public void ReserveInventory(Cart cart) { foreach(var item in cart.Items) { try { var inventorySystem = new InventorySystem(); inventorySystem.Reserve(item.Sku, item.Quantity); } catch (InsufficientInventoryException ex) { throw new OrderException("Insufficient inventory for item " + item.Sku, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new OrderException("Problem reserving inventory", ex); } } }
void Start() { inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); dialogueManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <DialogueManager>(); }
private void OnEnable() { inventorySystem = (InventorySystem)target; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { invenSys = FindObjectOfType <InventorySystem>().GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); fader = FindObjectOfType <Fader>(); playerAnimator = playerCharacter.GetComponent <Animator>(); }
private void SetSpeedBoost(InventorySystem inventory) { speedBoostBar.Initialize(inventory.SpeedBoost.Amount, inventory.SpeedBoost.Capacity, inventory.SpeedBoost.AmountChanged); }
private void SetHealthBar(InventorySystem inventory) { healthBar.Initialize(inventory.Health.Amount, inventory.Health.Capacity, inventory.Health.AmountChanged); }
public void TestSetup() { _inv = new InventorySystem <IItemInfo>(); }
void Start() { //sqnPzl = GameObject.Find("Cogwheel Puzzle").GetComponent<SequencePuzzle>(); arms = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Arm"); inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Bagpack").GetComponent<InventorySystem>(); }
void Start() { handSpeed = 1.2f; inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Bagpack").GetComponent<InventorySystem>(); bagSlots = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("BagSlot"); }
public override void OnAddBlock(RaycastHit hit) { Vector3Int pos = WireFrameHelper.pos + Vector3Int.RoundToInt(hit.normal); if (CanAddBlock(pos)) { PlayerController.instance.PlayHandAnimation(); byte type = NBTGeneratorManager.id2type[id]; byte data = 0; Vector3 playerPos = PlayerController.instance.position; Vector2 dir = (new Vector2(playerPos.x, playerPos.z) - new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z)).normalized; if (dir.x > 0) { if (dir.y > 0) { if (dir.y > dir.x) { // positive z data = 3; } else { // positive x data = 1; } } else { if (-dir.y > dir.x) { // negative z data = 2; } else { // positive x data = 1; } } } else { if (dir.y > 0) { if (dir.y > -dir.x) { // positive z data = 3; } else { // negative x data = 0; } } else { if (-dir.y > -dir.x) { // negative z data = 2; } else { // negative x data = 0; } } } if (hit.point.y - pos.y > 0) { data += 4; } NBTHelper.SetBlockData(pos, type, data); InventorySystem.DecrementCurrent(); ItemSelectPanel.instance.RefreshUI(); } }
void Start() { inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); gameManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <GameManager>(); codePeice = new Item("Peice of the code!", "Code Peice", icon); }
void Start() { _inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Inventory").GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { inventory = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponentInChildren <InventorySystem>(); wallet = inventory.transform.FindChild("Gold").GetComponent <Gold>(); wallet.EarnGold(500); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { player1 = GameObject.Find("Player1"); player2 = GameObject.Find("Player2"); managerSys = GameObject.Find("Manager").GetComponent<ManagerSystem>(); inventSys = GameObject.Find("Manager").GetComponent<InventorySystem>(); player1AP = player1.GetComponent<PlayerComponent>().actionPoints; player2AP = player2.GetComponent<PlayerComponent>().actionPoints; //test angaben isPlayer1 = managerSys.getPlayerTurn(); //setStyle style = new GUIStyle(); dijkstra = (DijkstraSystem)FindObjectOfType(typeof(DijkstraSystem)); if (isPlayer1) input = player1.GetComponent<inputSystem>(); else input = player2.GetComponent<inputSystem>(); figureUpdate(); }
private void Start() { inventorySystem = InventorySystem.GetInstance(); }
