Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 压缩2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte[] DeflateByte(byte[] str)
            if (str == null)
                return null;
            using (var output = new MemoryStream())
                using (
                  var compressor = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(
                  output, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress,
                    compressor.Write(str, 0, str.Length);

                return output.ToArray();

            //new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream( 改为
            //new Ionic.Zlib.GZipStream(,然后
            //actContext.Response.Content.Headers.Add("Content-encoding", "deflate");改为
            //actContext.Response.Content.Headers.Add("Content-encoding", "gzip");
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the response stream with HTTP decompression.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="response">The response.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static Stream GetResponseStreamWithHttpDecompression(this WebResponse response)
			var stream = response.GetResponseStream();
			var encoding = response.Headers["Content-Encoding"];
			if (encoding != null && encoding.Contains("gzip"))
				stream = new Ionic.Zlib.GZipStream(stream, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Decompress);
			else if (encoding != null && encoding.Contains("deflate"))
				stream = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(stream, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Decompress);
			return stream;
Esempio n. 3
        public static byte[] CompressDeflate(byte[] bytes)
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream zip = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(ms, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress, true))
                    zip.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                return ms.ToArray();
Esempio n. 4
        public static byte[] CompressDeflate(string ResponseData, Encoding e)
            Byte[] bytes = e.GetBytes(ResponseData);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                using (Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream zip = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(ms, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress, true))
                    zip.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                return ms.ToArray();

        public static byte[] DeflateByte(byte[] str)
            if (str == null)
                return null;

            using (var output = new MemoryStream())
                using (var compressor = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(output, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.BestSpeed))
                    compressor.Write(str, 0, str.Length);

                return output.ToArray();
        public static async Task<byte[]> CompressionByteAsync(byte[] str, CompressionType compressionType)
            if (str == null)
                return null;

            using (var output = new MemoryStream())
                switch (compressionType)
                    case CompressionType.Deflate:
                        using (
                            var compressor = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(
                            output, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress,
                            await compressor.WriteAsync(str, 0, str.Length);
                            //compressor.Write(str, 0, str.Length);
                    case CompressionType.GZip:
                        using (
                            var compressor = new Ionic.Zlib.GZipStream(
                            output, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress,
                            await compressor.WriteAsync(str, 0, str.Length);
                            //compressor.Write(str, 0, str.Length);
                    case CompressionType.Zlib:
                        using (
                            var compressor = new Ionic.Zlib.ZlibStream(
                            output, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress,
                            await compressor.WriteAsync(str, 0, str.Length);
                            //compressor.Write(str, 0, str.Length);

                return output.ToArray();
Esempio n. 7
        public static byte[] DecompressDeflate(Stream input)
            using (Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream decompressor = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(input, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Decompress))
                int read = 0;
                var buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

                using (MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream())
                    while ((read = decompressor.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                        output.Write(buffer, 0, read);
                    return output.ToArray();
        public static byte[] DeflateByte(byte[] str)
            if (str == null)

            using (var output = new MemoryStream())
                using (
                    var compressor = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(
                        output, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress,
                    compressor.Write(str, 0, str.Length);

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Compress bytes using zlib compression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decompressedBytes"></param>
        /// <param name="compressedBytes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte[] CompressZLib(byte[] decompressedBytes, out int compressedBytes)
            var msDecompressed = new MemoryStream(decompressedBytes);
            // We must skip the first two bytes
            // See
            // EAT the zlib headers, the rest is a normal 'deflate'd stream

            //var msInflated = new MemoryStream((int)(msCompressed.Length * 2));
            //var newBytes = new byte[msCompressed.Length * 2];
            var newBytes = new byte[decompressedBytes.Length];

            // TODO: Add the zlib headers to the data....
            // TODO: Also need the Adler32 Checksum at the end...

            var deflate2 = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(msDecompressed, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress);

            deflate2.Read(newBytes, 0, decompressedBytes.Length);

            // The last 32 bits (4 bytes) are supposed to be an Adler-32 checksum. Might need to remove them as well.
            using (var deflater = new DeflateStream(msDecompressed, CompressionMode.Compress))
                compressedBytes = deflater.Read(newBytes, 0, decompressedBytes.Length) + 2;

                //while (inflater.CanRead)
                //  var readBytes = new byte[4095];
                //  // Should be able to change to just this.
                //  var bytesRead = inflater.Read(readBytes, 0, readBytes.Length);
                //  if (bytesRead != 0)
                //  {
                //      msInflated.Write(readBytes, 0, bytesRead);
                //  }
            //newBytes = new byte[msInflated.Length];
            //msInflated.Read(newBytes, 0, (int)msInflated.Length);
Esempio n. 10
 public static void CompressByte(byte[] sourceByte, out byte[] dataByte)
     dataByte = null;
     Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream compressByte = null;
         using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
             using (compressByte = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(ms, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress, true))
                 compressByte.Write(sourceByte, 0, sourceByte.Length);
             dataByte = ms.ToArray();
     }catch (ApplicationException ex) {
         Console.WriteLine("compress byte is exception !!");
         if (compressByte != null)
Esempio n. 11
        public static byte[] DecryptData(ref byte[] data, string password, RijndaelManaged aes)
            int len = 0;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[aes.BlockSize / 8];
            byte[] salt   = new byte[aes.KeySize / 8];
            byte[] iv     = new byte[aes.BlockSize / 8];
            byte[] decryptedData;

            using (MemoryStream inms = new MemoryStream(data))
                inms.Read(salt, 0, salt.Length);
                inms.Read(iv, 0, iv.Length);
                aes.IV = iv;

                Rfc2898DeriveBytes deriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt, 1000);
                aes.Key = deriveBytes.GetBytes(salt.Length);

                //Decryption interface.
                using (ICryptoTransform decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV))
                    using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(inms, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                        using (MemoryStream outms = new MemoryStream())
                            //using (DeflateStream ds = new DeflateStream(cse, CompressionMode.Decompress, false))
                            using (Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(cse, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Decompress))
                                while ((len = ds.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                                    outms.Write(buffer, 0, len);

                            decryptedData = outms.ToArray();

Esempio n. 12
        private Stream MaybeApplyCompression(Stream s, long streamLength)
            if (_CompressionMethod == 0x08 && CompressionLevel != Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.None)
#if !NETCF
                // ParallelDeflateThreshold == 0    means ALWAYS use parallel deflate
                // ParallelDeflateThreshold == -1L  means NEVER use parallel deflate
                // Other values specify the actual threshold.
                if (_container.ParallelDeflateThreshold == 0L ||
                    (streamLength > _container.ParallelDeflateThreshold &&
                     _container.ParallelDeflateThreshold > 0L))
                    // This is sort of hacky.
                    // It's expensive to create a ParallelDeflateOutputStream, because
                    // of the large memory buffers.  But the class is unlike most Stream
                    // classes in that it can be re-used, so the caller can compress
                    // multiple files with it, one file at a time.  The key is to call
                    // Reset() on it, in between uses.
                    // The ParallelDeflateOutputStream is attached to the container
                    // itself - there is just one for the entire ZipFile or
                    // ZipOutputStream. So it gets created once, per save, and then
                    // re-used many times.
                    // This approach will break when we go to a "parallel save"
                    // approach, where multiple entries within the zip file are being
                    // compressed and saved at the same time.  But for now it's ok.

                    // instantiate the ParallelDeflateOutputStream
                    if (_container.ParallelDeflater == null)
                        _container.ParallelDeflater =
                            new Ionic.Zlib.ParallelDeflateOutputStream(s,
                        // can set the codec buffer size only before the first call to Write().
                        if (_container.CodecBufferSize > 0)
                            _container.ParallelDeflater.BufferSize = _container.CodecBufferSize;
                        if (_container.ParallelDeflateMaxBufferPairs > 0)
                            _container.ParallelDeflater.MaxBufferPairs =
                    // reset it with the new stream
                    Ionic.Zlib.ParallelDeflateOutputStream o1 = _container.ParallelDeflater;
                    return o1;
                var o = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(s, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress,
                if (_container.CodecBufferSize > 0)
                    o.BufferSize = _container.CodecBufferSize;
                o.Strategy = _container.Strategy;
                return o;

#if BZIP
            if (_CompressionMethod == 0x0c)
#if !NETCF
                if (_container.ParallelDeflateThreshold == 0L ||
                    (streamLength > _container.ParallelDeflateThreshold &&
                     _container.ParallelDeflateThreshold > 0L))

                    var o1 = new Ionic.BZip2.ParallelBZip2OutputStream(s, true);
                    return o1;
                var o = new Ionic.BZip2.BZip2OutputStream(s, true);
                return o;

            return s;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// The encrypted file by AES (exactly Rijndael) to the original file or folder by user's password.
        /// ユーザーが設定したパスワードによって、AES(正確にはRijndael)によって暗号化されたファイルを
        /// 元のファイル、またはフォルダーに復号して戻す。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FilePath">File path or directory path is encrypted</param>
        /// <param name="OutFileDir">The directory of outputing encryption file.</param>
        /// <param name="Password">Encription password string</param>
        /// <returns>bool true: Success, false: Failed</returns>
        public bool Decrypt(
      object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e,
      string FilePath, string OutDirPath, string Password, byte[] PasswordBinary, Action<int, string> dialog)
            BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
              worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;

              // Header data is starting.
              // Progress event handler
              ArrayList MessageList = new ArrayList();
              worker.ReportProgress(0, MessageList);

              int len = 0;
              byte[] byteArray;

              List<string> FileList = new List<string>();
              Dictionary<int, FileListData> dic = new Dictionary<int, FileListData>();

              if (_TokenStr.Trim() == "_AttacheCaseData")
            // Atc data
              else if (_TokenStr.Trim() == "_Atc_Broken_Data")
            // Atc file is broken
            e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(ATC_BROKEN_DATA, FilePath);
            return (false);
            // not AttacheCase data
            e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(NOT_ATC_DATA, FilePath);

              Rfc2898DeriveBytes deriveBytes;
              if (PasswordBinary == null)
            deriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Password, _salt, 1000);
            deriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(PasswordBinary, _salt, 1000);

              byte[] key = deriveBytes.GetBytes(32);
              byte[] iv = deriveBytes.GetBytes(32);

              using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
            if (fs.Length < 32)
              // not AttacheCase data
              e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(NOT_ATC_DATA, FilePath);
              return (false);
              if (_ExeOutSize > 0)
            // self-executable file
            fs.Seek(_ExeOutSize + 36, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            fs.Seek(36, SeekOrigin.Begin);

              // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
              using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
            aes.BlockSize = 256;             // BlockSize = 32 bytes
            aes.KeySize = 256;               // KeySize = 32 bytes
            aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;       // CBC mode
            aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros; // Padding mode is "ZEROS".

            aes.Key = key;
            aes.IV = iv;

            // Decryption interface.
            ICryptoTransform decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
            using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(fs, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
              using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                byteArray = new byte[_AtcHeaderSize];
                len = cse.Read(byteArray, 0, _AtcHeaderSize);
                ms.Write(byteArray, 0, _AtcHeaderSize);
            #if (DEBUG)
                //string AppDirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath);
                string DesktopPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);
                string TempFilePath = Path.Combine(DesktopPath, "decrypt_header.txt");
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(TempFilePath, false, Encoding.UTF8))
                // Check Password Token
                if (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray).IndexOf(AtC_ENCRYPTED_TOKEN) > -1)
                  // Decryption is succeeded.
                  // Token is not match ( Password is not correct )
                  e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(PASSWORD_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND, FilePath);
                  return (false);

                ms.Position = 0;

                var sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8);
                string line;

