public void Save(InstanceModel instance) { if (!ActiveRecordStarter.IsInitialized) ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(); instance.Save(); }
public void Save(InstanceModel instance) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); _instances.Add(instance); InstanceModel found = _instances.Find(x => x.InstanceName == instance.InstanceName); if (found != null) { _instances.Remove(found); } _instances.Add(instance); }
public InstanceModel GetInstance(string instanceName) { if (!ActiveRecordStarter.IsInitialized) ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(); InstanceModel instance = new InstanceModel(); instance = InstanceModel.FindFirst(Expression.Eq("InstanceName", instanceName)); return instance; }
public InstanceModel GetInstanceByID(int instanceID) { if (!ActiveRecordStarter.IsInitialized) ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(); InstanceModel instance = new InstanceModel(); instance = InstanceModel.Find(instanceID); return instance; }
public ActionResult Instance(string node) { var i = SQLInstance.Get(node); var vd = new InstanceModel { View = SQLViews.Instance, Refresh = node.HasValue() ? 10 : 5, CurrentInstance = i }; return(View("Instance", vd)); }
private IEnumerable <MagicColor> GetColors(InstanceModel model) { if (model.Colors != null) { return(GetColorFromColorArray(model.Colors)); } if (model.CardTypes != null && model.CardTypes.Contains("CardType_Land")) { return(GetColorsForLand(model)); } return(Enumerable.Empty <MagicColor>()); }
public EmergingPattern ExtractPattern(List <SelectorContext> currentContext, InstanceModel model, Feature classFeature, IChildSelector selector, int index) { return (Create( currentContext.Union(new List <SelectorContext> { new SelectorContext { Selector = selector, Index = index } }), model, classFeature)); }
public void UpdateSettings(InstanceModel model) { var settings = this.Platform <ISettings>(); var index = Instances.FindIndex(it => it.CreateAt == model.CreateAt); if (index > 0) { Instances[index] = model; } settings.Set("instance", Instances); RockApp.Current.GetAllInstance(); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Instances)); }
public bool InsertInstance(InstanceModel im) { //Mappers InstanceEntity ie = new InstanceEntity(); ie.Id = im.Id; ie.Name = im.Name; ie.Type = im.Type; ie.Location = im.Location; ie.Media = im.Media; ie.Description = im.Description; return(_instanceRepo.Insert(ie)); }
public async Task Login(InstanceModel instance) { if (instance.Client != null) { throw new RocketClientException("Already Login"); } Host = instance.Host; Proxy = instance.ProxySettings?.ToWebProxy(); await CheckServer(); var result = await _currentClient.Login(instance.Token); instance.Client = _currentClient; }
private IEnumerable <MagicColor> GetColorsForLand(InstanceModel model) { if (model.CardSubtypes == null) { yield break; } foreach (var subType in model.CardSubtypes) { if (landColorMap.TryGetValue(subType, out var color)) { yield return(color); } } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void terminate() throws org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException public virtual void terminate() { if (instanceModel != null) { instanceModel.terminate(); instanceModel = null; } if (children != null) { foreach (DecisionModel child in children.Values) { child.terminate(); } } }
public async Task <PagedOctopusModel <EventOctopusModel> > GetAllEvents(InstanceModel instanceModel, SyncModel syncModel, int startIndex) { var client = new RestClient(instanceModel.Url); var request = new RestRequest($"api/events"); request.AddQueryParameter("from", syncModel.SearchStartDate.GetValueOrDefault().ToString("O")); request.AddQueryParameter("to", syncModel.Started.GetValueOrDefault().ToString("O")); request.AddQueryParameter("eventCategories", OctopusEventCategories.DeploymentStarted); request.AddQueryParameter("skip", startIndex.ToString()); request.AddQueryParameter("take", "10"); request.AddHeader("X-Octopus-ApiKey", instanceModel.ApiKey); var response = await client.ExecuteGetAsync(request); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PagedOctopusModel <EventOctopusModel> >(response.Content)); }
private void DownloadPlacename() { this.AppendLineMessages("Download Placename."); var model = new InstanceModel(); // XIVDB からInstanceのリストを取得する model.GET(this.viewModel.Language); // 取得したリストをCSVに保存する model.SaveToCSV( Path.Combine(this.viewModel.SaveDirectory, $"Placename.{this.viewModel.Language.ToText()}.csv"), this.viewModel.Language); this.AppendLineMessages("Download Placename, Done."); }
