public static void Main(string[] args) { /* create the IpoptProblem */ HS071 p = new HS071(); /* allocate space for the initial point and set the values */ double[] x = { 1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 1.0 }; IpoptReturnCode status; using (var problem = new IpoptProblem(p._n, p._x_L, p._x_U, p._m, p._g_L, p._g_U, p._nele_jac, p._nele_hess, p.eval_f, p.eval_g, p.eval_grad_f, p.eval_jac_g, p.eval_h)) { /* Set some options. The following ones are only examples, * they might not be suitable for your problem. */ problem.AddOption("derivative_test", "second-order"); problem.AddOption("tol", 1e-7); problem.AddOption("mu_strategy", "adaptive"); problem.AddOption("output_file", "hs071.txt"); #if INTERMEDIATE problem.SetIntermediateCallback(p.intermediate); #endif /* solve the problem */ double obj; status = problem.SolveProblem(x, out obj, null, null, null, null); } Console.WriteLine("{0}{0}Optimization return status: {1}{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine, status); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Console.WriteLine("x[{0}]={1}", i, x[i]); } Console.WriteLine("{0}Press <RETURN> to exit...", Environment.NewLine); Console.ReadLine(); }
bool Solve() { IpoptReturnCode status; cLB = new double[this.ProblemData.Equations.Count + this.ProblemData.Constraints.Count]; cUB = new double[this.ProblemData.Equations.Count + this.ProblemData.Constraints.Count]; x0 = ProblemData.Variables.Select(v => v.ValueInSI).ToArray(); xLB = new double[ProblemData.Variables.Count]; xUB = new double[ProblemData.Variables.Count]; r = new double[ProblemData.Equations.Count + ProblemData.Constraints.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < ProblemData.Variables.Count; i++) { xLB[i] = ProblemData.Variables[i].LowerBound; xUB[i] = ProblemData.Variables[i].UpperBound; } for (int i = 0; i < ProblemData.Equations.Count; i++) { cLB[i] = 0.0; cUB[i] = 0.0; } for (int i = 0; i < ProblemData.Constraints.Count; i++) { cLB[i + ProblemData.Equations.Count] = ProblemData.Constraints[i].LowerBound; cUB[i + ProblemData.Equations.Count] = ProblemData.Constraints[i].UpperBound; } ProblemData.CreateIndex(); ProblemData.GenerateJacobian(); var m = ProblemData.Equations.Count + ProblemData.Constraints.Count; using (var problem = new IpoptProblem(ProblemData.NumberOfVariables, xLB, xUB, m, cLB, cUB, ProblemData.Jacobian.Count, ProblemData.HessianStructure.Count, eval_f, eval_g, eval_grad_f, eval_jac_g, eval_h)) { evaluator = new Evaluator(); if (problemData.UseHessian) { problem.AddOption("hessian_approximation", "exact"); } else { problem.AddOption("hessian_approximation", "limited-memory"); } // problem.AddOption("tol", 1e-8); problem.AddOption("max_iter", 150); problem.AddOption("max_cpu_time", 30); // problem.AddOption("mu_strategy", "adaptive"); // problem.AddOption("derivative_test", "first-order"); // problem.AddOption("derivative_test", "second-order"); problem.AddOption("output_file", "ipopt.out"); problem.AddOption("linear_solver", "ma27"); problem.AddOption("print_user_options", "yes"); //problem.AddOption("bound_relax_factor", 1e-8); //problem.AddOption("bound_frac", 1e-8); //problem.AddOption("bound_push", 1e-8); problem.AddOption("constr_viol_tol", 1e-5); // problem.AddOption("nlp_scaling_method", "gradient-based"); // problem.AddOption("nlp_scaling_method", "equilibration-based"); problem.SetIntermediateCallback(intermediate); double obj; Log(String.Format("{0} {4,15} {1,15} {3,15} {2}", "ITER", "D_NORM", "ALG", "INF_PR", "OBJ")); status = problem.SolveProblem(x0, out obj, r); //ProblemData.Update(ProblemData.VariableValues); Log(String.Format("{0:0000} {4,15} {1,15} {3,15} {2}", iterations, "", status, "", obj.ToString("G4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } // var status == IpoptReturnCode.Solve_Succeeded; bool result = false; switch (status) { case IpoptReturnCode.Solve_Succeeded: case IpoptReturnCode.Solved_To_Acceptable_Level: result = true; break; case IpoptReturnCode.Maximum_CpuTime_Exceeded: result = false; break; case IpoptReturnCode.Maximum_Iterations_Exceeded: result = false; break; case IpoptReturnCode.Infeasible_Problem_Detected: case IpoptReturnCode.Restoration_Failed: result = false; break; } return(result); }