                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                  if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"^[0-9]+:"))

              }//end using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

            }//end using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(fs, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read));

              }//end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());

              e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(ERROR_UNEXPECTED, "");
              return (false);

              }//end using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));

              // Make a list array of the information for each file
              _TotalFileSize = 0;
              string ParentFolder = "";
              bool fDirectoryTraversal = false;
              string InvalidFilePath = "";
              FileList.ForEach(delegate (string OutputLine)
            int LastWriteDate, CreateDate;
            double LastWriteTime, CreateTime;
            DateTime LastWriteDateTime = DateTime.Parse("0001/01/01");
            DateTime CreationDateTime = DateTime.Parse("0001/01/01");

            FileListData fd = new FileListData();
            string[] OutputFileData = OutputLine.Split('\t');

            // File number
            int FileNum;
            // e.g.)
            // 0:sample.txt[\t]49657[\t]32[\t]736194[\t]39585.875[\t]736194[\t]30186.782[\t]5f43aa1fed05350f34c2fabb7ed938457b2497f2b54a50415b51882f333b8ae1
            string[] FilePathSplits = OutputFileData[0].Split(':');
            if (Int32.TryParse(FilePathSplits[0], out FileNum) == false)
              FileNum = -1;
            // ディレクトリ・トラバーサル対策
            // Directory traversal countermeasures
            if (OutputFileData[0].IndexOf(@"..\") >= 0)
              fDirectoryTraversal = true;
              InvalidFilePath = OutputFileData[0];

            // Parent folder is not created.
            if (_fNoParentFolder == true)
              if (FileNum == 0)
            if(FilePathSplits.Length > 2)  // ルートディレクトリ(ex. 0:G:\Test.txt)
              ParentFolder = FilePathSplits[2];
              ParentFolder = FilePathSplits[1];
            if (FilePathSplits.Length > 2)  // ルートディレクトリ
              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(FilePathSplits[2]);
              len = ParentFolder.Length;
              FilePathSplits[2] = sb.Replace(ParentFolder, "", 0, len).ToString();
              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(FilePathSplits[1]);
              len = ParentFolder.Length;
              FilePathSplits[1] = sb.Replace(ParentFolder, "", 0, len).ToString();

            // File path
            string OutFilePath = "";
            if (_fSalvageIntoSameDirectory == true) // Salvage mode?
              OutFilePath = Path.Combine(OutDirPath, Path.GetFileName(FilePathSplits[1]));
              if(FilePathSplits.Length > 2)
            OutFilePath = Path.Combine(OutDirPath, FilePathSplits[2]);
            OutFilePath = Path.Combine(OutDirPath, FilePathSplits[1]);
            fd.FilePath = OutFilePath;

            // File size
            if (Int64.TryParse(OutputFileData[1], out fd.FileSize) == false)
              fd.FileSize = -1;
              _TotalFileSize += fd.FileSize;
            // File attribute
            if (Int32.TryParse(OutputFileData[2], out fd.FileAttribute) == false)
              fd.FileAttribute = -1;

                    * TTimeStamp = record
                    *  Time: Integer;      { Number of milliseconds since midnight }
                    *  Date: Integer;      { One plus number of days since 1/1/0001 }
                    * end;
            // Last update timestamp
            if (_fSameTimeStamp == false && Int32.TryParse(OutputFileData[3], out LastWriteDate) == true)
              LastWriteDateTime = LastWriteDateTime.AddDays(LastWriteDate); // Add days
              LastWriteDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (_fSameTimeStamp == false && Double.TryParse(OutputFileData[4], out LastWriteTime) == true)
              LastWriteDateTime = LastWriteDateTime.AddSeconds(LastWriteTime);  // Add seconds
              LastWriteDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            fd.LastWriteDateTime = LastWriteDateTime;

            // Create datetime
            if (_fSameTimeStamp == false && Int32.TryParse(OutputFileData[5], out CreateDate) == true)
              CreationDateTime = CreationDateTime.AddDays(CreateDate);
              CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (_fSameTimeStamp == false && Double.TryParse(OutputFileData[6], out CreateTime) == true)
              CreationDateTime = CreationDateTime.AddSeconds(CreateTime);
              CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            fd.CreationDateTime = CreationDateTime;

            // SHA-256 hash
            if (OutputFileData.Length > 7)
              fd.Hash = OutputFileData[7];

            // Insert to 'Key-Value' type array data.
            dic.Add(FileNum, fd);


              // Directory traversal countermeasures
              if (fDirectoryTraversal == true)
            e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(INVALID_FILE_PATH, InvalidFilePath);

              // Check the disk space
              string RootDriveLetter = Path.GetPathRoot(OutDirPath).Substring(0, 1);

              if (RootDriveLetter == "\\")
            // Network
            DriveInfo drive = new DriveInfo(RootDriveLetter);

            DriveType driveType = drive.DriveType;
            switch (driveType)
              case DriveType.CDRom:
              case DriveType.NoRootDirectory:
              case DriveType.Unknown:
              case DriveType.Fixed:     // Local Drive
              case DriveType.Network:   // Mapped Drive
              case DriveType.Ram:       // Ram Drive
              case DriveType.Removable: // Usually a USB Drive

            // The drive is not available, or not enough free space.
            if (drive.IsReady == false || drive.AvailableFreeSpace < _TotalFileSize)
              e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(NO_DISK_SPACE, drive.ToString(), _TotalFileSize, drive.AvailableFreeSpace);
              return (false);

              // Decrypt file main data.
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
              // Adjust the header data in 32 bytes
              int mod = _AtcHeaderSize % 32;
              if (_fExecutableType == true)
            fs.Seek(_ExeOutSize + 36 + _AtcHeaderSize + 32 - mod, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            fs.Seek(36 + _AtcHeaderSize + 32 - mod, SeekOrigin.Begin);

              // Decyption
              using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
            aes.BlockSize = 256;             // BlockSize = 32bytes
            aes.KeySize = 256;               // KeySize = 32bytes
            aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;       // CBC mode
            aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros; // Padding mode
            aes.Key = key;
            aes.IV = iv;
            #if (DEBUG)
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("dic.Count: " + dic.Count);
            //Decryption interface.
            ICryptoTransform decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
            using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(fs, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
              using (Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(cse, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Decompress))
                public struct FileListData
                  public string FilePath;
                  public Int64 FileSize;
                  public int FileAttribute;
                  public DateTime LastWriteDateTime;
                  public DateTime CreationDateTime;
                  public string Sha256String;
                FileStream outfs = null;
                Int64 FileSize = 0;
                int FileIndex = 0;

                bool fSkip = false;

                if (_fNoParentFolder == true)
                  if (dic[0].FilePath.EndsWith("\\") == true)
                    FileIndex = 1;  // Ignore parent folder.

                byteArray = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

                //while ((len = ds.Read(byteArray, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                  if (_AppVersion < 3013)
                    len = cse.Read(byteArray, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
                    len = ds.Read(byteArray, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);

                  // 末尾の0バイトファイル、またはフォルダ生成対策
                  if (len == 0) len = 1;

                  int buffer_size = len;

                  while (len > 0)
                    // 書き込み中のファイルまたはフォルダが無い場合は作る
                    // Create them if there is no writing file or folder.
                    if (outfs == null)
                      // Create file or dirctories.
                      if (dic.ContainsKey(FileIndex) == false)
                        if (FileIndex > dic.Count - 1)
                          e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(DECRYPT_SUCCEEDED);
                          return (true);
                          e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(FILE_INDEX_NOT_FOUND, FileIndex);
                          return (false);
                        // Create directory
                        if (dic[FileIndex].FilePath.EndsWith("\\") == true)
                          string path = Path.Combine(OutDirPath, dic[FileIndex].FilePath);
                          DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);

                          // File already exists.
                          if (Directory.Exists(path) == true)
                            // Temporary option for overwriting
                            // private const int USER_CANCELED  = -1;
                            // private const int OVERWRITE      = 1;
                            // private const int OVERWRITE_ALL  = 2;
                            // private const int KEEP_NEWER     = 3;
                            // private const int KEEP_NEWER_ALL = 4;
                            // private const int SKIP           = 5;
                            // private const int SKIP_ALL       = 6;
                            if (_TempOverWriteOption == OVERWRITE_ALL)
                              // Overwrite ( New create )
                            else if (_TempOverWriteOption == SKIP_ALL)
                              fSkip = true;
                            else if (_TempOverWriteOption == KEEP_NEWER_ALL)
                              if (di.LastWriteTime > dic[FileIndex].LastWriteDateTime)
                                fSkip = true; // old directory
                              // Show dialog of comfirming to overwrite.
                              dialog(0, path);

                              // Cancel
                              if (_TempOverWriteOption == USER_CANCELED)
                                e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(USER_CANCELED);
                                return (false);
                              else if (_TempOverWriteOption == OVERWRITE || _TempOverWriteOption == OVERWRITE_ALL)
                                // Overwrite ( New create )
                              // Skip, or Skip All
                              else if (_TempOverWriteOption == SKIP_ALL)
                                fSkip = true;
                                e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(DECRYPT_SUCCEEDED);
                                return (true);
                              else if (_TempOverWriteOption == SKIP)
                                fSkip = true;
                              else if (_TempOverWriteOption == KEEP_NEWER || _TempOverWriteOption == KEEP_NEWER_ALL)
                              { // New file?
                                if (di.LastWriteTime > dic[FileIndex].LastWriteDateTime)
                                  fSkip = true;

                            if ( fSkip == false)
                              di.Attributes &= ~FileAttributes.Hidden;
                              di.Attributes &= ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;

                            //File.SetAttributes(path, FileAttributes.Normal);

                          } // end if ( Directory.Exists )

                          FileSize = 0;

                          if (FileIndex > dic.Count - 1)
                            e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(DECRYPT_SUCCEEDED);
                            return (true);


                        // Create file
                          string path = Path.Combine(OutDirPath, dic[FileIndex].FilePath);
                          FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);

                          // File already exists.
                          if (File.Exists(path) == true)
                            // Salvage Data Mode
                            if (_fSalvageIntoSameDirectory == true)
                              int SerialNum = 0;
                              while (File.Exists(path) == true)
                                path = getFileNameWithSerialNumber(path, SerialNum);
                              // Temporary option for overwriting
                              // private const int USER_CANCELED  = -1;
                              // private const int OVERWRITE      = 1;
                              // private const int OVERWRITE_ALL  = 2;
                              // private const int KEEP_NEWER     = 3;
                              // private const int KEEP_NEWER_ALL = 4;
                              // private const int SKIP           = 5;
                              // private const int SKIP_ALL       = 6;
                              if (_TempOverWriteOption == OVERWRITE_ALL)
                                // Overwrite ( New create )
                              else if (_TempOverWriteOption == SKIP_ALL)
                                fSkip = true;
                              else if (_TempOverWriteOption == KEEP_NEWER_ALL)
                                if (fi.LastWriteTime > dic[FileIndex].LastWriteDateTime)
                                  fSkip = true;
                                // Show dialog of comfirming to overwrite.
                                dialog(0, path);

                                // Cancel
                                if (_TempOverWriteOption == USER_CANCELED)
                                  e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(USER_CANCELED);
                                  return (false);
                                else if (_TempOverWriteOption == OVERWRITE || _TempOverWriteOption == OVERWRITE_ALL)
                                  // Overwrite ( New create )
                                // Skip, or Skip All
                                else if (_TempOverWriteOption == SKIP || _TempOverWriteOption == SKIP_ALL)
                                  fSkip = true;
                                else if (_TempOverWriteOption == KEEP_NEWER || _TempOverWriteOption == KEEP_NEWER_ALL)
                                { // New file?
                                  if (fi.LastWriteTime > dic[FileIndex].LastWriteDateTime)
                                    fSkip = true; // old directory

                              if (fSkip == false)
                                //fi.Attributes &= ~FileAttributes.Hidden;
                                //fi.Attributes &= ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;

                                File.SetAttributes(path, FileAttributes.Normal);



                          }// end if ( File.Exists );

                          // Salvage data mode
                          // サルベージ・モード
                          if (_fSalvageToCreateParentFolderOneByOne == true)
                            // Decrypt one by one while creating the parent folder.

