Esempio n. 1
    public void OnAfterDeserialize()
        // Clear our runtime lists

        // Clone inspector lists into runtime lists
        foreach (InventoryWeaponMountInfo info in _weaponMounts)
            InventoryWeaponMountInfo clone = new InventoryWeaponMountInfo {
                Weapon = info.Weapon

        foreach (InventoryAmmoMountInfo info in _ammoMounts)
            InventoryAmmoMountInfo clone = new InventoryAmmoMountInfo {
                Ammo = info.Ammo

        foreach (InventoryFoodMountInfo info in _foodMounts)
            InventoryFoodMountInfo clone = new InventoryFoodMountInfo {
                Item = info.Item
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name :   GetAvailableAmmo
    // Desc :   Returns the number of bullets in the inventory for the passed ammo type. If true
    //          is passed for the second parameter this will include bullet at the weapon mount
    //          as well.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public override int GetAvailableAmmo(InventoryItemAmmo ammo, bool includeWeapon)
        if (!ammo)

        // Sum all ammo of the correct type on the ammo belt
        int roundCount = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < _ammo.Count; i++)
            InventoryAmmoMountInfo ammoMountInfo = _ammo[i];
            if (ammoMountInfo.Ammo != ammo)
            roundCount += ammoMountInfo.Rounds;

        // Also include ammo at the weapon mount if requested and applicable
        if (includeWeapon)
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                InventoryWeaponMountInfo weaponMountInfo = _weapons[i];
                if (weaponMountInfo.Weapon == null || weaponMountInfo.Weapon.ammo != ammo)
                roundCount += weaponMountInfo.InGunRounds;
Esempio n. 3
    public override CollectableItem DropWeaponItem(int mountIndex)
        if (mountIndex < 0 || mountIndex >= _weapons.Count)

        InventoryWeaponMountInfo itemMount = _weapons[mountIndex];

        if (itemMount == null || itemMount.Weapon == null)

        InventoryItemWeapon weapon = itemMount.Weapon;

        Vector3 position = _playerPosition != null ? _playerPosition.value :;

        position += _playerDirection != null ? _playerDirection.value :;

        var droppedItem = weapon.Drop(position);

        _weapons[mountIndex].Weapon = null;

    private void OnSwitchWeapon(InventoryWeaponMountInfo wmi)
        if (_inventory)
            _inventory.DropWeaponItem(wmi.Weapon.weaponType == InventoryWeaponType.SingleHanded ? 0 : 1);

            int mountIndex = wmi.Weapon.weaponType == InventoryWeaponType.SingleHanded ? 0 : 1;
            _inventory.AssignWeapon(mountIndex, wmi);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name :   OnAfterDeserialize()
    // Desc :   We use this function so at runtime we clone the Mounts into copies that we can
    //          mutate without any affecting our original lists as defined in the inpsector.
    // Note :   This has to be a deep copy as having two seperate lists referencing the same
    //          Mount objects will still mutate the original data.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public void OnAfterDeserialize()
        // Clear our runtime lists

        // Clone inspector lists into runtime lists
        foreach (InventoryWeaponMountInfo info in _weaponMounts)
            InventoryWeaponMountInfo clone = new InventoryWeaponMountInfo();
            clone.Condition   = info.Condition;
            clone.InGunRounds = info.InGunRounds;
            clone.Weapon      = info.Weapon;

            // This implementation supports only two weapons so ignore any others specified
            if (_weapons.Count == 2)

        foreach (InventoryAmmoMountInfo info in _ammoMounts)
            InventoryAmmoMountInfo clone = new InventoryAmmoMountInfo();
            clone.Ammo   = info.Ammo;
            clone.Rounds = info.Rounds;

        foreach (InventoryBackpackMountInfo info in _backpackMounts)
            InventoryBackpackMountInfo clone = new InventoryBackpackMountInfo();
            clone.Item = info.Item;

        foreach (InventoryItemAudio recording in _audioRecordings)