public void Load_(string scene_name) { if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/save.dat")) { isys = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); hud = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HUD").GetComponent <HUDSystem>(); player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); misc = player.GetComponent <Misc>(); //AxeSpawn =GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("AxeEnemySpawn"); //PistolSpawn = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PistolEnemySpawn"); ; //ChainSpawn = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ChainEnemySpawn"); ; //CutterSpawn = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CutterEnemySpawn"); ; //SmgSpawn = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SmgEnemySpawn"); ; BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + "/save.dat", FileMode.Open); SceneData data = (SceneData)formatter.Deserialize(file); file.Close(); isys.LoadPlayer(data.pdata); //Valido per il primo livello if (scene_name.Equals("Scena 1 - Il massiccio")) { Save.AxeSpawnActive = data.spawn.AxeSpawnActive; if (data.spawn.AxeSpawnActive) { AxeSpawn.SetActive(true); } else { AxeSpawn.SetActive(false); } Save.PistolSpawnActive = data.spawn.PistolSpawnActive; if (data.spawn.PistolSpawnActive) { PistolSpawn.SetActive(true); } else { PistolSpawn.SetActive(false); } Save.ChainSpawnActive = data.spawn.ChainSpawnActive; if (data.spawn.ChainSpawnActive) { ChainSpawn.SetActive(true); } else { ChainSpawn.SetActive(false); } Save.CutterSpawnActive = data.spawn.CutterSpawnActive; if (data.spawn.CutterSpawnActive) { CutterSpawn.SetActive(true); } else { CutterSpawn.SetActive(false); } Save.SmgSpawnActive = data.spawn.SmgSpawnActive; if (data.spawn.SmgSpawnActive) { SmgSpawn.SetActive(true); } else { SmgSpawn.SetActive(false); } } //Per ogni nemico nella scena (inizialmente sono tutti attivi, anche quelli da spawnare via script) foreach (GameObject nemico in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy")) { //Per ogni enemydata presente nella lista degli enemy salvatii foreach (Enemy enemy in data.edata) { //Se il nome del nemico è presente nella lista, allora carico le sue info if ( { nemico.GetComponent <EnemyController>().loadEnemy(enemy); nemico.GetComponent <EnemyController>().loaded = true; } } } //Elimino i nemici che non sono stati caricati foreach (GameObject nemico in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy")) { if (nemico.GetComponent <EnemyController>().loaded == false) { Destroy(nemico); } } //Trovo gli elementi da mantenere nella scena, impostando a true loaded (quelli a false andranno eliminati nel prossimo ciclo for) foreach (string nome in data.idata) { foreach (GameObject kitmedico in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("FirstAid")) { if ( { kitmedico.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded = true; } } foreach (GameObject ammo_9mm in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ammo_9mm")) { if ( { ammo_9mm.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded = true; } } foreach (GameObject ammo_smg in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ammo_smg")) { if ( { ammo_smg.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded = true; } } if (torcia != null && { torcia.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded = true; } if (ascia != null && { ascia.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded = true; } if (pistola != null && { pistola.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded = true; } if (smg != null && { smg.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded = true; } //Valido per il primo livello if (scene_name.Equals("Scena 1 - Il massiccio")) { if (final_key != null && { final_key.GetComponent <KeyScript>().loaded = true; } if (cutter != null && { cutter.GetComponent <KeyScript>().loaded = true; } } } //Elimino gli oggetti che non servono foreach (GameObject kitmedico in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("FirstAid")) { if (kitmedico.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded == false) { Destroy(kitmedico); } } foreach (GameObject ammo_9mm in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ammo_9mm")) { if (ammo_9mm.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded == false) { Destroy(ammo_9mm); } } foreach (GameObject ammo_smg in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ammo_smg")) { if (ammo_smg.