Esempio n. 1
        public List<Education_or_Experience__c> RefreshAMAProviderCredentials( bool bDisplayOnly = true )
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch objWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            DataTable objDT = null;

            ReportStatus( DateTime.Now.ToString()
                , " Starting refresh of AMA Provider Credentials.\r\n" );

            // get record types and the ids for Education and Board credential
            List<RecordType> objRecTypes = objAPI.Query<RecordType>( "select Id, Name from RecordType" );
            string strEducationTypeId = objRecTypes.FirstOrDefault<RecordType>( i => i.Name == "Degree/ Education" ).Id;
            string strBoardTypeId = objRecTypes.FirstOrDefault<RecordType>( i => i.Name == "Board" ).Id;

            // bring Board subtypes for credential
            List<Credential_Subtype__c> objSubTypes = objAPI.Query<Credential_Subtype__c>(
                "select Id, Name from Credential_Subtype__c where Credential_Type__c = 'Board' " );

            // get the last creation date of AMA providers in order to only bring recent AMA providers
            List<Contact> objLastAMA = objAPI.Query<Contact>(
                "select Id, CreatedDate from Contact where AMAOnly__c <> '1' order by CreatedDate DESC limit 1" );
            string strLastAMADt = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
            if( objLastAMA.Count == 1 )
                strLastAMADt = ( (DateTime) objLastAMA[ 0 ].CreatedDate ).ToShortDateString();

            strLastAMADt = "1/1/2001";

            // load institutions list
            List<Institution__c> objInstitutions = objAPI.Query<Institution__c>(
            "select Id, Name, Company_Agency_Match__c, City__c, Metaphone_Name__c, Metaphone_City__c from Institution__c where Metaphone_City__c != null and Metaphone_Name__c != null order by Metaphone_City__c, Metaphone_Name__c" );

            ReportStatus( "Loaded ", objInstitutions.Count.ToString(), " institutions." );

            // do the load in batches of 10000 rows each
            int iCount = 0, iSkipped = 0;
            bool bKeepLoading = true;
            string strLastMeNumber = "0";
            List<Education_or_Experience__c> objEducations = null;
            List<Credential__c> objCredentials = null;
            while( bKeepLoading )
                // get next batch of rows
                ReportStatus( "Loading next batch of AMA providers with MeNumber > ", strLastMeNumber );

                string strCondition = string.Concat(
                            " AND p.CompanyUpdateDate > '", strLastAMADt, "' AND p.MeNumber > '", strLastMeNumber, "' " );
                objDT = objDB.GetDataTableFromSQLFile( "SQL_AMA_Provider_Credentials.txt", null, strCondition );

                //strCondition = string.Concat(
                //            " AMAOnly__c = '1' AND MeNumber__c > '", strLastMeNumber, "' " );
                //List<Contact> objContacts = Company2SFUtils.GetProvidersFromSF( objAPI, lblError, "MeNumber__c"
                //                , strCondition, " MeNumber__c limit 10000 " );	// not sure this will bring the right records

                if( !objDB.ErrorMessage.Equals( "" ) )
                    ReportStatus( objDB.ErrorMessage );
                    //tbStatus.Text = string.Concat( tbStatus.Text, "\r\n", objDB.ErrorMessage );

                    // interrupt process
                    bKeepLoading = false;

                if( objDT.Rows.Count == 0 )
                    // interrupt process because there are no more rows
                    ReportStatus( "No more AMA provider rows found." );
                    bKeepLoading = false;

                // store the last MeNumber for the next iteration
                strLastMeNumber = objDT.Rows[ objDT.Rows.Count - 1 ][ "MeNumber__c" ].ToString();

                iCount += objDT.Rows.Count;
                ReportStatus( objDT.Rows.Count.ToString(), " AMA provider rows retrieved. Total ", iCount.ToString(), " loaded.\r\n" );

                // load providers from datatable to contact list
                objEducations = new List<Education_or_Experience__c>( objDT.Rows.Count );
                objCredentials = new List<Credential__c>( objDT.Rows.Count );
                foreach( DataRow objDR in objDT.Rows )
                    // capitalize initials
                    string strFirstName = Util.Capitalize( objDR[ "FirstName" ].ToString() );
                    string strLastName = Util.Capitalize( objDR[ "LastName" ].ToString() );
                    string strMeNumber = objDR[ "MeNumber__c" ].ToString();

