private void GetEdgeInformation(Polyline pline, ref Curve2dCollection plCurves, ref IntegerCollection edgeTypes) { int segCount = pline.NumberOfVertices; for (int cnt = 0; cnt < segCount; cnt++) { SegmentType type = pline.GetSegmentType(cnt); switch (type) { case SegmentType.Arc: CircularArc2d arc2d = pline.GetArcSegment2dAt(cnt); plCurves.Add(arc2d); edgeTypes.Add((int)Enum.Parse(typeof(HatchEdgeType), HatchEdgeType.CircularArc.ToString())); break; case SegmentType.Line: LineSegment2d line2d = pline.GetLineSegment2dAt(cnt); plCurves.Add(line2d); edgeTypes.Add((int)Enum.Parse(typeof(HatchEdgeType), HatchEdgeType.Line.ToString())); break; case SegmentType.Coincident: break; case SegmentType.Empty: break; case SegmentType.Point: break; } } }
bool locateActiveGrips(out IntegerCollection aIndices) { ExGripDataCollection grDataCol = entPath() ? m_pOwner.GetSubentGripData(m_pOwner.GripDataDict[entityId()], subentPath).SubData : m_pOwner.GripDataDict[entityId()].DataArray; bool bExMethod = true; aIndices = new IntegerCollection(); int i = 0; foreach (ExGripData dat in grDataCol) { if (null == dat.Data) { bExMethod = false; } if (GripData.DrawType.DragImageGrip == dat.Status) { aIndices.Add(i); } i++; } return(bExMethod); }
private void AddItem() { int count = random.Next(100000); while (true) { globalCollection.Add(count); count++; } }
public static int[] GetChainStartIndices(ICoordinateList pts) { // find the startpoint (and endpoints) of all monotone chains in this edge int start = 0; IntegerCollection startIndexList = new IntegerCollection(); startIndexList.Add(start); do { int last = FindChainEnd(pts, start); startIndexList.Add(last); start = last; }while (start < pts.Count - 1); // copy list to an array of ints, for efficiency int[] startIndex = startIndexList.ToArray(); return(startIndex); }
/// <summary> /// Get a list of album IDs between the current instance and the specified <paramref name="topAlbumId" />. It works by /// analyzing the parent albums, recursively, of the current gallery object, until reaching either the root album or the specified /// <paramref name="topAlbumId" />. The caller is responsible for iterating through this list and calling /// <see cref="Album.AssignAlbumThumbnail" /> for each album after the move operation is complete. /// This method should be called before the move operation takes place. /// </summary> /// <param name="topAlbumId">The ID of the album the current gallery object will be in after the move operation completes.</param> /// <returns>Return a list of album IDs whose thumbnail images will need updating after the move operation completes.</returns> protected IIntegerCollection GetAlbumHierarchy(int topAlbumId) { IIntegerCollection albumsInHierarchy = new IntegerCollection(); IGalleryObject album = this.Parent; while (!(album is NullObjects.NullGalleryObject)) { // If we're at the same level as the destination album, don't go any further. if (album.Id == topAlbumId) break; albumsInHierarchy.Add(album.Id); album = album.Parent; } return albumsInHierarchy; }
/// <summary> /// Extract information from the query string and assign to our class level variables. Return false if something goes wrong /// and the variables cannot be set. This will happen when the query string is in an unexpected format. /// </summary> /// <param name="queryString">The query string for the current request. Can be populated with HttpContext.Request.Url.Query.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if all relevant variables were assigned from the query string; returns false if there was a problem.</returns> private bool ExtractQueryStringParms(string queryString) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString)) { return(false); } if (queryString.StartsWith("?", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { queryString = queryString.Remove(0, 1); } // id=0&gid=all&secaction=6&sc=false&navurl=&levels=2&includealbum=true&idtoselect%5B%5D=220&idtoselect%5B%5D=99 foreach (string nameValuePair in queryString.Split(new char[] { '&' })) { string[] nameOrValue = nameValuePair.Split(new char[] { '=' }); if (nameOrValue.Length < 2) { return(false); } switch (Utils.UrlDecode(nameOrValue[0])) { case "id": { int aid; if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out aid)) { _albumId = aid; } else { return(false); } break; } case "gid": { int gid; if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out gid)) { _galleries = new GalleryCollection() { Factory.LoadGallery(gid) }; } else if (Utils.UrlDecode(nameOrValue[1]).Trim() == "all") { _galleries = UserController.GetGalleriesCurrentUserCanAdminister(); } else { return(false); } break; } case "secaction": { int secActionInt; if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out secActionInt)) { if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsValidSecurityAction((SecurityActions)secActionInt)) { _securityAction = (SecurityActions)secActionInt; break; } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } } case "sc": { bool showCheckbox; if (Boolean.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out showCheckbox)) { _showCheckbox = showCheckbox; } else { return(false); } break; } case "navurl": { _navigateUrl = Utils.UrlDecode(nameOrValue[1]).Trim(); break; } case "levels": { int numLevels; if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out numLevels)) { _numberOfLevels = numLevels; } else { return(false); } break; } case "includealbum": { bool includeAlbum; if (Boolean.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out includeAlbum)) { _includeAlbum = includeAlbum; } else { return(false); } break; } case "idtoselect": case "idtoselect[]": { int idToSelect; if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out idToSelect)) { _albumIdsToSelect.Add(idToSelect); } else { return(false); } break; } default: return(false); // Unexpected query string parm. Return false so execution is aborted. } } return(true); }
void updateInvisibleGrips() { ExGripDataCollection aOverall = new ExGripDataCollection(); foreach (KeyValuePair <ObjectId, ExGripDataExt> grDataDc in m_gripDataDict) { foreach (ExGripData grData in grDataDc.Value.DataArray) { aOverall.Add(grData); } foreach (ExGripDataSubent grDataSub in grDataDc.Value.DataSub) { foreach (ExGripData grData in grDataSub.SubData) { aOverall.Add(grData); } } } int iSize = aOverall.Count; for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { ExGripData grData = aOverall[i]; grData.Invisible = false; grData.Shared = false; IntegerCollection aEq = new IntegerCollection(); aEq.Add(i); Point3d ptIni = grData.Point; int iNext = i + 1; Tolerance tc = new Tolerance(1E-6, 1E-6); while (iNext < iSize) { Point3d ptCur = aOverall[iNext].Point; if (ptIni.IsEqualTo(ptCur, tc)) { aEq.Add(iNext); iNext++; } else { break; } } if (aEq.Count >= 2) { int iVisible = 0; int jSize = aEq.Count; for (int j = 0; j < iSize; j++) { ExGripData pGrip = aOverall[aEq[j]]; bool bOk = true; if (pGrip.Data != null) { if (pGrip.Data.SkipWhenShared) { bOk = false; } } if (bOk) { iVisible = j; break; } } for (int j = 0; j < iSize; j++) { ExGripData pGrip = aOverall[aEq[j]]; pGrip.Shared = true; pGrip.Invisible = (j != iVisible); } } } }
private static void InsertSampleUsersAndRoles() { // Get list of all album IDs List<int> albumIds = new List<int>(); foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in RoleController.GetGalleryServerRoles()) { if (role.RoleName == "System Administrator") { albumIds.AddRange(role.AllAlbumIds); albumIds.Sort(); } } //// Create roles and assign each one to a random album Random rdm = new Random(); const int numRoles = 100; for (int i = 0; i < numRoles; i++) { int albumId; do { albumId = rdm.Next(albumIds[0], albumIds[albumIds.Count - 1]); } while (!albumIds.Contains(albumId)); IIntegerCollection roleAlbums = new IntegerCollection(); roleAlbums.Add(albumId); RoleController.CreateRole("Role " + i, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false, roleAlbums); } // Create users and assign to random number of roles. const int numUsers = 100; for (int i = 0; i < numUsers; i++) { int numRolesToAssignToUser = rdm.Next(0, 5); // Add up to 5 roles to user List<String> roleNames = new List<string>(numRolesToAssignToUser); for (int j = 0; j < numRolesToAssignToUser; j++) { // Pick a random role string roleName = "Role " + rdm.Next(0, numRoles - 1); if (!roleNames.Contains(roleName)) roleNames.Add(roleName); } string userName = "******" + i; if (UserController.GetUser(userName, false) == null) { UserController.CreateUser(userName, "111", String.Empty, roleNames.ToArray(), false, 1); } } }