protected override void EndProcessing() { string history = "user opt-out"; string errors = "user opt-out"; if (IncludeCommandHistory.IsPresent) { var o = this.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("get-history | convertto-xml | select -expand outerxml").FirstOrDefault(); if (null == o) { history = "unable to retrieve history"; } else { history = o.ToString(); } } if (IncludeErrorHistory.IsPresent) { var o = this.SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript("$error | convertto-xml | select -expand outerxml").FirstOrDefault(); if (null == o) { errors = "unable to retrieve errors"; } else { errors = o.ToString(); } } var message = String.Format( "This issue was submitted via the Send-SeeShellIncident cmdlet.\nUser Notes: {0}", Message); IssueReporter.ReportIssue(errors, history, message); }
static void RunApplication(object o) { try { _keepApplicationAlive = true; _application = new Application(); var wait = o as ManualResetEvent; InitializeSeeShellApplication(); wait.Set(); _application.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnExplicitShutdown; _application.Run(); _application = null; } catch (Exception e) { var msg = "An unhandled exception has occurred in SeeShell on the main user interface thread."; Log.Error(msg, e); IssueReporter.ReportIssue(e.ToString(), null, msg); throw; } }