public ItemRepairEvent(RepairBench repairBench, BaseEntity.RPCMessage msg) { _repairBench = repairBench; _player = Server.GetPlayer(msg.player); _item = new InvItem(repairBench.inventory.GetSlot(0)); _msg = msg; }
public ItemPickupEvent(CollectibleEntity ce, BaseEntity.RPCMessage msg, Item i) { _entity = ce; _msg = msg; _player = Server.GetPlayer(msg.player); _item = new InvItem(i); }
public ItemPickupEvent(CollectibleEntity collectibleEntity, BaseEntity.RPCMessage msg, Item item) { Entity = collectibleEntity; RPCMessage = msg; Player = Server.GetPlayer(msg.player); Item = new InvItem(item); }
public Inventory(int size) { inv = new InvItem[size]; for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { inv[k] = new InvItem(); } protectsuction = false; }
public InventoryModEvent(ItemContainer ic, Item i) { _item = new InvItem(i); _itemContainer = ic; if (ic.entityOwner != null) _entity = new Entity(ic.entityOwner); if (ic.playerOwner != null) _owner = Server.GetPlayer(ic.playerOwner); }
/// <summary> /// Start dragging the item. /// </summary> void OnDrag(Vector2 delta) { if (DraggedItem == null && DataContent != null) { UICamera.currentTouch.clickNotification = UICamera.ClickNotification.BasedOnDelta; DraggedItem = DataContent; DataContent = null; NGUITools.PlaySound(grabSound); UpdateCursor(); } }
public InventoryModEvent(ItemContainer itemContainer, Item item) { ItemContainer = itemContainer; Item = new InvItem(item); if (itemContainer.playerOwner != null) Player = Server.GetPlayer(itemContainer.playerOwner); if (itemContainer.entityOwner != null) Entity = new Entity(itemContainer.entityOwner); }
protected override void OnDettach(InvItem inv) { foreach (var item in SceneManager.Instance.AttachPoints) { if (item.Value.Slot == Slot.Fan) { FanAttachPoint fap = item.Value as FanAttachPoint; fap.Stop(); } } }
public ItemConditionEvent(Item item, float amount) { Item = new InvItem(item); Amount = amount; BasePlayer ownerPlayer = item.GetOwnerPlayer(); if (ownerPlayer != null) { Player = Server.GetPlayer(ownerPlayer); } }
public override List <MapItem> GenerateItems(BaseMapGenContext map, SpawnList <MapItem> specialItems) { int itemCount = Amount.Pick(map.Rand); List <MapItem> spawners = new List <MapItem>(); SpawnList <MapItem> subList = new SpawnList <MapItem>(); if (UseSpecialItems) { for (int ii = 0; ii < specialItems.Count; ii++) { MapItem spawn = specialItems.GetSpawn(ii); if (!spawn.IsMoney) { if (Range.Min <= spawn.Value && spawn.Value < Range.Max) { subList.Add(spawn, specialItems.GetSpawnRate(ii)); } } } } if (UseMapItems) { foreach (string key in map.ItemSpawns.Spawns.GetKeys()) { SpawnList <InvItem> spawns = map.ItemSpawns.Spawns.GetSpawn(key); for (int ii = 0; ii < spawns.Count; ii++) { //TODO: spawn rate is somewhat distorted here InvItem spawn = spawns.GetSpawn(ii); //ItemData data = DataManager.Instance.GetItem(spawn.ID); if (Range.Min <= spawn.ID && spawn.ID < Range.Max) { subList.Add(new MapItem(spawn), spawns.GetSpawnRate(ii)); } } } } if (subList.Count == 0) { return(spawners); } for (int ii = 0; ii < itemCount; ii++) { spawners.Add(subList.Pick(map.Rand)); } return(spawners); }
public void AddInvItem(InvItem I) { InvItem FoundInvItem = InvItem.FindInvItem(I.ToString()); if (FoundInvItem.ToString().Equals("inventory-item")) { Inventory.Add(I); } else { ++FoundInvItem.Amount; } }
protected static void ItemFunctions_UseItem(InvItem item, Agent agent) { CustomItem citem = RogueLibs.Instance.Items.Find(i => i.Id == item.invItemName); if (citem?.TargetObject != null) { item.invInterface.ShowOrHideTarget(item); } else if (citem != null) { citem.UseItem?.Invoke(item, agent); } }
private void UpdateTotalValue() { totalValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++) { InvItem item = slots[i].Get(); if (item.item != null) { totalValue += item.GetValue(); } } goldText.text = totalValue + " Gold"; }