        // Reset the audio recording selection
        _activeAudioRecordingIndex = -1;
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name	:	AddWeaponItem
    // Desc	:	Adding weapons is actually handled very differently from other
    //			objects. All this function does is record the object we wish
    //			to change to and send out a message to invoke the correct dismount/mount
    //          animations. The ACTUAL pickup is deferred until AssignWeapon function
    //          is called by the Listener.
    // Note :   In DeadEarth the listener is the CharacterManager's which handles syncing
    //          weapon animation.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    protected bool AddWeaponItem(InventoryItemWeapon inventoryItemWeapon, CollectableWeapon collectableWeapon, bool playAudio)
        // Is the weapon we are about to pick up single handled or two handed weapon
        int mountIndex = (inventoryItemWeapon.weaponType == InventoryWeaponType.SingleHanded) ? 0 : 1;

        // Create a mount info object to describe the weapon and instance data we wish
        // to change to.
        InventoryWeaponMountInfo wmi = new InventoryWeaponMountInfo();

        wmi.Weapon      = inventoryItemWeapon;
        wmi.Condition   = collectableWeapon.condition;
        wmi.InGunRounds = collectableWeapon.rounds;

        // Invoke event so the object in charge of weapon switching and animation (our CharacterManager for example)
        // can set the process of switching in motion.

Esempio n. 7
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name :   OnClickWeaponMount
    // Desc :   Called when mouse clicks on a Weapon Mount's frame
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public void OnClickWeaponMount(Image image)
        int mount;

        if (image == null || !int.TryParse(, out mount))
            Debug.Log("OnEnterWeaponMount Error! Could not parse image name as int");

        // Is this a valid mount that's been clicked
        if (mount >= 0 && mount < _ammoMounts.Count)
            // Get Inventory Item
            InventoryWeaponMountInfo itemMount = _inventory.GetWeapon(mount);

            // No highlight if nothing at this slot
            if (itemMount == null || itemMount.Weapon == null)

            // We are clicking on the selected item so unselect
            if (mount == _selectedMount && _selectedPanelType == InventoryPanelType.Weapons)
                image.color      = _weaponMountHover;
                image.fillCenter = false;
                _selectedPanelType = InventoryPanelType.Weapons;
                _selectedMount     = mount;
                image.color        = _weaponMountColor;
                image.fillCenter   = true;
Esempio n. 8
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name : OnEnterWeaponMount
    // Desc : Called when mouse enters a Weapon Mount's frame
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public void OnEnterWeaponMount(Image image)
        int mount;

        if (image == null || !int.TryParse(, out mount))
            Debug.Log("OnEnterWeaponMount Error! Could not parse image name as int");

        // Valid mount index?
        if (mount >= 0 && mount < _weaponMounts.Count)
            // Get Inventory Item
            InventoryWeaponMountInfo itemMount = _inventory.GetWeapon(mount);

            // No highlight if nothing at this slot
            if (itemMount == null || itemMount.Weapon == null)

            // Set the hover color of the frame
            if (_selectedPanelType != InventoryPanelType.Weapons || _selectedMount != mount)
                image.color = _weaponMountHover;

            // If something is selected then return without updating the Info pane
            if (_selectedPanelType != InventoryPanelType.None)

            // Display Description Window
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name	:	AssignWeaponToMount
    // Desc	:	This function assigns the passed weaponMountInfo DIRECTLY to the specified
    //          mount.
    // NOTE	:	This function does no house does NOT remove/drop/enable/disable
    //			any weapons and will overwrite anything stored there. You should use
    //			AddItem to add a weapon to the inventory in a usual case.
    //			This function will be used by the FPS Arms Animation System.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public override void AssignWeapon(int mountIndex, InventoryWeaponMountInfo mountInfo)
        if (mountInfo == null || mountInfo.Weapon == null)
        if (mountIndex < 0 || mountIndex >= _weapons.Count)

