public ItemInstance(SocketedGem gem) { ItemID = gem.ItemId; ItemBonusInstanceData bonus = new ItemBonusInstanceData(); bonus.Context = (ItemContext)(byte)gem.Context; foreach (ushort bonusListId in gem.BonusListIDs) { if (bonusListId != 0) { bonus.BonusListIDs.Add(bonusListId); } } if (bonus.Context != 0 || !bonus.BonusListIDs.Empty()) { ItemBonus.Set(bonus); } }
public ItemInstance(ItemDynamicFieldGems gem) { ItemID = gem.ItemId; ItemBonusInstanceData bonus = new ItemBonusInstanceData(); bonus.Context = gem.Context; foreach (ushort bonusListId in gem.BonusListIDs) { if (bonusListId != 0) { bonus.BonusListIDs.Add(bonusListId); } } if (bonus.Context != 0 || !bonus.BonusListIDs.Empty()) { ItemBonus.Set(bonus); } }
public static Task Load() { return(Task.Run(() => { using (var bReader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream("RAW\\itemaddition.pkg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read), Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"))) { bReader.BaseStream.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Begin); var count = bReader.ReadInt32(); for (var I = 0; I < count; I++) { bReader.BaseStream.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); var id = bReader.ReadInt32(); var info = new ItemBonus { Life = bReader.ReadInt16(), MaxAtk = bReader.ReadInt16(), MinAtk = bReader.ReadInt16(), Defence = bReader.ReadInt16(), MAtk = bReader.ReadInt16(), MDef = bReader.ReadInt16(), Dexterity = bReader.ReadInt16(), Dodge = bReader.ReadInt16() }; Collections.ItemBonus.AddOrUpdate(id, info); } } })); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(ItemID.GetHashCode() ^ RandomPropertiesSeed.GetHashCode() ^ RandomPropertiesID.GetHashCode() ^ ItemBonus.GetHashCode() ^ Modifications.GetHashCode()); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(ItemID.GetHashCode() ^ ItemBonus.GetHashCode() ^ Modifications.GetHashCode()); }
public void setBonus(ItemBonus bonus, float stat) { shield.bonuses.Add(bonus, stat); }
public static void CalculateInvStats(PlayerObject pobj) { int physical = 0; int holy = 0; int fire = 0; int nature = 0; int frost = 0; int shadow = 0; int strength = 0; int agility = 0; int stamina = 0; int intellect = 0; int spirit = 0; int health = 0; int power = 0; float mindamage = 2.0f; float maxdamage = 4.0f; int baseattacktime = 2000; for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { ItemObject item = pobj.Inventory[i]; if (item != null && item.Template != null) { DBItemTemplate template = item.Template; physical += template.Resists.Physical; holy += template.Resists.Holy; fire += template.Resists.Fire; nature += template.Resists.Nature; frost += template.Resists.Frost; shadow += template.Resists.Shadow; for (int bonus = 0; bonus < 10; bonus++) { ItemBonus itembonus = template.getItemBonus(bonus); if (itembonus.Stat >= 0 && itembonus.Bonus != 0) { Console.WriteLine("itembonusstat: " + itembonus.Stat); Console.WriteLine("itembonusstatbonus: " + itembonus.Bonus); if (itembonus.Stat == 0) { power += itembonus.Bonus; } else if (itembonus.Stat == 1) { health += itembonus.Bonus; } else if (itembonus.Stat == 3) { agility += itembonus.Bonus; } else if (itembonus.Stat == 4) { strength += itembonus.Bonus; } else if (itembonus.Stat == 5) { intellect += itembonus.Bonus; } else if (itembonus.Stat == 6) { spirit += itembonus.Bonus; } else if (itembonus.Stat == 7) { stamina += itembonus.Bonus; } } else { break; } } if (i == (int)INVSLOT.MAINHAND) { DamageStat damagestat = template.getDamageStat(0); mindamage = (float)damagestat.Min; maxdamage = (float)damagestat.Max; baseattacktime = template.WeaponSpeed; } if (i == (int)INVSLOT.OFFHAND) { if (template.SubClass == 5 || template.SubClass == 6) { pobj.HasShield = true; } else { pobj.HasShield = false; } } } } pobj.MaxHealth += health; pobj.MaxPower += power; pobj.MaxHealth += (stamina * 10); pobj.MaxPower += (intellect * 10); pobj.BaseStrength += strength; pobj.BaseStamina += stamina; pobj.BaseAgility += agility; pobj.BaseIntellect += intellect; pobj.BaseSpirit += spirit; pobj.Resist_Physical = physical; pobj.Resist_Holy = holy; pobj.Resist_Fire = fire; pobj.Resist_Nature = nature; pobj.Resist_Frost = frost; pobj.Resist_Shadow = shadow; pobj.MinDamage = mindamage; pobj.MaxDamage = maxdamage; pobj.BaseAttackTime = baseattacktime; //baseattacktime; if (pobj.Health > pobj.MaxHealth) { pobj.Health = pobj.MaxHealth; } if (pobj.Power > pobj.MaxPower) { pobj.Power = pobj.MaxPower; } }
