Esempio n. 1
        public ContainerWorkbench(InventoryPlayer par1InventoryPlayer, World par2World, int par3, int par4, int par5)
            CraftMatrix = new InventoryCrafting(this, 3, 3);
            CraftResult = new InventoryCraftResult();
            WorldObj    = par2World;
            PosX        = par3;
            PosY        = par4;
            PosZ        = par5;
            AddSlot(new SlotCrafting(par1InventoryPlayer.Player, CraftMatrix, CraftResult, 0, 124, 35));

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                    AddSlot(new Slot(CraftMatrix, l + i * 3, 30 + l * 18, 17 + i * 18));

            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 9; i1++)
                    AddSlot(new Slot(par1InventoryPlayer, i1 + j * 9 + 9, 8 + i1 * 18, 84 + j * 18));

            for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++)
                AddSlot(new Slot(par1InventoryPlayer, k, 8 + k * 18, 142));

        public CraftingInventoryWorkbenchCB(InventoryPlayer inventoryplayer, World world, int i, int j, int k)
            craftMatrix   = new InventoryCrafting(this, 3, 3);
            craftResult   = new InventoryCraftResult();
            field_20150_c = world;
            field_20149_h = i;
            field_20148_i = j;
            field_20147_j = k;
            addSlot(new SlotCrafting(craftMatrix, craftResult, 0, 124, 35));
            for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 3; k1++)
                    addSlot(new Slot(craftMatrix, k1 + l * 3, 30 + k1 * 18, 17 + l * 18));

            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++)
                for (int l1 = 0; l1 < 9; l1++)
                    addSlot(new Slot(inventoryplayer, l1 + i1 * 9 + 9, 8 + l1 * 18, 84 + i1 * 18));

            for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 9; j1++)
                addSlot(new Slot(inventoryplayer, j1, 8 + j1 * 18, 142));

        public CraftingInventoryWorkbenchCB(InventoryPlayer inventoryplayer, World world, int i, int j, int k)
            craftMatrix = new InventoryCrafting(this, 3, 3);
            craftResult = new InventoryCraftResult();
            field_20150_c = world;
            field_20149_h = i;
            field_20148_i = j;
            field_20147_j = k;
            addSlot(new SlotCrafting(craftMatrix, craftResult, 0, 124, 35));
            for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 3; k1++)
                    addSlot(new Slot(craftMatrix, k1 + l*3, 30 + k1*18, 17 + l*18));

            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++)
                for (int l1 = 0; l1 < 9; l1++)
                    addSlot(new Slot(inventoryplayer, l1 + i1*9 + 9, 8 + l1*18, 84 + i1*18));

            for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 9; j1++)
                addSlot(new Slot(inventoryplayer, j1, 8 + j1*18, 142));

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the region of a crafting inventory is match for the recipe.
        /// </summary>
        private bool CheckMatch(InventoryCrafting par1InventoryCrafting, int par2, int par3, bool par4)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    int       k         = i - par2;
                    int       l         = j - par3;
                    ItemStack itemstack = null;

                    if (k >= 0 && l >= 0 && k < RecipeWidth && l < RecipeHeight)
                        if (par4)
                            itemstack = RecipeItems[(RecipeWidth - k - 1) + l * RecipeWidth];
                            itemstack = RecipeItems[k + l * RecipeWidth];

                    ItemStack itemstack1 = par1InventoryCrafting.GetStackInRowAndColumn(i, j);

                    if (itemstack1 == null && itemstack == null)

                    if (itemstack1 == null && itemstack != null || itemstack1 != null && itemstack == null)

                    if (itemstack.ItemID != itemstack1.ItemID)

                    if (itemstack.GetItemDamage() != -1 && itemstack.GetItemDamage() != itemstack1.GetItemDamage())

Esempio n. 5
        public bool func_21134_a(InventoryCrafting inventorycrafting)
            for (int i = 0; i <= 3 - field_21140_b; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= 3 - field_21144_c; j++)
                    if (func_21139_a(inventorycrafting, i, j, true))
                    if (func_21139_a(inventorycrafting, i, j, false))

