Esempio n. 1
    void Start()
        //set up object and component references
        playerObj            = Camera.main.transform.GetComponent <CameraControl>().playerObj;
        myTransform          = transform;//store this object's transform for optimization
        playerObjTransform   = playerObj.transform;
        mainCameraTransform  = Camera.main.transform;
        FPSPlayerComponent   = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
        weaponObj            = FPSPlayerComponent.weaponObj;
        MouseLookComponent   = transform.parent.transform.GetComponent <SmoothMouseLook>();
        GunSwayComponent     = weaponObj.GetComponent <GunSway>();
        FPSWalkerComponent   = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
        VisibleBodyComponent = FPSWalkerComponent.VisibleBody.GetComponent <VisibleBody>();
        IronsightsComponent  = playerObj.GetComponent <Ironsights>();
        InputComponent       = playerObj.GetComponent <InputControl>();
        if (playerObj.GetComponent <WorldRecenter>())
            WorldRecenterComponent = playerObj.GetComponent <WorldRecenter>();
        AnimationComponent = GetComponent <Animation>();

        offsetAmt       = offset;
        currentDistance = 0f;
        zoomDistance    = 0f;
Esempio n. 2
 void Start()
     //Set up external script references
     playerObj              = Camera.main.transform.GetComponent <CameraControl>().playerObj;
     FPSWalkerComponent     = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
     IronsightsComponent    = playerObj.GetComponent <Ironsights>();
     CameraControlComponent = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraControl>();
     FootstepsComponent     = playerObj.GetComponent <Footsteps>();
     FPSPlayerComponent     = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
     WeaponPivotComponent   = FPSPlayerComponent.WeaponPivotComponent;
Esempio n. 3
 void Start()
     myTransform         = transform;//store this object's transform for optimization
     playerObjTransform  = playerObj.transform;
     mainCameraTransform = Camera.main.transform;
     //define external script references
     FPSWalkerComponent     = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
     IronsightsComponent    = playerObj.GetComponent <Ironsights>();
     FPSPlayerComponent     = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
     WorldRecenterComponent = playerObj.GetComponent <WorldRecenter>();
Esempio n. 4
 void Start()
     myTransform = transform;        //define transform for efficiency
     //set up external script references
     FPSWalkerComponent     = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
     IronsightsComponent    = playerObj.GetComponent <Ironsights>();
     HorizontalBob          = playerObj.GetComponent <HorizontalBob>();
     FPSPlayerComponent     = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
     InputComponent         = playerObj.GetComponent <InputControl>();
     CameraControlComponent = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraControl>();
     //initialize bobbing amounts
     walkBobYawAmount    = Mathf.Clamp01(walkBobYawAmount);
     walkBobRollAmount   = Mathf.Clamp01(walkBobRollAmount);
     sprintBobYawAmount  = Mathf.Clamp01(sprintBobYawAmount);
     sprintBobRollAmount = Mathf.Clamp01(sprintBobRollAmount);
     gunBobRoll         *= walkBobRollAmount;
     gunBobYaw          *= walkBobYawAmount;
 void Start()
     //set up component references
     if (CinemaCameraObj)
     CameraControlComponent = MainCameraObj.GetComponent <CameraControl>();
     MouseLookComponent     = FPSCameraObj.GetComponent <SmoothMouseLook>();
     FPSPlayerComponent     = FPSPlayerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
     FPSWalkerComponent     = FPSPlayerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
     PlayerWeaponsComponent = FPSWeaponsObj.GetComponent <PlayerWeapons>();
     IronsightsComponent    = FPSPlayerObj.GetComponent <Ironsights>();
     VisibleBodyComponent   = FPSWalkerComponent.VisibleBody.GetComponent <VisibleBody>();
     if (!FPSPlayerComponent.crosshairEnabled)
         noCrosshair = true;            //don't reactivate crosshair if it wasn't active to start
Esempio n. 6
    void Start()
        GunSwayComponent         = transform.parent.transform.GetComponent <GunSway>();
        SmoothMouseLookComponent = GunSwayComponent.cameraObj.GetComponent <SmoothMouseLook>();
        playerObj              = Camera.main.transform.GetComponent <CameraControl>().playerObj;
        FPSPlayerComponent     = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
        FPSWalkerComponent     = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
        InputComponent         = playerObj.GetComponent <InputControl>();
        PlayerWeaponsComponent = FPSPlayerComponent.PlayerWeaponsComponent;
        IronsightsComponent    = FPSPlayerComponent.IronsightsComponent;
        PivotAnimComponent     = GetComponent <Animation>();
        myTransform            = transform;
        childTransform         = myTransform.GetChild(0);
        swayAmt = GunSwayComponent.swayAmount;