                          if ( fSkip == true)
                            // Not create file
                            outfs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

                          FileSize = 0;



                    }// end if (outfs == null);

                    // Write data
                    if (FileSize + len < (Int64)dic[FileIndex].FileSize)
                      if (outfs != null || fSkip == true)
                        // まだまだ書き込める
                        // can write more
                        if (fSkip == false)
                          outfs.Write(byteArray, buffer_size - len, len);
                        FileSize += len;
                        _TotalSize += len;
                        len = 0;
                      // ファイルの境界を超えて読み込んでいる
                      // Reading beyond file boundaries
                      int rest = (int)(dic[FileIndex].FileSize - FileSize);

                      if (fSkip == false)
                        // 書き込み完了
                        // Write completed
                        outfs.Write(byteArray, buffer_size - len, rest);

                      _TotalSize += rest;

                      len -= rest;

                      if (outfs != null)
                        // 生成したファイルを閉じる
                        // File close
                        outfs = null;

                      // ファイル属性の復元
                      // Restore file attributes

                      if (fSkip == false)
                        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(dic[FileIndex].FilePath);
                        // タイムスタンプの復元
                        // Restore the timestamp of a file
                        fi.CreationTime = (DateTime)dic[FileIndex].CreationDateTime;
                        fi.LastWriteTime = (DateTime)dic[FileIndex].LastWriteDateTime;
                        // ファイル属性の復元
                        // Restore file attribute.
                        fi.Attributes = (FileAttributes)dic[FileIndex].FileAttribute;

                        // ハッシュ値のチェック
                        // Check the hash of a file
                        string hash = GetSha256HashFromFile(dic[FileIndex].FilePath);
                        if (hash != dic[FileIndex].Hash.ToString())
                          e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(NOT_CORRECT_HASH_VALUE, dic[FileIndex].FilePath);
                          return (false);

                      FileSize = 0;

                      fSkip = false;

                      if (FileIndex > dic.Count - 1)
                        e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(DECRYPT_SUCCEEDED);
                        return (true);

                    string MessageText = "";
                    if (_TotalNumberOfFiles > 1)
                      MessageText = FilePath + " ( " + _NumberOfFiles.ToString() + "/" + _TotalNumberOfFiles.ToString() + " files" + " )";
                      MessageText = FilePath;

                    MessageList = new ArrayList();
                    float percent = ((float)_TotalSize / _TotalFileSize);
                    worker.ReportProgress((int)(percent * 10000), MessageList);

                    // User cancel
                    if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
                      if (outfs != null)
                        outfs = null;
                      e.Cancel = true;
                      return (false);

                  }// end while(len > 0);

                }// end while ((len = ds.Read(byteArray, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0);

              }// end using (DeflateStream ds = new DeflateStream(cse, CompressionMode.Decompress));

            }// end using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(fs, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read));

              }// end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());

            }// end using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));

              catch (Exception ex)
            #if (DEBUG)


            e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
            return (false);


              e.Result = new FileDecryptReturnVal(DECRYPT_SUCCEEDED);
              return (true);
 public DeflateHttpContent(Stream stream)
     m_stream = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(stream, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Decompress);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiple files or directories is encrypted by AES (exactly Rijndael) to use password string.
        /// 複数のファイル、またはディレクトリをAES(正確にはRijndael)を使って指定のパスワードで暗号化する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FilePath">File path or directory path is encrypted</param>
        /// <param name="OutFilePath">Output encryption file name</param>
        /// <param name="Password">Encription password string</param>
        /// <returns>Encryption success(true) or failed(false)</returns>
        public Tuple<bool, int> Encrypt(
			object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e, 
			string[] FilePaths, string OutFilePath, 
			string Password, byte[] PasswordBinary,
			string NewArchiveName)
            byte[] bufferPassword;
            byte[] bufferKey = new byte[32];

              _AtcFilePath = OutFilePath;

              BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

              // Header data is starting.
              // Progress event handler
              ArrayList MessageList = new ArrayList();
              worker.ReportProgress(0, MessageList);

              _FileList = new List<string>();
            byte[] byteArray = null;

            using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
            // 自己実行形式ファイル(Self-executable file)
            if (_fExecutable == true)
              ExeOutFileSize = rawData.Length;
              outfs.Write(rawData, 0, (int)ExeOutFileSize);

            _StartPos = outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

            byteArray = new byte[16];
            // Plain text header
            byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(DATA_SUB_VERSION);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                byteArray = null;
            byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(RESERVED_DATA);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                byteArray = null;
            byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(charMissTypeLimits);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                byteArray = null;
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(fBrocken);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                byteArray = null;
                byteArray =Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(STRING_TOKEN_NORMAL);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 16);

                byteArray = null;
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(DATA_FILE_VERSION);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);
                byteArray = null;
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(TYPE_ALGORISM);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);

            // Reserve cipher text header size after encrypting.
                byteArray = null;
            byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_AtcHeaderSize);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);

            // Cipher text header.
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    byteArray =Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Passcode:AttacheCase\n");
                    ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

                    DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                    byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("LastDateTime:" + dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss\n"));
                    ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

                    int FileNumber = 0;
                    string ParentPath;
                    ArrayList FileInfoList = new ArrayList();

                    // Put together files in one ( Save as the name ).
                    // 複数ファイルを一つにまとめる(ファイルに名前をつけて保存)
                    if (NewArchiveName != "")
                        // Now time
                        DateTime dtNow = new DateTime();
                        FileInfoList.Add("Fn_0:" +                            // File number
                                           NewArchiveName + "\\\t" +            // File name
                                                         "0"  + "\t" +                        // File size
                                                         "16" + "\t" +                        // File attribute
                                                         dtNow.Date.Subtract(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)).TotalDays + "\t" +  // Last write date
                                                         dtNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + "\t" + // Last write time
                                                         dtNow.Date.Subtract(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)).TotalDays + "\t" +  // Creation date
                                                         dtNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds);       // Creation time

                    // When encrypt multiple files
                    // 複数のファイルを暗号化する場合
                    foreach (string FilePath in FilePaths)
                        ParentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath) + "\\";

                        if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
                            e.Cancel = true;
                            return Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED);

                        // 暗号化リストを生成(ファイル)
                        // Create file to encrypt list ( File )
                        if (File.Exists(FilePath) == true)
                            ArrayList Item = GetFileInfo(ParentPath, FilePath);
                            FileInfoList.Add("Fn_" + FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                                //Item[0] + "\t" +                      // TypeFlag ( Directory: 0, file: 1 )
                                                //Item[1] + "\t" +                      // Absolute file path
                                                                Item[2] + "\t" +                      // Relative file path
                                                                Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +           // File size
                                                                Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +           // File attribute
                                                                Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +           // Last write date
                                                                Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +           // Last write time
                                                                Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +           // Creation date
                                                                Item[8].ToString());                  // Creation time

                            // files only
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Item[0]) == 1)
                                // Files list for encryption
                                _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString());	// Absolute file path
                                // Total file size
                                _TotalFileSize += Convert.ToInt64(Item[3]);


                        // 暗号化リストを生成(ディレクトリ)
                        // Create file to encrypt list ( Directory )
              // Directory
              _FileList.Add(FilePath);  // Absolute file path

              foreach (ArrayList Item in GetFileList(ParentPath, FilePath))
                                if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
                                    e.Cancel = true;
                                    return Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED);

                                if (NewArchiveName != "")
                                    Item[2] = NewArchiveName + "\\" + Item[2];

                                FileInfoList.Add("Fn_" + FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                                    //Item[0] + "\t" +                      // TypeFlag ( Directory: 0, file: 1 )
                                                    //Item[1] + "\t" +                      // Absolute file path
                                                                    Item[2] + "\t" +                    // Relative file path
                                                                    Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +           // File size
                                                                    Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +           // File attribute
                                                                    Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +           // Last write date
                                                                    Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +           // Last write time
                                                                    Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +           // Creation date
                                                                    Item[8].ToString());                  // Creation time

                                if (Convert.ToInt32(Item[0]) == 1)
                { // files only
                  // Files list for encryption
                  _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString());	// Absolute file path
                                    // Total file size
                                    _TotalFileSize += Convert.ToInt64(Item[3]);
                { // Directory
                  _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString());	// Absolute file path


                            }// end foreach (ArrayList Item in GetFilesList(ParentPath, FilePath));


                    }// end foreach (string FilePath in FilePaths);

              // Check the disk space
              string RootDriveLetter = Path.GetPathRoot(OutFilePath).Substring(0, 1);

              if (RootDriveLetter == "\\")
            // Network
            DriveInfo drive = new DriveInfo(RootDriveLetter);

            DriveType driveType = drive.DriveType;
            switch (driveType)
              case DriveType.CDRom:
              case DriveType.NoRootDirectory:
              case DriveType.Unknown:
              case DriveType.Fixed:     // Local Drive
              case DriveType.Network:   // Mapped Drive
              case DriveType.Ram:       // Ram Drive
              case DriveType.Removable: // Usually a USB Drive

                // The drive is not available, or not enough free space.
                if (drive.IsReady == false || drive.AvailableFreeSpace < _TotalFileSize)
                  e.Result = NO_DISK_SPACE;
                  // not available free space
                  return Tuple.Create(false, NO_DISK_SPACE);

              // Create header data

              string[] FileInfoText = (string[])FileInfoList.ToArray(typeof(string));

                    // Shift-JIS ( Japanese )
              byteArray = Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetBytes(string.Join("\n", FileInfoText));
              ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
              // UTF-8
              byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\n"+string.Join("\n", FileInfoText).Replace("Fn_", "U_"));
              ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

            #if (DEBUG)
              //Output text file of header contents for debug.
              Int64 NowPosition = ms.Position;
              ms.Position = 0;
                    //Save to Desktop folder.
                    string DesktopPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);
                    string HeaderTextFilePath = Path.Combine(DesktopPath, "encrypt_header.txt");
              FileStream fsDebug = new FileStream(HeaderTextFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
              ms.Position = NowPosition;
                // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
              using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
            aes.BlockSize = 256;              // BlockSize = 16bytes
            aes.KeySize = 256;                // KeySize = 16bytes
            aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;        // CBC mode
            //aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;  // Padding mode is "None".