public static void HandleDBReply(Packet packet) { var type = packet.ReadUInt32E <DB2Hash>("DB2 File"); var entry = (uint)packet.ReadInt32("Entry"); packet.ReadTime("Hotfix date"); var size = packet.ReadInt32("Size"); var data = packet.ReadBytes(size); var db2File = new Packet(data, packet.Opcode, packet.Time, packet.Direction, packet.Number, packet.Writer, packet.FileName); if ((int)entry < 0) { packet.WriteLine("Row {0} has been removed.", -(int)entry); return; } switch (type) { case DB2Hash.BroadcastText: { var broadcastText = new BroadcastText(); var id = db2File.ReadEntry("Id"); broadcastText.Language = db2File.ReadInt32("Language"); var maletextLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); broadcastText.MaleText = db2File.ReadWoWString("Male Text", maletextLength); var femaletextLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); broadcastText.FemaleText = db2File.ReadWoWString("Female Text", femaletextLength); broadcastText.EmoteID = new uint[3]; broadcastText.EmoteDelay = new uint[3]; for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { broadcastText.EmoteID[i] = (uint)db2File.ReadInt32("Emote ID", i); } for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { broadcastText.EmoteDelay[i] = (uint)db2File.ReadInt32("Emote Delay", i); } broadcastText.SoundId = db2File.ReadUInt32("Sound Id"); broadcastText.UnkEmoteId = db2File.ReadUInt32("Unk MoP 1"); // unk emote broadcastText.Type = db2File.ReadUInt32("Unk MoP 2"); // kind of type? Storage.BroadcastTexts.Add((uint)id.Key, broadcastText, packet.TimeSpan); packet.AddSniffData(StoreNameType.BroadcastText, id.Key, "BROADCAST_TEXT"); break; } case DB2Hash.Creature: // New structure - 6.0.2 { db2File.ReadUInt32("Creature ID"); db2File.ReadInt32E <CreatureType>("Type"); for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { db2File.ReadUInt32 <ItemId>("Item ID", i); } db2File.ReadUInt32("Mount"); for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { db2File.ReadInt32("Display ID", i); } for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { db2File.ReadSingle("Display ID Probability", i); } if (db2File.ReadUInt16() > 0) { db2File.ReadCString("Name"); } if (db2File.ReadUInt16() > 0) { db2File.ReadCString("Female Name"); } if (db2File.ReadUInt16() > 0) { db2File.ReadCString("SubName"); } if (db2File.ReadUInt16() > 0) { db2File.ReadCString("Female SubName"); } db2File.ReadUInt32("Rank"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Inhabit Type"); break; } case DB2Hash.CreatureDifficulty: { var creatureDifficulty = new CreatureDifficulty(); var id = db2File.ReadEntry("Id"); creatureDifficulty.CreatureID = db2File.ReadUInt32("Creature Id"); creatureDifficulty.FactionID = db2File.ReadUInt32("Faction Template Id"); creatureDifficulty.Expansion = db2File.ReadInt32("Expansion"); creatureDifficulty.MinLevel = db2File.ReadInt32("Min Level"); creatureDifficulty.MaxLevel = db2File.ReadInt32("Max Level"); creatureDifficulty.Flags = new uint[5]; for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { creatureDifficulty.Flags[i] = db2File.ReadUInt32("Flags", i); } Storage.CreatureDifficultys.Add((uint)id.Key, creatureDifficulty, packet.TimeSpan); break; } case DB2Hash.CurvePoint: { var curvePoint = new CurvePoint(); var id = db2File.ReadUInt32("ID"); curvePoint.CurveID = db2File.ReadUInt32("CurveID"); curvePoint.Index = db2File.ReadUInt32("Index"); curvePoint.X = db2File.ReadSingle("X"); curvePoint.Y = db2File.ReadSingle("Y"); Storage.CurvePoints.Add(id, curvePoint, packet.TimeSpan); break; } case DB2Hash.GameObjects: // New structure - 6.0.2 { var gameObjectTemplateDB2 = new GameObjectTemplateDB2(); var id = db2File.ReadEntry("ID"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.MapID = db2File.ReadUInt32("Map"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.DisplayId = db2File.ReadUInt32("DisplayID"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.PositionX = db2File.ReadSingle("PositionX"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.PositionY = db2File.ReadSingle("PositionY"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.PositionZ = db2File.ReadSingle("PositionZ"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.RotationX = db2File.ReadSingle("RotationX"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.RotationY = db2File.ReadSingle("RotationY"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.RotationZ = db2File.ReadSingle("RotationZ"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.RotationW = db2File.ReadSingle("RotationW"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.Size = db2File.ReadSingle("Size"); db2File.ReadInt32("Phase Use Flags"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.PhaseId = db2File.ReadUInt32("PhaseID"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.PhaseGroupId = db2File.ReadUInt32("PhaseGroupID"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.Type = db2File.ReadInt32E <GameObjectType>("Type"); gameObjectTemplateDB2.Data = new int[8]; for (var i = 0; i < gameObjectTemplateDB2.Data.Length; i++) { gameObjectTemplateDB2.Data[i] = db2File.ReadInt32("Data", i); } if (db2File.ReadUInt16() > 0) { gameObjectTemplateDB2.Name = db2File.ReadCString("Name"); } Storage.GameObjectTemplateDB2s.Add((uint)id.Key, gameObjectTemplateDB2, packet.TimeSpan); break; } case DB2Hash.Item: // New structure - 6.0.2 { var item = Storage.ItemTemplates.ContainsKey(entry) ? Storage.ItemTemplates[entry].Item1 : new ItemTemplate(); db2File.ReadUInt32 <ItemId>("Item ID"); item.Class = db2File.ReadInt32E <ItemClass>("Class"); item.SubClass = db2File.ReadUInt32("Sub Class"); item.SoundOverrideSubclass = db2File.ReadInt32("Sound Override Subclass"); item.Material = db2File.ReadInt32E <Material>("Material"); item.InventoryType = db2File.ReadUInt32E <InventoryType>("Inventory Type"); item.SheathType = db2File.ReadInt32E <SheathType>("Sheath Type"); db2File.ReadInt32("Icon File Data ID"); db2File.ReadInt32("Item Group Sounds ID"); Storage.ItemTemplates.Add(entry, item, packet.TimeSpan); packet.AddSniffData(StoreNameType.Item, (int)entry, "DB_REPLY"); break; } case DB2Hash.ItemExtendedCost: // New structure - 6.0.2 { db2File.ReadUInt32("Item Extended Cost ID"); if (ClientVersion.RemovedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V6_1_0_19678)) { db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Honor Points"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Arena Points"); } db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Arena Slot"); for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Item", i); } for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Item Count", i); } db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Personal Arena Rating"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Item Purchase Group"); for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Currency", i); } for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Currency Count", i); } db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Faction ID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Faction Standing"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Requirement Flags"); db2File.ReadInt32 <AchievementId>("Required Achievement"); if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V6_1_0_19678)) { db2File.ReadInt32("Unk1 Wod61x"); } break; } case DB2Hash.ItemCurrencyCost: { db2File.ReadUInt32("ID"); db2File.ReadUInt32 <ItemId>("Item