                    // add Board Certifications if present
                    string strBoardCert = objDR[ "BoardCert" ] != null ? objDR[ "BoardCert" ].ToString() : "";
                    if( !strBoardCert.Equals( "" ) )
                        iSkipped = AddBoardCertification( strBoardTypeId, objSubTypes, iSkipped, objCredentials, strFirstName, strLastName, strMeNumber, strBoardCert );
                    strBoardCert = objDR[ "BoardCert1" ] != null ? objDR[ "BoardCert1" ].ToString() : "";
                    if( !strBoardCert.Equals( "" ) )
                        iSkipped = AddBoardCertification( strBoardTypeId, objSubTypes, iSkipped, objCredentials, strFirstName, strLastName, strMeNumber, strBoardCert );
                    strBoardCert = objDR[ "BoardCert2" ] != null ? objDR[ "BoardCert2" ].ToString() : "";
                    if( !strBoardCert.Equals( "" ) )
                        iSkipped = AddBoardCertification( strBoardTypeId, objSubTypes, iSkipped, objCredentials, strFirstName, strLastName, strMeNumber, strBoardCert );

                    Education_or_Experience__c objNewEducation = new Education_or_Experience__c();

                    string strInstitution = objDR[ "GraduateEducationInstitution" ].ToString();
                    string strCity = objDR[ "InstitutionCity" ].ToString().Trim();

                    string strInstitNormalized = Util.NormalizeAMAInstitution( strInstitution );

                    string strMetaphoneInstitution = strInstitution.ToMetaphone();
                    string strMetaphoneCity = strCity.ToMetaphone();

                    // convert institution code into lookup id
                    Institution__c objInstitutionFound = objInstitutions.FirstOrDefault(
                                i => ( i.City__c.Equals( strCity )
                                            || i.Metaphone_City__c.Equals( strMetaphoneCity ) )
                                    && ( i.Name.IsEqualOrPartiallyMatchedTo( strInstitNormalized )
                                            || i.Metaphone_Name__c.Equals( strMetaphoneInstitution ) ) );
                    //Institution__c objInstitutionFound = objInstitutions.FirstOrDefault(
                    //                        i => ( i.Name.IsMetaphoneMatchedTo( strInstitution )
                    //                                || i.Name.IsEqualOrPartiallyMatchedTo( strInstitNormalized ) )
                    //                        && i.City__c.IsMetaphoneMatchedTo( strCity ) );
                    if( objInstitutionFound != null )
                        objNewEducation.Institution__c = objInstitutionFound.Id;
                        // create the institution
                        objInstitutionFound = new Institution__c();
                        objInstitutionFound.Name = strInstitution;
                        objInstitutionFound.Metaphone_Name__c = strInstitution.ToNormalizedMetaphone();
                        objInstitutionFound.City__c = strCity;
                        objInstitutionFound.Metaphone_City__c = strCity.ToNormalizedMetaphone();
                        objInstitutionFound.State__c = objDR[ "InstitutionState" ].ToString().Trim();
                        objInstitutionFound.Credential_Type__c = "Institution";
                        objInstitutionFound.Code__c = objDR[ "InstitutionID" ].ToString().Trim();

                        // use MeNumber to upsert existing AMA records in EmForce
                        SaveResult[] objSaveResult = null;
                        if( !bDisplayOnly )
                            objSaveResult = objAPI.Insert( new sObject[] { objInstitutionFound } );

                        if( objSaveResult[ 0 ].errors != null )
                            ReportStatus( "Could not create institution ", strInstitution,
                               " for the credentials of provider ", strFirstName, " ", strLastName
                               , " - ", objSaveResult[ 0 ].errors[ 0 ].message );

                        objInstitutionFound.Id = objSaveResult[ 0 ].id;
                        objNewEducation.Institution__c = objInstitutionFound.Id;

                        objInstitutions.Add( objInstitutionFound );
                        ReportStatus( "Created institution ", strInstitution, " with id ", objNewEducation.Institution__c
                            , " for the credentials of provider ", strFirstName, " ", strLastName );

                    //Contact objProvider = objContacts.FirstOrDefault( i => i.MeNumber__c.Equals( strContactId ) );
                    //if( objProvider != null )
                    //    objNewEducation.Contact__c = objProvider.Id;
                    //else // skip if provider was not found
                    //    ReportStatus( "Could not find ME Number ", strContactId,
                    //        " for the credentials of provider ", strFirstName, " ", strLastName );
                    //    iSkipped++;
                    //    continue;