public async Task <ReleaseModel> GetSpecificRelease(InstanceModel instanceModel, SpaceModel space, ProjectModel project, string releaseId) { var client = new RestClient(instanceModel.Url); var request = new RestRequest($"api/{space.OctopusId}/release/{releaseId}"); request.AddHeader("X-Octopus-ApiKey", instanceModel.ApiKey); var response = await client.ExecuteGetAsync(request); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { var octopusRelease = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReleaseOctopusModel>(response.Content); return(_modelConverter.ConvertFromOctopusToReleaseModel(octopusRelease, project.Id)); } return(null); }
public InstanceModel GetOneInstance(int id) { InstanceEntity instanceEntity = _instanceRepo.GetOne(id); InstanceModel im = new InstanceModel(); im.Id = instanceEntity.Id; im.Name = instanceEntity.Name; im.Type = instanceEntity.Type; im.Media = instanceEntity.Media; im.Description = instanceEntity.Description; im.Location = instanceEntity.Location; return(im); }
public List <InstanceModel> GetAllInstances() { List <InstanceModel> instModels = new List <InstanceModel>(); List <InstanceEntity> instanceEntities = _instanceRepo.Get(); foreach (InstanceEntity instanceEntity in instanceEntities) { InstanceModel im = new InstanceModel(); im.Id = instanceEntity.Id; im.Name = instanceEntity.Name; im.Type = instanceEntity.Type; im.Media = instanceEntity.Media; instModels.Add(im); } return(instModels); }
public IEnumerable <IEmergingPattern> Mine(InstanceModel model, IEnumerable <Instance> instances, Feature classFeature) { EmergingPatternCreator EpCreator = new EmergingPatternCreator(); EmergingPatternComparer epComparer = new EmergingPatternComparer(new ItemComparer()); IEmergingPatternSimplifier simplifier = new EmergingPatternSimplifier(new ItemComparer()); FilteredCollection <IEmergingPattern> minimal = new FilteredCollection <IEmergingPattern>(epComparer.Compare, FilterRelation); if (MinePatternsWhileBuildingTree) { DecisionTreeBuilder.OnSplitEvaluation = delegate(IDecisionTreeNode node, ISplitIterator iterator, List <SelectorContext> currentContext) { IChildSelector currentSelector = null; for (int i = 0; i < iterator.CurrentDistribution.Length; i++) { double[] distribution = iterator.CurrentDistribution[i]; if (EPTester.Test(distribution, model, classFeature)) { if (currentSelector == null) { currentSelector = iterator.CreateCurrentChildSelector(); } EmergingPattern ep = EpCreator.ExtractPattern(currentContext, model, classFeature, currentSelector, i); ep.Counts = (double[])distribution.Clone(); minimal.Add(simplifier.Simplify(ep)); } } }; DoMine(model, instances, classFeature, EpCreator, null); } else { DoMine(model, instances, classFeature, EpCreator, p => { if (EPTester.Test(p.Counts, model, classFeature)) { minimal.Add(simplifier.Simplify(p)); } } ); } return(minimal.GetItems()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Save(InstanceModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid == false) { return(View("InstanceMaintenance", model)); } if (model.Id > 0) { await _instanceRepository.UpdateAsync(model); } else { await _instanceRepository.InsertAsync(model); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public EmergingPattern Create(IEnumerable <SelectorContext> contexes, InstanceModel model, Feature classFeature) { EmergingPattern result = new EmergingPattern(model, classFeature, 0); foreach (SelectorContext context in contexes) { IChildSelector childSelector = context.Selector; ItemBuilder builder; if (!builderForType.TryGetValue(childSelector.GetType(), out builder)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unknown selector: '{0}'", childSelector.GetType().Name)); } Item item = builder.GetItem(childSelector, context.Index); item.Model = model; result.Items.Add(item); } return(result); }
public async Task <InstanceModel> Login(string credentialToken, string credentialSecret) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentialToken) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentialSecret)) { throw new ArgumentNullException($"{nameof(credentialToken)} and {nameof(credentialSecret)} can not be null or empty"); } var result = await _currentClient.OAuthLogin(credentialToken, credentialSecret); var userInfo = await _currentClient.GetUserInfo(result.Id); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.UserName)) { var usernameSuggestion = await _currentClient.GetUsernameSuggestion(); var name = await this.Platform <IDialog>().ShowInput(new InputDialogData { InputDefaultValue = usernameSuggestion, Title = "Register UserName", Content = "The username is used to allow others to mention you in messages." }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new TaskCanceledException(); } await _currentClient.SetUsername(name); } var model = new InstanceModel { CreateAt = DateTime.UtcNow, Client = _currentClient, Expires = result.TokenExpires.ToDateTime(), Host = Host, ImType = IMType.RocketChat, Token = result.Token, UserId = result.Id }; RockApp.Current.AddInstance(model); return(model); }