        if (deadzoneLooking)
            SmoothMouseLookComponent.dzAiming = true;
 void Start()
     //set up component references
     if (CinemaCameraObj)
     CameraControlComponent   = MainCameraObj.GetComponent <CameraControl>();
     FPSPlayerObj             = CameraControlComponent.playerObj;
     FPSWeaponsObj            = CameraControlComponent.weaponObj;
     FPSCameraObj             = CameraControlComponent.transform.parent.transform.gameObject;
     MainCameraObj            = Camera.main.transform.gameObject;
     MouseLookComponent       = FPSCameraObj.GetComponent <SmoothMouseLook>();
     FPSPlayerComponent       = FPSPlayerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
     FPSWalkerComponent       = FPSPlayerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
     PlayerWeaponsComponent   = FPSWeaponsObj.GetComponent <PlayerWeapons>();
     IronsightsComponent      = FPSPlayerObj.GetComponent <Ironsights>();
     PlayerCharacterComponent = CameraControlComponent.PlayerCharacterComponent;
     PlayerCharacterObj       = CameraControlComponent.PlayerCharacterObj;
     if (!FPSPlayerComponent.crosshairEnabled)
         noCrosshair = true;            //don't reactivate crosshair if it wasn't active to start
Esempio n. 8
    void Update()
        //Set up external script references
        FPSRigidBodyWalker FPSWalkerComponent  = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
        Ironsights         IronsightsComponent = playerObj.GetComponent <Ironsights>();
        FPSPlayer          FPSPlayerComponent  = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
        CameraKick         CameraKickComponent = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraKick>();
        Footsteps          FootstepsComponent  = playerObj.GetComponent <Footsteps>();

        if (Time.timeScale > 0 && Time.deltaTime > 0)        //allow pausing by setting timescale to 0

            waveslice = 0.0f;
            if (!FPSPlayerComponent.useAxisInput)
                horizontal = FPSWalkerComponent.inputX;                //get input from player movement script
                vertical   = FPSWalkerComponent.inputY;
                horizontal = FPSWalkerComponent.inputXSmoothed;                //get input from player movement script
                vertical   = FPSWalkerComponent.inputYSmoothed;
            midpoint = FPSWalkerComponent.midPos;                                                      //Start bob from view position set in player movement script

            if (Mathf.Abs(horizontal) != 0 || Mathf.Abs(vertical) != 0 && FPSWalkerComponent.grounded) //Perform bob only when moving and grounded

                waveslice     = Mathf.Sin(timer);
                wavesliceRoll = Mathf.Sin(timerRoll);
                if (Mathf.Abs(FPSWalkerComponent.inputY) > 0.1f)
                    inputSpeed = Mathf.Abs(FPSWalkerComponent.inputY);
                    inputSpeed = Mathf.Abs(FPSWalkerComponent.inputX);
                timer     = timer + bobbingSpeed * inputSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                timerRoll = timerRoll + (bobbingSpeed / 2.0f) * Time.deltaTime;                //Make view roll bob half the speed of view pitch bob

                if (timer > Mathf.PI * 2.0f)
                    timer = timer - (Mathf.PI * 2.0f);
                    if (!FPSWalkerComponent.noClimbingSfx)                    //dont play climbing footsteps if noClimbingSfx is true
                        FootstepsComponent.FootstepSfx();                     //play footstep sound effect by calling FootstepSfx() function in Footsteps.cs

                //Perform bobbing of camera roll
                if (timerRoll > Mathf.PI * 2.0f)
                    timerRoll = (timerRoll - (Mathf.PI * 2.0f));
                    if (!FPSWalkerComponent.grounded)
                        timerRoll = 0;                        //reset timer when airborne to allow soonest resume of footstep sfx
                //reset variables to prevent view twitching when falling
                timer                = 0.0f;
                timerRoll            = 0.0f;
                tempLocalEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);              //reset camera angles to 0 when stationary

            if (waveslice != 0)
                translateChange      = waveslice * bobbingAmount;
                translateChangePitch = waveslice * pitchingAmount;
                translateChangeRoll  = wavesliceRoll * rollingAmount;
                translateChangeYaw   = wavesliceRoll * yawingAmount;
                totalAxes            = Mathf.Abs(horizontal) + Mathf.Abs(vertical);
                totalAxes            = Mathf.Clamp(totalAxes, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                //needed for smooth return to neutral view pos
                translateChange      = totalAxes * translateChange;
                translateChangePitch = totalAxes * translateChangePitch;
                translateChangeRoll  = totalAxes * translateChangeRoll;
                //Set position for smoothing function and add jump value
                //divide position by deltaTime for framerate independence
                dampTo = midpoint + (translateChange / Time.deltaTime * 0.01f);
                //camera roll and pitch bob
                tempLocalEulerAngles = new Vector3(translateChangePitch, translateChangeYaw, translateChangeRoll);
                if (!FPSWalkerComponent.swimming)
                    if (IronsightsComponent.cameraIdleBob)
                        idleYBob = Mathf.Sin(Time.time * 1.25f) * 0.015f;
                    if (IronsightsComponent.cameraSwimBob)
                        idleYBob = Mathf.Sin(Time.time * 1.65f) * 0.08f;                        //increase vertical bob when swimming

                //reset variables to prevent view twitching when falling
                dampTo          = midpoint + idleYBob;       //add small sine bob for camera idle movement
                totalAxes       = 0;
                translateChange = 0;
            //use SmoothDamp to smooth position and remove any small glitches in bob amount
            dampOrg = Mathf.SmoothDamp(dampOrg, dampTo, ref dampVelocity, 0.1f, Mathf.Infinity, Time.deltaTime);
            //Pass bobbing amount and angles to the camera kick script in the camera object after smoothing
            CameraKickComponent.dampOriginY = dampOrg;
            CameraKickComponent.bobAngles   = Vector3.SmoothDamp(CameraKickComponent.bobAngles, tempLocalEulerAngles, ref dampVelocity2, 0.1f, Mathf.Infinity, Time.deltaTime);
Esempio n. 9
    //Select Weapons

    public IEnumerator SelectWeapon(int index)
        FPSRigidBodyWalker FPSWalkerComponent = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();

