public void CreateNewItem(ItemDO item) { try { using (SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) using (SqlCommand sqlCMD = new SqlCommand("ITEMS_CREATE", sqlCon)) { sqlCMD.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("ItemName", item.Name); sqlCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("Description", item.Description); sqlCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("Image", item.ImagePath); sqlCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("Purchasable", item.Purchasable); sqlCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("Validate", item.Validated); sqlCon.Open(); sqlCMD.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (SqlException sqlEx) { Logger.LogSqlException(sqlEx); sqlEx.Data["Logged"] = true; throw sqlEx; } }
public List <IItemDO> ViewAllItems() { //Creating new instance of a list List <IItemDO> viewItems = new List <IItemDO>(); try { using (SqlConnection connectionToSql = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString)) { using (SqlCommand storedCommand = new SqlCommand("VIEW_ITEMS", connectionToSql)) { try { storedCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; storedCommand.CommandTimeout = 30; connectionToSql.Open(); using (SqlDataReader commandReader = storedCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (commandReader.Read()) { IItemDO item = new ItemDO() //new instance of and object { //properties ItemID = commandReader.GetInt64(0), UserID = commandReader.GetInt64(1), ItemName = commandReader.GetString(2), Used = commandReader.GetBoolean(3), Description = commandReader.GetString(4) }; viewItems.Add(item); //Add each Item one by one with reader } } } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); //throw to outer try catch } finally { connectionToSql.Close(); //Saftey connectionToSql.Dispose(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); //throw exception to the student controller } finally { //Onshore standards } return(viewItems); //return the list viewItems }
public PartialViewResult ViewDropsFrom(int id) { PartialViewResult response = new PartialViewResult(); //try to connect to the database via multiple DAO's try { //creating and populating a list, describing Enemy and Item Relationship based on a JunctionTable List <EnemyItemDO> doList = linkDAO.ViewByItemID(id); //gathering selected items information for View Model ItemDO tempItem = iDAO.ViewItemSingle(id); ItemPO viewItem = Mapper.Mapper.ItemDOtoPO(tempItem); //gathering enemy information using the EnemyID's found in out Enemy Item Relationship list List <EnemyDO> tempEnemyList = new List <EnemyDO>(); foreach (EnemyItemDO item in doList) { //adding each Enemy to our EnemyDO list tempEnemyList.Add(eDAO.ViewSingleEnemy(item.EnemyID)); } //converting our EnemyDO List to an EnemyPO List List <EnemyPO> enemyList = Mapper.Mapper.EnemyDOListToPO(tempEnemyList); //instantiatin our View Model ItemDropsVM itemVM = new ItemDropsVM(); //settingg View Model values to our collected information //---Item information //---EnemyPO List itemVM.item = viewItem; itemVM.enemies = enemyList; //setting our response to our target Partial View, passing in our View Model response = PartialView("_ViewDropsFrom", itemVM); } //catch and log any unlogged sqlExceptions catch (SqlException sqlEx) { if (!((bool)sqlEx.Data["Logged"] == true) || !sqlEx.Data.Contains("Logged")) { Logger.LogSqlException(sqlEx); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!ex.Data.Contains("Logged") || (bool)ex.Data["Logged"] == false) { Logger.LogException(ex); } } return(response); }
public IItemDO ViewItemsByID(long ItemID) { IItemDO viewItems = new ItemDO(); try { using (SqlConnection connectionToSql = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString)) { using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("VIEW_ITEMS_BY_ID", connectionToSql)) { try { command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandTimeout = 30; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ItemID", ItemID); connectionToSql.Open(); using (SqlDataReader commandReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (commandReader.Read()) { viewItems.ItemID = commandReader.GetInt64(0); viewItems.UserID = commandReader.GetInt64(1); viewItems.ItemName = commandReader.GetString(2); viewItems.Used = commandReader.GetBoolean(3); viewItems.Description = commandReader.GetString(4); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } finally { connectionToSql.Close(); connectionToSql.Dispose(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } finally { //Onshore standards } return(viewItems); }
public static ItemPO ItemDOtoPO(ItemDO from) { ItemPO to = new ItemPO(); to.ItemID = from.ItemID; to.Name = from.Name; to.Description = from.Description; to.ImagePath = from.ImagePath; to.Purchasable = from.Purchasable; to.Validated = from.Validated; return(to); }
public static IItemDO MapPOtoDO(ItemPO iFrom) { IItemDO oTo = new ItemDO();//creating new instance //DO //PO oTo.ItemID = iFrom.ItemID; oTo.UserID = iFrom.UserID; oTo.ItemName = iFrom.ItemName; oTo.Used = iFrom.Used; oTo.Description = iFrom.Description; return(oTo); //return DO }
//mapper to map a single itemms data from the server to an ItemDO object public static ItemDO MapSingleItem(SqlDataReader from) { ItemDO to = new ItemDO(); to.ItemID = (int)from["ItemID"]; to.Name = from["ItemName"] as string; to.Description = from["Description"] as string; to.ImagePath = from["Image"] as string; to.Purchasable = (bool)from["Purchasable"]; to.Validated = (bool)from["Validate"]; return(to); }