public bool CombineItems(InvItem other) { if (!CombineFilter(other)) { return(false); } other.contents[0] = invertDictionary[other.contents[0]]; Count--; gc.audioHandler.Play(Owner, VanillaAudio.CombineItem); return(true); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ItemID,Item,RegisterTypeID")] InvItem invItem) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.InvItems.Add(invItem); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.RegisterTypeID = new SelectList(db.RegisterTypes, "RegisterTypeID", "RegisterType1", invItem.RegisterTypeID); ViewBag.ItemID = new SelectList(db.Inventories, "ItemID", "ItemID", invItem.ItemID); return(View(invItem)); }
/// <summary> /// Removes the character from the team, placing its item back in the inventory. /// </summary> /// <param name="slot"></param> public void RemovePlayerTeam(int slot) { Character player = DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam.Players[slot]; if (player.EquippedItem.ID > -1) { InvItem heldItem = player.EquippedItem; player.DequipItem(); DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam.AddToInv(heldItem); } DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam.Players.RemoveAt(slot); }
public void ClearSlot() { invItem = null; if (defaultIcon) { icon.sprite = defaultIcon; } else { icon.enabled = false; } stackDisplay.enabled = false; }
public static void SetupDetails_Postfix(bool notNew, InvItem __instance) { string name = __instance.invItemName; if (__instance.Categories.Count == 0) { __instance.Categories.Add("NullCatcher"); } if (__instance.Categories.Contains("Alcohol")) { } if (__instance.Categories.Contains("Drugs")) { } if (__instance.Categories.Contains("Food")) { if (vItem.nonVegetarian.Contains(name)) { __instance.Categories.Add("NonVegetarian"); } else if (vItem.vegetarian.Contains(name)) { __instance.Categories.Add("Vegetarian"); } } if (__instance.Categories.Contains("Weapons")) { if (vItem.blunt.Contains(name)) { __instance.Categories.Add("Blunt"); } if (vItem.explosive.Contains(name)) { __instance.Categories.Add("Explosive"); } if (vItem.loud.Contains(name) && !__instance.contents.Contains("Silencer")) { __instance.Categories.Add("Loud"); } if (vItem.piercing.Contains(name)) { __instance.Categories.Add("Piercing"); } } return; }
public void DragEvent() { InvItem draggedItem = _dragItem.Value; _imageComponent.enabled = draggedItem != null; _dragging = draggedItem != null; if (draggedItem != null) { UpdateSprite(); MoveToMouse(); } }
// Add an amount of an item type to the list. // Assuming that items will only be added by pickups. public static int Add(PickUp pickup, int quantity) { // If item is already in list. if (items.ContainsKey(pickup.pickupName)) { return(items[pickup.pickupName].Add(quantity)); } // If item is not already in list. InvItem added = new InvItem(pickup.pickupName, pickup.pickupDesc, quantity, pickup.gameObject); items.Add(pickup.pickupName, added); return(quantity); }
/// <summary> /// <para>Adds the specified <paramref name="amount"/> of the <typeparamref name="TItem"/> item to the current <paramref name="inventory"/>.</para> /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TItem">The type of the item to add to the <paramref name="inventory"/>.</typeparam> /// <param name="inventory">The current inventory.</param> /// <param name="amount">The amount of the item to add.</param> /// <returns>The added item, if found in the inventory; otherwise, <see langword="null"/>.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="inventory"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="amount"/> is less than or equal to 0.</exception> public static TItem AddItem <TItem>(this InvDatabase inventory, int amount) where TItem : CustomItem { if (inventory is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(inventory)); } if (amount <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(amount), amount, $"{nameof(amount)} is less than or equal to 0."); } InvItem item = inventory.AddItem(ItemInfo.Get <TItem>().Name, amount); return(item?.GetHook <TItem>()); }
// GET: InvItems/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } InvItem invItem = db.InvItems.Find(id); if (invItem == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(invItem)); }