        //we are not dropping a weapon anymore if one has been selected
        dropWeapon = false;

        //do not proceed with selecting weapon if player doesn't have it in their inventory
        //but make an exception for the null/unarmed weapon for when the player presses the holster button
        //also dont allow weapon switch if player is climbing, swimming, or holding object and their weapon is lowered
        if ((!weaponOrder[index].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().haveWeapon&& index != 0) ||
            yield break;

        if (index != 0)        //if a weapon is selected, prevent unarmed/null weapon from being selected in selection cycle
            weaponOrder[0].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().haveWeapon = false;

        //set up external script references
        Ironsights     IronsightsComponent            = playerObj.GetComponent <Ironsights>();
        CameraKick     CameraKickComponent            = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraKick>();
        FPSPlayer      FPSPlayerComponent             = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
        WeaponBehavior CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent = weaponOrder[currentWeapon].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>();

        //cancel zooming when switching
        FPSPlayerComponent.zoomed = false;

        //reset non-magazine reload if interrupted by weapon switch
        if (CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsToReload != CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsPerClip &&
            CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.weaponMesh.GetComponent <Animation>()["Neutral"] &&
            //play neutral animation when putting weapon away to prevent neutral anim glitch at start of next reload
            CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.weaponMesh.GetComponent <Animation>()["Neutral"].speed = 1.5f;
            CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.weaponMesh.GetComponent <Animation>().Play("Neutral", PlayMode.StopAll);
            //reset bulletsReloaded to prevent delay of reloading the next time we reload this weapon
            CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsReloaded = 0;

        //cancel reloading when switching
        IronsightsComponent.reloading = false;                  //set IronSights Reloading var to false
        CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.StopCoroutine("Reload"); //stop the Reload function if it is running

        //make timer active during switch to prevent shooting
        switchTime = Time.time - Time.deltaTime;

        if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > 2)
            //play weapon switch sound if not the first call to this function after level load
            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(changesnd, mainCamTransform.position);

            //play camera weapon switching animation
            Camera.main.GetComponent <Animation>().Rewind("CameraSwitch");
            Camera.main.GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade("CameraSwitch", 0.35f, PlayMode.StopAll);

        //if weapon uses rifle sprinting animation, set speed and play animation
        if (!CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.PistolSprintAnim)
            //animate previous weapon down
            if (!FPSWalkerComponent.canRun)
                weaponOrder[currentWeapon].GetComponent <Animation>()["RifleSprinting"].normalizedTime = 0;
                weaponOrder[currentWeapon].GetComponent <Animation>()["RifleSprinting"].speed          = 1.5f;
                weaponOrder[currentWeapon].GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade("RifleSprinting", 0.00025f, PlayMode.StopAll);
                //if player is sprinting, keep weapon in sprinting position during weapon switch
                weaponOrder[currentWeapon].GetComponent <Animation>()["RifleSprinting"].normalizedTime = 1;
        else          //weapon uses pistol sprinting animation
                      //animate previous weapon down
            if (!FPSWalkerComponent.canRun)
                weaponOrder[currentWeapon].GetComponent <Animation>()["PistolSprinting"].normalizedTime = 0;
                weaponOrder[currentWeapon].GetComponent <Animation>()["PistolSprinting"].speed          = 1.5f;
                weaponOrder[currentWeapon].GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade("PistolSprinting", 0.00025f, PlayMode.StopAll);
                //if player is sprinting, keep weapon in sprinting position during weapon switch
                weaponOrder[currentWeapon].GetComponent <Animation>()["PistolSprinting"].normalizedTime = 1;

        if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > 2)
            if (CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.meleeSwingDelay == 0)
                //move weapon down while switching
                IronsightsComponent.switchMove = -0.4f;
                //move melee weapons down further while switching because they take more vertical screen space than guns
                IronsightsComponent.switchMove = -1.2f;

            //wait for weapon down animation to play before switching weapons and animating weapon up
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f));

        //immediately switch weapons (activate called weaponOrder index and deactivate all others)
        for (int i = 0; i < weaponOrder.Length; i++)
            if (i == index)
                                #if UNITY_3_5
                // Activate the selected weapon
                // Activate the selected weapon

                //get current weapon value from index
                currentWeapon = index;

                //synchronize current and previous weapon's y pos for correct offscreen switching, use localPosition not position for correct transforms
                weaponOrder[i].transform.localPosition = weaponOrder[i].transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0, weaponOrder[i].transform.localPosition.y - 0.3f, 0);

                if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > 2)
                    //move weapon up when switch finishes
                    IronsightsComponent.switchMove = 0;

