private void applyAccelerate(bool acc) { if (!m_pFSM.isHero) { return; } cmd_creature_set_wing_state data; data.nEncounterFlag = 0; if (acc) { data.nType = WING_STATE_TYPE.WING_STATE_ACCELERATION; } else { data.nType = WING_STATE_TYPE.WING_STATE_NORMAL_FLIGHT; } IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_creature_set_wing_state>(ref data); int eventID = (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_SET_WING_STATE; GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(m_pFSM.entityID, eventID, len, "", ptr, len); }
public void StopAutoMove(bool userStop = true) { if (!isAutoMoving) { return; } isAutoMoving = false; if (m_autoMoveNavModeFollow) { SoldierCamera.MainInstance <SoldierCamera>().exitNavMode(CameraNavMode.Follow); m_autoMoveNavModeFollow = false; } if (m_pFSM.showLog) { Trace.Log("StopAutoMove"); } if (userStop) { cmd_creature_operation_type type = new cmd_creature_operation_type(); type.nType = 0; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_creature_operation_type>(ref type); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(type); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(m_pFSM.entityID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_OPERATION_TYPE, len, "", ptr, len); } enableAutoMoveEffect(false); }
public void OnTalentPagePointsInfo(int nPageIndex, string szPointsData, string szTalentId, string szTalentPageName, int nAttackPoints, int nTrickPoints, int nHelpPoints) { // 请求保存当前页数据 TalentPageInfo talentPageInfo = new TalentPageInfo(); talentPageInfo.szTalentPageName = szTalentPageName; talentPageInfo.nAttackPointAll = nAttackPoints; talentPageInfo.nTrickPointAll = nTrickPoints; talentPageInfo.nHelpPointAll = nHelpPoints; this.dTalentPageInfo[nPageIndex] = talentPageInfo; cmd_TalentPage_Points_Single cmdSinglePoint = new cmd_TalentPage_Points_Single(); cmdSinglePoint.nCurPageIndex = nPageIndex; string[] sTalentIdArray = ((string)(szTalentId)).Split(';'); int nArrayLen = sTalentIdArray.Length - 1; cmdSinglePoint.nTalentId = new int[nArrayLen]; cmdSinglePoint.nTalentPoints = new int[nArrayLen]; for (int i = 0; i < nArrayLen; i++) { cmdSinglePoint.nTalentId[i] = int.Parse(sTalentIdArray[i]); cmdSinglePoint.nTalentPoints[i] = int.Parse(szPointsData[i].ToString());; } cmdSinglePoint.nTalentNum = (byte)nArrayLen; cmdSinglePoint.szTalentPageName = szTalentPageName; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_TalentPage_Points_Single>(ref cmdSinglePoint); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(cmdSinglePoint); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_SAVE_TALENT_PAGE_SINGLE, len, "", ptr, len); }
// 当点击确定按钮时向逻辑层请求升星 public void onClickUpStarButton() { IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <int>(ref nHeroID); int nLen = Marshal.SizeOf(nHeroID); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_REQ_UPGRADE_STAR, nLen, "", ptr, nLen); }
/// <summary> /// 显示层发送View命令到逻辑层 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="event_id"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <example> /// gameview_create_player data = new gameview_create_player(); /// ViewEventHelper.Instance.SendCommand<gameview_create_player>(EntityLogicDef.GVIEWCMD_USER_CREATE_PLAYER, ref data); /// </example> public void SendCommand <T>(GameLogic.GameLogicDef event_id, ref T data) where T : struct { IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); int data_len = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(data); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <T>(ref data); GameLogicAPI.onGameViewEvent((int)event_id, data_len, "", ptr, data_len); }
public UIMsgCmdData create <T>(WndMsgID msg_id, ref T data, int nParam = 0, string strParam = "") where T : struct { IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); int data_len = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(data); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <T>(ref data); return(create(msg_id, nParam, strParam, ptr, data_len)); }
