private bool checkPushPullGesture(int bodyAngle, List<KinectDataPoint> queue, InteractionPushPull pushPull)
     for (int i = 1; i < queue.Count; ++i)
         if (chekPushPullGesture(bodyAngle, queue, i, pushPull))
             return true;
     return false;
        private bool chekPushPullGesture(int bodyAngle, List<KinectDataPoint> queue, int stepSize, InteractionPushPull pushPull)
            int minPoints = (2 * stepSize) + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < queue.Count - minPoints; ++i)
                KinectDataPoint p1 = queue.ElementAt(i);
                KinectDataPoint p3 = queue.ElementAt(i + (2 * stepSize));

                if (p1.TimeStamp.AddMilliseconds(maxPushPullTime) < p3.TimeStamp)

                KinectDataPoint p2 = queue.ElementAt(i + stepSize);

                bool isPush = (p1.Z < p2.Z);
                double distance = p1.CalcDistance3D(p2);

                int angleDepth = 90 - p1.CalcDepthAngle(p2);
                int angleHorizont = p1.CalcHorizontalAngle(p2);

                if (distance > IConsts.GPushPullMinDepth
                    && angleHorizont < IConsts.GesturePushPullAngle
                    && angleDepth < IConsts.GesturePushPullAngle
                    && (pushPull == InteractionPushPull.PUSH && isPush
                      || pushPull == InteractionPushPull.PULL && !isPush))
                    double keepDist = p2.CalcDistance3D(p3);

                    // the hand has to stay in a radius of 10 cm
                    if (keepDist < 10)
                        return true;

            return false;