                //if weapon uses rifle sprinting animation set speed and animate
                if (!weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().PistolSprintAnim)
                    //animate selected weapon up by setting time of animation to it's end and playing in reverse
                    if (!FPSWalkerComponent.canRun)
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>()["RifleSprinting"].normalizedTime = 1.0f;
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>()["RifleSprinting"].speed          = -1.5f;
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade("RifleSprinting", 0.00025f, PlayMode.StopAll);
                        //if player is sprinting, keep weapon in sprinting position during weapon switch
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>()["RifleSprinting"].normalizedTime = 1.0f;
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>()["RifleSprinting"].speed          = 1.5f;
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade("RifleSprinting", 0.00025f, PlayMode.StopAll);
                else                  //weapon uses pistol sprinting animation
                                      //animate selected weapon up by setting time of animation to it's end and playing in reverse
                    if (!FPSWalkerComponent.canRun)
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>()["PistolSprinting"].normalizedTime = 1.0f;
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>()["PistolSprinting"].speed          = -1.5f;
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade("PistolSprinting", 0.00025f, PlayMode.StopAll);
                        //if player is sprinting, keep weapon in sprinting position during weapon switch
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>()["PistolSprinting"].normalizedTime = 1.0f;
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>()["PistolSprinting"].speed          = 1.5f;
                        weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade("PistolSprinting", 0.00025f, PlayMode.StopAll);

                //update transform reference of active weapon object in other scipts
                IronsightsComponent.gun = weaponOrder[i].transform;
                //update active weapon object reference in other scipts
                IronsightsComponent.gunObj = weaponOrder[i];
                CameraKickComponent.gun    = weaponOrder[i];
                //reset transform of deactivated gun to make it in neutral position when selected again
                //use weapon parent transform.position instead of Camera.main.transform.position
                //or Camera.main.transform.localPosition to avoid positioning bugs due to camera pos changing with walking bob and kick
                weaponOrder[i].transform.position = myTransform.position;

                if (!weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().PistolSprintAnim)               //weapon uses rifle sprinting animation
                //reset animation
                    weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>()["RifleSprinting"].normalizedTime = 1.0f;
                else                  //weapon uses pistol sprinting animation
                                      //reset animation
                    weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <Animation>()["PistolSprinting"].normalizedTime = 1.0f;
                //synchronize sprintState var in WeaponBehavior script
                weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().sprintState = true;

                                #if UNITY_3_5
                // Activate the selected weapon
                // Activate the selected weapon
Esempio n. 10
    void FixedUpdate()
        //set up external script references
        Ironsights         IronsightsComponent     = GetComponent <Ironsights>();
        FPSRigidBodyWalker FPSWalkerComponent      = GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
        PlayerWeapons      PlayerWeaponsComponent  = weaponObj.GetComponent <PlayerWeapons>();
        WeaponBehavior     WeaponBehaviorComponent = PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder[PlayerWeaponsComponent.currentWeapon].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>();

        //Exit application if escape is pressed
        if (Input.GetKey(exitGame))
            if (Application.isEditor || Application.isWebPlayer)
                //Application.Quit();//not used
                //use this quit method because Application.Quit(); can cause crashes on exit in Unity 4
                //if this issue is resolved in a newer Unity version, use Application.Quit here instead

        //Restart level if v is pressed
        if (Input.GetKey(restartScene))
            Time.timeScale = 1.0f;                                        //set timescale to 1.0f so fadeout wont take longer if bullet time is active
            GameObject llf = Instantiate(levelLoadFadeObj) as GameObject; //Create instance of levelLoadFadeObj
            //call FadeAndLoadLevel function with fadein argument set to false
            //in levelLoadFadeObj to restart level and fade screen out from black on level load
            llf.GetComponent <LevelLoadFade>().FadeAndLoadLevel(, 2.0f, false);
            //set restarting var to true to be accessed by FPSRigidBodyWalker script to stop rigidbody movement
            restarting = true;
            // Disable all scripts to deactivate player control upon player death
            foreach (var c in children)
                Component[] coms = c.GetComponentsInChildren <MonoBehaviour>();
                foreach (var b in coms)
                    MonoBehaviour p = b as MonoBehaviour;
                    if (p)
                        p.enabled = false;

        //toggle or hold zooming state by determining if zoom button is pressed or held
        if (Input.GetKey(zoom) && WeaponBehaviorComponent.canZoom && !(FPSWalkerComponent.climbing && FPSWalkerComponent.lowerGunForClimb))
            if (!zoomStartState)
                zoomStart      = Time.time;                           //track time that zoom button was pressed
                zoomStartState = true;                                //perform these actions only once
                zoomEndState   = false;
                if (zoomEnd - zoomStart < zoomDelay * Time.timeScale) //if button is tapped, toggle zoom state
                    if (!zoomed)
                        zoomed = true;
                        zoomed = false;
            if (!zoomEndState)
                zoomEnd        = Time.time;         //track time that zoom button was released
                zoomEndState   = true;
                zoomStartState = false;
                if (zoomEnd - zoomStart > zoomDelay * Time.timeScale)                //if releasing zoom button after holding it down, stop zooming
                    zoomed = false;

        //track when player stopped zooming to allow for delay of reticle becoming visible again
        if (zoomed)
            zoomBtnState = false;            //only perform this action once per button press
            if (!zoomBtnState)
                zoomStopTime = Time.time;
                zoomBtnState = true;