// 进入战场后请求基本数据 public void OnTabClick() { IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); int nIsOneRequest = Convert.ToInt16(isOneRequest); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <int>(ref nIsOneRequest); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(nIsOneRequest); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_PLAYER_BASE_INFO, len, "", ptr, len); }
private void notifyTabWndStatus() { // 发向逻辑层是否判断战绩界面是否打开 int nIsOpen = Convert.ToInt16(LogicDataCenter.recordTableDataManager.IsWarRecordTableVisible); IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <int>(ref nIsOpen); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(nIsOpen); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_PALYER_TAB_ISOPEN, len, "", ptr, len); view.showRecordTable(); }
/** * 英雄技能相关 */ public void onSkillUpgradeButtonClick(int _nClickSlotID) { cmd_creature_upgrade_spell data = new cmd_creature_upgrade_spell(); data.nSlotIndex = _nClickSlotID; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_creature_upgrade_spell>(ref data); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_UPGRADE_SPELL, len, "", ptr, len); }
public void OnConfirmSubButtonClick() { cmd_Actor_Name_Fix cmdInfo = new cmd_Actor_Name_Fix(); cmdInfo.szNewName = LogicDataCenter.playerSystemDataManager.sFixActorName; cmdInfo.nCostType = m_nCostType; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_Actor_Name_Fix>(ref cmdInfo); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(cmdInfo); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_ACTOR_NAME_FIX, len, "", ptr, len); }
public void RequestAllHero(int actorID) { cmd_Request_Hero_Info cmdInfo = new cmd_Request_Hero_Info(); cmdInfo.nActorID = (uint)actorID; cmdInfo.bFake = bFake == true ? 1 : 0; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_Request_Hero_Info>(ref cmdInfo); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(cmdInfo); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_REQ_HERO_INFO, len, "", ptr, len); }
public void onRevokeBtn() { if (bCanBuyOrSell) { cmd_war_revocation_operation data = new cmd_war_revocation_operation(); data.uUID = (uint)EntityFactory.MainHeroID; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_war_revocation_operation>(ref data); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_WAR_REVOCATION_OPERATION, len, "", ptr, len); } }
public void onPurchasedSlotDrop(int _nOrigDragSlotID, int _nTargetDropSlotID) { cmd_war_personexchangeslot data = new cmd_war_personexchangeslot(); data.nSrcSlotIndex = _nOrigDragSlotID; data.nTargetSlotIndex = _nTargetDropSlotID; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_war_personexchangeslot>(ref data); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_WAR_EXCHANGE_SLOT, len, "", ptr, len); }
public void OnTalentPagePointsDelete(int nPageIndex) { this.dTalentPageInfo.Remove(nPageIndex); cmd_Entity_Talent_Page_Detele cmdPointDelete = new cmd_Entity_Talent_Page_Detele(); cmdPointDelete.nCurTalentPage = nPageIndex; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_Entity_Talent_Page_Detele>(ref cmdPointDelete); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(cmdPointDelete); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_BEGIN_TALENT_PAGE_DELETE, len, "", ptr, len); }
internal void onBtnSellClick(int _nGoodsID, int _nSlotIndex) { if (WarMobaGoodsDataManager.Instance.CanBuyOrSell && _nGoodsID > 0 && _nSlotIndex != -1) { cmd_war_personsellgoods data = new cmd_war_personsellgoods(); data.nGoodID = _nGoodsID; data.nSlotIndex = _nSlotIndex; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_war_personsellgoods>(ref data); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_WAR_SELL_GOOD, len, "", ptr, len); } }
