/// <summary> /// 获取游客的所在地 /// </summary> private void GetIpList() { try { string[] ipList = Utils.SplitString(DNTRequest.GetString("iplist"), ","); string[] pidList = Utils.SplitString(DNTRequest.GetString("pidlist"), ","); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("["); for (int i = 0; i < ipList.Length; i++) { sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(pidList[i]); sb.Append("|"); sb.Append(IpSearch.GetAddressWithIP(ipList[i].Replace("*", "1"))); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(","); } ResponseJSON(sb.ToString().TrimEnd(',') + "]"); } catch //添加try语法, 以防止在并发情况下, 服务器端远程链接被关闭后出现应用程序 '警告'(事件查看器) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Expires = 0; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); } }
/// <summary> /// 资讯的浏览量 /// </summary> private void UpdateViews() { int typeId = CRequest.GetInt("typeId", 0); string pageName = CRequest.GetString("pageName"); string pageValue = CRequest.GetString("pageValue"); //Pv统计 #region Pv pv = new Pv(); pv.pageName = pageName; pv.pageValue = pageValue; pv.viewsCount = 1; string sUserAgent = Request.UserAgent.ToLower(); bool bIsIpad = Regex.IsMatch(sUserAgent, "ipad"); bool bIsIphoneOs = Regex.IsMatch(sUserAgent, "iphone"); bool bIsAndroid = Regex.IsMatch(sUserAgent, "android"); bool bIsWP = Regex.IsMatch(sUserAgent, "windows phone"); if (bIsAndroid || bIsIphoneOs || bIsIpad || bIsWP) { pv.viewsCount = 2; } pv.addTime = DateTime.Now; pv.ip = IpSearch.GetIp(); pv.status = 0; pv.remark = ""; pv.infoType = typeId; UserInfo user = Session["user"] as UserInfo; if (user != null) { pv.status = user.id; pv.remark = user.mobile; } PvService.Add(pv); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// 加载信息 /// </summary> private void LoadViewInfo() { string ip = txtIP.Text.Trim(); string tFrom = txtTimeFrom.Text.Trim(); string tEnd = this.txtTimeEnd.Text.Trim(); ViewState["IP"] = IpSearch.GetIp(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("1=1"); if (ip.Length != 0) { sb.Append(" and ip <> '" + ip + "'"); } if (tFrom.Length != 0) { sb.Append(" and addTime >= '" + Convert.ToDateTime(tFrom) + "'"); } if (tEnd.Length != 0) { sb.Append(" and addTime <= '" + Convert.ToDateTime(tEnd).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59'"); } ViewState["index"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "index.aspx"); ViewState["reg"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "reg.aspx"); ViewState["login"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "login.aspx"); ViewState["searchList"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "searchList.aspx"); ViewState["comDetail_client"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "comDetail_client.aspx"); ViewState["findPass"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "findPass.aspx"); ViewState["m_comDetail"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "m_comDetail.aspx"); ViewState["protocol"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "protocol.aspx"); ViewState["storeList"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "storeList.aspx"); ViewState["storeMoney"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "storeMoney.aspx"); ViewState["userCenter"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "userCenter.aspx"); ViewState["userList"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "userList.aspx"); ViewState["viewsHistory"] = PvService.GetViews(sb.ToString(), "viewsHistory.aspx"); }
protected override void ShowPage() { if (postid == 0) { base.AddErrLine("指定的主题不存在或已被删除或正在被审核,请返回."); return; } PostInfo postInfo = Posts.GetPostInfo(topicid, postid); if (postInfo == null) { base.AddErrLine("指定的主题不存在或已被删除或正在被审核,请返回."); return; } ip = postInfo.Ip; iplocation = IpSearch.GetAddressWithIP(ip); // 如果数据库文件不存在 if (iplocation == null) { iplocation = "(IP数据库文件不存在,无法查询)"; } else if (iplocation == "") // 如果没有查到 { iplocation = "没有查询到该用户的地理所在地"; } // 获取该主题的信息 TopicInfo topic = Topics.GetTopicInfo(postInfo.Tid); // 如果该主题不存在 if (topic == null) { AddErrLine("不存在的主题ID"); return; } ForumInfo forum = Forums.GetForumInfo(postInfo.Fid); forumname = forum.Name; pagetitle = topic.Title; forumnav = ForumUtils.UpdatePathListExtname(forum.Pathlist.Trim(), config.Extname); AdminGroupInfo admininfo = AdminGroups.GetAdminGroupInfo(usergroupid); if (admininfo == null || admininfo.Allowviewip != 1) { AddErrLine("你没有查看IP的权限"); return; } if (DNTRequest.GetString("action") == "ipban") { if (admininfo.Allowbanip != 1) { AddErrLine("你无权禁止用户IP,请返回"); return; } if (Utils.InIPArray(DNTRequest.GetString("ip"), Utils.SplitString(config.Ipdenyaccess, "\n"))) { Users.UpdateUserGroup(postInfo.Posterid, 6); AddErrLine("IP已在列表中存在,无需重复添加"); return; } if (GeneralConfigs.SetIpDenyAccess(DNTRequest.GetString("ip"))) { //调整用户到禁止IP组 Users.UpdateUserGroup(postInfo.Posterid, 6); SetUrl(base.ShowTopicAspxRewrite(topic.Tid, 0)); SetMetaRefresh(); SetShowBackLink(false); MsgForward("getip_succeed"); base.AddMsgLine("IP已加入到用户禁止列表中"); base.ispost = true; } else { base.AddErrLine("未知原因,IP无法加到禁止列表中"); } } }
/// <summary> /// SaveMy Business Center /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string surname = this.surname.Text.Trim(); string relname = this.relname.Text.Trim(); string shoperName = this.shoperName.Text.Trim(); string street = this.street.Text.Trim(); string city = this.city.Text.Trim(); string province = this.province.Text.Trim(); string email = this.email.Text.Trim(); string remark = this.remark.Text.Trim(); string password = this.password.Text.Trim(); if (password.Length == 0) { password = "******"; } string mobile = this.tel.Text.Trim(); string md5Pass = encrypt.EncryptMd5(password); UserInfo user = null; if (UserInfoService.ExistsMobile(mobile)) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Button1, GetType(), "", "alert('This phone number has already joined.');", true); return; } user = new UserInfo(); user.username = surname; user.mobile = mobile; user.isBindMobile = 1; user.email = email; user.isBindEmail = 0; user.password = password; user.md5Pass = encrypt.EncryptMd5(password); user.telephone = ""; user.relName = relname; user.bodyCode = ""; user.comName = shoperName; user.pid = 0; user.cid = 0; user.regionId = 0; user.address = ""; user.zipCode = ""; user.qq = ""; user.weixin = ""; user.isBindWeiXin = 0; user.weibo = ""; user.isBindWeiBo = 0; user.shopType = 0; user.shopTypeName = ""; user.imgUrl = ""; user.comInfo = ""; user.remark = remark; user.status = 1; user.addTime = DateTime.Now; user.mobileCode = street; user.activeCode = city; user.infoType = 2; user.shopingtime = ""; user.mainbrand = province; user.assesscount = 0; user.sharecount = 0; user.producttype = 0; user.goodcount = 0; user.badcount = 0; user.viewscountd = 0; user.logintime = DateTime.Now; user.loginip = IpSearch.GetIp(); int maxId = UserInfoService.Add(user); if (maxId > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Button1, GetType(), "", "alert('Saved succesfully!');location.href='/mobile/joinBack.aspx';", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Button1, GetType(), "", "alert('Failed to save!');", true); return; } }