                        // Password
                        if (PasswordBinary != null)
                        {	// Binary
                            bufferPassword = PasswordBinary;
                        {	// Text
                            bufferPassword = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Password);
                            //byte[] bufferPassword = Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetBytes(Password);  // Shift-JIS

                        // Password is 256 bit, so truncated up to 32 bytes or fill up the data size.
                        // パスワードは256 bitなので、32バイトまで切り詰めるか、あるいはそのサイズまで埋める処理
                        for (int i = 0; i < bufferKey.Length; i++)
                            if (i < bufferPassword.Length)
                                // Cut down to 32 bytes characters.
                                bufferKey[i] = bufferPassword[i];
                                bufferKey[i] = 0;	// Zero filled
            aes.Key = bufferKey;

                        // Initilization Vector
                        outfs.Write(aes.IV, 0, 32);

                        ms.Position = 0;
                        //Encryption interface.
            ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
            using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(outfs, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                            // ヘッダーの暗号化
                            int len = 0;
                            _AtcHeaderSize = 0;		// exclude IV of header
              buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
              while ((len = ms.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                                cse.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                _AtcHeaderSize += len;

                    }// end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());

                }// end  using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream());

            }// end using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

            // 本体データの暗号化
            using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
                byteArray = new byte[4];
            // Back to current positon of 'encrypted file size'
            if (_fExecutable == true)
                    outfs.Seek(ExeOutFileSize + 28, SeekOrigin.Begin);	// self executable file
                    outfs.Seek(28, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_AtcHeaderSize);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);

                // Out file stream postion move to end
                outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
                using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
                    aes.BlockSize = 256;              // BlockSize = 16bytes
                    aes.KeySize = 256;                // KeySize = 16bytes
                    aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;        // CBC mode
              //aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;  // Padding mode is "PKCS7".

              // Password is 256 bit, so truncated up to 32 bytes or fill up the data size.
              for (int i = 0; i < bufferKey.Length; i++)
                        if (i < bufferPassword.Length)
                            //Cut down to 32bytes characters.
                            bufferKey[i] = bufferPassword[i];
                            bufferKey[i] = 0;
                    aes.Key = bufferKey;
                    // Initilization Vector
                    byte[] iv = new byte[32];
                    RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
                    aes.IV = iv;

                    outfs.Write(iv, 0, 32);

                    // Encryption interface.
                    ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
                    using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(outfs, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                        // zlib 2bytes header

            // cse.WriteByte(0x01);	//No Compression/low
            cse.WriteByte(0x9C);  //Default Compression
            //cse.WriteByte(0xDA);	 //Best Compression

            Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Default;
            switch (AppSettings.Instance.CompressRate)
              case 0:
                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level0;
              case 1:
                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level1;
              case 2:
                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level2;
              case 3:
                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level3;
              case 4:
                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level4;
              case 5:
                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level5;
              case 6:
                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level6;
              case 7:
                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level7;
              case 8:
                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level8;
              case 9:
                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level9;

            using ( Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(cse, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress, flv))
                            int len = 0;
                            foreach (string path in _FileList)
                                // Only file is encrypted
                                if (File.Exists(path) == true)
                                    buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                        len = 0;
                                        while ((len = fs.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                                            ds.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                                            _TotalSize += len;

                                            string MessageText = "";
                                            if (_TotalNumberOfFiles > 1)
                                                MessageText = path + " ( " + _NumberOfFiles.ToString() + " files/ " + _TotalNumberOfFiles.ToString() + " folders )";
                                                MessageText = path;

                      MessageList = new ArrayList();
                      float percent = ((float)_TotalSize / _TotalFileSize);
                      worker.ReportProgress((int)(percent * 10000), MessageList);

                      if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
                                                e.Cancel = true;
                                                return Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED);


                                } // end if (File.Exists(path) == true);

                            } // end foreach (string path in _FileList);

              Random r = new Random();
              byteArray = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
              ds.Write(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);

            } // end using ( Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds);

              } // end using (CryptoStream cse);

                } // end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());

              } // end using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

              // Self-executable file
              if (fExecutable == true)
            using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write))
              Int64 DataSize = outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
              DataSize = DataSize - _StartPos;
              byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(DataSize);
              outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, sizeof(Int64));

              // Set the timestamp of encryption file to original files or directories
              if (_fKeepTimeStamp == true)
            DateTime dtCreate = File.GetCreationTime((string)AppSettings.Instance.FileList[0]);
            DateTime dtUpdate = File.GetLastWriteTime((string)AppSettings.Instance.FileList[0]);
            DateTime dtAccess = File.GetLastAccessTime((string)AppSettings.Instance.FileList[0]);
            File.SetCreationTime(OutFilePath, dtCreate);
            File.SetLastWriteTime(OutFilePath, dtUpdate);
            File.SetLastAccessTime(OutFilePath, dtAccess);

              //Encryption succeed.
              e.Result = ENCRYPT_SUCCEEDED;
              return Tuple.Create(true, ENCRYPT_SUCCEEDED);
Esempio n. 16
        private Stream MaybeApplyCompression(Stream s, long streamLength)
            if (_CompressionMethod == 0x08 && CompressionLevel != Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.None)
                var o = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(s, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress,
                if (_container.CodecBufferSize > 0)
                    o.BufferSize = _container.CodecBufferSize;
                o.Strategy = _container.Strategy;
                return o;

#if BZIP
            if (_CompressionMethod == 0x0c)
#if !NETCF
                if (_container.ParallelDeflateThreshold == 0L ||
                    (streamLength > _container.ParallelDeflateThreshold &&
                     _container.ParallelDeflateThreshold > 0L))

                    var o1 = new Ionic.BZip2.ParallelBZip2OutputStream(s, true);
                    return o1;
                var o = new Ionic.BZip2.BZip2OutputStream(s, true);
                return o;

            return s;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiple files or directories is encrypted by AES (exactly Rijndael) to use password string.
        /// 複数のファイル、またはディレクトリをAES(正確にはRijndael)を使って指定のパスワードで暗号化する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FilePath">File path or directory path is encrypted</param>
        /// <param name="OutFilePath">Output encryption file name</param>
        /// <param name="Password">Encription password string</param>
        /// <returns>Encryption success(true) or failed(false)</returns>
        public Tuple<bool, int> Encrypt(
      object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e,
      string[] FilePaths, string OutFilePath,
      string Password, byte[] PasswordBinary,
      string NewArchiveName)
            _AtcFilePath = OutFilePath;

              BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

              // The timestamp of original file
              DateTime dtCreate = File.GetCreationTime(FilePaths[0]);
              DateTime dtUpdate = File.GetLastWriteTime(FilePaths[0]);
              DateTime dtAccess = File.GetLastAccessTime(FilePaths[0]);

              // Create Header data.
              ArrayList MessageList = new ArrayList();
              worker.ReportProgress(0, MessageList);

              _FileList = new List<string>();
              byte[] byteArray = null;

              // Salt
              Rfc2898DeriveBytes deriveBytes;
              if(PasswordBinary == null)
              { // String Password
            deriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Password, 8, 1000);
              { // Binary Password
            byte[] random_salt = new byte[8];
            RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
            deriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(PasswordBinary, random_salt, 1000);
              byte[] salt = deriveBytes.Salt;
              byte[] key = deriveBytes.GetBytes(32);
              byte[] iv = deriveBytes.GetBytes(32);

              using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
            // 自己実行形式ファイル(Self-executable file)
            if (_fExecutable == true)
              ExeOutFileSize = rawData.Length;
              outfs.Write(rawData, 0, (int)ExeOutFileSize);

            _StartPos = outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

            // Application version
            Version ver = ApplicationInfo.Version;
            short vernum = Int16.Parse(ver.ToString().Replace(".", ""));
            byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(vernum);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 2);
            // Input password limit
            byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_MissTypeLimits);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
            // Exceed the password input limit, destroy the file?
            byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(fBrocken);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
            // Token that this is the AttacheCase file
            byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(STRING_TOKEN_NORMAL);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 16);
            // File sub version
            byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(DATA_FILE_VERSION);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);
            // The size of encrypted Atc header size ( reserved )
            byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)0);
            outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);
            // Salt
            outfs.Write(salt, 0, 8);

            // Cipher text header.
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
              byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(AtC_ENCRYPTED_TOKEN + "\n");
              ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

              int FileNumber = 0;
              string ParentPath;
              ArrayList FileInfoList = new ArrayList();

              // Put together files in one ( Save as the name ).
              // 複数ファイルを一つにまとめる(ファイルに名前をつけて保存)
              if (NewArchiveName != "")
            // Now time
            DateTime dtNow = new DateTime();
            FileInfoList.Add("0:" +                              // File number
                             NewArchiveName + "\\\t" +           // File name
                             "0" + "\t" +                        // File size
                             "16" + "\t" +                       // File attribute
                             dtNow.Date.Subtract(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)).TotalDays + "\t" +  // Last write date
                             dtNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + "\t" + // Last write time
                             dtNow.Date.Subtract(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)).TotalDays + "\t" +  // Creation date
                             dtNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds);       // Creation time

              // When encrypt multiple files
              // 複数のファイルを暗号化する場合
              foreach (string FilePath in FilePaths)
            ParentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath);

            if(ParentPath.EndsWith("\\") == false)  // In case of 'C:\\' root direcroy.
              ParentPath = ParentPath + "\\";

            if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
              e.Cancel = true;
              return Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED);

            // 暗号化リストを生成(ファイル)
            // Create file to encrypt list ( File )
            if (File.Exists(FilePath) == true)
              ArrayList Item = GetFileInfo(ParentPath, FilePath);
              FileInfoList.Add(FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                //Item[0] + "\t" +           // TypeFlag ( Directory: 0, file: 1 )
                                //Item[1] + "\t" +           // Absolute file path
                                Item[2] + "\t" +             // Relative file path
                                Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +  // File size
                                Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +  // File attribute
                                Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +  // Last write date
                                Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +  // Last write time
                                Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +  // Creation date
                                Item[8].ToString() + "\t" +  // Creation time
                                Item[9].ToString());         // SHA-256 Hash string

              // files only
              if (Convert.ToInt32(Item[0]) == 1)
                // Files list for encryption
                _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString());  // Absolute file path
                                                    // Total file size
                _TotalFileSize += Convert.ToInt64(Item[3]);


            // 暗号化リストを生成(ディレクトリ)
            // Create file to encrypt list ( Directory )
              // Directory
              _FileList.Add(FilePath);  // Absolute file path

              foreach (ArrayList Item in GetFileList(ParentPath, FilePath))
                if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
                  e.Cancel = true;
                  return Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED);

                if (NewArchiveName != "")
                  Item[2] = NewArchiveName + "\\" + Item[2];

                if ((int)Item[0] == 0)
                { // Directory
                  FileInfoList.Add(FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                    Item[2] + "\t" +             // Relative file path
                                    Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +  // File size
                                    Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +  // File attribute
                                    Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +  // Last write date
                                    Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +  // Last write time
                                    Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +  // Creation date
                                    Item[8].ToString());         // Creation time
                { // File
                  FileInfoList.Add(FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                    Item[2] + "\t" +             // Relative file path
                                    Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +  // File size
                                    Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +  // File attribute
                                    Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +  // Last write date
                                    Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +  // Last write time
                                    Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +  // Creation date
                                    Item[8].ToString() + "\t" +  // Creation time
                                    Item[9].ToString());         // SHA-256 hash

                if (Convert.ToInt32(Item[0]) == 1)
                { // files only
                  // Files list for encryption
                  _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString());  // Absolute file path
                                                      // Total file size
                  _TotalFileSize += Convert.ToInt64(Item[3]);
                { // Directory
                  _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString());	// Absolute file path