public void onAllSlotMouseEvent(int nSlotId, int nSlotType, int nMouseEventType) { cmd_entity_mouse_enter_slot data = new cmd_entity_mouse_enter_slot(); data.nEnterSlot = nMouseEventType; data.nSlotType = nSlotType; data.nSlotIndex = nSlotId; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_entity_mouse_enter_slot>(ref data); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_MOUSE_ENTER_SLOT, len, "", ptr, len); }
/// <summary> /// 发送EntityEvent命令到逻辑层 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="entity_id"></param> /// <param name="event_id"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> public void SendCommand <T>(int entity_id, GameLogic.EntityLogicDef event_id, ref T data) where T : struct { if (entity_id == 0) { return; } IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); int data_len = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(data); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <T>(ref data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(entity_id, (int)event_id, data_len, "", ptr, data_len); }
// 当召唤师技能改变之后回调 public void OnSummonerEveryButtonClick(int nSkillFirst, int nSkillSecond) { cmd_SmSillInfo_Return cmdInfo = new cmd_SmSillInfo_Return(); cmdInfo.nAllSoltSkillId = new int[2]; cmdInfo.nAllSoltSkillId[0] = nSkillFirst; cmdInfo.nAllSoltSkillId[1] = nSkillSecond; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_SmSillInfo_Return>(ref cmdInfo); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(cmdInfo); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_SUMMONER_BROAD_INFO, len, "", ptr, len); }
public void onSellBtnClick() { if (bCanBuyOrSell && CurrentSelectedGoodsID != 0 && nCurSelectedPurchasedSlotID != -1) { cmd_war_personsellgoods data = new cmd_war_personsellgoods(); data.nGoodID = CurrentSelectedGoodsID; data.nSlotIndex = nCurSelectedPurchasedSlotID; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_war_personsellgoods>(ref data); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_WAR_SELL_GOOD, len, "", ptr, len); } }
public void Update() { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad0) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.PageDown) && Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.KeypadEnter)) { Initialize.isDebugMode = true; } #if ENABLE_YUNYING_MODE if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.F8)) { OptimitzedControlPlane.Instance.EanableUI = !OptimitzedControlPlane.Instance.EanableUI; if (OptimitzedControlPlane.Instance.EanableUI) { USpeedUI.UISystem.Instance.OpenUI(); } else { USpeedUI.UISystem.Instance.CloseUI(); } } #endif if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.F11)) { bShow = !bShow; ResetState(); if (!bShow) { // 关闭指定实体属性值 GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_ENTITY_PROPERTY_DRAGONBALL_CLOSE, 0, "", IntPtr.Zero, 0); } else { if (curUid == 0) { return; } cmd_Entity_Property_Prefamce_Req data = new cmd_Entity_Property_Prefamce_Req(); data.uidReq = (uint)curUid; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_Entity_Property_Prefamce_Req>(ref data); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_ENTITY_PROPERTY_DRAGONBALL, len, "", ptr, len); } } deltaTime += (Time.deltaTime - deltaTime) * 0.1f; }
protected void checkFlyEncounter() { U3D_Render.EntityView mainHero = EntityFactory.MainHeroView; if (mainHero == null) { return; } if (mainHero.StateMachine == null) { return; } IList <U3D_Render.EntityView> enemyList = MapFinderManager.Nearest(mainHero.StateMachine.transform.position, nFlyEncounterDistance, SPELL.CampFlag.CampFlag_Enemy); if (enemyList == null) { return; } foreach (U3D_Render.EntityView ev in enemyList) { if (ev == null || ev.StateMachine == null) { continue; } if (ev.Type == ENTITY_TYPE.TYPE_PLAYER_ROLE && ev.StateMachine.GetState() != GameLogic.EntityState.Dead) { // 请求降落 cmd_creature_set_wing_state data; data.nType = WING_STATE_TYPE.WING_STATE_FLOOR; data.nEncounterFlag = 1; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_creature_set_wing_state>(ref data); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_SET_WING_STATE, len, "", ptr, len); // 关闭定时器 // onFlyStateChange(false, nFlyEncounterDistance); return; } } }