        // Assign the new mount info
        _weapons[mountIndex] = mountInfo;

        // Play the pickup sound
        _weapons[mountIndex].Weapon.Pickup(_playerPosition != null ? _playerPosition.value :;

        // And then notify them the new weapon has been added
        if (_notificationQueue)
            _notificationQueue.Enqueue("Weapon Mounted : " + mountInfo.Weapon.inventoryName);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name :   DropWeaponItem
    // Desc :   Drop the weapon at the specified mount into the scene
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public override void DropWeaponItem(int mountIndex, bool playAudio = true)
        if (mountIndex < 0 || mountIndex >= _weapons.Count)

        // Chck we have a valid BackPack mount in the inventory
        InventoryWeaponMountInfo itemMount = _weapons[mountIndex];

        if (itemMount == null || itemMount.Weapon == null)

        // This is the weapon we want to drop
        InventoryItemWeapon weapon = itemMount.Weapon;

        // Drop it into the scene
        Vector3 position = _playerPosition != null ? _playerPosition.value :;

        position += _playerDirection != null ? _playerDirection.value :;
        CollectableWeapon sceneWeapon = weapon.Drop(position, playAudio) as CollectableWeapon;

        if (sceneWeapon)
            // Copy over instance data from mount into proxy
            sceneWeapon.condition = itemMount.Condition;
            sceneWeapon.rounds    = itemMount.InGunRounds;

        // Nullify the slot so it is empty
        _weapons[mountIndex].Weapon = null;

        // Broadcast event that this weapon has been dropped
 public abstract void AssignWeapon(int mountIndex, InventoryWeaponMountInfo mountInfo);
Esempio n. 12
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name :   Invalidate
    // Desc :   This function updates the UI so all elements reflect the current state of the
    //          user's inventory. This function also resets the Inventory to an unselected
    //          state.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    protected virtual void Invalidate()
        // Make sure its initialized before its is rendered for the first time
        if (!_isInitialized)

        // Reset Selections
        _selectedPanelType = InventoryPanelType.None;
        _selectedMount     = -1;

        // Deactivate Description Panels
        if (_generalDescriptionLayout.LayoutContainer != null)

        if (_weaponDescriptionLayout.LayoutContainer != null)

        // Deactivate the action buttons
        if (_actionButton1.GameObject != null)

        if (_actionButton2.GameObject != null)

        // Clear the Weapon Mounts
        for (int i = 0; i < _weaponMounts.Count; i++)
            if (_weaponMounts[i] != null)
                if (_weaponMountImages[i] != null)
                    _weaponMountImages[i].sprite = null;
                if (_weaponMountNames[i] != null)
                    _weaponMountNames[i].text = "";
                if (_weaponMountSliders[i] != null)
                    _weaponMountSliders[i].enabled = false;

                _weaponMounts[i].transform.GetComponent <Image>().fillCenter = false;

        // Iterate over the UI Backpack mounts and set all to empty and unselected
        for (int i = 0; i < _backpackMounts.Count; i++)
            // Clear sprite and deactivate mount
            if (_backpackMountImages[i] != null)
                _backpackMountImages[i].sprite = null;

            // Enable the text for this slot that says "EMPTY"
            if (_backpackMountText[i] != null)

            // Make all mounts look unselected
            if (_backpackMounts[i] != null)
                // Get the image of the mount itself (the frame)
                Image img = _backpackMounts[i].GetComponent <Image>();
                if (img)
                    img.fillCenter = false;
                    img.color      = _backpackMountColor;

        // Configure the ammo slots
        for (int i = 0; i < _ammoMounts.Count; i++)
            // Clear Sprite and deactivate mount
            if (_ammoMounts[i] != null)
                if (_ammoMountImages[i])
                    _ammoMountImages[i].sprite = null;