              }// end foreach (ArrayList Item in GetFilesList(ParentPath, FilePath));

            }// if (File.Exists(FilePath) == true);

              }// end foreach (string FilePath in FilePaths);

              // Check the disk space
              string RootDriveLetter = Path.GetPathRoot(OutFilePath).Substring(0, 1);

              if (RootDriveLetter == "\\")
            // Network
            DriveInfo drive = new DriveInfo(RootDriveLetter);

            DriveType driveType = drive.DriveType;
            switch (driveType)
              case DriveType.CDRom:
              case DriveType.NoRootDirectory:
              case DriveType.Unknown:
              case DriveType.Fixed:     // Local Drive
              case DriveType.Network:   // Mapped Drive
              case DriveType.Ram:       // Ram Drive
              case DriveType.Removable: // Usually a USB Drive

                // The drive is not available, or not enough free space.
                if (drive.IsReady == false || drive.AvailableFreeSpace < _TotalFileSize)
                  e.Result = NO_DISK_SPACE;
                  // not available free space
                  return Tuple.Create(false, NO_DISK_SPACE);

              // Create header data

              string[] FileInfoText = (string[])FileInfoList.ToArray(typeof(string));

              byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Join("\n", FileInfoText));
              ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

            #if (DEBUG)
              //Output text file of header contents for debug.
              Int64 NowPosition = ms.Position;
              ms.Position = 0;
              //Save to Desktop folder.
              string AppDirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath);
              string HeaderTextFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDirPath, "encrypt_header.txt");
              using (FileStream fsDebug = new FileStream(HeaderTextFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
            ms.Position = NowPosition;
              // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
              using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
            aes.BlockSize = 256;              // BlockSize = 16bytes
            aes.KeySize = 256;                // KeySize = 16bytes
            aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;        // CBC mode
            //aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;  // Padding mode is "None".

            aes.Key = key;
            aes.IV = iv;

            ms.Position = 0;
            //Encryption interface.
            ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
            using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(outfs, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
              // ヘッダーの暗号化
              int len = 0;
              _AtcHeaderSize = 0;		// exclude IV of header
              buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
              while ((len = ms.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                cse.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                _AtcHeaderSize += len;

              }// end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());

            }// end  using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream());

              }// end using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

              // 本体データの暗号化
              using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
            try {
              byteArray = new byte[4];
              // Back to current positon of 'encrypted file size'
              if (_fExecutable == true)
            outfs.Seek(ExeOutFileSize + 24, SeekOrigin.Begin);  // self executable file
            outfs.Seek(24, SeekOrigin.Begin);

              byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_AtcHeaderSize);
              outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);

              // Out file stream postion move to end
              outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

              // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
              using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
            aes.BlockSize = 256;              // BlockSize = 16bytes
            aes.KeySize = 256;                // KeySize = 16bytes
            aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;        // CBC mode
            aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;  // Padding mode

            aes.Key = key;
            aes.IV = iv;

            // Encryption interface.
            ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
            using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(outfs, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
              Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Default;
              switch (AppSettings.Instance.CompressRate)
                case 0:
                  flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level0;
                case 1:
                  flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level1;
                case 2:
                  flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level2;
                case 3:
                  flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level3;
                case 4:
                  flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level4;
                case 5:
                  flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level5;
                case 6:
                  flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level6;
                case 7:
                  flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level7;
                case 8:
                  flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level8;
                case 9:
                  flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level9;

              using (Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(cse, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress, flv))
                int len = 0;
                foreach (string path in _FileList)
                  // Only file is encrypted
                  if (File.Exists(path) == true)
                      buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                      using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                        len = 0;
                        while ((len = fs.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                          ds.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                          _TotalSize += len;

                          string MessageText = "";
                          if (_TotalNumberOfFiles > 1)
                            MessageText = path + " ( " + _NumberOfFiles.ToString() + " / " + _TotalNumberOfFiles.ToString() + " files )";
                            MessageText = path;
                          float percent = ((float)_TotalSize / _TotalFileSize);
                          MessageList = new ArrayList();
                          worker.ReportProgress((int)(percent * 10000), MessageList);

                          if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
                            e.Cancel = true;
                            return Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED);



                    catch (Exception ex)
                      e.Result = ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
                      return Tuple.Create(false, ERROR_UNEXPECTED);

                  } // end if (File.Exists(path) == true);

                } // end foreach (string path in _FileList);

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                  Random r = new Random();
                  byteArray = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                  cse.Write(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);

              } // end using ( Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds);

            } // end using (CryptoStream cse);

              } // end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());

            catch (Exception ex)
              e.Result = ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
              return Tuple.Create(false, ERROR_UNEXPECTED);

              } // end using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

              // Set the timestamp of encryption file to original files or directories
              if (_fKeepTimeStamp == true)
            File.SetCreationTime(OutFilePath, dtCreate);
            File.SetLastWriteTime(OutFilePath, dtUpdate);
            File.SetLastAccessTime(OutFilePath, dtAccess);
            dtUpdate = DateTime.Now;
            File.SetLastWriteTime(OutFilePath, dtUpdate);

              //Encryption succeed.
              e.Result = ENCRYPT_SUCCEEDED;
              return Tuple.Create(true, ENCRYPT_SUCCEEDED);
Esempio n. 18
        public bool Encrypt(
            object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e,
            string[] FilePaths, string OutFilePath,
            string Password, byte[] PasswordBinary,
            string NewArchiveName)
#if (DEBUG)
            Logger lg = new Logger();
            lg.Info("Encryotion satrt.");

            _AtcFilePath = OutFilePath;

            BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            // The timestamp of original file
            DateTime dtCreate = File.GetCreationTime(FilePaths[0]);
            DateTime dtUpdate = File.GetLastWriteTime(FilePaths[0]);
            DateTime dtAccess = File.GetLastAccessTime(FilePaths[0]);

            // Create Header data.
            ArrayList MessageList = new ArrayList
            worker.ReportProgress(0, MessageList);

            // Stopwatch for measuring time and adjusting the progress bar display
            Stopwatch swEncrypt  = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch swProgress = new Stopwatch();

            float percent = 0;

            _FileList = new List <string>();
            byte[] byteArray = null;

            // Salt
            Rfc2898DeriveBytes deriveBytes;
            if (PasswordBinary == null)
            { // String Password
                deriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Password, 8, 1000);
            { // Binary Password
                byte[] random_salt           = new byte[8];
                RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
                deriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(PasswordBinary, random_salt, 1000);
            byte[] salt = deriveBytes.Salt;
            byte[] key  = deriveBytes.GetBytes(32);
            byte[] iv   = deriveBytes.GetBytes(32);

                using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(_AtcFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                    // 自己実行形式ファイル(Self-executable file)
                    if (_fExecutable == true)
                        // Read from ExeOut3.cs
                        ExeOutFileSize = rawData.Length;
                        outfs.Write(rawData, 0, (int)ExeOutFileSize);

                    _StartPos = outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                    // Application version
                    Version ver    = ApplicationInfo.Version;
                    short   vernum = Int16.Parse(ver.ToString().Replace(".", ""));
                    byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(vernum);
                    outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 2);
                    // Input password limit
                    byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_MissTypeLimits);
                    outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                    // Exceed the password input limit, destroy the file?
                    byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(fBrocken);
                    outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                    // Token that this is the AttacheCase file
                    byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(STRING_TOKEN_NORMAL);
                    outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 16);
                    // File sub version
                    byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(DATA_FILE_VERSION);
                    outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);
                    // The size of encrypted Atc header size ( reserved )
                    byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)0);
                    outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);
                    // Salt
                    outfs.Write(salt, 0, 8);

                    // Cipher text header.
                    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                        byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(AtC_ENCRYPTED_TOKEN + "\n");
                        ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

                        int       FileNumber = 0;
                        string    ParentPath;
                        ArrayList FileInfoList = new ArrayList();

                        // Put together files in one ( Save as the name ).
                        // 複数ファイルを一つにまとめる(ファイルに名前をつけて保存)
                        if (NewArchiveName != "")
                            NewArchiveName = NewArchiveName + "\\";

                            // Now time
                            DateTime dtNow = new DateTime();
                            FileInfoList.Add("0:" +                                                        // File number
                                             NewArchiveName + "\t" +                                       // File name
                                             "0" + "\t" +                                                  // File size
                                             "16" + "\t" +                                                 // File attribute
                                             dtNow.Date.Subtract(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)).TotalDays + "\t" + // Last write date
                                             dtNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + "\t" +                         // Last write time
                                             dtNow.Date.Subtract(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)).TotalDays + "\t" + // Creation date
                                             dtNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + "\t" +                         // Creation time
                                             "" + "\t" +
                                                                                                           // ver. ~
                                             DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") + "\t" +
                                             DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"));

                        // When encrypt multiple files
                        // 複数のファイルを暗号化する場合
                        foreach (string FilePath in FilePaths)
                            ParentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath);

                            if (ParentPath.EndsWith("\\") == false) // In case of 'C:\\' root direcroy.
                                ParentPath = ParentPath + "\\";

                            if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
                                e.Cancel = true;

                            // 暗号化リストを生成(ファイル)
                            // Create file to encrypt list ( File )
                            if (File.Exists(FilePath) == true)
                                ArrayList Item = GetFileInfo(ParentPath, FilePath);
                                FileInfoList.Add(FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                                                               //Item[0] + "\t" +           // TypeFlag ( Directory: 0, file: 1 )
                                                                               //Item[1] + "\t" +           // Absolute file path
                                                 NewArchiveName +
                                                 Item[2] + "\t" +              // Relative file path
                                                 Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +   // File size
                                                 Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +   // File attribute
                                                 Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +   // Last write date
                                                 Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +   // Last write time
                                                 Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +   // Creation date
                                                 Item[8].ToString() + "\t" +   // Creation time
                                                 Item[9].ToString() + "\t" +   // SHA-256 Hash string
                                                                               // ver. ~
                                                 Item[10].ToString() + "\t" +  // Last write date time(UTC)
                                                 Item[11].ToString());         // Creation date time(UTC)

                                // files only
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(Item[0]) == 1)
                                    // Files list for encryption
                                    _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString()); // Absolute file path
                                                                       // Total file size
                                    _TotalFileSize += Convert.ToInt64(Item[3]);

                            // 暗号化リストを生成(ディレクトリ)
                            // Create file to encrypt list ( Directory )
                                // Directory
                                _FileList.Add(FilePath); // Absolute file path

                                foreach (ArrayList Item in GetFileList(ParentPath, FilePath))
                                    if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
                                        e.Cancel = true;