        //enable and disable crosshair based on various states like reloading and zooming
        if (IronsightsComponent.reloading || zoomed)
            //don't disable reticle if player is using a melee weapon or if player is unarmed
            if (WeaponBehaviorComponent.meleeSwingDelay == 0 && !WeaponBehaviorComponent.unarmed)
                if (crosshairVisibleState)
                    //disable the GUITexture element of the instantiated crosshair object
                    //and set state so this action will only happen once.
                    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent <GUITexture>().enabled = false;
                    crosshairVisibleState = false;
            //Because of the method that is used for non magazine reloads, an additional check is needed here
            //to make the reticle appear after the last bullet reload time has elapsed. Proceed with no check
            //for magazine reloads.
            if ((WeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsPerClip != WeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsToReload &&
                 WeaponBehaviorComponent.reloadLastStartTime + WeaponBehaviorComponent.reloadLastTime < Time.time) ||
                WeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsPerClip == WeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsToReload)
                //allow a delay before enabling crosshair again to let the gun return to neutral position
                //by checking the zoomStopTime value
                if (!crosshairVisibleState && (zoomStopTime + 0.2f < Time.time))
                    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent <GUITexture>().enabled = true;
                    crosshairVisibleState = true;

        if (WeaponBehaviorComponent.showAimingCrosshair)
            reticleColor.a = 0.25f;
            CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent <GUITexture>().color = reticleColor;
            //make alpha of aiming reticle zero/transparent
            reticleColor.a = 0.0f;
            //set alpha of aiming reticle at start to prevent it from showing, but allow item pickup hand reticle
            CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent <GUITexture>().color = reticleColor;

        //Pick up items
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (!IronsightsComponent.reloading &&    //no item pickup when reloading
            !WeaponBehaviorComponent.lastReload &&    //no item pickup when when reloading last round in non magazine reload
            !PlayerWeaponsComponent.switching &&    //no item pickup when switching weapons
            (!FPSWalkerComponent.canRun || FPSWalkerComponent.inputY == 0)       //no item pickup when sprinting
            //there is a small delay between the end of canRun and the start of sprintSwitching (in PlayerWeapons script),
            //so track actual time that sprinting stopped to avoid the small time gap where the pickup hand shows briefly
            && ((FPSWalkerComponent.sprintStopTime + 0.4f) < Time.time))
            //raycast a line from the main camera's origin using a point extended forward from camera position/origin as a target to get the direction of the raycast
            //and scale the distance of the raycast based on the playerHeightMod value in the FPSRigidbodyWalker script
            if (Physics.Raycast(mainCamTransform.position, ((mainCamTransform.position + mainCamTransform.forward * (5.0f + (FPSWalkerComponent.playerHeightMod * 0.25f))) - mainCamTransform.position).normalized, out hit, 2.0f + FPSWalkerComponent.playerHeightMod, rayMask))
                if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Usable")                //if the object hit by the raycast is a pickup item and has the "Usable" tag

                    if (pickUpBtnState && Input.GetKey(use))
                        //run the PickUpItem function in the pickup object's script
                        hit.collider.SendMessageUpwards("PickUpItem", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
                        //run the ActivateObject function of this object's script if it has the "Usable" tag
                        hit.collider.SendMessageUpwards("ActivateObject", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
                        pickUpBtnState = false;
                        FPSWalkerComponent.cancelSprint = true;

                    //determine if pickup item is using a custom pickup reticle and if so set pickupTex to custom reticle
                    if (pickUpBtnState)                    //check pickUpBtnState to prevent reticle from briefly showing custom/general pickup icon briefly when picking up last weapon before maxWeapons are obtained

                    //determine if item under reticle is a weapon pickup
                        if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <WeaponPickup>())
                            //set up external script references
                            WeaponBehavior PickupWeaponBehaviorComponent = PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder[hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <WeaponPickup>().weaponNumber].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>();
                            WeaponPickup   WeaponPickupComponent         = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <WeaponPickup>();

                            if (PlayerWeaponsComponent.totalWeapons == PlayerWeaponsComponent.maxWeapons &&                        //player has maximum weapons
                                PickupWeaponBehaviorComponent.addsToTotalWeaps)                            //weapon adds to total inventory

                            //player does not have weapon under reticle
                                if (!PickupWeaponBehaviorComponent.haveWeapon
                                    //and weapon under reticle hasn't been picked up from an item with removeOnUse set to false
                                    && !PickupWeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe)
                                    if (!useSwapReticle)                                    //if useSwapReticle is true, display swap reticle when item under reticle will replace current weapon
                                        if (WeaponPickupComponent.weaponPickupReticle)
                                            //display custom weapon pickup reticle if the weapon item has one defined
                                            pickupTex = WeaponPickupComponent.weaponPickupReticle;
                                            //weapon has no custom pickup reticle, just show general pickup reticle
                                            pickupTex = pickupReticle;
                                        //display weapon swap reticle if player has max weapons and can swap held weapon for pickup under reticle
                                        pickupTex = swapReticle;
                                    //weapon under reticle is not removed on use and is in player's inventory, so show cantPickup reticle
                                    if (!WeaponPickupComponent.removeOnUse)
                                        pickupTex = noPickupReticle;
                                    else                                      //weapon is removed on use, so show standard or custom pickup reticle