                    // create a contact object to let SalesForce do the relationship
                    Contact objEducProvider = new Contact();
                    objEducProvider.MeNumber__c = strMeNumber;
                    objNewEducation.Contact__r = objEducProvider;

                    if( !Convert.IsDBNull( objDR[ "GraduationFromYear" ] ) )
                        DateTime dtValue = new DateTime( Convert.ToInt16( objDR[ "GraduationFromYear" ] ), 1, 1 );
                        objNewEducation.From__c = dtValue;
                        // fix time zone bug
                        objNewEducation.From__c = Company2SFUtils.FixTimeZoneBug( objNewEducation.From__c );
                    if( !Convert.IsDBNull( objDR[ "GraduationToYear" ] ) )
                        DateTime dtValue = new DateTime( Convert.ToInt16( objDR[ "GraduationToYear" ] ), 1, 1 );
                        objNewEducation.To__c = dtValue;
                        // fix time zone bug
                        objNewEducation.To__c = Company2SFUtils.FixTimeZoneBug( objNewEducation.To__c );

                    objNewEducation.Name = string.Concat( strFirstName, " ", strLastName
                                        , "-Medical School at ", strInstitution ).Left( 80 );

                    objNewEducation.Description__c = "Degree/ Education";
                    objNewEducation.Type__c = "Medical School";
                    objNewEducation.RecordTypeId = strEducationTypeId;

                    objNewEducation.From__cSpecified = ( objNewEducation.From__c != null );
                    objNewEducation.To__cSpecified = ( objNewEducation.To__c != null );

                    objEducations.Add( objNewEducation );

                    ReportStatus( "Processed graduate education ", objNewEducation.Name
                        , " (", objEducations.Count.ToString(), "/", objDT.Rows.Count.ToString(), ")" );

                // use MeNumber to upsert existing AMA records in EmForce
                UpsertResult[] objResults = null;
                if( !bDisplayOnly )
                    objResults = objAPI.Upsert( "Name", objEducations.ToArray<sObject>() );

                    Company2SFUtils.ReportErrorsToHistoryFile( objResults, objEducations );

                    objResults = null;
                    objResults = objAPI.Upsert( "Name", objCredentials.ToArray<sObject>() );

                    Company2SFUtils.ReportErrorsToHistoryFile( objResults, objCredentials );

            ReportStatus( iCount.ToString(), " Total AMA credential rows loaded. \r\n" );

            ReportStatus( DateTime.Now.ToString(), " - Finished loading AMA credentials. Duration: "
                            , objWatch.Elapsed.Hours.ToString(), " hours "
                            , objWatch.Elapsed.Minutes.ToString(), " minutes." );

            return objEducations;
Esempio n. 2
        public List<Residency_Program__c> RefreshResidencyPrograms( List<Institution__c> objInstitutions = null, bool bDisplayOnly = true )
            List<Residency_Program__c> objResidPrograms = new List<Residency_Program__c>();
            List<Institution__c> objNewInstitutions = new List<Institution__c>();

            if( objInstitutions == null )
                objInstitutions = objAPI.Query<Institution__c>(
                "select Id, Name, Address1__c, City__c, State__c from Institution__c order by Name, City__c" );
                // sort to help with lookup (name, city, address)
                objInstitutions.Sort( ( p1, p2 ) => CompareInstitutions( p1, p2 ) );

            string strFileName = string.Concat( strAppPath, "CSV_ResidencyPrograms.csv" );
            // map columns to SF columns
            string strMapping =
            + @",,,Program_Zip_Code__c,Program_Speciality__c,Program_Director__c,Program_Contact_Phone__c,,Program_Contact_Email__c,,,,";

            // read Residency Programs from CSV file
            DataTable objDT = null;
            objDT = objDT.ReadFile( strFileName, strMapping, true );

            // ,"Program_Address1","Program_Address2","Program_City","Program_State","Program_Zip","Program_Specialty"

            // attempt to link each program with an institution
            int iSkipped = 0;
            foreach( DataRow objDR in objDT.Rows )
                Residency_Program__c objProgram = objDR.ConvertTo<Residency_Program__c>();

                string strName = Util.FirstNonNull( objProgram.Program_Institution__c
                                , objDR[ "PROGRAM_EXTRNAL_MAME" ].ToString()
                                , objProgram.Name.Replace( " Program", "" ) );

                string strAddress = objProgram.Program_Address_Line_1__c;
                string strCity = objDR[ "Program_City" ].ToString();
                string strState = objDR[ "Program_State" ].ToString();