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded == false) { Destroy(ammo_smg); } } //Valido per il primo livello if (scene_name.Equals("Scena 1 - Il massiccio")) { if (torcia != null && torcia.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded == false) { Destroy(torcia); } if (ascia != null && ascia.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded == false) { Destroy(ascia); } if (pistola != null && pistola.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded == false) { Destroy(pistola); } if (smg != null && smg.GetComponent <Pickup>().loaded == false) { Destroy(smg); } if (final_key != null && final_key.GetComponent <KeyScript>().loaded == false) { Destroy(final_key); } if (cutter != null && cutter.GetComponent <KeyScript>().loaded == false) { Destroy(cutter); } } //Setto gli eventi if (data.checkpoint_name.Equals("Pre-MiniBoss")) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Recinzione").GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("Open", true); } if (data.checkpoint_name.Equals("Post-MiniBoss")) { Destroy(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MiniBoss")); boss_door1.GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger("Boss dies"); } if (data.checkpoint_name.Equals("Pre-Boss")) { foreach (GameObject porta in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Porta")) { if (porta.GetComponent <DoorBrokenDown>() != null) { porta.GetComponent <DoorBrokenDown>().brokenOnLoading(); } } Destroy(GameObject.Find("WeaponsCrate")); Destroy(GameObject.Find("crate")); } if (data.checkpoint_name.Equals("Checkpoint1")) { foreach (GameObject porta in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("PortaCheckpoint")) { if (porta != null &&"PortaPostCheckpoint1")) { porta.GetComponentInChildren <OpenCloseDoor>().unlocked = false; porta.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().SetBool("open", false); } } if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Porta") != null) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Porta").GetComponent <OpenCloseDoor>().unlocked = true; } } if (data.checkpoint_name.Equals("Checkpoint2")) { print("we"); foreach (GameObject porta in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("PortaCheckpoint")) { if (porta != null &&"PortaPostCheckpoint2")) { porta.GetComponentInChildren <OpenCloseDoor>().unlocked = false; porta.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().SetBool("open", false); } } } Destroy(GameObject.Find(data.checkpoint_name)); foreach (GameObject checkpoint_scena in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Checkpoint")) { foreach (string checkpoint_save in data.check_data) { print(checkpoint_save); if ( { checkpoint_scena.GetComponent <Save>().loaded = true; } } } foreach (GameObject checkpoint_scena in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Checkpoint")) { if (checkpoint_scena.GetComponent <Save>().loaded == false) { Destroy(checkpoint_scena); } else { //Valido per il primo livello if (scene_name.Equals("Scena 1 - Il massiccio")) { checkpoint_scena.GetComponent <Save>().AxeSpawn = AxeSpawn; print(checkpoint_scena.GetComponent <Save>().AxeSpawn); checkpoint_scena.GetComponent <Save>().PistolSpawn = PistolSpawn; checkpoint_scena.GetComponent <Save>().ChainSpawn = ChainSpawn; checkpoint_scena.GetComponent <Save>().CutterSpawn = CutterSpawn; checkpoint_scena.GetComponent <Save>().SmgSpawn = SmgSpawn; } } } } }
void Start() { inv = GameObject.Find("Inventory Master").GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); tooltip = inv.GetComponent <Tooltip>(); }
void Start() { _inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Inventory").GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); key.SetActive(false); doorCollider.SetActive(true); }
public void DisplayInventory(InventorySystem isys) { text.text = isys.ReportContents(); }