                                        if (WeaponPickupComponent.weaponPickupReticle)
                                            //display custom weapon pickup reticle if the weapon item has one defined
                                            pickupTex = WeaponPickupComponent.weaponPickupReticle;
                                            //weapon has no custom pickup reticle, just show general pickup reticle
                                            pickupTex = pickupReticle;
                            else                              //total weapons not at maximum and weapon under reticle does not add to inventory

                                if (!PickupWeaponBehaviorComponent.haveWeapon &&
                                    !PickupWeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe ||
                                    if (WeaponPickupComponent.weaponPickupReticle)
                                        //display custom weapon pickup reticle if the weapon item has one defined
                                        pickupTex = WeaponPickupComponent.weaponPickupReticle;
                                        //weapon has no custom pickup reticle, just show general pickup reticle
                                        pickupTex = pickupReticle;
                                    pickupTex = noPickupReticle;
                            //determine if item under reticle is a health pickup
                        else if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <HealthPickup>())
                            //set up external script references
                            HealthPickup HealthPickupComponent = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <HealthPickup>();

                            if (HealthPickupComponent.healthPickupReticle)
                                pickupTex = HealthPickupComponent.healthPickupReticle;
                                pickupTex = pickupReticle;
                            //determine if item under reticle is an ammo pickup
                        else if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <AmmoPickup>())
                            //set up external script references
                            AmmoPickup AmmoPickupComponent = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <AmmoPickup>();

                            if (AmmoPickupComponent.ammoPickupReticle)
                                pickupTex = AmmoPickupComponent.ammoPickupReticle;
                                pickupTex = pickupReticle;
                            pickupTex = pickupReticle;

                    UpdateReticle(false);                    //show pickupReticle if raycast hits a pickup item
                    if (crosshairTextureState)
                        UpdateReticle(true);                        //show aiming reticle crosshair if item is not a pickup item
                if (crosshairTextureState)
                    UpdateReticle(true);                    //show aiming reticle crosshair if raycast hits nothing
            if (crosshairTextureState)
                UpdateReticle(true);                //show aiming reticle crosshair if reloading, switching weapons, or sprinting

        //only register one press of E key to make player have to press button again to pickup items instead of holding E
        if (Input.GetKey(use))
            pickUpBtnState = false;
            pickUpBtnState = true;
Esempio n. 11
    void Update()
        //set up external script references
        Ironsights IronsightsComponent = GetComponent <Ironsights>();

        AudioSource [] aSources = GetComponents <AudioSource>();      //Initialize audio source
        AudioSource    otherfx  = aSources[0] as AudioSource;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(pauseGame))        //Pause game when pause button is pressed
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                pausedTime     = Time.timeScale;
                Time.timeScale = 0;
                Time.timeScale = pausedTime;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(enterBulletTime))        //set bulletTimeActive to true or false based on button input
            if (!bulletTimeActive)
                otherfx.clip = enterBulletTimeFx;
                otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);                //play enter bullet time sound effect
                bulletTimeActive = true;
                otherfx.clip = exitBulletTimeFx;
                otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);                //play exit bullet time sound effect
                bulletTimeActive = false;

        otherfx.pitch = Time.timeScale; //sync pitch of bullet time sound effects with Time.timescale

        if (Time.timeScale > 0)         //decrease or increase Time.timescale when bulletTimeActive is true
            if (bulletTimeActive)
                Time.timeScale = Mathf.MoveTowards(Time.timeScale, bulletTimeSpeed, Time.deltaTime * 3.0f);
                if (1.0f - Mathf.Abs(Time.timeScale) > 0.05f)                //make sure that timescale returns to exactly 1.0f
                    Time.timeScale = Mathf.MoveTowards(Time.timeScale, 1.0f, Time.deltaTime * 3.0f);
                    Time.timeScale = 1.0f;

        //set zoom mode to toggle, hold, or both, based on inspector setting
        switch (IronsightsComponent.zoomMode)
        case Ironsights.zoomType.both:
            zoomDelay = 0.4f;

        case Ironsights.zoomType.hold:
            zoomDelay = 0.0f;

        case Ironsights.zoomType.toggle:
            zoomDelay = 999.0f;
Esempio n. 12
    void Start()
        datacomps        = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("DataBase").GetComponent <DataComps>();
        pauseManager     = datacomps.gameObject.GetComponent <PauseManager> ();
        myTransform      = transform;   //define transforms for efficiency
        mainCamTransform = Camera.main.transform;

        //set up external script references
        InputComponent                 = playerObj.GetComponent <InputControl>();
        FPSWalkerComponent             = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
        FPSPlayerComponent             = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
        IronsightsComponent            = playerObj.GetComponent <Ironsights>();
        CameraControlComponent         = mainCamTransform.GetComponent <CameraControl>();
        CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent = weaponOrder[firstWeapon].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>();

        WeaponBehavior BackupWeaponBehaviorComponent = weaponOrder[backupWeapon].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>();

        weaponBehaviors = myTransform.GetComponentsInChildren <WeaponBehavior>(true);

        aSources             = transform.GetComponents <AudioSource>();
        aSource              = playerObj.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
        aSource.spatialBlend = 0.0f;
        aSource.playOnAwake  = false;

        //Create instance of GUIText to display ammo amount on hud. This will be accessed and updated by WeaponBehavior script.
        ammoGuiObjInstance = Instantiate(FPSPlayerComponent.ammoGuiObj,, myTransform.rotation) as GameObject;