public static QuizDO QuizFixture_1() { var quiz = new QuizDO(); quiz.AnswerTime = 3000; var questionLabel = new Label { Text = "What is the highest mountain of the world?" }; var questionImage = new Image { ImagePath = "cdn://" }; var questionContent = new ContentDO(); questionContent.AddControl(questionLabel); questionContent.AddControl(questionImage); var question = new QuestionDO(); question.Content = questionContent; var quizItem = new ItemDO(); quizItem.SetQuestion(question); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var answerLabel = new Label { Text = "Everest" }; var answerImage = new Image { ImagePath = "cdn://" }; var answerContent = new ContentDO(); answerContent.AddControl(answerLabel); answerContent.AddControl(answerImage); var answer = new AnswerDO(); answer.Content = answerContent; quizItem.AddPossibleAnswer(answer); } quizItem.SetCorrectAnswer(new SingleChoiceAnswer { Value = 1 }); quiz.AddQuizItem(quizItem); return(quiz); }
public ItemDO ViewItemByName(string itemName) { ItemDO item = new ItemDO(); try { using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) using (SqlCommand ViewByName = new SqlCommand("ITEMS_VIEW_BY_NAME", sqlConnection)) { ViewByName.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; ViewByName.Parameters.AddWithValue("Name", itemName); sqlConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataReader reader = ViewByName.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Read()) { item = Mapper.MapSingleItem(reader); } } } } catch (SqlException sqlEx) { Logger.LogSqlException(sqlEx); sqlEx.Data["Logged"] = true; throw sqlEx; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); ex.Data["Logged"] = true; throw ex; } return(item); }
public ItemDO ViewItemSingle(int id) { ItemDO item = new ItemDO(); using (SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) using (SqlCommand sqlCMD = new SqlCommand("ITEMS_VIEW_SINGLE", sqlCon)) { try { sqlCMD.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("ItemID", id); sqlCon.Open(); using (SqlDataReader reader = sqlCMD.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Read()) { item = Mapper.MapSingleItem(reader); } } } catch (SqlException sqlEx) { Logger.LogSqlException(sqlEx); sqlEx.Data["Logged"] = true; throw sqlEx; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); ex.Data["Logged"] = true; throw ex; } } return(item); }
public List <IItemDO> ViewItemsbyUserID(long UserID) { List <IItemDO> userItems = new List <IItemDO>(); //Create new instance of list try //Catch Exception { //Create connection using (SqlConnection connectionToSql = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString)) { //Create command using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("VIEW_ITEMS_BY_USER_ID", connectionToSql)) { try { //command Properties command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandTimeout = 30; //View that one users info command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", UserID); connectionToSql.Open(); using (SqlDataReader commandReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (commandReader.Read()) { //Read each property #region Properties ItemDO item = new ItemDO()//Create a new instance { ItemID = commandReader.GetInt64(0), UserID = commandReader.GetInt64(1), ItemName = commandReader.GetString(2), Used = commandReader.GetBoolean(3), Description = commandReader.GetString(4) }; userItems.Add(item); #endregion } } } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); //throw to outer try catch } finally { connectionToSql.Close(); //Saftey connectionToSql.Dispose(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LogError.Log(e); throw (e); //throw to the controller } finally { //Onshore standards } return(userItems); //return List }
public ActionResult CreateItem(ItemVM form) { ActionResult response; //Makes sure everything required was entered in the view if (ModelState.IsValid) { ItemDO itemCheck = iDAO.ViewItemByName(form.Item.Name); if (itemCheck.ItemID == 0) { //try to connect to the server and create a new item try { form.Item.Validated = false; form.Item.ImagePath = "~/Images/Items/" + form.Item.Name + ".png"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(form.Item.ImagePath))) { System.IO.File.Delete(Server.MapPath(form.Item.ImagePath)); } if (form.File != null && form.File.ContentLength > 0) { string newImage = Server.MapPath(form.Item.ImagePath); if (System.IO.File.Exists(newImage)) { System.IO.File.Delete(newImage); } string path = Server.MapPath(form.Item.ImagePath); form.File.SaveAs(path); } else { string oldImage = Server.MapPath("~/Images/Items/Item.png"); string newImage = Server.MapPath(form.Item.ImagePath); System.IO.File.Copy(oldImage, newImage); } iDAO.CreateNewItem(Mapper.Mapper.ItemPOtoDO(form.Item)); response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Item"); } //catch and log any unloged sqlExceptions encountered during db call catch (SqlException sqlEx) { if (!((bool)sqlEx.Data["Logged"] == true) || !sqlEx.Data.Contains("Logged")) { Logger.LogSqlException(sqlEx); } response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Item"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!ex.Data.Contains("Logged") || (bool)ex.Data["Logged"] == false) { Logger.LogException(ex); } response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Item"); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Item.Name", "Item already exists!"); response = View(form); } } //returns to view if modelstate was false else { ModelState.AddModelError("Item.Description", "Missing information, please fill in all fields!"); response = View(form); } return(response); }