Esempio n. 1
        public string Create()
            _imageProfile = new ImageProfileServices().ReadProfile(_group.ImageProfileId);
            if (_imageProfile == null)
                return("The Image Profile Does Not Exist");

            if (_imageProfile.Image == null)
                return("The Image Does Not Exist");

            var validation = new ImageServices().CheckApprovalAndChecksum(_imageProfile.Image, _userId);

            if (!validation.Success)

            _multicastSession.Port = new PortServices().GetNextPort();
            if (_multicastSession.Port == 0)
                return("Could Not Determine Current Port Base");

            _multicastServerId = _isOnDemand
                ? new GetMulticastServer(_clusterId).Run()
                : new GetMulticastServer(_group).Run();

            if (_multicastServerId == -2)
                return("Could Not Find Any Available Multicast Servers");

            _multicastSession.ServerId = _multicastServerId;
            _multicastSession.UserId   = _userId;
            //End of the road for starting an on demand multicast
            if (_isOnDemand)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_multicastSession.Name))
                    _multicastSession.Name = _multicastSession.Port.ToString();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_multicastSession.Name) || !_multicastSession.Name.All(c => char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_' || c == '-'))
                    return("Multicast Session Name Is Not Valid");

                _group.Name = _multicastSession.Name;
                var onDemandprocessArguments = GenerateProcessArguments();
                if (onDemandprocessArguments == 0)
                    return("Could Not Start The Multicast Application");

                var ondAuditLog = new AuditLogEntity();
                ondAuditLog.AuditType = AuditEntry.Type.OndMulticast;
                ondAuditLog.ObjectId  = _imageProfile.ImageId;
                var ondUser = new UserServices().GetUser(_userId);
                if (ondUser != null)
                    ondAuditLog.UserName = ondUser.Name;
                ondAuditLog.ObjectName = _imageProfile.Image.Name;
                ondAuditLog.Ip         = _ipAddress;
                ondAuditLog.UserId     = _userId;
                ondAuditLog.ObjectType = "Image";
                ondAuditLog.ObjectJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_multicastSession);
                new AuditLogServices().AddAuditLog(ondAuditLog);
                return("Successfully Started Multicast " + _group.Name);

            //Continue On If multicast is for a group
            _multicastSession.Name = _group.Name;
            _computers             = new GroupServices().GetGroupMembers(_group.Id);
            if (_computers.Count < 1)
                return("The Group Does Not Have Any Members");

            var activeMulticastSessionServices = new ActiveMulticastSessionServices();

            if (!activeMulticastSessionServices.AddActiveMulticastSession(_multicastSession))
                return("Could Not Create Multicast Database Task.  An Existing Task May Be Running.");

            if (!CreateComputerTasks())
                return("Could Not Create Computer Database Tasks.  A Computer May Have An Existing Task.");

            if (!CreatePxeFiles())
                return("Could Not Create Computer Boot Files");

            if (!CreateTaskArguments())
                return("Could Not Create Computer Task Arguments");

            var processArguments = GenerateProcessArguments();

            if (processArguments == 0)
                return("Could Not Start The Multicast Application");

            foreach (var computer in _computers)

            var auditLog = new AuditLogEntity();

            auditLog.AuditType = AuditEntry.Type.Multicast;
            auditLog.ObjectId  = _group.Id;
            var user = new UserServices().GetUser(_userId);

            if (user != null)
                auditLog.UserName = user.Name;
            auditLog.ObjectName = _group.Name;
            auditLog.Ip         = _ipAddress;
            auditLog.UserId     = _userId;
            auditLog.ObjectType = "Group";
            auditLog.ObjectJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_multicastSession);
            new AuditLogServices().AddAuditLog(auditLog);

            auditLog.ObjectId   = _imageProfile.ImageId;
            auditLog.ObjectName = _imageProfile.Image.Name;
            auditLog.ObjectType = "Image";
            new AuditLogServices().AddAuditLog(auditLog);

            return("Successfully Started Multicast " + _group.Name);
Esempio n. 2
        public string Start()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SettingServices.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.ServerIdentifier)))
                return("The Server Identifier Must Be Set Before Tasks Can Be Started");

            if (_computer == null)
                return("The Computer Does Not Exist");

            _imageProfile = new ImageProfileServices().ReadProfile(_computer.ImageProfileId);
            if (_imageProfile == null)
                return("The Image Profile Does Not Exist");

            if (_imageProfile.Image == null)
                return("The Image Does Not Exist");

            if (_direction == "deploy" || _direction == "permanentdeploy")
                var validation = new ImageServices().CheckApprovalAndChecksum(_imageProfile.Image, _userId);
                if (!validation.Success)

            var dp = new DistributionPointServices().GetPrimaryDistributionPoint();

            if (dp == null)
                return("Could Not Find A Primary Distribution Point");

            if (SettingServices.ServerIsClusterPrimary)
                var clusterGroup = new ComputerServices().GetClusterGroup(_computer.Id);
                if (clusterGroup == null)
                    return("Could Not Find A Cluster Group For This Computer");

            if (new ComputerServices().IsComputerActive(_computer.Id))
                return("This Computer Is Already Part Of An Active Task");

            _activeTask = new ActiveImagingTaskEntity
                ComputerId = _computer.Id,
                Direction  = _direction,
                UserId     = _userId

            _activeTask.Type = _direction;

            var activeImagingTaskServices = new ActiveImagingTaskServices();

            if (!activeImagingTaskServices.AddActiveImagingTask(_activeTask))
                return("Could Not Create The Database Entry For This Task");

            if (!new TaskBootMenu(_computer, _imageProfile).CreatePxeBootFiles())
                return("Could Not Create PXE Boot File");

            _activeTask.Arguments = new CreateTaskArguments(_computer, _imageProfile, _direction).Execute();
            if (!activeImagingTaskServices.UpdateActiveImagingTask(_activeTask))
                return("Could Not Create Task Arguments");


            var auditLog = new AuditLogEntity();

            switch (_direction)
            case "deploy":
                auditLog.AuditType = AuditEntry.Type.Deploy;

            case "permanentdeploy":
                auditLog.AuditType = AuditEntry.Type.PermanentPush;

                auditLog.AuditType = AuditEntry.Type.Upload;

            auditLog.ObjectId = _computer.Id;
            var user = new UserServices().GetUser(_userId);

            if (user != null)
                auditLog.UserName = user.Name;
            auditLog.ObjectName = _computer.Name;
            auditLog.Ip         = _ipAddress;
            auditLog.UserId     = _userId;
            auditLog.ObjectType = "Computer";
            auditLog.ObjectJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_activeTask);
            new AuditLogServices().AddAuditLog(auditLog);

            auditLog.ObjectId   = _imageProfile.ImageId;
            auditLog.ObjectName = _imageProfile.Image.Name;
            auditLog.ObjectType = "Image";
            new AuditLogServices().AddAuditLog(auditLog);

            return("Successfully Started Task For " + _computer.Name);