public InvItem(InvItem assetItem) { // Duplicates Asset to Runtime instance // (Do it the long way to ensure no connections remain to the asset file) count = assetItem.count; tex = assetItem.tex; id =; label = assetItem.label; useActionList = assetItem.useActionList; lookActionList = assetItem.lookActionList; combineActionList = assetItem.combineActionList; combineID = assetItem.combineID; }
/// <summary> /// Sends a team member home without affecting the ground map. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">Index of team member.</param> /// <param name="front">Whether to put the team member in front or in back of the assembly list.</param> public void SilentSendHome(int index) { Character player = DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam.Players[index]; if (player.EquippedItem.ID > -1) { InvItem heldItem = player.EquippedItem; player.DequipItem(); DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam.AddToInv(heldItem); } DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam.AddToSortedAssembly(player); RemoveChar(index); }
public static void update() { List <InvItem> removal = new List <InvItem>(); Dictionary <InvItem, float> newDictionary = new Dictionary <InvItem, float>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <InvItem, float> pair in SoulCooldowns) { newDictionary.Add(pair.Key, Mathf.Max(pair.Value - Time.fixedDeltaTime, 0f)); } SoulCooldowns = newDictionary; /*if(thisAgent != null && thisAgent.dead && recoverItem) * { * recoverItem = false; * thisAgent.inventory.AddItem("EmptySoulStone", 1); * }*/ foreach (KeyValuePair <InvItem, Agent> pair in SoulUpdateList) { InvItem item = pair.Key; if (pair.Key == null || pair.Value == null) { removal.Add(item); continue; } if (pair.Value.dead) { item.database.DestroyItem(item); item.database.AddItem("EmptySoulStone", 1); removal.Add(item); if (SoulBreakerItem != null) { SoulBreakerItem.database.DestroyItem(SoulBreakerItem); SoulBreakerItem = null; } item.agent.mainGUI.invInterface.HideDraggedItem(); item.agent.mainGUI.invInterface.HideTarget(); } } foreach (InvItem item in removal) { SoulUpdateList.Remove(item); SoulCooldowns.Remove(item); if (SoulBreakerItem != null) { SoulBreakerItem.database.DestroyItem(SoulBreakerItem); SoulBreakerItem = null; } } }
public IEnumerator <YieldInstruction> ProcessTakeItem(GroundChar character, int teamSlot) { ExplorerTeam memberTeam = DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam; Character itemChar = memberTeam.Players[teamSlot]; //no curse check in ground mode InvItem item = itemChar.EquippedItem; memberTeam.AddToInv(item); itemChar.DequipItem(); GameManager.Instance.SE(DataManager.Instance.EquipSE); yield return(CoroutineManager.Instance.StartCoroutine(MenuManager.Instance.SetDialogue(false, Text.FormatKey("MSG_ITEM_DEQUIP", itemChar.Name, item.GetName())))); }
private void UnequipItem(InvItem item) { item.PlayerClicked.AddListener(EquipItem); GetComponent <Inventory>().GiveItem(item); if ((int)item.ItemType <= 3)// it armor { VisibleArmor.SetActive(false); GetComponent <Health>().IncomingDamageMultiplier = 1.0f; } else { VisibleWeapon.SetActive(false); } }
public InventoryModEvent(ItemContainer ic, Item i) { _item = new InvItem(i); _itemContainer = ic; if (ic.entityOwner != null) { _entity = new Entity(ic.entityOwner); } if (ic.playerOwner != null) { _owner = Server.GetPlayer(ic.playerOwner); } }
public static bool UseItem_Prefix(InvItem item, Agent agent, ItemFunctions __instance) { if (item.itemType == "Consumable") { if (vItem.alcohol.Contains(item.invItemName) && ((agent.statusEffects.hasTrait(cTrait.FriendOfBill) || agent.statusEffects.hasTrait(cTrait.Teetotaller)))) { BMHeaderTools.SayDialogue(agent, cDialogue.CantDrinkAlcohol, vNameType.Dialogue); goto terminus; } else if (vItem.drugs.Contains(item.invItemName) && (agent.statusEffects.hasTrait(cTrait.DAREdevil) || agent.statusEffects.hasTrait(cTrait.Teetotaller))) { BMHeaderTools.SayDialogue(agent, cDialogue.CantUseDrug, vNameType.Dialogue); goto terminus; } else if (vItem.nonVegetarian.Contains(item.invItemName) && agent.statusEffects.hasTrait(cTrait.Vegetarian)) { BMHeaderTools.SayDialogue(agent, cDialogue.CantEatMeat, vNameType.Dialogue); goto terminus; } else if (vItem.vegetarian.Contains(item.invItemName) && agent.statusEffects.hasTrait(cTrait.Carnivore)) { BMHeaderTools.SayDialogue(agent, cDialogue.CantEatNonvegetarian, vNameType.Dialogue); goto terminus; } } else { if (vItem.loud.Contains(item.invItemName) && agent.statusEffects.hasTrait(cTrait.AfraidOfLoudNoises)) { BMHeaderTools.SayDialogue(agent, cDialogue.CantUseLoud, "Dialogue"); goto terminus; } if (vItem.piercing.Contains(item.invItemName) && agent.statusEffects.hasTrait(cTrait.DrawNoBlood)) { BMHeaderTools.SayDialogue(agent, cDialogue.CantUseSharp_2, vNameType.Dialogue); goto terminus; } } return(true); terminus: GC.audioHandler.Play(agent, "CantDo"); return(false); }
public void Add(int _id, int amount) { // Raise "count" by 1 for appropriate ID if (localItems.Count == 0) { isLocked = false; } bool isCarrying = false; foreach (InvItem item in localItems) { if ( == _id) { isCarrying = true; if (!item.canCarryMultiple) { amount = 1; } break; } } if (!isCarrying) { GetReferences(); if (inventoryManager) { foreach (InvItem assetItem in inventoryManager.items) { if ( == _id) { InvItem newItem = assetItem; if (!newItem.canCarryMultiple) { amount = 1; } newItem.count = amount; localItems.Add(newItem); } } } } }
//public IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> ArriveOnTile(Character character) //public IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> ArriveOnTile(Character character, bool checkItem, bool wantItem, bool noTrap) private IEnumerator <YieldInstruction> ProcessUseItem(GroundChar character, int invSlot, bool held) { InvItem invItem = null; if (held) { Character activeChar = DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam.Players[invSlot]; invItem = activeChar.EquippedItem; } else { invItem = DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam.GetInv(invSlot); } ItemData itemEntry = (ItemData)invItem.GetData(); switch (itemEntry.UsageType) { case ItemData.UseType.Learn: { ItemIndexState effect = itemEntry.ItemStates.GetWithDefault <ItemIndexState>(); int skill = effect.Index; Character player = (Character)character.Data; int learn = -1; yield return(CoroutineManager.Instance.StartCoroutine(DungeonScene.TryLearnSkill(player, skill, (int slot) => { learn = slot; }, () => { }))); if (learn > -1) { yield return(CoroutineManager.Instance.StartCoroutine(DungeonScene.LearnSkillWithFanfare(player, skill, learn))); } else { yield break; } } break; } if (held) { Character activeChar = DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam.Players[invSlot]; activeChar.EquippedItem = new InvItem(); } else { DataManager.Instance.Save.ActiveTeam.RemoveFromInv(invSlot); } }
public static void EquipReinforcement(Agent agent) { InvItem item = new InvItem { invItemName = gc.Choose(vItem.Pistol, vItem.Knife) }; item.ItemSetup(false); item.invItemCount = item.rewardCount; agent.inventory.AddItemAtEmptySlot(item, true, false); agent.inventory.equippedWeapon = item; agent.inventory.startingHeadPiece = vArmorHead.HardHat; }
// GET: InvItems/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } InvItem invItem = db.InvItems.Find(id); if (invItem == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.InvTableId = new SelectList(db.InvTables, "Id", "Letter", invItem.InvTableId); return(View(invItem)); }
public AttachInvSeriesBatch(InvTrans trans) : base(trans) { InitializeComponent(); this.invTrans = trans; var cache = api.CompanyEntity.GetCache(typeof(InvItem)); invItemMaster = cache.Get(trans._Item) as InvItem; dgInvSeriesBatchGrid.api = api; dgInvSeriesBatchGrid.UpdateMaster(invItemMaster); SetRibbonControl(localMenu, dgInvSeriesBatchGrid); dgInvSeriesBatchGrid.BusyIndicator = busyIndicator; localMenu.OnItemClicked += LocalMenu_OnItemClicked; txtQty.Text = Math.Abs(this.invTrans._Qty).ToString(); }