                                    if (NewArchiveName != "")
                                        Item[2] = NewArchiveName + "\\" + Item[2];

                                    if ((int)Item[0] == 0)
                                    {                                                      // Directory
                                        FileInfoList.Add(FileNumber.ToString() + ":" +     // File number
                                                         NewArchiveName + Item[2] + "\t" + // Relative file path
                                                         Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +       // File size
                                                         Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +       // File attribute
                                                         Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +       // Last write date
                                                         Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +       // Last write time
                                                         Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +       // Creation date
                                                         Item[8].ToString() + "\t" +       // Creation time
                                                         "" + "\t" +
                                                                                           // ver. ~
                                                         Item[10].ToString() + "\t" +      // Last write date time(UTC)
                                                         Item[11].ToString());             // Creation date date time(UTC)
                                    {                                                      // File
                                        FileInfoList.Add(FileNumber.ToString() + ":" +     // File number
                                                         NewArchiveName + Item[2] + "\t" + // Relative file path
                                                         Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +       // File size
                                                         Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +       // File attribute
                                                         Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +       // Last write date
                                                         Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +       // Last write time
                                                         Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +       // Creation date
                                                         Item[8].ToString() + "\t" +       // Creation time
                                                         Item[9].ToString() + "\t" +       // SHA-256 hash
                                                                                           // ver. ~
                                                         Item[10].ToString() + "\t" +      // Last write date time(UTC)
                                                         Item[11].ToString());             // Creation date date time(UTC)

                                    if (Convert.ToInt32(Item[0]) == 1)
                                    {                                      // files only
                                      // Files list for encryption
                                        _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString()); // Absolute file path
                                                                           // Total file size
                                        _TotalFileSize += Convert.ToInt64(Item[3]);
                                    {                                      // Directory
                                        _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString()); // Absolute file path

                                } // end foreach (ArrayList Item in GetFilesList(ParentPath, FilePath));
                            }     // if (File.Exists(FilePath) == true);
                        }         // end foreach (string FilePath in FilePaths);

                        // Check the disk space
                        string RootDriveLetter = Path.GetPathRoot(_AtcFilePath).Substring(0, 1);

                        if (RootDriveLetter == "\\")
                            // Network
                            DriveInfo drive = new DriveInfo(RootDriveLetter);

                            DriveType driveType = drive.DriveType;
                            switch (driveType)
                            case DriveType.CDRom:
                            case DriveType.NoRootDirectory:
                            case DriveType.Unknown:

                            case DriveType.Fixed:     // Local Drive
                            case DriveType.Network:   // Mapped Drive
                            case DriveType.Ram:       // Ram Drive
                            case DriveType.Removable: // Usually a USB Drive

                                // The drive is not available, or not enough free space.
                                if (drive.IsReady == false || drive.AvailableFreeSpace < _TotalFileSize)
                                    // not available free space
                                    _ReturnCode = NO_DISK_SPACE;
                                    _DriveName  = drive.ToString();
                                    //_TotalFileSize = _TotalFileSize;
                                    _AvailableFreeSpace = drive.AvailableFreeSpace;

                        // Create header data

                        string[] FileInfoText = (string[])FileInfoList.ToArray(typeof(string));
#if (DEBUG)
                        string DesktopPath      = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);
                        string FileListTextPath = Path.Combine(DesktopPath, "_header_text.txt");
                        var    FileListText     = String.Join("\n", FileInfoText);
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(FileListTextPath, FileListText, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                        byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Join("\n", FileInfoText));
                        ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

                        // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
                        using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
                            aes.BlockSize = 256;            // BlockSize = 16bytes
                            aes.KeySize   = 256;            // KeySize = 16bytes
                            aes.Mode      = CipherMode.CBC; // CBC mode
                                                            //aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;  // Padding mode is "None".
                            aes.Key = key;
                            aes.IV  = iv;

                            ms.Position = 0;
                            //Encryption interface.
                            ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
                            using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(outfs, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                                // ヘッダーの暗号化
                                int len = 0;
                                _AtcHeaderSize = 0; // exclude IV of header
                                buffer         = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                                while ((len = ms.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                                    cse.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                                    _AtcHeaderSize += len;
                        } // end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());
                    }     // end  using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream());
                }         // end using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(_AtcFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

                // 本体データの暗号化
                using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(_AtcFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
                    byteArray = new byte[4];
                    // Back to current positon of 'encrypted file size'
                    if (_fExecutable == true)
                        outfs.Seek(ExeOutFileSize + 24, SeekOrigin.Begin); // self executable file
                        outfs.Seek(24, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_AtcHeaderSize);
                    outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);

                    // Out file stream postion move to end
                    outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                    // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
                    using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
                        aes.BlockSize = 256;               // BlockSize = 16bytes
                        aes.KeySize   = 256;               // KeySize = 16bytes
                        aes.Mode      = CipherMode.CBC;    // CBC mode
                        aes.Padding   = PaddingMode.Zeros; // Padding mode

                        aes.Key = key;
                        aes.IV  = iv;

                        // Encryption interface.
                        ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
                        using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(outfs, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                            Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Default;
                            switch (AppSettings.Instance.CompressRate)
                            case 0:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level0;

                            case 1:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level1;

                            case 2:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level2;

                            case 3:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level3;

                            case 4:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level4;

                            case 5:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level5;

                            case 6:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level6;

                            case 7:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level7;

                            case 8:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level8;

                            case 9:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level9;

                            using (Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(cse, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress, flv))
                                int len = 0;
                                foreach (string path in _FileList)
                                    // Only file is encrypted
                                    if (File.Exists(path) == true)
                                        buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                                        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                                            len = 0;
                                            while ((len = fs.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                                                ds.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                                                _TotalSize += len;

                                                string MessageText = "";
                                                if (_TotalNumberOfFiles > 1)
                                                    MessageText = path + " ( " + _NumberOfFiles.ToString() + " / " + _TotalNumberOfFiles.ToString() + " files )";
                                                    MessageText = path;

                                                MessageList = new ArrayList();

                                                // プログレスバーの更新間隔を100msに調整
                                                if (swProgress.ElapsedMilliseconds > 100)
                                                    percent = ((float)_TotalSize / _TotalFileSize);
                                                    worker.ReportProgress((int)(percent * 10000), MessageList);

                                                if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
                                                    e.Cancel = true;
                                    } // end if (File.Exists(path) == true);
                                }     // end foreach (string path in _FileList);

                                 * for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                 * {
                                 * Random r = new Random();
                                 * byteArray = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                                 * r.NextBytes(byteArray);
                                 * cse.Write(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
                                 * }
                            } // end using ( Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds);
                        }     // end using (CryptoStream cse);
                    }         // end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());
                }             // end using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(_AtcFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

                // Set the timestamp of encryption file to original files or directories
                if (_fKeepTimeStamp == true)
                    File.SetCreationTime(_AtcFilePath, dtCreate);
                    File.SetLastWriteTime(_AtcFilePath, dtUpdate);
                    File.SetLastAccessTime(_AtcFilePath, dtAccess);
                    dtUpdate = DateTime.Now;
                    File.SetLastWriteTime(_AtcFilePath, dtUpdate);

                //Encryption succeed.
                _ReturnCode = ENCRYPT_SUCCEEDED;
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                //オペレーティング システムが I/O エラーまたは特定の種類のセキュリティエラーのためにアクセスを拒否する場合、スローされる例外
                //The exception that is thrown when the operating system denies access
                //because of an I/O error or a specific type of security error.
                _ReturnCode    = OS_DENIES_ACCESS;
                _ErrorFilePath = _AtcFilePath;
            catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
                //The exception that is thrown when part of a file or directory cannot be found
                _ReturnCode   = DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND;
                _ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            catch (DriveNotFoundException ex)
                //The exception that is thrown when trying to access a drive or share that is not available
                _ReturnCode   = DRIVE_NOT_FOUND;
                _ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            catch (FileLoadException ex)
                //マネージド アセンブリが見つかったが、読み込むことができない場合にスローされる例外
                //The exception that is thrown when a managed assembly is found but cannot be loaded
                _ReturnCode    = FILE_NOT_LOADED;
                _ErrorFilePath = ex.FileName;
            catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
                //The exception that is thrown when an attempt to access a file that does not exist on disk fails
                _ReturnCode    = FILE_NOT_FOUND;
                _ErrorFilePath = ex.FileName;
            catch (PathTooLongException)
                //The exception that is thrown when a path or fully qualified file name is longer than the system-defined maximum length
                _ReturnCode = PATH_TOO_LONG;
            catch (IOException ex)
                //The exception that is thrown when an I/O error occurs. Gets a message that describes the current exception.
                _ReturnCode   = IO_EXCEPTION;
                _ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _ReturnCode   = ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
                _ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
#if (DEBUG)
                lg.Info("encryption finished!");
                // 計測時間
                TimeSpan ts = swEncrypt.Elapsed;
                _EncryptionTimeString =
                    Convert.ToString(ts.Hours) + "h" + Convert.ToString(ts.Minutes) + "m" +
                    Convert.ToString(ts.Seconds) + "s" + Convert.ToString(ts.Milliseconds) + "ms";
        } // encrypt();
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiple files or directories is encrypted by AES (exactly Rijndael) to use password string.
        /// 複数のファイル、またはディレクトリをAES(正確にはRijndael)を使って指定のパスワードで暗号化する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FilePath">File path or directory path is encrypted</param>
        /// <param name="OutFilePath">Output encryption file name</param>
        /// <param name="Password">Encription password string</param>
        /// <returns>Encryption success(true) or failed(false)</returns>
        public Tuple <bool, int> Encrypt(
            object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e,
            string[] FilePaths, string OutFilePath,
            string Password, byte[] PasswordBinary,
            string NewArchiveName)
            byte[] bufferPassword;
            byte[] bufferKey = new byte[32];

            _AtcFilePath = OutFilePath;

            BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            // Header data is starting.
            // Progress event handler
            ArrayList MessageList = new ArrayList();

            worker.ReportProgress(0, MessageList);

            _FileList = new List <string>();
            byte[] byteArray = null;

            using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                // 自己実行形式ファイル(Self-executable file)
                if (_fExecutable == true)
                    ExeOutFileSize = rawData.Length;
                    outfs.Write(rawData, 0, (int)ExeOutFileSize);

                _StartPos = outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                byteArray = new byte[16];
                // Plain text header
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(DATA_SUB_VERSION);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                byteArray = null;
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(RESERVED_DATA);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                byteArray = null;
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(charMissTypeLimits);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                byteArray = null;
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(fBrocken);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                byteArray = null;
                byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(STRING_TOKEN_NORMAL);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 16);

                byteArray = null;
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(DATA_FILE_VERSION);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);
                byteArray = null;
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(TYPE_ALGORISM);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);

                // Reserve cipher text header size after encrypting.
                byteArray = null;
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_AtcHeaderSize);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);

                // Cipher text header.
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Passcode:AttacheCase\n");
                    ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

                    DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                    byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("LastDateTime:" + dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss\n"));
                    ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

                    int       FileNumber = 0;
                    string    ParentPath;
                    ArrayList FileInfoList = new ArrayList();