//starting initialisation public C_Hero() { inventorySystem = new InventorySystem(); effectsStorage = new List <A_Effect>(); baseHP = 200; currentHP = 200; baseENE = 100; currentENE = 100; level = 0; currExp = 0; nextLevelExp = 100; freeSkillPoints = 1; freeAttributePoints = 4; basePhysAtk = 25; baseStrength = 0; baseEndurance = 0; baseKnowledge = 0; baseCharisma = 0; physDef = new DefenceParam(); fireDef = new DefenceParam(); airDef = new DefenceParam(); lightningDef = new DefenceParam(); earthDef = new DefenceParam(); waterDef = new DefenceParam(); lifeDef = new DefenceParam(); deathDef = new DefenceParam(); lightDef = new DefenceParam(); darknessDef = new DefenceParam(); bonusPhysDef = new DefenceParam(); bonusFireDef = new DefenceParam(); bonusAirDef = new DefenceParam(); bonusLightningDef = new DefenceParam(); bonusEarthDef = new DefenceParam(); bonusWaterDef = new DefenceParam(); bonusLifeDef = new DefenceParam(); bonusDeathDef = new DefenceParam(); bonusLightDef = new DefenceParam(); bonusDarknessDef = new DefenceParam(); totalPhysDef = new DefenceParam(); totalFireDef = new DefenceParam(); totalAirDef = new DefenceParam(); totalLightningDef = new DefenceParam(); totalEarthDef = new DefenceParam(); totalWaterDef = new DefenceParam(); totalLifeDef = new DefenceParam(); totalDeathDef = new DefenceParam(); totalLightDef = new DefenceParam(); totalDarknessDef = new DefenceParam(); money = 0; baseAP = 4; baseCritChance = 1; critDamageMod = 2.0f; }
private void Start() { _inventorySystem = GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); _inventorySystem.onImprovementAdd += RedrawInventory; }
private void SetAmmoBar(InventorySystem inventory) { ammoBar.Initialize(inventory.Ammo.Amount, inventory.Ammo.Capacity, inventory.Ammo.AmountChanged); }
void OnMouseDown() { GameObject global = GameObject.Find("ScriptGlobal"); Global sglob = global.GetComponent <Global> (); InventorySystem invs = GameObject.Find("ScriptGlobal").GetComponent <InventorySystem> (); switch ( { case "Placa": if (invs.IsInInventory("Llave") && sglob.Selected == "Llave") { GameObject key = gl.GameObjectFinder("Llave"); GameObject newPos = gl.GameObjectFinder("KeyHolder"); key.transform.parent = newPos.transform.parent; key.transform.position = newPos.transform.position; key.transform.rotation = newPos.transform.rotation; key.GetComponent <Clicked>().enabled = false; key.GetComponent <InventorySystem>().enabled = false; sglob.Selected = "Llave"; objetoquevaalpresionarse = gl.GameObjectFinder("Llave"); Messenger.Message("MUY BIEN!!!", 0.01f,, true, true); } else { Messenger.Message("Necesitas una llave para abrir esto", 0.01f,, true, false); Debug.Log("You need a key to open this."); } break; case "LlaveHole": if (invs.IsInInventory("Vela prendida") && sglob.Selected == "Vela prendida") { //gl.GameObjectFinder ("Llave").SetActive (true); //TODO: <-- sglob.Selected = "Vela prendida"; objetoquevaalpresionarse = gl.GameObjectFinder("Vela prendida"); GameObject vp = gl.GameObjectFinder("Vela prendida"); vp.SetActive(true); vp.GetComponent <Clicked>().enabled = false; //sglob.SacardelInventario(; //sglob.desobjeto(; //vp.transform.position = Posiciondelobjetonuevo; Debug.Log(vp.transform.position.ToString() + "0333"); //vp.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(true); //Este es el plano de LlenadoCeraUnique ("LlenadoCeraUnique"). DEJAR SIEMPRE EN INDEX 0 !important gl.GameObjectFinder("LlenadoCeraUnique").SetActive(true); vp.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("openNow", true); Debug.Log("aiofhasfhasuioh " + vp.GetComponent <Animator>().GetBool("openNow").ToString()); timerAnimation = Time.time; //UNITY ANIMATION ENDER //Debug.Log ("unity sucks " + vp.GetComponent<Animator>().playbackTime.ToString()); //TODO: <-- timer = Time.time; //TODO: <-- vp.GetComponent <Animator>().StartRecording(0); //UNITY ANIMATION ENDER vp.transform.position = GameObject.Find("VelaPrendidaHolder").transform.position; vp.transform.rotation = GameObject.Find("VelaPrendidaHolder").transform.rotation; vp.transform.localScale = GameObject.Find("VelaPrendidaHolder").transform.localScale; Messenger.Message("MUY BIEN!!!", 0.01f,, true, true); } else { Messenger.Message("Necesitas una vela y fuego.", 0.01f,, true, false); Debug.Log("You need a fire and some wax."); } break; case "Cabeza": //Debug.Log(invs.IsInInventory ("lasers juntos").ToString() + "; " + sglob.Selected + ";"); Debug.Log("Lasers position before activating: " + gl.GameObjectFinder("lasers").transform.position.ToString()); if (invs.IsInInventory("lasers juntos") && sglob.Selected == "lasers juntos") { gl.GameObjectFinder("lasers").SetActive(true); sglob.Selected = "lasers juntos"; objetoquevaalpresionarse = gl.GameObjectFinder("lasers juntos"); GameObject ls = gl.GameObjectFinder("lasers"); ls.SetActive(true); Posiciondelobjetonuevo = ls.transform.localPosition; gl.GameObjectFinder("lasers").SetActive(true); //PORQUE NO ANDASSSSSSS?????? /*while (!ls.activeSelf) * ls.SetActive(true);*/ //Debug.Log("Next laser position: " + Posiciondelobjetonuevo.ToString() + "; Supposed: " + ls.transform.localPosition.ToString() + ";"); //Debug.Log(ls.transform.position.ToString() + "0352"); Debug.Log("Lasers position after activating: " + gl.GameObjectFinder("lasers").transform.position.ToString()); Messenger.Message("MUY BIEN!!!", 0.01f,, true, true); } else { Debug.Log("You need the lasers."); Messenger.Message("Necesitas 3 lasers.", 0.01f,, true, false, true); } break; case "Computadora": if (invs.IsInInventory("CD") && sglob.Selected == "CD") { GameObject cd = gl.GameObjectFinder("CD"); GameObject newPos = gl.GameObjectFinder("Computadora"); cd.transform.parent = newPos.transform.parent; cd.transform.position = newPos.transform.position; cd.transform.rotation = newPos.transform.rotation; cd.GetComponent <Clicked>().enabled = false; cd.GetComponent <InventorySystem>().enabled = false; cd.SetActive(false); sglob.Selected = "CD"; = true; gl.GameObjectFinder("pantallaComp").transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(true); gl.GameObjectFinder("pantallaComp").transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.SetActive(true); objetoquevaalpresionarse = gl.GameObjectFinder("CD"); } else { Messenger.Message("Hmm, necesito un CD para esto...", 0.01f,, true, false); Debug.Log("Hmm, there should be a CD for this..."); } break; } if (sglob.Selected == { try { sglob.SacardelInventario(; sglob.desobjeto(; //objetoquevaalpresionarse.GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled=true; objetoquevaalpresionarse.SetActive(true); objetoquevaalpresionarse.transform.localPosition = Posiciondelobjetonuevo; //objetoquevaalpresionarse.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0); sglob.Selected = ""; Clicked sc = objetoquevaalpresionarse.GetComponent <Clicked>(); sc.visible = true; } catch {} } }
public void BuyItem() { InventorySystem Inventory = GameObject.Find("Inventory").GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); if (!Inventory) { Debug.LogError("Inventory Not Found"); return; } if (SelectItem == int.MaxValue) { Debug.LogError("don't Selection Item"); return; } int[] Inven_ItemID = Inventory.InventoryItemSearch(); float requireGold = ItemList[SelectItem].Gold; float Gold = Inventory.GetGold(); bool IsEmptySlot = false; for (int i = 0; i < Inven_ItemID.Length; i++) { if (Inven_ItemID[i] == int.MaxValue) { IsEmptySlot = true; break; } } if (ItemList[SelectItem].itemTag == { if (ItemList[SelectItem].ItemForCraft == 0) { if (!IsEmptySlot) { //error } if (requireGold < Gold) { Inventory.Equipitem(ItemList[SelectItem], requireGold); } else { // error } } else { requireGold = CalculationPrice(Inven_ItemID, SelectItem); IsEmptySlot = false; for (int i = 0; i < Inven_ItemID.Length; i++) { if (Inven_ItemID[i] == int.MaxValue || Inven_ItemID[i] == int.MinValue) { IsEmptySlot = true; break; } } if (IsEmptySlot && requireGold < Gold) { Inventory.Equipitem(ItemList[SelectItem], requireGold); } else { //error } } } else // { if (requireGold > Gold) { //error Debug.Log("RequireGold"); return; } int ItemSlotNum = int.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < Inven_ItemID.Length; i++) { if (ItemList[SelectItem].Id == Inven_ItemID[i]) { ItemSlotNum = i; break; } } if (ItemSlotNum != int.MaxValue && Inventory.ExpendableItemCount(ItemSlotNum) < ItemList[SelectItem].Overlap) { Inventory.Expendableitem(ItemSlotNum, requireGold); } else if (ItemSlotNum == int.MaxValue && IsEmptySlot) { Inventory.Equipitem(ItemList[SelectItem], requireGold); } else { //error max Debug.Log("Error"); } } }
void Start() { BrewingTime = GameObject.Find("Inventory_System").GetComponent <InventorySystem> (); //CheckPotion = GameObject.Find ("CheckPotion"); //CheckPotion.gameObject.SetActive (false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _inventory = GameObject.Find("InventoryManager").GetComponent <InventorySystem> (); }
void Start() { handSpeed = 1.2f; inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Bagpack").GetComponent<InventorySystem>(); bagSlots = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("BagSlot"); playerObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera"); retreiveSound = GameObject.Find ("BackpackRetreiveItemSound"); }