ID"); break; } case DB2Hash.Mount: { var mount = new Mount(); var id = db2File.ReadUInt32("ID"); mount.MountTypeId = db2File.ReadUInt32("MountTypeId"); mount.DisplayId = db2File.ReadUInt32("DisplayId"); mount.Flags = db2File.ReadUInt32("Flags"); var NameLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); mount.Name = db2File.ReadWoWString("Name", NameLength); var DescriptionLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); mount.Description = db2File.ReadWoWString("Description", DescriptionLength); var SourceDescriptionLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); mount.SourceDescription = db2File.ReadWoWString("SourceDescription", SourceDescriptionLength); mount.Source = db2File.ReadUInt32("Source"); mount.SpellId = db2File.ReadUInt32("SpellId"); mount.PlayerConditionId = db2File.ReadUInt32("PlayerConditionId"); Storage.Mounts.Add(id, mount, packet.TimeSpan); break; } case DB2Hash.RulesetItemUpgrade: { db2File.ReadUInt32("ID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Item Upgrade Level"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Item Upgrade ID"); db2File.ReadUInt32 <ItemId>("Item ID"); break; } case DB2Hash.Holidays: { var holiday = new HolidayData(); var id = db2File.ReadUInt32("ID"); holiday.Duration = new uint[10]; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { holiday.Duration[i] = db2File.ReadUInt32("Duration", i); } holiday.Date = new uint[16]; for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { holiday.Date[i] = db2File.ReadUInt32("Date", i); } holiday.Region = db2File.ReadUInt32("Region"); holiday.Looping = db2File.ReadUInt32("Looping"); holiday.CalendarFlags = new uint[10]; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { holiday.CalendarFlags[i] = db2File.ReadUInt32("CalendarFlags", i); } holiday.HolidayNameID = db2File.ReadUInt32("HolidayNameID"); holiday.HolidayDescriptionID = db2File.ReadUInt32("HolidayDescriptionID"); var TextureFilenameLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); holiday.TextureFilename = db2File.ReadWoWString("SourceDescription", TextureFilenameLength); holiday.Priority = db2File.ReadUInt32("Priority"); holiday.CalendarFilterType = db2File.ReadUInt32("CalendarFilterType"); holiday.Flags = db2File.ReadUInt32("Flags"); Storage.Holidays.Add(id, holiday, packet.TimeSpan); break; } case DB2Hash.ItemAppearance: { var itemAppearance = new ItemAppearance(); var id = db2File.ReadUInt32("ID"); itemAppearance.DisplayID = db2File.ReadUInt32("Display ID"); itemAppearance.IconFileDataID = db2File.ReadUInt32("File Data ID"); Storage.ItemAppearances.Add(id, itemAppearance, packet.TimeSpan); break; } case DB2Hash.ItemBonus: { var itemBonus = new ItemBonus(); var id = db2File.ReadUInt32("ID"); itemBonus.BonusListID = db2File.ReadUInt32("Bonus List ID"); itemBonus.Type = db2File.ReadUInt32("Type"); itemBonus.Value = new uint[2]; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { itemBonus.Value[i] = db2File.ReadUInt32("Value", i); } itemBonus.Index = db2File.ReadUInt32("Index"); Storage.ItemBonuses.Add(id, itemBonus, packet.TimeSpan); break; } case DB2Hash.ItemBonusTreeNode: { var itemBonusTreeNode = new ItemBonusTreeNode(); var id = db2File.ReadUInt32("ID"); itemBonusTreeNode.BonusTreeID = db2File.ReadUInt32("BonusTreeID"); itemBonusTreeNode.BonusTreeModID = db2File.ReadUInt32("BonusTreeModID"); itemBonusTreeNode.SubTreeID = db2File.ReadUInt32("SubTreeID"); itemBonusTreeNode.BonusListID = db2File.ReadUInt32("BonusListID"); Storage.ItemBonusTreeNodes.Add(id, itemBonusTreeNode, packet.TimeSpan); break; } case DB2Hash.Item_sparse: // New structure - 6.0.2 { var item = Storage.ItemTemplates.ContainsKey(entry) ? Storage.ItemTemplates[entry].Item1 : new ItemTemplate(); db2File.ReadUInt32 <ItemId>("Item Sparse Entry"); item.Quality = db2File.ReadInt32E <ItemQuality>("Quality"); item.Flags1 = db2File.ReadUInt32E <ItemProtoFlags>("Flags 1"); item.Flags2 = db2File.ReadInt32E <ItemFlagExtra>("Flags 2"); item.Flags3 = db2File.ReadUInt32("Flags 3"); item.Unk430_1 = db2File.ReadSingle("Unk430_1"); item.Unk430_2 = db2File.ReadSingle("Unk430_2"); item.BuyCount = db2File.ReadUInt32("Buy count"); item.BuyPrice = db2File.ReadUInt32("Buy Price"); item.SellPrice = db2File.ReadUInt32("Sell Price"); item.InventoryType = db2File.ReadInt32E <InventoryType>("Inventory Type"); item.AllowedClasses = db2File.ReadInt32E <ClassMask>("Allowed Classes"); item.AllowedRaces = db2File.ReadInt32E <RaceMask>("Allowed Races"); item.ItemLevel = db2File.ReadUInt32("Item Level"); item.RequiredLevel = db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Level"); item.RequiredSkillId = db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Skill ID"); item.RequiredSkillLevel = db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Skill Level"); item.RequiredSpell = (uint)db2File.ReadInt32 <SpellId>("Required Spell"); item.RequiredHonorRank = db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Honor Rank"); item.RequiredCityRank = db2File.ReadUInt32("Required City Rank"); item.RequiredRepFaction = db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Rep Faction"); item.RequiredRepValue = db2File.ReadUInt32("Required Rep Value"); item.MaxCount = db2File.ReadInt32("Max Count"); item.MaxStackSize = db2File.ReadInt32("Max Stack Size"); item.ContainerSlots = db2File.ReadUInt32("Container Slots"); item.StatTypes = new ItemModType[10]; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var statType = db2File.ReadInt32E <ItemModType>("Stat Type", i); item.StatTypes[i] = statType == ItemModType.None ? ItemModType.Mana : statType; // TDB } item.StatValues = new int[10]; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { item.StatValues[i] = db2File.ReadInt32("Stat Value", i); } item.ScalingValue = new int[10]; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { item.ScalingValue[i] = db2File.ReadInt32("Scaling Value", i); } item.SocketCostRate = new int[10]; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { item.SocketCostRate[i] = db2File.ReadInt32("Socket Cost Rate", i); } item.ScalingStatDistribution = db2File.ReadInt32("Scaling Stat Distribution"); item.DamageType = db2File.ReadInt32E <DamageType>("Damage Type"); item.Delay = db2File.ReadUInt32("Delay"); item.RangedMod = db2File.ReadSingle("Ranged Mod"); item.Bonding = db2File.ReadInt32E <ItemBonding>("Bonding"); var nameLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); item.Name = db2File.ReadWoWString("Name", nameLength, 0); for (var i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { if (db2File.ReadUInt16() > 0) { db2File.ReadCString("Name", i); } } var descriptionLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); item.Description = db2File.ReadWoWString("Description", descriptionLength); item.PageText = db2File.ReadUInt32("Page Text"); item.Language = db2File.ReadInt32E <Language>("Language"); item.PageMaterial = db2File.ReadInt32E <PageMaterial>("Page Material"); item.StartQuestId = (uint)db2File.ReadInt32 <QuestId>("Start Quest"); item.LockId = db2File.ReadUInt32("Lock ID"); item.Material = db2File.ReadInt32E <Material>("Material"); item.SheathType = db2File.ReadInt32E <SheathType>("Sheath Type"); item.RandomPropery = db2File.ReadInt32("Random Property"); item.RandomSuffix = db2File.ReadUInt32("Random Suffix"); item.ItemSet = db2File.ReadUInt32("Item Set"); item.AreaId = db2File.ReadUInt32 <AreaId>("Area"); item.MapId = db2File.ReadInt32 <MapId>("Map ID"); item.BagFamily = db2File.ReadInt32E <BagFamilyMask>("Bag Family"); item.TotemCategory = db2File.ReadInt32E <TotemCategory>("Totem Category"); item.ItemSocketColors = new ItemSocketColor[3]; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { item.ItemSocketColors[i] = db2File.ReadInt32E <ItemSocketColor>("Socket Color", i); } item.SocketBonus = db2File.ReadInt32("Socket Bonus"); item.GemProperties = db2File.ReadInt32("Gem Properties"); item.ArmorDamageModifier = db2File.ReadSingle("Armor Damage