                    // Put together files in one ( Save as the name ).
                    // 複数ファイルを一つにまとめる(ファイルに名前をつけて保存)
                    if (NewArchiveName != "")
                        // Now time
                        DateTime dtNow = new DateTime();
                        FileInfoList.Add("Fn_0:" +                                                     // File number
                                         NewArchiveName + "\\\t" +                                     // File name
                                         "0" + "\t" +                                                  // File size
                                         "16" + "\t" +                                                 // File attribute
                                         dtNow.Date.Subtract(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)).TotalDays + "\t" + // Last write date
                                         dtNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + "\t" +                         // Last write time
                                         dtNow.Date.Subtract(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)).TotalDays + "\t" + // Creation date
                                         dtNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds);                                // Creation time

                    // When encrypt multiple files
                    // 複数のファイルを暗号化する場合
                    foreach (string FilePath in FilePaths)
                        ParentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath) + "\\";

                        if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
                            e.Cancel = true;
                            return(Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED));

                        // 暗号化リストを生成(ファイル)
                        // Create file to encrypt list ( File )
                        if (File.Exists(FilePath) == true)
                            ArrayList Item = GetFileInfo(ParentPath, FilePath);
                            FileInfoList.Add("Fn_" + FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                                                                   //Item[0] + "\t" +                      // TypeFlag ( Directory: 0, file: 1 )
                                                                                   //Item[1] + "\t" +                      // Absolute file path
                                             Item[2] + "\t" +                      // Relative file path
                                             Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +           // File size
                                             Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +           // File attribute
                                             Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +           // Last write date
                                             Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +           // Last write time
                                             Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +           // Creation date
                                             Item[8].ToString());                  // Creation time

                            // files only
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Item[0]) == 1)
                                // Files list for encryption
                                _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString());                                      // Absolute file path
                                // Total file size
                                _TotalFileSize += Convert.ToInt64(Item[3]);

                        // 暗号化リストを生成(ディレクトリ)
                        // Create file to encrypt list ( Directory )
                            // Directory
                            _FileList.Add(FilePath); // Absolute file path

                            foreach (ArrayList Item in GetFileList(ParentPath, FilePath))
                                if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
                                    e.Cancel = true;
                                    return(Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED));

                                if (NewArchiveName != "")
                                    Item[2] = NewArchiveName + "\\" + Item[2];

                                FileInfoList.Add("Fn_" + FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                                                                       //Item[0] + "\t" +                      // TypeFlag ( Directory: 0, file: 1 )
                                                                                       //Item[1] + "\t" +                      // Absolute file path
                                                 Item[2] + "\t" +                      // Relative file path
                                                 Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +           // File size
                                                 Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +           // File attribute
                                                 Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +           // Last write date
                                                 Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +           // Last write time
                                                 Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +           // Creation date
                                                 Item[8].ToString());                  // Creation time

                                if (Convert.ToInt32(Item[0]) == 1)
                                {                                      // files only
                                  // Files list for encryption
                                    _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString()); // Absolute file path
                                    // Total file size
                                    _TotalFileSize += Convert.ToInt64(Item[3]);
                                {                                      // Directory
                                    _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString()); // Absolute file path

                            }            // end foreach (ArrayList Item in GetFilesList(ParentPath, FilePath));
                    }                    // end foreach (string FilePath in FilePaths);

                    // Check the disk space
                    string RootDriveLetter = Path.GetPathRoot(OutFilePath).Substring(0, 1);

                    if (RootDriveLetter == "\\")
                        // Network
                        DriveInfo drive = new DriveInfo(RootDriveLetter);

                        DriveType driveType = drive.DriveType;
                        switch (driveType)
                        case DriveType.CDRom:
                        case DriveType.NoRootDirectory:
                        case DriveType.Unknown:

                        case DriveType.Fixed:     // Local Drive
                        case DriveType.Network:   // Mapped Drive
                        case DriveType.Ram:       // Ram Drive
                        case DriveType.Removable: // Usually a USB Drive

                            // The drive is not available, or not enough free space.
                            if (drive.IsReady == false || drive.AvailableFreeSpace < _TotalFileSize)
                                e.Result = NO_DISK_SPACE;
                                // not available free space
                                return(Tuple.Create(false, NO_DISK_SPACE));

                    // Create header data

                    string[] FileInfoText = (string[])FileInfoList.ToArray(typeof(string));

                    // Shift-JIS ( Japanese )
                    byteArray = Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetBytes(string.Join("\n", FileInfoText));
                    ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
                    // UTF-8
                    byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\n" + string.Join("\n", FileInfoText).Replace("Fn_", "U_"));
                    ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

#if (DEBUG)
                    //Output text file of header contents for debug.
                    Int64 NowPosition = ms.Position;
                    ms.Position = 0;
                    //Save to Desktop folder.
                    string     DesktopPath        = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);
                    string     HeaderTextFilePath = Path.Combine(DesktopPath, "encrypt_header.txt");
                    FileStream fsDebug            = new FileStream(HeaderTextFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                    ms.Position = NowPosition;
                    // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
                    using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
                        aes.BlockSize = 256;            // BlockSize = 16bytes
                        aes.KeySize   = 256;            // KeySize = 16bytes
                        aes.Mode      = CipherMode.CBC; // CBC mode
                        //aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;  // Padding mode is "None".

                        // Password
                        if (PasswordBinary != null)
                        {                               // Binary
                            bufferPassword = PasswordBinary;
                        {                               // Text
                            bufferPassword = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Password);
                            //byte[] bufferPassword = Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetBytes(Password);  // Shift-JIS

                        // Password is 256 bit, so truncated up to 32 bytes or fill up the data size.
                        // パスワードは256 bitなので、32バイトまで切り詰めるか、あるいはそのサイズまで埋める処理
                        for (int i = 0; i < bufferKey.Length; i++)
                            if (i < bufferPassword.Length)
                                // Cut down to 32 bytes characters.
                                bufferKey[i] = bufferPassword[i];
                                bufferKey[i] = 0;                                       // Zero filled
                        aes.Key = bufferKey;

                        // Initilization Vector
                        outfs.Write(aes.IV, 0, 32);

                        ms.Position = 0;
                        //Encryption interface.
                        ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
                        using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(outfs, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                            // ヘッダーの暗号化
                            int len = 0;
                            _AtcHeaderSize = 0;                                         // exclude IV of header
                            buffer         = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                            while ((len = ms.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                                cse.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                                _AtcHeaderSize += len;
                    }    // end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());
                }        // end  using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream());
            }            // end using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

            // 本体データの暗号化
            using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
                byteArray = new byte[4];
                // Back to current positon of 'encrypted file size'
                if (_fExecutable == true)
                    outfs.Seek(ExeOutFileSize + 28, SeekOrigin.Begin);                          // self executable file
                    outfs.Seek(28, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_AtcHeaderSize);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);

                // Out file stream postion move to end
                outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
                using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
                    aes.BlockSize = 256;                                  // BlockSize = 16bytes
                    aes.KeySize   = 256;                                  // KeySize = 16bytes
                    aes.Mode      = CipherMode.CBC;                       // CBC mode
                    //aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;  // Padding mode is "PKCS7".

                    // Password is 256 bit, so truncated up to 32 bytes or fill up the data size.
                    for (int i = 0; i < bufferKey.Length; i++)
                        if (i < bufferPassword.Length)
                            //Cut down to 32bytes characters.
                            bufferKey[i] = bufferPassword[i];
                            bufferKey[i] = 0;
                    aes.Key = bufferKey;
                    // Initilization Vector
                    byte[] iv = new byte[32];
                    RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
                    aes.IV = iv;

                    outfs.Write(iv, 0, 32);

                    // Encryption interface.
                    ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
                    using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(outfs, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                        // zlib 2bytes header

                        // cse.WriteByte(0x01);	//No Compression/low
                        cse.WriteByte(0x9C); //Default Compression
                        //cse.WriteByte(0xDA);	 //Best Compression

                        Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Default;
                        switch (AppSettings.Instance.CompressRate)
                        case 0:
                            flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level0;

                        case 1:
                            flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level1;

                        case 2:
                            flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level2;

                        case 3:
                            flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level3;

                        case 4:
                            flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level4;

                        case 5:
                            flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level5;

                        case 6:
                            flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level6;

                        case 7:
                            flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level7;

                        case 8:
                            flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level8;

                        case 9:
                            flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level9;

                        using (Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(cse, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress, flv))
                            int len = 0;
                            foreach (string path in _FileList)
                                // Only file is encrypted
                                if (File.Exists(path) == true)
                                    buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                        len = 0;
                                        while ((len = fs.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                                            ds.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                                            _TotalSize += len;

                                            string MessageText = "";
                                            if (_TotalNumberOfFiles > 1)
                                                MessageText = path + " ( " + _NumberOfFiles.ToString() + " files/ " + _TotalNumberOfFiles.ToString() + " folders )";
                                                MessageText = path;

                                            MessageList = new ArrayList();
                                            float percent = ((float)_TotalSize / _TotalFileSize);
                                            worker.ReportProgress((int)(percent * 10000), MessageList);

                                            if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
                                                e.Cancel = true;
                                                return(Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED));
                                }                         // end if (File.Exists(path) == true);
                            }                             // end foreach (string path in _FileList);

                             * Random r = new Random();
                             * byteArray = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                             * r.NextBytes(byteArray);
                             * ds.Write(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
                        } // end using ( Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds);
                    }     // end using (CryptoStream cse);
                }                 // end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());
            }             // end using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

            // Self-executable file
            if (fExecutable == true)
                using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write))
                    Int64 DataSize = outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
                    DataSize  = DataSize - _StartPos;
                    byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(DataSize);
                    outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, sizeof(Int64));

            // Set the timestamp of encryption file to original files or directories
            if (_fKeepTimeStamp == true)
                DateTime dtCreate = File.GetCreationTime((string)AppSettings.Instance.FileList[0]);
                DateTime dtUpdate = File.GetLastWriteTime((string)AppSettings.Instance.FileList[0]);
                DateTime dtAccess = File.GetLastAccessTime((string)AppSettings.Instance.FileList[0]);
                File.SetCreationTime(OutFilePath, dtCreate);
                File.SetLastWriteTime(OutFilePath, dtUpdate);
                File.SetLastAccessTime(OutFilePath, dtAccess);

            //Encryption succeed.
            e.Result = ENCRYPT_SUCCEEDED;
            return(Tuple.Create(true, ENCRYPT_SUCCEEDED));
        } // encrypt();
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiple files or directories is encrypted by AES (exactly Rijndael) to use password string.
        /// 複数のファイル、またはディレクトリをAES(正確にはRijndael)を使って指定のパスワードで暗号化する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FilePath">File path or directory path is encrypted</param>
        /// <param name="OutFilePath">Output encryption file name</param>
        /// <param name="Password">Encription password string</param>
        /// <returns>Encryption success(true) or failed(false)</returns>
        public Tuple <bool, int> Encrypt(
            object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e,
            string[] FilePaths, string OutFilePath,
            string Password, byte[] PasswordBinary,
            string NewArchiveName)
            _AtcFilePath = OutFilePath;

            BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            // The timestamp of original file
            DateTime dtCreate = File.GetCreationTime(FilePaths[0]);
            DateTime dtUpdate = File.GetLastWriteTime(FilePaths[0]);
            DateTime dtAccess = File.GetLastAccessTime(FilePaths[0]);