void Start() { ItemMan = FindObjectOfType <InventorySystem>(); Player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>(); }
void Awake() { _slot = 0; _inventory = GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); PM = GameObject.Find("PlayersManager").GetComponent <PlayersManager>(); }
protected override void Collect() { InventorySystem.GetInstance().ChangeWaterLevel(1); base.Collect(); }
/// Called whenever the inventory is updated to refresh the UI /// public void OnInventoryUpdated() { m_coinText.text = string.Format("Coins: {0}", InventorySystem.Get().GetAmount(InventorySystem.k_coinsId)); m_gemText.text = string.Format("Gems: {0}", InventorySystem.Get().GetAmount(InventorySystem.k_gemsId)); }
public static string ViewInventory() { return(InventorySystem.ViewStock()); }
public IState UpdateState(ref GameSettings gameSettings, GameTime gameTime, Camera camera, KeyboardState currentKey, KeyboardState prevKey, MouseState currentMouse, MouseState prevMouse) { Guid playerId = this._components.Entities.Where(c => c.HasComponents(ComponentFlags.IS_PLAYER)).FirstOrDefault().Id; // Level input if (currentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape) && prevKey.IsKeyUp(Keys.Escape)) { return(new PauseState(this._content, this)); } if (currentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q) && prevKey.IsKeyUp(Keys.Q)) { return(new TestLevel(this._content, camera)); } if (currentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.F) && prevKey.IsKeyUp(Keys.F)) { this._components.DelayedActions.Add(new Action(() => { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Guid testId = ArkCreation.SpawnEntityWithOverrides(Constants.Ark.Monsters.TestNpc, ref this._components, new BaseEntity(ComponentFlags.POSITION) { Position = new Position() { OriginPosition = new Vector2(Constants.Random.Next(20, this._gridCols * 48), Constants.Random.Next(0, this._gridRows * 48)) } }); InventorySystem.GenerateRandomInventoryItemsForEntity(this._components, testId); } })); } if (currentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.E) && prevKey.IsKeyUp(Keys.E)) { this._components.DelayedActions.Add(new Action(() => { Guid testId = ArkCreation.SpawnEntityWithOverrides(Constants.Ark.Monsters.TestNpc, ref this._components, new BaseEntity(ComponentFlags.POSITION) { Position = new Position() { OriginPosition = this._components.Positions[playerId].OriginPosition } }); InventorySystem.GenerateRandomInventoryItemsForEntity(this._components, testId); })); } if (currentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.R) && prevKey.IsKeyUp(Keys.R)) { this._components.DelayedActions.Add(new Action(() => { Guid id = this._components.Entities.Where(x => x.HasDrawableSprite() && !x.HasComponents(ComponentFlags.IS_PLAYER) && x.HasComponents(ComponentFlags.INVENTORY)).First().Id; InventorySystem.DropEntityInventory(this._components, id); this._components.DestroyEntity(id); })); } // Camera Updates CameraSystem.ControlCamera(currentKey, prevKey, camera, gameTime); CameraSystem.PanCamera(camera, gameTime); // Entity Movement Updates this._components.Entities.ForEach(c => { if (c.IsMovable()) { switch (this._components.Movements[c.Id].MovementType) { case MovementType.AI: //AI Movement System Call break; case MovementType.INPUT: MovementSystem.InputMovement(currentKey, prevKey, gameTime, this._components.Positions[c.Id], this._components.Movements[c.Id]); break; case MovementType.DIRECTED: MovementSystem.UpdateMovingEntities(this._components.Movements[c.Id], this._components.Positions[c.Id], gameTime, this._components, c); break; } } }); // Entity Information Updates // Collision CollisionSystem.CheckForCollisions(this._components, this._collisionPartition); CollisionSystem.HandleCollisions(this._components); // Set up for next frame CameraSystem.UpdateCameraTarget(this._components, camera); CollisionSystem.ResetCollisions(ref this._components); this._components.InvokeDelayedActions(); return(this); }
void Start() { textObject.SetActive(false); invSys = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <InventorySystem>(); }
void Start() { inventory = FindObjectOfType <InventorySystem>(); }