        //set the weapon order number in the WeaponBehavior scripts
        for (int i = 0; i < weaponOrder.Length; i++)
            weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().weaponNumber = i;

        currentGrenade = 0;
        GrenadeWeaponBehaviorComponent = grenadeOrder[currentGrenade].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>();
        grenadeWeapon = GrenadeWeaponBehaviorComponent.weaponNumber;

        //Select first weapon, if firstWeapon is not in inventory, player will spawn unarmed.
        if (weaponOrder[firstWeapon].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().haveWeapon)

        //set droppable value for backup weapon to false here if it was set to true in inspector
        //to prevent multiple instances of backup weapon from being dropped and not selecting next weapon
        BackupWeaponBehaviorComponent.droppable = false;
        //set addsToTotalWeaps value for backup weapon to false here if it was set to true in inspector
        //to prevent picking up a backup weapon from swapping current weapon
        BackupWeaponBehaviorComponent.addsToTotalWeaps = false;


        //automatically assign sunlight object for weapon shading
        if (!sunLightObj)
            Light[] lightList = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Light)) as Light[];
            for (int i = 0; i < lightList.Length; i++)
                if (lightList[i].type == LightType.Directional && lightList[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    sunLightObj = lightList[i].transform;
Esempio n. 13
    void Update()
        //set up external script references
        Ironsights IronsightsComponent = GetComponent <Ironsights>();

        AudioSource [] aSources = GetComponents <AudioSource>();      //Initialize audio source
        AudioSource    otherfx  = aSources[0] as AudioSource;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(pauseGame))        //Pause game when pause button is pressed
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                pausedTime     = Time.timeScale;
                Time.timeScale = 0;
                Time.timeScale = pausedTime;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(enterBulletTime))        //set bulletTimeActive to true or false based on button input
            if (!bulletTimeActive)
                otherfx.clip = enterBulletTimeFx;
                otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);                //play enter bullet time sound effect
                bulletTimeActive = true;
                otherfx.clip = exitBulletTimeFx;
                otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);                //play exit bullet time sound effect
                bulletTimeActive = false;

        otherfx.pitch = Time.timeScale; //sync pitch of bullet time sound effects with Time.timescale

        if (Time.timeScale > 0)         //decrease or increase Time.timescale when bulletTimeActive is true
            if (bulletTimeActive)
                Time.timeScale = Mathf.MoveTowards(Time.timeScale, bulletTimeSpeed, Time.deltaTime * 3.0f);
                if (1.0f - Mathf.Abs(Time.timeScale) > 0.05f)                //make sure that timescale returns to exactly 1.0f
                    Time.timeScale = Mathf.MoveTowards(Time.timeScale, 1.0f, Time.deltaTime * 3.0f);
                    Time.timeScale = 1.0f;

        //set zoom mode to toggle, hold, or both, based on inspector setting
        switch (IronsightsComponent.zoomMode)
        case Ironsights.zoomType.both:
            zoomDelay = 0.4f;

        case Ironsights.zoomType.hold:
            zoomDelay = 0.0f;

        case Ironsights.zoomType.toggle:
            zoomDelay = 999.0f;

        //regenerate player health if regenerateHealth var is true
        if (regenerateHealth)
            if (hitPoints < maxRegenHealth && timeLastDamaged + healthRegenDelay < Time.time)
                HealPlayer(healthRegenRate * Time.deltaTime);

        //apply player hunger if usePlayerHunger var is true
        if (usePlayerHunger)
            //increase player hunger
            if (lastHungerTime + hungerInterval < Time.time)
            //calculate and apply starvation damage to player
            if (hungerPoints == maxHungerPoints &&
                lastStarveTime + starveInterval < Time.time &&
                hitPoints > 0.0f)
                //use a negative heal amount to prevent unneeded damage effects of ApplyDamage function
                //fade screen red when taking starvation damage
                GameObject pf = Instantiate(painFadeObj) as GameObject;              //Create Instance of painFadeObj
                pf.GetComponent <PainFade>().FadeIn(PainColor, 0.75f);               //Call FadeIn function in painFadeObj to fade screen red when damage taken
                //Call Die function if player's hitpoints have been depleted
                if (hitPoints < 1.0f)
                    SendMessage("Die");                    //use SendMessage() to allow other script components on this object to detect player death
                //update starvation timers
                timeLastDamaged = Time.time;
                lastStarveTime  = Time.time;

        //apply player thirst if usePlayerThirst var is true
        if (usePlayerThirst)
            //increase player hunger
            if (lastThirstTime + thirstInterval < Time.time)
            //calculate and apply starvation damage to player
            if (thirstPoints == maxThirstPoints &&
                lastThirstDamTime + thirstDamInterval < Time.time &&
                hitPoints > 0.0f)
                //use a negative heal amount to prevent unneeded damage effects of ApplyDamage function
                //fade screen red when taking starvation damage
                GameObject pf = Instantiate(painFadeObj) as GameObject;              //Create Instance of painFadeObj
                pf.GetComponent <PainFade>().FadeIn(PainColor, 0.75f);               //Call FadeIn function in painFadeObj to fade screen red when damage taken
                //Call Die function if player's hitpoints have been depleted
                if (hitPoints < 1.0f)
                //update starvation timers
                timeLastDamaged   = Time.time;
                lastThirstDamTime = Time.time;
Esempio n. 14
    void Update()
        if (Time.timeScale > 0 && Time.deltaTime > 0)        //allow pausing by setting timescale to 0