            // Enable the text for this slot that says "EMPTY"
            if (_ammoMountEmptyText[i] != null)
            if (_ammoMountRoundsText[i] != null)

            // Give Mount Frame unselected look
            if (_ammoMounts[i] != null)
                Image img = _ammoMounts[i].GetComponent <Image>();
                if (img)
                    img.fillCenter = false;
                    img.color      = _ammoMountColor;

        // Other PDA things
        if (_pDAReferences._autoplayOnPickup)
            if (_audioPlayOnPickup)
                _pDAReferences._autoplayOnPickup.isOn = true;
                _pDAReferences._autoplayOnPickup.isOn = false;

        // Finally update the status panel
        if (_statusPanelUI.HealthSlider)
            _statusPanelUI.HealthSlider.value = _health.value;
        if (_statusPanelUI.InfectionSlider)
            _statusPanelUI.InfectionSlider.value = _infection.value;
        if (_statusPanelUI.StaminaSlider)
            _statusPanelUI.StaminaSlider.value = _stamina.value;
        if (_statusPanelUI.FlashlightSlider)
            _statusPanelUI.FlashlightSlider.value = _flashlight.value;
        if (_statusPanelUI.NightVisionSlider)
            _statusPanelUI.NightVisionSlider.value = _nightvision.value;

        // DO we have a valid Inventory Referenc. If so...let's paint it
        if (_inventory != null)
            // Configure Weapons Panel by iterating through each mount
            for (int i = 0; i < _weaponMounts.Count; i++)
                // Do we have a weapon mount here
                if (_weaponMounts[i] != null)
                    // Get the matching mount and weapon data from the inventory
                    InventoryWeaponMountInfo weaponMountInfo = _inventory.GetWeapon(i);
                    InventoryItemWeapon      weapon          = null;
                    if (weaponMountInfo != null)
                        weapon = weaponMountInfo.Weapon;

                    // No weapon info here to skip this mount
                    if (weapon == null)

                    // Set sprite and name of weapon
                    if (_weaponMountImages[i] != null)
                        _weaponMountImages[i].sprite = weapon.inventoryImage;
                    if (_weaponMountNames[i] != null)
                        _weaponMountNames[i].text = weapon.inventoryName;

                    // If its a melee weapon then deactivate the entire AmmoInfo section of the UI
                    // otherwise Enabled it and show the Reload Type and Rounds in Gun
                    if (_weaponMountAmmoInfo[i] != null)
                        if (weapon.weaponFeedType == InventoryWeaponFeedType.Melee)
                            // Activate Mount

                            // Display Reload Type
                            if (_weaponMountReloadType[i] != null)
                                _weaponMountReloadType[i].text = weapon.reloadType.ToString();

                            if (_weaponMountRounds[i] != null)
                                _weaponMountRounds[i].text = weaponMountInfo.InGunRounds + " / " + weapon.ammoCapacity;

                    // Update the condition slider
                    if (_weaponMountSliders[i] != null)
                        _weaponMountSliders[i].enabled = true;
                        _weaponMountSliders[i].value   = weaponMountInfo.Condition;


            // Configure Ammo Mounts
            for (int i = 0; i < _ammoMounts.Count; i++)
                // Clear Sprite and deactivate mount
                if (_ammoMounts[i] != null)
                    // Get the ammo and it's mount info for this mount
                    InventoryAmmoMountInfo ammoMountInfo = _inventory.GetAmmo(i);
                    InventoryItemAmmo      ammo          = null;
                    if (ammoMountInfo != null)
                        ammo = ammoMountInfo.Ammo;

                    // No weapon at this mount so skip
                    if (ammo == null)

                    // Set image
                    if (_ammoMountImages[i])
                        _ammoMountImages[i].sprite = ammoMountInfo.Ammo.inventoryImage;
                    // Set and Enable Rounds Text
                    if (_ammoMountRoundsText[i] != null)
                        _ammoMountRoundsText[i].text = ammoMountInfo.Rounds.ToString();

