public void WebTestRunAllTestsWithRunSettings(RunnerInfo runnerInfo)
            AcceptanceTestBase.SetTestEnvironment(this.testEnvironment, runnerInfo);
            var runSettingsFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid() + ".runsettings");

            //test the iterationCount setting for WebTestRunConfiguration in run settings
            var runSettingsXml = $@"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
                                    <WebTestRunConfiguration iterationCount='5' />

            IntegrationTestBase.CreateRunSettingsFile(runSettingsFilePath, runSettingsXml);

            //minWebTestResultFileSizeInKB is set to 150 here as the web test has a iteration count set to 5
            //therefore, the test will run for 5 iterations resulting in web test result file size of at least 150 KB
            WebTestRunAllTests(runnerInfo.RunnerFramework, runSettingsFilePath, 150);