// 获得数据库索引,保存和删除都是数据库索引而不是排序号 public void GetCurPageDataIndex() { if (!Value.IsValueValid(TalentMenuFrame)) { return; } int nCurPageNum = TalentMenuFrame.Invoke("GetCurPageDataIndex"); cmd_Entity_Talent_Start_Effect cmdPointEffect = new cmd_Entity_Talent_Start_Effect(); cmdPointEffect.nCurTalentPage = nCurPageNum; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_Entity_Talent_Start_Effect>(ref cmdPointEffect); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(cmdPointEffect); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_BEGIN_TALENT_PAGE_EFFECT, len, "", ptr, len); }
private void onSendWarBuyGoodsToLogic(int _bugGoodsID) { if (!bCanBuyOrSell) { GameUtil.ShowSystemMessage(EMChatTipID.CHAT_TIP_WAR_GOODS_CANNOTBUY); return; } cmd_war_personbuygoods buyGoods = new cmd_war_personbuygoods(); buyGoods.nGoodID = _bugGoodsID; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_war_personbuygoods>(ref buyGoods); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(buyGoods); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_WAR_BUY_GOOD, len, "", ptr, len); }
// 将确认后的召唤师技能信息发送到逻辑增 public void sendSummonerSkillInfo() { cmd_SmSillInfo_Return cmdInfo = new cmd_SmSillInfo_Return(); cmdInfo.nAllSoltSkillId = new int[2]; for (int i = 1; i < (int)(SummonerSkillSolt.ENUM_SMSKILLMAX); ++i) { int nIndex = i - 1; int nSkillId = GetBaseButtonTalentIndex(i); cmdInfo.nAllSoltSkillId[nIndex] = nSkillId; } IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_SmSillInfo_Return>(ref cmdInfo); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(cmdInfo); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_SUMMONER_SKILL_INFO, len, "", ptr, len); OnSummonerEveryButtonClick(GetBaseButtonTalentIndex(1), 0); }
//上报聚焦位置 protected void CalAndSendCameraFocusPos(Vector3 focusPos) { GodEyeFocusPosCheckTime += deltaTime; if (GodEyeFocusPosCheckTime > 1.0f) { GameLogic.cmd_entity_master_eye_focus data; data.isGodMode = 1; data.x = focusPos.x; data.y = focusPos.y; data.z = focusPos.z; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); System.IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <GameLogic.cmd_entity_master_eye_focus>(ref data); int len = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)GameLogic.EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_MASTER_EYE_FOCUS, len, "", ptr, len); GodEyeFocusPosCheckTime = 0; } }
public void OnRequestTalentPagePoints() { // 暂定加载一次 if (this.bIsHasLoadPageInfo) { return; } // 请求所有加点情况 cmd_Entity_Request_Talent_Page cmdPointAll = new cmd_Entity_Request_Talent_Page(); cmdPointAll.bIsRequestSelf = 1; cmdPointAll.RequestFriendID = 0; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_Entity_Request_Talent_Page>(ref cmdPointAll); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(cmdPointAll); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_REQUEST_TALENT_PAGE_ALL, len, "", ptr, len); this.bIsHasLoadPageInfo = true; }
public void SendCameraFocusPosToLogic(int _bIsGodMode, float _fPosX = 0, float _fPosY = 0, float _fPosZ = 0) { if (EntityFactory.MainHeroID <= 0) { return; } cmd_entity_master_eye_focus data; data.isGodMode = _bIsGodMode; data.x = _fPosX; data.y = _fPosY; data.z = _fPosZ; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); System.IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_entity_master_eye_focus>(ref data); int len = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_MASTER_EYE_FOCUS, len, "", ptr, len); }
internal void onBtnBuyClick(int _nBuyGoodsID) { if (!WarMobaGoodsDataManager.Instance.CanBuyOrSell) { UIUtil.ShowSystemMessage(EMChatTipID.CHAT_TIP_WAR_GOODS_CANNOTBUY_STATE); return; } if (_nBuyGoodsID <= 0) { return; } cmd_war_personbuygoods buyGoods = new cmd_war_personbuygoods(); buyGoods.nGoodID = _nBuyGoodsID; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_war_personbuygoods>(ref buyGoods); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(buyGoods); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_WAR_BUY_GOOD, len, "", ptr, len); }