                    // Disable Empty text
                    if (_ammoMountEmptyText[i] != null)

            // Iterate over the UI Backpack mounts and set all to empty and unselected
            for (int i = 0; i < _backpackMounts.Count; i++)
                if (_backpackMounts[i] != null)
                    InventoryBackpackMountInfo backpackMountInfo = _inventory.GetBackpack(i);
                    InventoryItem item = null;
                    if (backpackMountInfo != null)
                        item = backpackMountInfo.Item;

                    if (item != null)
                        // Set sprite and activate mount
                        if (_backpackMountImages[i] != null)
                            _backpackMountImages[i].sprite = item.inventoryImage;

                        // Disable the text for this slot that says "EMPTY"
                        if (_backpackMountText[i] != null)
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name :	IsReloadAvailable
    // Desc	:	Returns true if ammo exists in the users inventory that has a greater
    //			number of rounds than the number passed. For Partial reload weapons
    //			such as Shotgun, the passed amount will always be 1 as rounds can
    //			be loaded one at a time. For NonPartial (magazine based) it will
    //			only return true if a clip is found that contains MORE rounds
    //			than those currently in the Weapon Mount
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public override bool IsReloadAvailable(int weaponMountIndex)
        if (weaponMountIndex < 0 || weaponMountIndex >= _weapons.Count)

        // Get the weapon mount and the weapon from that mount
        InventoryWeaponMountInfo weaponMountInfo = _weapons[weaponMountIndex];
        InventoryItemWeapon      weapon          = weaponMountInfo.Weapon;

        // If no weapon, no ammo or no ammo needed return false
        if (!weapon ||
            weapon.reloadType == InventoryWeaponReloadType.None ||
            weapon.weaponType == InventoryWeaponType.None ||
            weaponMountInfo.InGunRounds >= weapon.ammoCapacity ||
            weapon.ammo == null)

        // If its a Non-Partial Reload type then simply search the belt for a clip
        // with the most bullets
        if (weapon.reloadType == InventoryWeaponReloadType.NonPartial)
            // Search for a clip in our belt that has the highest round count
            // that matches the ammo of the gun
            int roundCount = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < _ammo.Count; i++)
                InventoryAmmoMountInfo ammoMountInfo = _ammo[i];
                if (ammoMountInfo.Ammo != weapon.ammo)
                if (ammoMountInfo.Rounds > roundCount)
                    roundCount = ammoMountInfo.Rounds;

            // If the highest available rounds found is less than or equal to the
            // amount we are looking for as a minimum to make a reload worth while return false
            if (roundCount <= weaponMountInfo.InGunRounds)

            // A clip has been found so return true to allow a reload to proceed
        if (weapon.reloadType == InventoryWeaponReloadType.Partial)
            // Loop through items on ammo belt searching for the correct ammo type
            for (int i = 0; i < _ammo.Count; i++)
                // If not the right type of ammo then continue
                InventoryAmmoMountInfo ammoMountInfo = _ammo[i];
                if (ammoMountInfo.Ammo != weapon.ammo)

                // Partial reload so only looks for at last 1
                if (ammoMountInfo.Rounds > 0)


        // Fall through case in case we add more reload types
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name :   ReloadWeapon
    // Desc :   This function can be called from the InventoryUI and the main game code. Usually,
    //          We will want to play the audio when at the inventory screen but pass false to this
    //          function when calling from real time.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public override bool ReloadWeapon(int mountIndex, bool playAudio = true)
        // Invalid mount index (This invetory supports only 2 weapon mounts
        if (mountIndex < 0 || mountIndex > 1)

        // Get weapon mount and return if no weapon assigned
        InventoryWeaponMountInfo weaponMountInfo = _weapons[mountIndex];

        if (weaponMountInfo.Weapon == null)