                // convert institution code into lookup id
                Institution__c objInstitutionFound = Company2SFUtils.FindInstitution( objInstitutions, strName
                                                    , objProgram.Name, strAddress, strCity, strState );

                string strId = "";
                if( objInstitutionFound == null )
                    // check whether the new institution is already collected to be inserted
                    string strProgramName = objProgram.Name.Left( 80 );
                    objInstitutionFound = objNewInstitutions.FirstOrDefault( i => i.Name.Equals( strProgramName ) );
                    if( objInstitutionFound == null )
                        // create institution for inserting it later
                        objInstitutionFound = new Institution__c();
                        objInstitutionFound.Name = strProgramName;
                        objInstitutionFound.Metaphone_Name__c = strProgramName.ToNormalizedMetaphone();
                        objInstitutionFound.Code__c = objProgram.Name.Left( 100 );
                        objInstitutionFound.Company_Agency_Match__c = objProgram.Name.Left( 50 );
                        objInstitutionFound.Credential_Type__c = "Institution";
                        objInstitutionFound.Address1__c = strAddress;
                        objInstitutionFound.Metaphone_Address__c = strAddress.ToNormalizedMetaphone();
                        objInstitutionFound.Address2__c = objProgram.Program_Address_Line_2__c;
                        objInstitutionFound.City__c = strCity;
                        objInstitutionFound.Metaphone_City__c = strCity.ToNormalizedMetaphone();
                        objInstitutionFound.State__c = strState;
                        objInstitutionFound.Zip__c = objProgram.Program_Zip_Code__c;
                        objInstitutionFound.Fax__c = objDR[ "Program_Fax" ].ToString();
                        objInstitutionFound.Phone__c = objProgram.Program_Contact_Phone__c;
                        objInstitutionFound.Contact__c = objProgram.Program_Director__c;

                        objNewInstitutions.Add( objInstitutionFound );

                    // blank value will be replaced later
                    strId = "";

                    strId = objInstitutionFound.Id;

                if( objProgram.Program_Speciality__c.Equals( "" ) )
                    objProgram.Name = objProgram.Name.Left( 80 );
                    objProgram.Name = string.Concat( objProgram.Name, "-", objProgram.Program_Speciality__c ).Left( 80 );

                objProgram.Program_Institution__c = strId;

                //tbStatus.Text = string.Concat( tbStatus.Text, "\r\nMatched:  ", strName
                //    , ", institution: ", objInstitutionFound.Name
                //    , ", city: ", objInstitutionFound.City__c, ", program: ", objProgram.Name, ", program city: ", strCity );

                objResidPrograms.Add( objProgram );

            tbStatus.Text = string.Concat( tbStatus.Text, "\r\n", iSkipped, " rows with new institutions (Institution mismatch)." );

            // create the institutions
            UpsertResult[] objInstitutionResults = null;
            if( !bDisplayOnly )
                objInstitutionResults = objAPI.Upsert( "Name", objNewInstitutions.ToArray<sObject>() );

            // set the Ids
            Company2SFUtils.SetIdsReportErrors( objNewInstitutions, objInstitutionResults, tbStatus );

            // associate programs with the id of the new institutions
            foreach( Residency_Program__c objProgram in objResidPrograms.Where( p => p.Program_Institution__c.Equals( "" ) ) )
                Institution__c objInstit = objNewInstitutions.FirstOrDefault( i => i.Name.Equals( objProgram.Name.Left( 80 ) ) );
                if( objInstit != null )
                    objProgram.Program_Institution__c = objInstit.Id;

            // upsert
            UpsertResult[] objResidProgramResults = null;
            if( !bDisplayOnly )
                objResidProgramResults = objAPI.Upsert( "Program_ID__c", objResidPrograms.ToArray<sObject>() );

            // set the Ids
            Company2SFUtils.SetIdsReportErrors( objResidPrograms, objResidProgramResults, tbStatus );

            return objResidPrograms;
Esempio n. 3
        public static int CompareInstitutions( Institution__c p1, Institution__c p2 )
            // order by name, then city, then address
            if( p1.Name.Equals( p2.Name ) )
                if( p1.City__c.Equals( p2.City__c ) )
                    return p1.Address1__c.CompareTo( p2.Address1__c );
                    return p1.City__c.CompareTo( p2.City__c );

            return p1.Name.CompareTo( p2.Name );