private void UpdateFunction() { if (floatingState == FloatingState.Down && grounded) { m_pFSM.ChangeState((int)EntityState.Standing, IntPtr.Zero); //float landingSpeed = m_lastvelocity.y; //float maxFallSpeed = m_pFSM.SkinConfig == null ? -30 : -m_pFSM.SkinConfig.maxFallSpeed * 2.0f; float fallHeight = startHeight - m_pFSM.transform.position.y; //if (landingSpeed > maxFallSpeed / 2.0f) //着陆大于最大速度的一半,可能需要计算伤害,上报逻辑层 if (m_pFSM.isHero && fallHeight > 5.0f) //着陆时落差大于5米,则上报逻辑层 { cmd_creature_act_landspeed data = new cmd_creature_act_landspeed(); data.fValue = fallHeight; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_creature_act_landspeed>(ref data); int eventID = (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_LANDING_SPEED; GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(m_pFSM.entityID, eventID, len, "", ptr, len); if (m_pFSM.showLog) { Trace.Log("Big Landing! fallHeight=" + fallHeight.ToString()); } } } uint currentTick = GameLogicAPI.getTickCount(); int deltaTick = (int)(currentTick - lastFrameTick); deltaTick = deltaTick < 1 ? 1 : deltaTick; lastFrameTick = currentTick; deltaTime = ((float)deltaTick) / 1000.0f; if (m_lastFrameDeltaTime <= 0.01f) { m_lastFrameDeltaTime = deltaTime; } if (m_pFSM.moveCtrl.isCharge()) { //Trace.LogWarning("can't move: m_pFSM.bForceMoving=" + m_pFSM.bForceMoving.ToString() + ",m_pFSM.bForceFlighting=" + m_pFSM.bForceFlighting.ToString()); return; } sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.NOT_2_SERVER; //-------------------------------------------------------- // 下面算速度 //-------------------------------------------------------- //float finalInertiaAcceleration = m_accSpeed; //惯性加速度 currentvelocity = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bool forceUp = false; if (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever) //主角的话下面多折腾下速度 { // Calculate the velocity based on the current and previous position. // This means our velocity will only be the amount the character actually moved as a result of collisions. //Vector3 oldHVelocity = new Vector3(lastvelocity.x, 0, lastvelocity.z); //Vector3 newHVelocity = lastoffset / deltaTime; //newHVelocity = new Vector3(newHVelocity.x, 0, newHVelocity.z); //// The CharacterController can be moved in unwanted directions when colliding with things. //// We want to prevent this from influencing the recorded velocity. //if (oldHVelocity == //{ // newHVelocity = new Vector3(0, newHVelocity.y, 0); //} //else //{ // float projectedNewVelocity = Vector3.Dot(newHVelocity, oldHVelocity) / oldHVelocity.sqrMagnitude; // newHVelocity = oldHVelocity * Mathf.Clamp01(projectedNewVelocity) + newHVelocity.y * Vector3.up; //} //if (newHVelocity.y < currentvelocity.y - 0.001) //{ // if (newHVelocity.y < 0) // { // // Something is forcing the CharacterController down faster than it should. // // Ignore this // newHVelocity.y = lastvelocity.y; // } //} // Update velocity based on input //newHVelocity = ApplyInputVelocityChange(newHVelocity); Vector3 newHVelocity = ApplyInputVelocityChange(m_lastvelocity); //if (newHVelocity.sqrMagnitude < 0.001f) //如果是停止的,就不计算惯性速度,免得技能僵直之类的效果生效不够及时 //{ // currentvelocity = newHVelocity; //} //else //{ currentvelocity = newHVelocity; //} //这里记录的是没经过ApplyYSpeed的Y轴调整的速度 m_lastvelocity = currentvelocity; // 判断本地的模拟坐标和真实坐标的差别, 只有达到一定阀值才需要同步 // 暂时在行走过程中200ms同步一次 int curTick = System.Environment.TickCount; if (currentvelocity.sqrMagnitude <= 0.001f) { currentvelocity =; } // 启动和站立强制同步一次 if ((m_pFSM.syncVelocity.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f && currentvelocity.sqrMagnitude <= 0.001f) || (m_pFSM.syncVelocity.sqrMagnitude <= 0.001f && currentvelocity.