Modifier"); item.Duration = db2File.ReadUInt32("Duration"); item.ItemLimitCategory = db2File.ReadInt32("Limit Category"); item.HolidayId = db2File.ReadInt32E <Holiday>("Holiday"); item.StatScalingFactor = db2File.ReadSingle("Stat Scaling Factor"); item.CurrencySubstitutionId = db2File.ReadUInt32("Currency Substitution Id"); item.CurrencySubstitutionCount = db2File.ReadUInt32("Currency Substitution Count"); item.ItemNameDescriptionId = db2File.ReadUInt32("Item Name Description ID"); Storage.ObjectNames.Add(entry, new ObjectName { ObjectType = ObjectType.Item, Name = item.Name }, packet.TimeSpan); packet.AddSniffData(StoreNameType.Item, (int)entry, "DB_REPLY"); break; } case DB2Hash.KeyChain: { var key = new KeyChain(); var id = db2File.ReadUInt32("ID"); key.Key = new byte[32]; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { key.Key[i] = db2File.ReadByte("Key", i); } Storage.KeyChains.Add(id, key, packet.TimeSpan); break; } case DB2Hash.SceneScript: // lua ftw! { db2File.ReadUInt32("Scene Script ID"); var nameLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); db2File.ReadWoWString("Name", nameLength); var scriptLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); db2File.ReadWoWString("Script", scriptLength); db2File.ReadUInt32("Previous Scene Script Part"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Next Scene Script Part"); break; } case DB2Hash.SpellMisc: // New structure - 6.0.2 { var spellMisc = new SpellMisc(); var id = db2File.ReadEntry("ID"); spellMisc.Attributes = db2File.ReadUInt32("Attributes"); spellMisc.AttributesEx = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesEx"); spellMisc.AttributesExB = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExB"); spellMisc.AttributesExC = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExC"); spellMisc.AttributesExD = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExD"); spellMisc.AttributesExE = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExE"); spellMisc.AttributesExF = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExF"); spellMisc.AttributesExG = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExG"); spellMisc.AttributesExH = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExH"); spellMisc.AttributesExI = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExI"); spellMisc.AttributesExJ = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExJ"); spellMisc.AttributesExK = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExK"); spellMisc.AttributesExL = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExL"); spellMisc.AttributesExM = db2File.ReadUInt32("AttributesExM"); spellMisc.CastingTimeIndex = db2File.ReadUInt32("CastingTimeIndex"); spellMisc.DurationIndex = db2File.ReadUInt32("DurationIndex"); spellMisc.RangeIndex = db2File.ReadUInt32("RangeIndex"); spellMisc.Speed = db2File.ReadSingle("Speed"); spellMisc.SpellVisualID = new uint[2]; for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { spellMisc.SpellVisualID[i] = db2File.ReadUInt32("SpellVisualID", i); } spellMisc.SpellIconID = db2File.ReadUInt32("SpellIconID"); spellMisc.ActiveIconID = db2File.ReadUInt32("ActiveIconID"); spellMisc.SchoolMask = db2File.ReadUInt32("SchoolMask"); spellMisc.MultistrikeSpeedMod = db2File.ReadSingle("MultistrikeSpeedMod"); Storage.SpellMiscs.Add((uint)id.Key, spellMisc, packet.TimeSpan); break; } case DB2Hash.Toy: // New structure - 6.0.2 { db2File.ReadUInt32("ID"); db2File.ReadUInt32 <ItemId>("Item ID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Flags"); var descriptionLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); db2File.ReadWoWString("Description", descriptionLength); db2File.ReadInt32("Source Type"); break; } case DB2Hash.Vignette: { db2File.ReadUInt32("Vignette ID"); var nameLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); db2File.ReadWoWString("Name", nameLength); db2File.ReadUInt32("Icon"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Flag"); // not 100% sure (8 & 32 as values only) - todo verify with more data db2File.ReadSingle("Unk Float 1"); db2File.ReadSingle("Unk Float 2"); break; } case DB2Hash.WbAccessControlList: { db2File.ReadUInt32("Id"); var addressLength = db2File.ReadUInt16(); db2File.ReadWoWString("Address", addressLength); db2File.ReadUInt32("Unk MoP 1"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Unk MoP 2"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Unk MoP 3"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Unk MoP 4"); // flags? break; } case DB2Hash.AreaPOI: { db2File.ReadUInt32("Id"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Flags"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Importance"); db2File.ReadUInt32("FactionID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("MapID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("AreaID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Icon"); db2File.ReadSingle("PositionX"); db2File.ReadSingle("PositionY"); var len1 = db2File.ReadUInt16(); db2File.ReadWoWString("Name", len1); var len2 = db2File.ReadUInt16(); db2File.ReadWoWString("Description", len2); db2File.ReadUInt32("WorldStateID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("PlayerConditionID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("WorldMapLink"); db2File.ReadUInt32("PortLocID"); break; } case DB2Hash.AreaPOIState: { db2File.ReadUInt32("Id"); db2File.ReadUInt32("AreaPOIID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("State"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Icon"); var len2 = db2File.ReadUInt16(); db2File.ReadWoWString("Description", len2); break; } case DB2Hash.TaxiPathNode: { db2File.ReadUInt32("Id"); db2File.ReadUInt32("PathID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("NodeIndex"); db2File.ReadUInt32("MapID"); db2File.ReadSingle("LocX"); db2File.ReadSingle("LocY"); db2File.ReadSingle("LocZ"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Flags"); db2File.ReadUInt32("Delay"); db2File.ReadUInt32("ArrivalEventID"); db2File.ReadUInt32("DepartureEventID"); break; } case DB2Hash.Location: { db2File.ReadUInt32("Id"); db2File.ReadSingle("LocX"); db2File.ReadSingle("LocY"); db2File.ReadSingle("LocZ"); db2File.ReadSingle("Rotation1"); db2File.ReadSingle("Rotation2"); db2File.ReadSingle("Rotation3"); break; } default: { db2File.AddValue("Unknown DB2 file type", string.Format("{0} (0x{0:x})", type)); for (var i = 0;; ++i) { if (db2File.Length - 4 >= db2File.Position) { var blockVal = db2File.ReadUpdateField(); string key = "Block Value " + i; string value = blockVal.UInt32Value + "/" + blockVal.SingleValue; packet.AddValue(key, value); } else { var left = db2File.Length - db2File.Position; for (var j = 0; j < left; ++j) { string key = "Byte Value " + i; var value = db2File.ReadByte(); packet.AddValue(key, value); } break; } } break; } } if (db2File.Length != db2File.Position) { packet.WriteLine("Packet not fully read! Current position is {0}, length is {1}, and diff is {2}.", db2File.Position, db2File.Length, db2File.Length - db2File.Position); if (db2File.Length < 300) // If the packet isn't "too big" and it is not full read, print its hex table { packet.AsHex(); } packet.Status = ParsedStatus.WithErrors; } }
public object GetEquipments([FromQuery(Name = "job")] Job job, [FromQuery(Name = "minLevel")] int minLevel, [FromQuery(Name = "maxLevel")] int maxLevel) { try { if (minLevel > maxLevel) { minLevel = maxLevel; } if (maxLevel - minLevel > 50) { minLevel = maxLevel - 50; } if (!jobToString.ContainsKey(job)) { return(new Equipment[0]); } string jobString = jobToString[job]; Equipment[] equipments = _context.Items .Where(item => item.Level >= minLevel && item.Level <= maxLevel && item.ItemClassJobs.FirstOrDefault(itemClassJob => itemClassJob.ClassJob.AbbreviationEn == jobString) != null) .Select(item => new Equipment { key = item.Key, nameKo = item.UINameKo, nameEn = item.UINameEn, iconPath = item.IconPath, source = string.Empty, itemLevel = item.Level == null ? 