Esempio n. 6
        private bool func_21139_a(InventoryCrafting inventorycrafting, int i, int j, bool flag)
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                    int       i1        = k - i;
                    int       j1        = l - j;
                    ItemStack itemstack = null;
                    if (i1 >= 0 && j1 >= 0 && i1 < field_21140_b && j1 < field_21144_c)
                        if (flag)
                            itemstack = field_21143_d[(field_21140_b - i1 - 1) + j1 * field_21140_b];
                            itemstack = field_21143_d[i1 + j1 * field_21140_b];
                    ItemStack itemstack1 = inventorycrafting.func_21084_a(k, l);
                    if (itemstack1 == null && itemstack == null)
                    if (itemstack1 == null && itemstack != null || itemstack1 != null && itemstack == null)
                    if (itemstack.itemID != itemstack1.itemID)
                    if (itemstack.getItemDamage() != -1 && itemstack.getItemDamage() != itemstack1.getItemDamage())

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to check if a recipe matches current crafting inventory
        /// </summary>
        public virtual bool Matches(InventoryCrafting par1InventoryCrafting)
            for (int i = 0; i <= 3 - RecipeWidth; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= 3 - RecipeHeight; j++)
                    if (CheckMatch(par1InventoryCrafting, i, j, true))

                    if (CheckMatch(par1InventoryCrafting, i, j, false))

Esempio n. 8
        public ContainerPlayer(InventoryPlayer par1InventoryPlayer, bool par2)
            CraftMatrix  = new InventoryCrafting(this, 2, 2);
            CraftResult  = new InventoryCraftResult();
            IsLocalWorld = false;
            IsLocalWorld = par2;
            AddSlot(new SlotCrafting(par1InventoryPlayer.Player, CraftMatrix, CraftResult, 0, 144, 36));

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++)
                    AddSlot(new Slot(CraftMatrix, i1 + i * 2, 88 + i1 * 18, 26 + i * 18));

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                int j1 = j;
                AddSlot(new SlotArmor(this, par1InventoryPlayer, par1InventoryPlayer.GetSizeInventory() - 1 - j, 8, 8 + j * 18, j1));

            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 9; k1++)
                    AddSlot(new Slot(par1InventoryPlayer, k1 + (k + 1) * 9, 8 + k1 * 18, 84 + k * 18));

            for (int l = 0; l < 9; l++)
                AddSlot(new Slot(par1InventoryPlayer, l, 8 + l * 18, 142));

Esempio n. 9
        public CraftingInventoryPlayerCB(InventoryPlayer inventoryplayer, bool flag)
            craftMatrix = new InventoryCrafting(this, 2, 2);
            craftResult = new InventoryCraftResult();
            isMP        = false;
            isMP        = flag;
            addSlot(new SlotCrafting(craftMatrix, craftResult, 0, 144, 36));
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++)
                    addSlot(new Slot(craftMatrix, i1 + i * 2, 88 + i1 * 18, 26 + i * 18));

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                int j1 = j;
                addSlot(new SlotArmor(this, inventoryplayer, inventoryplayer.getSizeInventory() - 1 - j, 8, 8 + j * 18, j1));

            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 9; k1++)
                    addSlot(new Slot(inventoryplayer, k1 + (k + 1) * 9, 8 + k1 * 18, 84 + k * 18));

            for (int l = 0; l < 9; l++)
                addSlot(new Slot(inventoryplayer, l, 8 + l * 18, 142));

Esempio n. 10
        public CraftingInventoryPlayerCB(InventoryPlayer inventoryplayer, bool flag)
            craftMatrix = new InventoryCrafting(this, 2, 2);
            craftResult = new InventoryCraftResult();
            isMP = false;
            isMP = flag;
            addSlot(new SlotCrafting(craftMatrix, craftResult, 0, 144, 36));
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++)
                    addSlot(new Slot(craftMatrix, i1 + i*2, 88 + i1*18, 26 + i*18));

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                int j1 = j;
                addSlot(new SlotArmor(this, inventoryplayer, inventoryplayer.getSizeInventory() - 1 - j, 8, 8 + j*18, j1));

            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 9; k1++)
                    addSlot(new Slot(inventoryplayer, k1 + (k + 1)*9, 8 + k1*18, 84 + k*18));

            for (int l = 0; l < 9; l++)
                addSlot(new Slot(inventoryplayer, l, 8 + l*18, 142));

Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an Item that is the result of this recipe
 /// </summary>
 public virtual ItemStack GetCraftingResult(InventoryCrafting par1InventoryCrafting)
     return(new ItemStack(RecipeOutput.ItemID, RecipeOutput.StackSize, RecipeOutput.GetItemDamage()));
Esempio n. 12
 public ItemStack func_21136_b(InventoryCrafting inventorycrafting)
     return(new ItemStack(field_21142_e.itemID, field_21142_e.stackSize, field_21142_e.getItemDamage()));