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f)) { sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.TO_BROADCAST; } // 每200毫秒根据速度或者移动距离考虑是否同步一次 else if (curTick >= m_pFSM.syncTick + m_pFSM.syncInterval) { //速度/位置/旋转分别跟上一次同步的数据比对看是否需要同步 Vector3 velSub = currentvelocity - m_pFSM.syncVelocity; Vector3 posSub = tr.position - m_pFSM.syncPosition; Vector3 rotSub = tr.eulerAngles - m_pFSM.syncAngle; if (velSub.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f || posSub.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f || rotSub.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f) { sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.TO_SERVER; } } if (floatingState == FloatingState.Down && curTick >= m_pFSM.syncTick + m_pFSM.syncInterval / 4) { sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.TO_SERVER; } currentvelocity = ApplyYSpeed(currentvelocity, ref forceUp); } else//不是主角直接用同步的速度 { currentvelocity = m_pFSM.syncVelocity; Vector3 deltapos = m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.position; float dis = deltapos.magnitude; if (m_pFSM.syncVelocity.sqrMagnitude < 0.001f && dis > 0.01f) //速度为0,但还没到同步的目的地,补偿一下误差 { float alpha = Mathf.Clamp01((dis - 0.01f) / approximatethre); //对速度根据离同步位置误差距离作逼近收敛修正 float speed = (1.0f - alpha) * 0.0f + alpha * approximatethre * apmtspeedratio; currentvelocity = deltapos.normalized * speed; } else { //Vector3 newHVelocity = m_pFSM.syncVelocity; //Vector3 oldHVelocity = new Vector3(lastvelocity.x, 0, lastvelocity.z); //Vector3 HVelocityDelta = newHVelocity - oldHVelocity; //float advance = deltaTime * finalInertiaAcceleration; //if (advance > HVelocityDelta.magnitude) advance = HVelocityDelta.magnitude; //currentvelocity = oldHVelocity + HVelocityDelta.normalized * advance; currentvelocity = m_pFSM.syncVelocity; } currentvelocity = ApplyYSpeed(currentvelocity, ref forceUp); } //-------------------------------------------------------- // 下面算位置 //-------------------------------------------------------- // We always want the movement to be framerate independent. Multiplying by Time.deltaTime does this. if (deltaTime > m_lastFrameDeltaTime * 2.0f || deltaTime < m_lastFrameDeltaTime / 2.0f) //缓冲帧率突变产生的跳跃 { deltaTime = deltaTime * m_pFSM.frameAccFactor + m_lastFrameDeltaTime * (1 - m_pFSM.frameAccFactor); } m_lastFrameDeltaTime = deltaTime; Vector3 currentOffset = currentvelocity * deltaTime; m_pFSM.syncDetalTime += deltaTime; // Find out how much we need to push towards the ground to avoid loosing grouning // when walking down a step or over a sharp change in slope. if (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever)//主角 { if (m_pFSM.ShiftEnable) { //if (InputManager.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || InputManager.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift))//主角暂时添加加速快捷键以便测试 { currentOffset *= 5.0f; } } } else //非主角 { //Vector3 idealPos = tr.position; //calSyncOffset(currentvelocity, ref currentOffset, ref idealPos); if (/*floatingState != FloatingState.Down &&*/ !forceUp) //下落的时候采用同步位置会上下拉扯,没到规定高度的时候不等同步包强制上升 { if (floatingState == FloatingState.Down) { // 下落过程中不用同步位置会在这段不同步 所以还是要使用水平方向的同步位置 // 下落时垂直速度要向下 不能因为同步位置还没过来掉一段再往上个同步位置拉 Vector3 dirHrz = m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.position; dirHrz.y = 0; Vector3 dirNormal = dirHrz.normalized; dirNormal.y = -1; dirNormal = dirNormal.normalized; currentvelocity = dirNormal * currentvelocity.magnitude; } else { Vector3 dir = (m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.position).normalized; currentvelocity = dir * currentvelocity.magnitude; } } currentOffset = currentvelocity * deltaTime; if (currentOffset.sqrMagnitude < 0.001f) { currentvelocity =; } } //-------------------------------------------------------- // 下面更新animator //-------------------------------------------------------- if (m_pFSM.animator != null) { if (!m_pFSM.isHero || m_pFSM.bControlledBySever) { //m_lastvelocity是特殊处理飞行时候的移动速度,是它播放合适的动作 currentvelocity = m_lastvelocity; } Vector3 planeVel = new Vector3(currentvelocity.x, 0, currentvelocity.z); if (planeVel.