0 : (long)item.Level, equipLevel = item.EquipLevel == null ? 0 : (long)item.EquipLevel, itemCategory = ItemCategory.OneHandedArm, materiaSockets = item.MateriaSocket, damage = 0, damageName = new Job[] { Job.WhiteMage, Job.Scholar, Job.Astrologian, Job.BlackMage, Job.Summoner }.Contains(job) ? "마법 기본 성능" : "물리 기본 성능", attackInterval = 0, attackIntervalName = "공격 주기", autoAttack = 0, autoAttackName = "물리 자동 공격", shieldRate = 0, shieldRateName = "방패 막기 성능", shieldBlockRate = 0, shieldBlockRateName = "방패 막기 발동력", defense = 0, defenseName = "물리 방어력", magicDefense = 0, magicDefenseName = "마법 방어력", attributes = null }) .ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < equipments.Count(); i++) { if (equipments[i].key == null) { continue; } Item item = _context.Items .Include(_item => _item.ItemBonuses) .Include(_item => _item.UICategory) .FirstOrDefault(_item => _item.Key == equipments[i].key); if (item == null) { continue; } if (item.Damage != null) { equipments[i].damage = Math.Max(equipments[i].damage, (long)item.Damage); } if (item.DamageHQ != null) { equipments[i].damage = Math.Max(equipments[i].damage, (long)item.DamageHQ); } if (item.MagicDamage != null) { equipments[i].damage = Math.Max(equipments[i].damage, (long)item.MagicDamage); } if (item.MagicDamageHQ != null) { equipments[i].damage = Math.Max(equipments[i].damage, (long)item.MagicDamageHQ); } if (item.AttackInterval != null) { equipments[i].attackInterval = Math.Max(equipments[i].attackInterval, (double)item.AttackInterval); } if (item.AttackIntervalHQ != null) { equipments[i].attackInterval = Math.Max(equipments[i].attackInterval, (double)item.AttackIntervalHQ); } if (item.AutoAttack != null) { equipments[i].autoAttack = Math.Max(equipments[i].autoAttack, (double)item.AutoAttack); } if (item.AutoAttackHQ != null) { equipments[i].autoAttack = Math.Max(equipments[i].autoAttack, (double)item.AutoAttackHQ); } if (item.ShieldRate != null) { equipments[i].shieldRate = Math.Max(equipments[i].shieldRate, (long)item.ShieldRate); } if (item.ShieldRateHQ != null) { equipments[i].shieldRate = Math.Max(equipments[i].shieldRate, (long)item.ShieldRateHQ); } if (item.ShieldBlockRate != null) { equipments[i].shieldBlockRate = Math.Max(equipments[i].shieldBlockRate, (long)item.ShieldBlockRate); } if (item.ShieldBlockRateHQ != null) { equipments[i].shieldBlockRate = Math.Max(equipments[i].shieldBlockRate, (long)item.ShieldBlockRateHQ); } if (item.Defense != null) { equipments[i].defense = Math.Max(equipments[i].defense, (long)item.Defense); } if (item.DefenseHQ != null) { equipments[i].defense = Math.Max(equipments[i].defense, (long)item.DefenseHQ); } if (item.MagicDefense != null) { equipments[i].magicDefense = Math.Max(equipments[i].magicDefense, (long)item.MagicDefense); } if (item.MagicDefenseHQ != null) { equipments[i].magicDefense = Math.Max(equipments[i].magicDefense, (long)item.MagicDefenseHQ); } equipments[i].attributes = new Dictionary <int, long>(); foreach (ItemBonus itemBonus in item.ItemBonuses) { ItemBonus _itemBonus = _context.ItemBonuses .Include(__itemBonus => __itemBonus.BaseParam) .FirstOrDefault(__itemBonus => __itemBonus.Key == itemBonus.Key); if (_itemBonus == null) { continue; } if (_itemBonus.BaseParam == null) { continue; } if (stringToAttribute.ContainsKey(_itemBonus.BaseParam.NameEn)) { Attribute attribute = stringToAttribute[_itemBonus.BaseParam.NameEn]; if (equipments[i].attributes.ContainsKey((int)attribute)) { equipments[i].attributes[(int)attribute] = Math.Max(equipments[i].attributes[(int)attribute], _itemBonus.Amount); } else { equipments[i].attributes.Add((int)attribute, _itemBonus.Amount); } } } if (stringToItemCategory.ContainsKey(item.UICategory.NameEn)) { equipments[i].itemCategory = stringToItemCategory[item.UICategory.NameEn]; } equipments[i].source = getSource(equipments[i].itemLevel, equipments[i].nameEn); } return(equipments); } catch { return(new Equipment[0]); } }