public void AddItem(InvItem _item) { invItem = _item; icon.enabled = true; icon.sprite = invItem.item.icon; if (invItem.stackCount == 1) { stackDisplay.enabled = false; } else { stackDisplay.enabled = true; stackDisplay.text = invItem.stackCount.ToString(); } }
public void PreviewApply(InventoryOperationState state) { InvItem i = null; if (!Applied) { i = new InvItem(DefaultHelper.CreateRef(ItemID, Type, Location), Location); item = i.Item; } if (i != null) { state.Inventory.Add(i); } }
public bool CombineItems(InvItem other) { if (!CombineFilter(other)) { return(false); } SpicedHook hook = other.GetHook <SpicedHook>() ?? other.AddHook <SpicedHook>(); hook.IncreaseSpiciness(); Count--; gc.audioHandler.Play(Owner, VanillaAudio.CombineItem); return(true); }
public static void EquipReinforcement(Agent agent) { InvItem item = new InvItem { invItemName = gc.Choose(vItem.Revolver, vItem.MachineGun) }; item.ItemSetup(false); item.invItemCount = item.rewardCount; agent.inventory.AddItemAtEmptySlot(item, true, false); agent.inventory.equippedWeapon = item; agent.inventory.startingHeadPiece = vArmorHead.SoldierHelmet; }
public InvUpdate(WorldPacket data) { Items = new List <InvItem>(); int size = data.ReadBits <int>(2); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { var item = new InvItem { ContainerSlot = data.ReadUInt8(), Slot = data.ReadUInt8() }; Items.Add(item); } }
/// <summary> /// Allow to move objects around via drag & drop. /// </summary> void OnClick() { if (DraggedItem != null) { OnDrop(null); } else { if (DataContent != null) { DraggedItem = DataContent; DataContent = null; NGUITools.PlaySound(grabSound); UpdateCursor(); } } }
public void add(string aname, int quant) { int i = -1; for (int k = 0; k < inv.Length; k++) { if (inv[k] == aname) { inv[k].num += quant; return; } if (i == -1 && inv[k].num == 0) { i = k; } } if (i != -1) { inv[i] = new InvItem(aname, quant); } }
public PlayerClothingEvent(PlayerInventory playerInventory, Item item) { Player = Server.GetPlayer(playerInventory.containerMain.playerOwner); Item = new InvItem(item); }
private static void AddInv(object o) { // Handle contained objects (iterative ;) if (o is BaseContainer) { foreach (Item item in ((BaseContainer)o).Items) { if (m_ItemType == null) { AddInv(item); continue; } Type it = item.GetType(); if (it.IsSubclassOf(m_ItemType) || it == m_ItemType || item is BaseContainer) AddInv(item); } // Do we want to inventory this container, or return? Type ct = o.GetType(); if (!(m_ItemType == null) && !ct.IsSubclassOf(m_ItemType) && ct != m_ItemType) return; } // Handle this object InvItem ir = new InvItem(o.GetType()); // Determine and set inv item properties if (o is BaseWeapon) { BaseWeapon bw = (BaseWeapon)o; ir.m_accuracy = bw.AccuracyLevel.ToString(); ir.m_damage = bw.DamageLevel.ToString(); ir.m_durability = bw.DurabilityLevel.ToString(); ir.m_slayer = bw.Slayer.ToString(); } else if (o is BaseArmor) { BaseArmor ba = (BaseArmor)o; ir.m_durability = ba.Durability.ToString(); ir.m_damage = ba.ProtectionLevel.ToString(); } else if (o is EnchantedScroll) { EnchantedItem ei = (EnchantedItem)o; // ProtectionLevel, Durability if (ei.ItemType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseArmor))) { ir.m_durability = ((ArmorDurabilityLevel)ei.iProps[1]).ToString(); ir.m_damage = ((ArmorProtectionLevel)(ei.iProps[0])).ToString(); } else if (ei.ItemType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseWeapon))) { ir.m_accuracy = ((WeaponAccuracyLevel)ei.iProps[2]).ToString(); ir.m_damage = ((WeaponDamageLevel)ei.iProps[0]).ToString(); ir.m_durability = ((WeaponDurabilityLevel)ei.iProps[1]).ToString(); ir.m_slayer = ((SlayerName)ei.iProps[3]).ToString(); } } if (o is Item) { Item it = (Item)o; if (it.PlayerCrafted == true) { // It's playercrafted, so check for 'Quality' property string strVal = Properties.GetValue(m_from, o, "Quality"); if (strVal == "Quality = Exceptional") ir.m_quality = "Exceptional"; } if (it.Amount > 0) ir.m_count = it.Amount; ir.m_serial = it.Serial; // adam: Find the best name we can if (o is EnchantedScroll) { EnchantedItem ei = (EnchantedItem)o; ir.m_description = ei.ItemType.Name + ".scroll"; } else { if (valid(it.Name)) ir.m_description = it.Name; else if (valid(it.ItemData.Name) && (it.GetType().Name == null || it.GetType().Name == "Item" || it.GetType().Name == "Static")) ir.m_description = it.ItemData.Name; else ir.m_description = it.GetType().Name; } } // Make sure there are no others like this foreach (InvItem ii in m_Inv) { if (ii.m_type == ir.m_type && ii.m_accuracy == ir.m_accuracy && ii.m_damage == ir.m_damage && ii.m_quality == ir.m_quality && ii.m_durability == ir.m_durability && ii.m_slayer == ir.m_slayer && ii.m_description == ir.m_description) //pla: include new field in this check { // It exists, so increment and return ii.m_count += ir.m_count; return; } } // It doesn't exist, so add it m_Inv.Add(ir); }
public ItemConditionEvent(Item item, float amount) { _item = new InvItem(item); _amount = amount; }
public InvItem InteractItem(InvItem MouseInvHeld, Inventory theinv, int k) { if (Event.current.button == 1) { if (MouseInvHeld.num == 0) { if ( == "") { //nil } else { int taken = num / 2; MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(socket, taken); theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(socket, num - taken); } } else { if ( == "") { int taken = MouseInvHeld.num / 2; theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, taken); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, MouseInvHeld.num - taken); } else { if ( == { theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, num + MouseInvHeld.num); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(); } else { Inventory.InvItem BUFF = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, MouseInvHeld.num); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(socket, num); theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(BUFF.socket, BUFF.num); } } } } else { if (MouseInvHeld.num == 0) { if ( == "") { //nil } else { MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(socket, num); theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(); } } else { if ( == "") { theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, MouseInvHeld.num); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(); } else { if ( == { theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, num + MouseInvHeld.num); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(); } else { Inventory.InvItem BUFF = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, MouseInvHeld.num); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(socket, num); theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(BUFF.socket, BUFF.num); } } } } return MouseInvHeld; }
public PlayerClothingEvent(PlayerInventory playerInventory, Item item) { _item = new InvItem(item); _player = Server.GetPlayer(playerInventory.GetComponent<BasePlayer>()); }
/// <summary> /// Stop dragging the item. /// </summary> void OnDrop(GameObject go) { if (DataContent == null) { DataContent = DraggedItem; DraggedItem = null; if (DataContent != null) { NGUITools.PlaySound(placeSound); } } else { //if (DataContent != null && ) // { InvItem tmp = DraggedItem; DraggedItem = DataContent; DataContent = tmp; if (DraggedItem != null) { NGUITools.PlaySound(grabSound); } //} } UpdateCursor(); }
protected override void OnDettach(InvItem inv) { }
public ConsumeFuelEvent(BaseOven bo, Item fuel, ItemModBurnable burn) { _baseOven = bo; _item = new InvItem(fuel); _burn = burn; }
public ItemUsedEvent(Item item, int amount) { Item = new InvItem(item); Amount = amount; }
/// <summary> /// 物件从挂载点拖走时候的回调 /// </summary> /// <param name="inv"></param> protected virtual void OnDettach(InvItem inv) { }
public ItemConditionEvent(Item item, float amount) { _item = new InvItem(item); _amount = amount; Player = Server.GetPlayer(item.GetOwnerPlayer()); }
public ItemUsedEvent(Item item, int amountToConsume) { _item = new InvItem(item); _amount = amountToConsume; }
public ConsumeFuelEvent(BaseOven baseOven, Item fuel, ItemModBurnable burnable) { BaseOven = baseOven; Item = new InvItem(fuel); Burnable = burnable; }