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f) { m_pFSM.animator.SetBool("isMoving", true); //m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.ana.SetBool("isMoving", true); bIsMoving = true; } else { m_pFSM.animator.SetBool("isMoving", false); //m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.ana.SetBool("isMoving", false); bIsMoving = false; } //取移动速度相对于主角面向的向前和向左的标量 Vector3 projectVel =; projectVel.x = Vector3.Dot(m_lastvelocity, tr.right); //m_lastvelocity是排除Y方向操作速度的原始速度,可以用来计算方向动作 projectVel.z = Vector3.Dot(m_lastvelocity, tr.forward); float fRight = 0.0f; float fForward = 0.0f; if (projectVel.sqrMagnitude > 0.0036f)//同步过来的速度为0之后,点乘还会有误差,造成轻微移动动作 { fForward = projectVel.z / m_maxSpeed; fRight = projectVel.x / m_maxSpeed; } if (Mathf.Abs(fRight) < 0.06f) { fRight = 0.0f; } if (Mathf.Abs(fForward) < 0.06f) { fForward = 0.0f; } fForward = Mathf.Min(fForward, 1.0f); fForward = Mathf.Max(fForward, -1.0f); fRight = Mathf.Min(fRight, 1.0f); fRight = Mathf.Max(fRight, -1.0f); //移动速度考虑了服务器速度和基本速度的比率后,按服务器速度算animator参数值 //fForward = fForward / m_maxSpeed; //fRight = fRight / m_maxSpeed; m_pFSM.animator.SetFloat("moveright", fRight); m_pFSM.animator.SetFloat("moveforward", fForward); m_pFSM.animator.SetFloat("velocity", currentvelocity.magnitude); if (wingAnimator) { wingAnimator.SetFloat("moveright", fRight); wingAnimator.SetFloat("moveforward", fForward); } if (m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.anb != null) { m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.anb.SetFloat("moveright", fRight); m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.anb.SetFloat("moveforward", fForward); } } //-------------------------------------------------------- // 下面更新transform //-------------------------------------------------------- // Save lastPosition for velocity calculation. Vector3 oldPosition = tr.position; float curtime = Time.time; if (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever)//是主角,都用耗时的物理行走方法 { m_pFSM.collisionFlags = m_pFSM.controller.Move(currentOffset); ++heroMoveTimes; } else//非主角 { float pos_dis = (m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.transform.position).magnitude; if (m_pFSM.syncVelocity.sqrMagnitude < 0.01f && m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.bDoingAttackMove) { pos_dis = 0.0f; //正在利用动作控制位移,就不按同步包移动了 } if ((floatingState == FloatingState.Down) || (physenable && pos_dis > approximatethre) || (forceUp)) //上下落或者跟同步位置差距较大时用耗时的物理行走方法 { m_pFSM.collisionFlags = m_pFSM.controller.Move(currentOffset); } else if (pos_dis > 0.01f) //否则用较小耗时的渐趋逼近公式 { Vector3 deltapos = m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.transform.position; Vector3 curPos; if (deltapos.sqrMagnitude > currentOffset.sqrMagnitude) { curPos = tr.transform.position + currentOffset; } else { curPos = tr.transform.position * 0.5f + m_pFSM.syncPosition * 0.5f; } tr.transform.SetPosition(curPos); } //特殊处理飞行时候的移动速度,是它播放合适的动作 Vector3 deltaDis = m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.transform.position; Vector3 newVectory =; if (deltaDis.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f) { newVectory = currentOffset; newVectory.y = 0; newVectory = newVectory.normalized * m_maxSpeed; } m_lastvelocity = m_lastvelocity * 0.3f + newVectory * 0.7f; } if (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever)//主角不用平滑角度 { } else//非主角才平滑角度角度 { float angle_dis = (m_pFSM.syncAngle - tr.transform.eulerAngles).magnitude; if (angle_dis > 0.1f) //角度差距较大时采用逼近公式 { Vector3 newangle; newangle.x = Mathf.LerpAngle(tr.eulerAngles.x, m_pFSM.syncAngle.x, 0.2f); newangle.y = Mathf.LerpAngle(tr.eulerAngles.y, m_pFSM.syncAngle.y, 0.2f); newangle.z = Mathf.LerpAngle(tr.eulerAngles.z, m_pFSM.syncAngle.z, 0.2f); tr.eulerAngles = newangle; } } lastupdatetime = curtime; lastoffset = currentOffset; //最后算完才上报 if (sendSync != MoveSyncFlag.NOT_2_SERVER && (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever)) { int curTick = System.Environment.TickCount; m_pFSM.syncTick = curTick; Vector3 sendVelocity = currentvelocity; m_pFSM.syncVelocity = sendVelocity; m_pFSM.syncPosition = tr.position; m_pFSM.syncAngle = tr.eulerAngles; Send_Sync_Position(sendSync); } else if (heroMoveTimes >= 8) { Vector3 sendVelocity = new Vector3(currentvelocity.x, 0.0f, currentvelocity.z); updatePosWithoutSend(sendVelocity, tr.position, tr.eulerAngles); heroMoveTimes = 0; } //移动完更新地面判断 grounded = m_pFSM.groundNormal.y > 0.01f; }