            // Create Header data.
            ArrayList MessageList = new ArrayList();

            worker.ReportProgress(0, MessageList);

            _FileList = new List <string>();
            byte[] byteArray = null;

            // Salt
            Rfc2898DeriveBytes deriveBytes;

            if (PasswordBinary == null)
            { // String Password
                deriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Password, 8, 1000);
            { // Binary Password
                byte[] random_salt           = new byte[8];
                RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
                deriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(PasswordBinary, random_salt, 1000);
            byte[] salt = deriveBytes.Salt;
            byte[] key  = deriveBytes.GetBytes(32);
            byte[] iv   = deriveBytes.GetBytes(32);

            using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                // 自己実行形式ファイル(Self-executable file)
                if (_fExecutable == true)
                    ExeOutFileSize = rawData.Length;
                    outfs.Write(rawData, 0, (int)ExeOutFileSize);

                _StartPos = outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                // Application version
                Version ver    = ApplicationInfo.Version;
                short   vernum = Int16.Parse(ver.ToString().Replace(".", ""));
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(vernum);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 2);
                // Input password limit
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_MissTypeLimits);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                // Exceed the password input limit, destroy the file?
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(fBrocken);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 1);
                // Token that this is the AttacheCase file
                byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(STRING_TOKEN_NORMAL);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 16);
                // File sub version
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(DATA_FILE_VERSION);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);
                // The size of encrypted Atc header size ( reserved )
                byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)0);
                outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);
                // Salt
                outfs.Write(salt, 0, 8);

                // Cipher text header.
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(AtC_ENCRYPTED_TOKEN + "\n");
                    ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

                    int       FileNumber = 0;
                    string    ParentPath;
                    ArrayList FileInfoList = new ArrayList();

                    // Put together files in one ( Save as the name ).
                    // 複数ファイルを一つにまとめる(ファイルに名前をつけて保存)
                    if (NewArchiveName != "")
                        // Now time
                        DateTime dtNow = new DateTime();
                        FileInfoList.Add("0:" +                                                        // File number
                                         NewArchiveName + "\\\t" +                                     // File name
                                         "0" + "\t" +                                                  // File size
                                         "16" + "\t" +                                                 // File attribute
                                         dtNow.Date.Subtract(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)).TotalDays + "\t" + // Last write date
                                         dtNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + "\t" +                         // Last write time
                                         dtNow.Date.Subtract(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)).TotalDays + "\t" + // Creation date
                                         dtNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds);                                // Creation time

                    // When encrypt multiple files
                    // 複数のファイルを暗号化する場合
                    foreach (string FilePath in FilePaths)
                        ParentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath);

                        if (ParentPath.EndsWith("\\") == false) // In case of 'C:\\' root direcroy.
                            ParentPath = ParentPath + "\\";

                        if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
                            e.Cancel = true;
                            return(Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED));

                        // 暗号化リストを生成(ファイル)
                        // Create file to encrypt list ( File )
                        if (File.Exists(FilePath) == true)
                            ArrayList Item = GetFileInfo(ParentPath, FilePath);
                            FileInfoList.Add(FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                                                           //Item[0] + "\t" +           // TypeFlag ( Directory: 0, file: 1 )
                                                                           //Item[1] + "\t" +           // Absolute file path
                                             Item[2] + "\t" +              // Relative file path
                                             Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +   // File size
                                             Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +   // File attribute
                                             Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +   // Last write date
                                             Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +   // Last write time
                                             Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +   // Creation date
                                             Item[8].ToString() + "\t" +   // Creation time
                                             Item[9].ToString());          // SHA-256 Hash string

                            // files only
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Item[0]) == 1)
                                // Files list for encryption
                                _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString()); // Absolute file path
                                                                   // Total file size
                                _TotalFileSize += Convert.ToInt64(Item[3]);

                        // 暗号化リストを生成(ディレクトリ)
                        // Create file to encrypt list ( Directory )
                            // Directory
                            _FileList.Add(FilePath); // Absolute file path

                            foreach (ArrayList Item in GetFileList(ParentPath, FilePath))
                                if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
                                    e.Cancel = true;
                                    return(Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED));

                                if (NewArchiveName != "")
                                    Item[2] = NewArchiveName + "\\" + Item[2];

                                if ((int)Item[0] == 0)
                                {                                                  // Directory
                                    FileInfoList.Add(FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                                     Item[2] + "\t" +              // Relative file path
                                                     Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +   // File size
                                                     Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +   // File attribute
                                                     Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +   // Last write date
                                                     Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +   // Last write time
                                                     Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +   // Creation date
                                                     Item[8].ToString());          // Creation time
                                {                                                  // File
                                    FileInfoList.Add(FileNumber.ToString() + ":" + // File number
                                                     Item[2] + "\t" +              // Relative file path
                                                     Item[3].ToString() + "\t" +   // File size
                                                     Item[4].ToString() + "\t" +   // File attribute
                                                     Item[5].ToString() + "\t" +   // Last write date
                                                     Item[6].ToString() + "\t" +   // Last write time
                                                     Item[7].ToString() + "\t" +   // Creation date
                                                     Item[8].ToString() + "\t" +   // Creation time
                                                     Item[9].ToString());          // SHA-256 hash

                                if (Convert.ToInt32(Item[0]) == 1)
                                {                                      // files only
                                  // Files list for encryption
                                    _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString()); // Absolute file path
                                                                       // Total file size
                                    _TotalFileSize += Convert.ToInt64(Item[3]);
                                {                                      // Directory
                                    _FileList.Add(Item[1].ToString()); // Absolute file path

                            } // end foreach (ArrayList Item in GetFilesList(ParentPath, FilePath));
                        }     // if (File.Exists(FilePath) == true);
                    }         // end foreach (string FilePath in FilePaths);

                    // Check the disk space
                    string RootDriveLetter = Path.GetPathRoot(OutFilePath).Substring(0, 1);

                    if (RootDriveLetter == "\\")
                        // Network
                        DriveInfo drive = new DriveInfo(RootDriveLetter);

                        DriveType driveType = drive.DriveType;
                        switch (driveType)
                        case DriveType.CDRom:
                        case DriveType.NoRootDirectory:
                        case DriveType.Unknown:

                        case DriveType.Fixed:     // Local Drive
                        case DriveType.Network:   // Mapped Drive
                        case DriveType.Ram:       // Ram Drive
                        case DriveType.Removable: // Usually a USB Drive

                            // The drive is not available, or not enough free space.
                            if (drive.IsReady == false || drive.AvailableFreeSpace < _TotalFileSize)
                                e.Result = NO_DISK_SPACE;
                                // not available free space
                                return(Tuple.Create(false, NO_DISK_SPACE));

                    // Create header data

                    string[] FileInfoText = (string[])FileInfoList.ToArray(typeof(string));

                    byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Join("\n", FileInfoText));
                    ms.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

#if (DEBUG)
                    //Output text file of header contents for debug.
                    Int64 NowPosition = ms.Position;
                    ms.Position = 0;
                    //Save to Desktop folder.
                    string AppDirPath         = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath);
                    string HeaderTextFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDirPath, "encrypt_header.txt");
                    using (FileStream fsDebug = new FileStream(HeaderTextFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                        ms.Position = NowPosition;
                    // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
                    using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
                        aes.BlockSize = 256;            // BlockSize = 16bytes
                        aes.KeySize   = 256;            // KeySize = 16bytes
                        aes.Mode      = CipherMode.CBC; // CBC mode
                        //aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;  // Padding mode is "None".

                        aes.Key = key;
                        aes.IV  = iv;

                        ms.Position = 0;
                        //Encryption interface.
                        ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
                        using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(outfs, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                            // ヘッダーの暗号化
                            int len = 0;
                            _AtcHeaderSize = 0; // exclude IV of header
                            buffer         = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                            while ((len = ms.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                                cse.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                                _AtcHeaderSize += len;
                    } // end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());
                }     // end  using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream());
            }         // end using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

            // 本体データの暗号化
            using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
                try {
                    byteArray = new byte[4];
                    // Back to current positon of 'encrypted file size'
                    if (_fExecutable == true)
                        outfs.Seek(ExeOutFileSize + 24, SeekOrigin.Begin); // self executable file
                        outfs.Seek(24, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_AtcHeaderSize);
                    outfs.Write(byteArray, 0, 4);

                    // Out file stream postion move to end
                    outfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                    // The Header of MemoryStream is encrypted
                    using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged())
                        aes.BlockSize = 256;               // BlockSize = 16bytes
                        aes.KeySize   = 256;               // KeySize = 16bytes
                        aes.Mode      = CipherMode.CBC;    // CBC mode
                        aes.Padding   = PaddingMode.Zeros; // Padding mode

                        aes.Key = key;
                        aes.IV  = iv;

                        // Encryption interface.
                        ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
                        using (CryptoStream cse = new CryptoStream(outfs, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                            Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Default;
                            switch (AppSettings.Instance.CompressRate)
                            case 0:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level0;

                            case 1:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level1;

                            case 2:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level2;

                            case 3:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level3;

                            case 4:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level4;

                            case 5:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level5;

                            case 6:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level6;

                            case 7:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level7;

                            case 8:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level8;

                            case 9:
                                flv = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level9;

                            using (Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds = new Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream(cse, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress, flv))
                                int len = 0;
                                foreach (string path in _FileList)
                                    // Only file is encrypted
                                    if (File.Exists(path) == true)
                                            buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                                            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                                                len = 0;
                                                while ((len = fs.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                                                    ds.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                                                    _TotalSize += len;

                                                    string MessageText = "";
                                                    if (_TotalNumberOfFiles > 1)
                                                        MessageText = path + " ( " + _NumberOfFiles.ToString() + " / " + _TotalNumberOfFiles.ToString() + " files )";
                                                        MessageText = path;
                                                    float percent = ((float)_TotalSize / _TotalFileSize);
                                                    MessageList = new ArrayList();
                                                    worker.ReportProgress((int)(percent * 10000), MessageList);

                                                    if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
                                                        e.Cancel = true;
                                                        return(Tuple.Create(false, USER_CANCELED));
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            e.Result = ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
                                            return(Tuple.Create(false, ERROR_UNEXPECTED));
                                    } // end if (File.Exists(path) == true);
                                }     // end foreach (string path in _FileList);

                                 * for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                 * {
                                 * Random r = new Random();
                                 * byteArray = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                                 * r.NextBytes(byteArray);
                                 * cse.Write(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
                                 * }
                            } // end using ( Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream ds);
                        }     // end using (CryptoStream cse);
                    }         // end using (Rijndael aes = new RijndaelManaged());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    e.Result = ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
                    return(Tuple.Create(false, ERROR_UNEXPECTED));
            } // end using (FileStream outfs = new FileStream(OutFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

            // Set the timestamp of encryption file to original files or directories
            if (_fKeepTimeStamp == true)
                File.SetCreationTime(OutFilePath, dtCreate);
                File.SetLastWriteTime(OutFilePath, dtUpdate);
                File.SetLastAccessTime(OutFilePath, dtAccess);
                dtUpdate = DateTime.Now;
                File.SetLastWriteTime(OutFilePath, dtUpdate);

            //Encryption succeed.
            e.Result = ENCRYPT_SUCCEEDED;
            return(Tuple.Create(true, ENCRYPT_SUCCEEDED));
        } // encrypt();