Esempio n. 1
        protected internal virtual void discover(Type clazz, String propertyName)
             *  this is gross and linear, but it keeps it straightforward.

                propertyUsed = propertyName;
                property     = introspector.getProperty(clazz, propertyUsed);
                if (property != null)

                 *  now the convenience, flip the 1st character
                propertyUsed = propertyName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + propertyName.Substring(1);
                property     = introspector.getProperty(clazz, propertyUsed);
                if (property != null)

                propertyUsed = propertyName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + propertyName.Substring(1);
                property     = introspector.getProperty(clazz, propertyUsed);
                if (property != null)

                // check for a method that takes no arguments
                propertyUsed = propertyName;
                method       = introspector.getMethod(clazz, propertyUsed, new Object[0]);
                if (method != null)

                // check for a method that takes no arguments, flipping 1st character
                propertyUsed = propertyName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + propertyName.Substring(1);
                method       = introspector.getMethod(clazz, propertyUsed, new Object[0]);
                if (method != null)

                propertyUsed = propertyName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + propertyName.Substring(1);
                method       = introspector.getMethod(clazz, propertyUsed, new Object[0]);
                if (method != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                rlog.error("PROGRAMMER ERROR : PropertyExector() : " + e);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Test_Evaluate()
            RuntimeServices rs = RuntimeSingleton.RuntimeServices;
            Introspector    i  = new Introspector(rs);
            MethodInfo      mi = i.getMethod(typeof(VelocityTest), "Test_Evaluate", null);

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("Expected to find VelocityTest.Test_Evaluate", mi);
            Assertion.Assert("method not found", mi.ToString().Equals("Void Test_Evaluate()"));

            mi = i.getMethod(typeof(ExtendedProperties), "GetString", new Object[] { "parm1", "parm2" });
            Assertion.AssertNotNull("Expected to find ExtendedProperties.GetString(String, String)", mi);
            Assertion.Assert("method not found", mi.ToString().Equals("System.String GetString(System.String, System.String)"));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public GetExecutor(RuntimeLogger r, Introspector i, Type c, String key)
            rlog    = r;
            args[0] = key;

            // NOTE: changed from get to get to get_Item - assumption is that get would be converted to an indexer in .Net
            // to keep some resembalance to the Java version, look for "Get" and "get" methods as well (both cases for .Net style and java)
            method = i.getMethod(c, "get_Item", args);
            if (method == null)
                method = i.getMethod(c, "Get", args);
                if (method == null)
                    method = i.getMethod(c, "get", args);