        //set up external script references
            FPSRigidBodyWalker FPSWalkerComponent      = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
            Ironsights         IronsightsComponent     = playerObj.GetComponent <Ironsights>();
            WeaponBehavior     WeaponBehaviorComponent = IronsightsComponent.gunObj.GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>();
            HorizontalBob      HorizontalBob           = playerObj.GetComponent <HorizontalBob>();
            FPSPlayer          FPSPlayerComponent      = playerObj.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();

            if (FPSWalkerComponent.canRun)            //sprinting
            //set sway amounts for sprinting
                swingAmt   = 0.02f * swayAmount * WeaponBehaviorComponent.swayAmountUnzoomed;
                swingSpeed = 0.000025f * swayAmount * WeaponBehaviorComponent.swayAmountUnzoomed;
                rollSpeed  = 0.0f * rollSwayAmount * WeaponBehaviorComponent.swayAmountUnzoomed;
                //smoothly change bobbing amounts for sprinting
                if (gunBobYaw < 12.0f * sprintBobYawAmount)
                    gunBobYaw += 60.0f * Time.deltaTime;
                if (gunBobRoll < 15.0f * sprintBobRollAmount)
                    gunBobRoll += 60.0f * Time.deltaTime;
            else              //walking
                              //smoothly change bobbing amounts for walking
                if (gunBobYaw > -16.0f * walkBobYawAmount)
                    gunBobYaw -= 60.0f * Time.deltaTime;
                if (gunBobRoll > 10.0f * walkBobRollAmount)
                    gunBobRoll -= 60.0f * Time.deltaTime;
                //set sway amounts based on player state
                if (!FPSPlayerComponent.zoomed || IronsightsComponent.reloading || WeaponBehaviorComponent.meleeSwingDelay != 0)
                    swingAmt   = 0.035f * swayAmount * WeaponBehaviorComponent.swayAmountUnzoomed;
                    swingSpeed = 0.00015f * swayAmount * WeaponBehaviorComponent.swayAmountUnzoomed;
                    rollSpeed  = 0.025f * rollSwayAmount * WeaponBehaviorComponent.swayAmountUnzoomed;
                    swingAmt   = 0.025f * swayAmount * WeaponBehaviorComponent.swayAmountZoomed;
                    swingSpeed = 0.0001f * swayAmount * WeaponBehaviorComponent.swayAmountZoomed;
                    rollSpeed  = 0.075f * rollSwayAmount * WeaponBehaviorComponent.swayAmountZoomed;

            //use both these z axes for independent animation of camera X and Y position and bobbing of camera roll
            zAxis1 = Camera.main.transform.localEulerAngles.z;
            zAxis2 = cameraObj.transform.localEulerAngles.z;
            //Set target angles to main camera angles
            targetRotation.x = cameraObj.transform.localEulerAngles.x;
            targetRotation.y = cameraObj.transform.localEulerAngles.y;
            targetRotation.z = Mathf.MoveTowardsAngle(zAxis1, zAxis2, Time.deltaTime / 16);

            //sway gun
            //find angle delta and reduce to smaller value
            localSide = Mathf.DeltaAngle(targetRotation2.y, targetRotation.y) * -(swingSpeed / Time.deltaTime);
            //pass sway value to ironsights script where gun position is calculated
            IronsightsComponent.side = Mathf.Clamp(localSide, -swingAmt, swingAmt);

            //find angle delta and reduce to smaller value
            localRaise = Mathf.DeltaAngle(targetRotation2.x, targetRotation.x) * (swingSpeed / Time.deltaTime);
            //pass sway value to ironsights script where gun position is calculated
            IronsightsComponent.raise = Mathf.Clamp(localRaise, -swingAmt, swingAmt);

            //calculate roll swaying of weapon and smooth with lerpAngle to minimize snapping of gun during extreme rotations
            localRoll = Mathf.LerpAngle(localRoll, Mathf.DeltaAngle(targetRotationRoll, targetRotation.y) * -rollSpeed * 3.0f, Time.deltaTime * 5.0f);

            //dampen angles of gun with main camera angles for swaying effects
            targetRotation2.x  = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(targetRotation2.x, targetRotation.x, ref dampVelocity1, dampSpeed, Mathf.Infinity, Time.deltaTime);
            targetRotation2.y  = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(targetRotation2.y, targetRotation.y, ref dampVelocity2, dampSpeed, Mathf.Infinity, Time.deltaTime);
            targetRotationRoll = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(targetRotationRoll, targetRotation.y, ref dampVelocity6, 0.075f, Mathf.Infinity, Time.deltaTime);

            //set gun angles
            //set temporary vector to smoothed angles of gun and add yaw and roll bobbing and roll swaying
            Vector3 tempEulerAngles = new Vector3(
                (targetRotation.y + (HorizontalBob.dampOrg * gunBobYaw)),
                (targetRotation.z + localRoll + (HorizontalBob.dampOrg * -gunBobRoll))
            //finally, set actual weapon angles to the temporary vector's angles
            myTransform.localEulerAngles = tempEulerAngles;