public ValidationResult ValidateInteraction(ClientGameState currentState, InteractionBase interaction) { switch (interaction.Type) { case InteractionType.Attack: return(attackProcessor.ValidateAttack(currentState, interaction as InteractionAttack)); case InteractionType.PlayCard: return(playCardProcessor.ValidatePlayCard(currentState, interaction as InteractionPlayCard)); case InteractionType.EndTurn: return(endTurnProcessor.ValidateEndTurn(currentState)); } return(new ValidationResult() { IsOk = false, Messages = new List <string>() { $"Unknown Interaction of type {interaction.GetType()} encountered" } }); }
public static bool Activate(InteractionBase __instance, Character _character) { // Activate > OnActivate > ActivationDone try { //WorkInProgress.Instance.MyLogger.LogDebug("Activate=" + __instance.GetType().Name); if (__instance.GetType() != typeof(InteractionSleep)) { return(true); } var ds = (__instance as InteractionSleep).Item.GetComponent <CustomDurable>(); if (ds == null) { return(true); } //WorkInProgress.Instance.MyLogger.LogDebug($"RestrictUsageOfTents[{(__instance as InteractionSleep)}]={ds.CurrentDurability}"); //var list = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<GameObject>().Where(g =>"5000021_Bedroll_") // && g.GetComponent<Item>() != null // && g.GetComponent<Item>().CurrentDurability == 100 // ).ToList(); //foreach (var go in list) //{ // AccessTools.Field(typeof(Item), "m_currentDurability").SetValue(go.GetComponent<Item>(), 42); // WorkInProgress.Instance.MyLogger.LogDebug($" > {} ({go.GetComponent<Item>().CurrentDurability})"); //} if (_character.Inventory.HasABag) { _character.CharacterUI.ShowInfoNotification("You must remove your bagpack before sleep!"); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { WorkInProgress.Instance.MyLogger.LogError("Activate: " + ex.Message); } return(true); }
private static void SetupInteractionData() { text.Visible = false; save.Visible = false; group.Visible = false; group.Controls.Clear(); toolButton.DropDown.Items[0].Visible = false; toolButton.DropDown.Items[2].Visible = false; toolButton.DropDown.Items[3].Visible = false; if (currentObject.GetType() == typeof(InteractionChoice)) { toolButton.DropDown.Items[3].Visible = true; } else if (currentObject.GetType() == typeof(InteractionQuests)) { toolButton.DropDown.Items[3].Visible = true; group.Visible = true; CheckBox bux = new CheckBox() { Location = new Point(5, 15), Text = "Immediate Mode", Checked = ((InteractionQuests)currentObject).immediateMode }; bux.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler((object sender, EventArgs e) => { ((InteractionQuests)currentObject).immediateMode = bux.Checked; }); group.Controls.Add(bux); } else if (currentObject.GetType() == typeof(InteractionDialogue)) { text.Visible = true; text.Text = ((InteractionDialogue)currentObject).displayText; save.Visible = true; } else if (currentObject.GetType() == typeof(InteractionPath)) { toolButton.DropDown.Items[0].Visible = true; toolButton.DropDown.Items[2].Visible = true; group.Visible = true; save.Visible = true; //If under a quest, set quest flags and stuff if (nodeBase[displayTree.SelectedNode.Parent].GetType() == typeof(InteractionQuests)) { InteractionQuests que = (InteractionQuests)nodeBase[displayTree.SelectedNode.Parent]; tmpInt = que.paths.IndexOf((InteractionPath)currentObject); pars = new TextBox[3]; TextBox val = new TextBox() { Location = new Point(0, 35), Size = new Size(200, 20), Text = displayTree.SelectedNode.Text }; group.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Path Name: ", Location = new Point(0, 15), Size = new Size(200, 20) }); group.Controls.Add(val); TextBox vall = new TextBox() { Location = new Point(0, 75), Size = new Size(200, 20), Text = (que.questTags.Count > tmpInt && tmpInt != -1) ? que.questTags[tmpInt] : "" }; group.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Quest Name: ", Location = new Point(0, 55), Size = new Size(200, 20) }); group.Controls.Add(vall); TextBox valll = new TextBox() { Location = new Point(0, 115), Size = new Size(200, 20), Text = (que.questInts.Count > tmpInt && tmpInt != -1) ? que.questInts[tmpInt].ToString() : "0" }; group.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Checked Int: ", Location = new Point(0, 95), Size = new Size(200, 20) }); group.Controls.Add(valll); pars[0] = val; pars[1] = vall; pars[2] = valll; } else { pars = new TextBox[1]; TextBox val = new TextBox() { Location = new Point(0, 35), Size = new Size(200, 20), Text = displayTree.SelectedNode.Text }; group.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Path Name: ", Location = new Point(0, 15), Size = new Size(200, 20) }); group.Controls.Add(val); pars[0] = val; } } }