        // To reduce typing :)
        InventoryItemWeapon weapon = weaponMountInfo.Weapon;
        InventoryItemAmmo   ammo   = weapon.ammo;

        // If no ammo assigned or this mount is already at the gun's capacity...just bail
        if (ammo == null || weaponMountInfo.InGunRounds >= weapon.ammoCapacity)

        // If its a Non-Partial Reload type then simply search the belt for a clip
        // with the most bullets
        if (weapon.reloadType == InventoryWeaponReloadType.NonPartial)
            // Search for a clip in our belt that has the highest round count
            // that matches the ammoID of the gun
            int ammoMountCandidate = -1;
            int roundCount         = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < _ammo.Count; i++)
                InventoryAmmoMountInfo ammoMountInfo = _ammo[i];

                // If ammo at this mount is not the correct type of ammo skip it
                if (ammoMountInfo.Ammo != ammo)

                // If the ammo we have found has more rounds than currently stored
                // at then record this as the best candidate for a swap
                if (ammoMountInfo.Rounds > roundCount)
                    roundCount         = ammoMountInfo.Rounds;
                    ammoMountCandidate = i;

            // If we didn't find any matching ammo or if we found no ammo
            // with more rounds in then is currently in the gun ... bail
            if (ammoMountCandidate == -1 || roundCount <= weaponMountInfo.InGunRounds)

            // We have found some ammo we can use so consume it. First
            // remember how many rounds were in the clip that is in the gun currently
            int oldInGunRounds = weaponMountInfo.InGunRounds;

            // Set the round count to that of the new clip
            weaponMountInfo.InGunRounds = _ammo[ammoMountCandidate].Rounds;

            // In terms of the inventory...using a weapon is reloading it. Firing the weapon
            // is handled somewhere else entirely
            weapon.Use(, playAudio);

            // If no rounds where in the gun before the reload, we have nothing to
            // swap with the mount so remove the item from the mount
            if (oldInGunRounds == 0)
                // Clear the mount
                _ammo[ammoMountCandidate].Ammo = null;

                // Lets now create an instance of the ammo type in the scene
                // to simulate the clip we have ejected from the gun
                Vector3 position = _playerPosition != null ? _playerPosition.value :;
                position += _playerDirection != null ? _playerDirection.value :;
                CollectableAmmo sceneAmmo = ammo.Drop(position, playAudio) as CollectableAmmo;

                // Now we must configure the scene ammo we just instantiated to reflect the number
                // of rounds that was in the gun
                if (sceneAmmo)
                    sceneAmmo.rounds = 0;
            // Otherwise simply swap the the clip
                _ammo[ammoMountCandidate].Rounds = oldInGunRounds;
        if (weapon.reloadType == InventoryWeaponReloadType.Partial)
            // If the gun is full, abort reload
            int roundsWanted = weapon.ammoCapacity - weaponMountInfo.InGunRounds;
            if (roundsWanted < 1)

            // Loop through items on ammo belt searching for the correct ammo type
            for (int i = 0; i < _ammo.Count; i++)
                // If not the right type of ammo then continue
                InventoryAmmoMountInfo ammoMountInfo = _ammo[i];
                if (ammoMountInfo.Ammo != weapon.ammo)

                // Otherwise we have found some ammo so lets remove
                // some items from it
                int ammoTaken = Mathf.Min(roundsWanted, ammoMountInfo.Rounds);
                weaponMountInfo.InGunRounds += ammoTaken;
                ammoMountInfo.Rounds        -= ammoTaken;
                roundsWanted -= ammoTaken;

                // Use the weapon to reload it
                weapon.Use(, playAudio);

                // If we have emptied this ammo item then remove from belt
                if (ammoMountInfo.Rounds == 0)
                    ammoMountInfo.Ammo = null;

                // If the gun is full then return and don't continue to seek
                if (roundsWanted <= 0)

        // Weapon Successfully Reload