Esempio n. 1
        public override void UpdateBalances()
            ItBitRequest request = new ItBitRequest(BaseUrl, AccountBalanceInfoPath, _apiInfo.Key, _apiInfo.Secret);

            request.AddParameter("userId", _apiInfo.UserId);

            Dictionary <string, dynamic> response = ApiPost(request);
            ArrayList balancesArrayList           = (ArrayList)GetValueFromResponseResult(response, "balances");

            //Get EUR from response
            Dictionary <string, object> fiatWallet = null;

            switch (FiatTypeToUse)
            case FiatType.Eur:
                fiatWallet = GetDictionaryFromArrayList(balancesArrayList, "currency", "EUR");

            case FiatType.Usd:
                fiatWallet = GetDictionaryFromArrayList(balancesArrayList, "currency", "USD");
            AvailableFiat = TypeConversion.ParseStringToDecimalLoose((string)GetValueFromResponseResult(fiatWallet, "availableBalance"));
            TotalFiat     = TypeConversion.ParseStringToDecimalLoose((string)GetValueFromResponseResult(fiatWallet, "totalBalance"));

            //Get BTC from response
            Dictionary <string, object> btcWallet = GetDictionaryFromArrayList(balancesArrayList, "currency", "XBT");

            AvailableBtc = TypeConversion.ParseStringToDecimalLoose((string)GetValueFromResponseResult(btcWallet, "availableBalance"));
            TotalBtc     = TypeConversion.ParseStringToDecimalLoose((string)GetValueFromResponseResult(btcWallet, "totalBalance"));
Esempio n. 2
        public override void UpdateOrderBook(int?maxSize = null)
            ItBitRequest orderBookRequest         = new ItBitRequest(OrderBookPath);
            Dictionary <string, dynamic> response = ApiPost(orderBookRequest);

            BuildOrderBook(response, 1, 0, maxSize);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// With ItBit, buying and selling is the same Api call. So both SellInternal and BuyInternal point to this.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amount">Amount of btc to be bought/sold.</param>
        /// <param name="price">Price to set for the order.</param>
        /// <param name="orderType">Can be either be "buy" or "sell".</param>
        /// <returns>String representation of the executed order.</returns>
        private string ExecuteOrder(decimal amount, decimal price, OrderType orderType)
            //Need to round amount to 4 decimal places, as that is all ItBit accepts
            amount = Math.Round(amount, 4);

            AddOrderJsonBody requestBody = BuildAddOrderJsonBody(orderType, price, amount);

            ItBitRequest request = new ItBitRequest(BaseUrl, _addOrderPath, _apiInfo.Key, _apiInfo.Secret, requestBody);


            Dictionary <string, dynamic> response = ApiPost(request);

            //Pull the order Id from the response and return it
            return((string)GetValueFromResponseResult(response, "id"));
Esempio n. 4
        protected override string TransferInternal(decimal amount, string address)
            TransferJsonBody requestBody = new TransferJsonBody
                currency = "XBT",
                amount   = amount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                address  = address

            ItBitRequest transferRequest = new ItBitRequest(BaseUrl, _transferPath, _apiInfo.Key, _apiInfo.Secret, requestBody);


            Dictionary <string, dynamic> response = ApiPost(transferRequest);

            //Pull the transfer Id from the response and return it
            //Note, this is an int in the object, thus the toString
            return(GetValueFromResponseResult(response, "withdrawalId").ToString());
Esempio n. 5
        public override void DeleteOrder(string orderId)
            //Need to build the url from the order id
            string fullDeleteOrderPath = DeleteOrderPath + orderId;

            ItBitRequest deleteOrderRequest = new ItBitRequest(BaseUrl, fullDeleteOrderPath, _apiInfo.Key, _apiInfo.Secret, Method.DELETE);

            deleteOrderRequest.AddParameter("walletId", _walletId);
            deleteOrderRequest.AddParameter("orderId", orderId);

            //ItBit doesn't error properly when given a bad order id, so wrap the api call in a try/catch to get a more useful error message.
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Could not delete order " + orderId + " from " + Name + ", most likely the order Id was wrong: " + Environment.NewLine + e.Message);
Esempio n. 6
        public override Dictionary <string, dynamic> GetOrderInformation(string orderId)
            //Need to build the url from the order id
            string fullOrderQueryPath = OrderQueryPath + orderId;

            ItBitRequest orderQueryRequest = new ItBitRequest(BaseUrl, fullOrderQueryPath, _apiInfo.Key, _apiInfo.Secret);

            orderQueryRequest.AddParameter("walletId", _walletId);
            orderQueryRequest.AddParameter("orderId", orderId);

            //ItBit doesn't error properly when given a bad order id, so wrap the api call in a try/catch to get a more useful error message.
                Dictionary <string, dynamic> orderQueryResponse = ApiPost(orderQueryRequest);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Could not get information for order " + orderId + " from " + Name + ", most likely the order Id was wrong: " + Environment.NewLine + e.Message);