public override void OnMessage(WndMsgID msgID, UIMsgData msgData) { switch (msgID) { case WndMsgID.WND_MSG_HERODETAIL_HERODETAILINFO: { HeroDetailViewData.Instance.Clear(); UIMsgCmdData uiInitHeroInfo = (UIMsgCmdData)msgData; cmd_Return_Hero_Detail_Info initHeroInfo = IntPtrHelper.toData <cmd_Return_Hero_Detail_Info>(uiInitHeroInfo.ptrParam); SetHeroDetailData(initHeroInfo.nHeroID, initHeroInfo.nPDBID); SetVisible(true); } break; case WndMsgID.WND_MSG_HERODETAIL_HERODETAILINFOREFRESH: { if (m_wndView == null) { return; } UIMsgCmdData uiRefreshHeroInfo = (UIMsgCmdData)msgData; cmd_Return_Hero_Detail_Info refreshHeroInfo = IntPtrHelper.toData <cmd_Return_Hero_Detail_Info>(uiRefreshHeroInfo.ptrParam); if (refreshHeroInfo.nHeroID != HeroDetailViewData.Instance.nHeroID || refreshHeroInfo.nPDBID != HeroDetailViewData.Instance.nReqPDBID) { return; } SetHeroDetailData(refreshHeroInfo.nHeroID, refreshHeroInfo.nPDBID); m_wndView.OnBuyOrChangeHeroSuccess(); } break; case WndMsgID.WND_MSG_CHICKUPGRADEBUTTON_RETURN: { if (m_wndView == null) { return; } UIMsgCmdData uiHeroInfo = (UIMsgCmdData)msgData; cmd_entity_hero_diff_expend cmdData = IntPtrHelper.toData <cmd_entity_hero_diff_expend>(uiHeroInfo.ptrParam); m_wndView.OnRecvHeroDiffInfo(cmdData); } break; case WndMsgID.WND_MSG_UPGRADESTARSUCESS_RESULT: { if (m_wndView == null) { return; } if (!this.IsVisible()) { return; } UIMsgCmdData uiHeroUpStarInfo = (UIMsgCmdData)msgData; cmd_Return_HeroDetail_Upgrade_Success cmdUpStarData = IntPtrHelper.toData <cmd_Return_HeroDetail_Upgrade_Success>(uiHeroUpStarInfo.ptrParam); m_wndView.ShowUpStarSucess(cmdUpStarData); } break; case WndMsgID.WND_MSG_HEROSKINVIEW_UPDATESKINDATA: { if (m_wndView == null) { return; } m_wndView.OnBuyOrChangeHeroSuccess(); } break; case WndMsgID.WND_MSG_HERODETAIL_HERODETAILXPUPDATE: { if (m_wndView == null) { return; } m_wndView.UpdateXPSkillList(); } break; case WndMsgID.WND_MSG_HEROPREVIEWFRAME_GETHEROINFO: { if (m_wndView != null) { // 购买卡牌,卡牌数据主动更新 int nHeroID = HeroDetailViewData.Instance.nHeroID; IntPtrHelper helper = new IntPtrHelper(); cmd_get_hero_detail_info data = new cmd_get_hero_detail_info(); data.nHeroID = nHeroID; data.nStarLv = 1; data.nStaticLv = 1; ActorHeroInfo info = LogicDataCenter.playerSystemDataManager.GetActorAllHero(); if (info.dicEntityHeroInfo.ContainsKey(nHeroID)) { data.nStarLv = info.dicEntityHeroInfo[nHeroID].byStarLv; data.nStaticLv = info.dicEntityHeroInfo[nHeroID].nLv; } IntPtr ptr = helper.toPtr <cmd_get_hero_detail_info>(ref data); int len = Marshal.SizeOf(data); GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(EntityFactory.MainHeroID, (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_REQ_UPGRADESTARANDHEROPRO, len, "", ptr, len); } } break; case WndMsgID.WND_MSG_HERODETAIL_UPDATEGOLD: { if (m_wndView != null && IsVisible()) { UIMsgCmdData uiData = (UIMsgCmdData)msgData; m_wndView.UpdateUpStarGoldView(uiData.nParam); } } break; case WndMsgID.WND_ID_HEROTALENTVIEW_UPDATESTATICTALENT: { if (m_wndView != null && IsVisible()) { m_wndView.OnUpdateHeroTalent(); } } break; #region 新手引导相关 case WndMsgID.WND_MSG_HERODETAIL_GUIDE_ACTIONBEGIN: { UGuideWidgetMsgData cmdData = (UGuideWidgetMsgData)msgData; if (m_wndView != null && cmdData != null) { m_wndView.GuideActionBegin(cmdData); } } break; case WndMsgID.WND_MSG_HERODETAIL_GUIDE_ACTIONEND: { UGuideWidgetMsgData cmdData = (UGuideWidgetMsgData)msgData; if (m_wndView != null && cmdData != null) { m_wndView.GuideActionEnd(cmdData); } } break; #endregion default: break; } }