); break; } }
public void MoveEditorUp( ItemEditor i ) { _memento.Record(@"Move editor up '{0}'".FormatWith(i.Name), () => { int index = i.ParentLayer.Items.IndexOf( i ) ; i.ParentLayer.Items[ index ] = i.ParentLayer.Items[ index - 1 ] ; i.ParentLayer.Items[ index - 1 ] = i ; }); SelectEditor( i ) ; tryFire( ( ) => ItemsRearrangedInLayer, i ) ; }
public void Update( ) { //get item under mouse cursor var model = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IModel>( ) ; ItemEditor item = _canvas.ItemUnderMouse ; bool controlButtonPressed = KeyboardStatus.IsKeyDown( Keys.LeftControl ) ; if (KeyboardStatus.IsKeyDown( Keys.Space ) && MouseStatus.IsNewLeftMouseButtonClick()) { _canvas.StartMovingCamera(); return; } if( item != null ) { _mainForm.SetToolStripStatusLabel1( item.ItemProperties.Name ) ; item.OnMouseOver( MouseStatus.WorldPosition ) ; if( controlButtonPressed ) { _mainForm.SetCursorForCanvas( _cursorDuplicate ) ; } } else { _mainForm.SetToolStripStatusLabel1( string.Empty ) ; } if( item != _lastItem && _lastItem != null ) { _lastItem.OnMouseOut( ) ; } _lastItem = item ; IEnumerable<ITreeItem> editors = selectedEditors( ).ToList( ) ; if ( MouseStatus.IsNewLeftMouseButtonClick() || KeyboardStatus.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.D1)) { if( item != null ) { item.OnMouseButtonDown( MouseStatus.WorldPosition ) ; } if( controlButtonPressed && item != null ) { _canvas.StartCopyingSelectedItems( ) ; } else if( KeyboardStatus.IsKeyDown( Keys.LeftShift ) && item!=null ) { model.ToggleSelectionOnItem( item ) ; } else if( editors.Contains( item ) ) { _canvas.StartMovingSelectedItems( ) ; } else if (!selectedEditors().Contains(item)) { if( item != null ) { _model.SelectEditor( item ) ; _canvas.StartMovingSelectedItems( ); } else { _canvas.CreateSelectionRectangle( ) ; } } } //MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON CLICK bool anyEditorsSelected = editors.Any() ; if( MouseStatus.IsNewMiddleMouseButtonClick( ) || KeyboardStatus.IsNewKeyPress( Keys.D2 ) ) { if( item != null ) { item.OnMouseOut( ) ; } if( controlButtonPressed ) { _canvas.StartMovingCamera( ) ; } else { if( anyEditorsSelected ) { _canvas.StartRotatingItems( ) ; } } } //RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON CLICK if( MouseStatus.IsNewRightMouseButtonClick( ) || KeyboardStatus.IsNewKeyPress( Keys.D3 ) ) { if( item != null ) { item.OnMouseOut( ) ; } if( anyEditorsSelected ) { _canvas.StartScalingSelectedItems( ) ; } } selectedEditors( ).ForEach( e=>e.HandleKeyPressWhenFocused() ); }
public void NewChild_IsSaved() { var item = new DecoratedItem(); var definition = new DefinitionMap().GetOrCreateDefinition(item); var editable = (EditableItemAttribute)definition.Properties["TheItem"].Editable; var page = new Page(); var enclosingEditor = new ItemEditor(); var editor = AddEditorAndInit(item, editable, page, enclosingEditor); editable.UpdateEditor(item, editor); var ctx = new N2.Edit.Workflow.CommandContext(definition, item, Interfaces.Editing, engine.RequestContext.User); enclosingEditor.UpdateObject(ctx); ctx.GetItemsToSave().ShouldContain(item.TheItem); }
public SelectEditorAction( ItemEditor item ) { _item = item ; }
public void MoveEditorDown( ItemEditor editor ) { _memento.Record(@"Move editor down'{0}'".FormatWith(editor.Name), () => { int index = editor.ParentLayer.Items.IndexOf( editor ) ; editor.ParentLayer.Items[ index ] = editor.ParentLayer.Items[ index + 1 ] ; editor.ParentLayer.Items[ index + 1 ] = editor ; }); SelectEditor( editor ) ; tryFire( ( ) => ItemsRearrangedInLayer, editor ) ; }
private void tCustomItemList_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ItemEditor.UpdateChecks(tCustomItemList.Text); UpdateCustomItemAmountLabel(); }
GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { ItemEditor editor = (ItemEditor)context.Instance; return(GetValues(editor.Item)); }
public SelectEditorAction(ItemEditor item) { _item = item; }
public void ToggleSelectionOnItem( ItemEditor item ) { item.ToggleSelection( ) ; tryFire( ( ) => SelectionChanged, Level.SelectedEditors ) ; }