public int AddInstance(InstanceModel model, string name) { var entity = new PKS_KCASE_INSTANCE { NAME = model.Name, BODESCRIPTION = model.BoDescription, REMARK = model.Remark, AUTHOR = model.Author, AUDITOR = model.Auditor, KCASETHEMEID = model.KCaseThemeId, CREATEDBY = name, CREATEDDATE = DateTime.Now, LASTUPDATEDBY = name, LASTUPDATEDDATE = DateTime.Now }; _kCaseInstanceRepository.Add(entity); return(entity.Id); }
public ISplitIterator GetSplitIterator(InstanceModel model, Feature feature, Feature classFeature) { if (iterators == null) { InitializeIterators(); } ISplitIterator result; if (iterators.TryGetValue(feature.GetType(), out result)) { result.Model = model; result.ClassFeature = classFeature; return(result); } else { return(null); } }
public int UpdateInstance(InstanceModel model, string name) { var entity = _kCaseInstanceRepository.GetQuery() .FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == model.Id); if (entity == null) { return(-1); } entity.NAME = model.Name; entity.BODESCRIPTION = model.BoDescription; entity.REMARK = model.Remark; entity.AUTHOR = model.Author; entity.AUDITOR = model.Auditor; entity.LASTUPDATEDBY = name; entity.LASTUPDATEDDATE = DateTime.Now; _kCaseInstanceRepository.Update(entity); return(entity.Id); }
public void Valid_name_and_connection_information() { //Arrange //Models.InstanceRepository repo = new QuartzAdmin.web.Models.InstanceRepository(); FormCollection formData = new FormCollection(); QuartzAdmin.web.Controllers.InstanceController controller = GetInstanceController(); formData.Add("InstanceName", "MyFirstInstance"); formData.Add("InstancePropertyKey1", "Red"); formData.Add("InstancyPropertyValue1", "Dog"); controller.ValueProvider = formData.ToValueProvider(); //Act controller.Create(formData); InstanceModel newInstance = controller.Repository.GetByName("MyFirstInstance"); //Assert Assert.IsNotNull(newInstance); Assert.AreEqual(formData["InstanceName"], newInstance.InstanceName); }
public string ToString(int ident, InstanceModel model, int digits = -1) { // "-[2,3]\n -IntFeature<=4 [1,1]\n -IntFeature>4 [1,2]" StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(Data.ToStringEx(digits)); if (!IsLeaf) { for (int i = 0; i < Children.Length; i++) { IDecisionTreeNode child = Children[i]; builder.Append("\n"); builder.Append(' ', (ident + 1) * 3); builder.Append("- "); builder.Append(ChildSelector.ToString(model, i)); builder.Append(' '); builder.Append(child.ToString(ident + 1, model)); } } return(builder.ToString()); }
void Receive_RequestInstance(XConnection connection, GenericPacket request) { // received by server from client SyncClient client; if (!SyncClients.TryGetValue(connection.GetHashCode(), out client)) { Log("Request Instance: Sync client not found"); return; } var threadID = int.Parse(request.Data["ThreadID"]); var node = XRay.Nodes[int.Parse(request.Data["NodeID"])]; string filter = null; request.Data.TryGetValue("Filter", out filter); var model = new InstanceModel(node, filter); client.SelectedInstances[threadID] = model; Log("Request Instance: Model added for thread " + threadID.ToString()); model.BeginUpdateTree(false); // send back details, columns, and nodes var response = new InstancePacket() { Type = InstancePacketType.Root, ThreadID = threadID, Details = model.DetailsLabel, Columns = model.Columns, Fields = model.RootNodes }; client.Connection.SendPacket(response); }
public InstanceModel GetInstance(int id) { var query = _kCaseInstanceRepository.GetQuery() .FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == id); if (query == null) { return(null); } InstanceModel result = new InstanceModel { Id = query.Id, Name = query.NAME, BoDescription = query.BODESCRIPTION, Remark = query.REMARK, Author = query.AUTHOR, Auditor = query.AUDITOR, KCaseThemeId = query.KCASETHEMEID }; return(result); }
public async Task <InstanceModel> GetInstanceById(string instanceId) { var apiUrl = string.Format("/instances/{0}", instanceId); var request = new RestRequest(apiUrl, Method.GET); var response = await this.SendRequestAsync <InstanceModel>(request, string.Empty, apiUrl); if (response.IsSuccessful) { var preview = _appSettings.OrthancServiceUrl + "/instances/" + response.Data.ID + "/preview"; var file = _appSettings.OrthancServiceUrl + "/instances/" + response.Data.ID + "/file"; response.Data.File = file; response.Data.Preview = preview; return(response.Data); } InstanceModel returnResponse = new InstanceModel(); return(await Task.FromResult <InstanceModel>(returnResponse)); }
private InstanceModel GetTestInstance() { InstanceModel instance = new InstanceModel(); instance.InstanceName = "MyTestInstance"; instance.InstanceProperties.Add(new InstancePropertyModel() { PropertyName = "quartz.scheduler.instanceName", PropertyValue = "SampleQuartzScheduler" }); instance.InstanceProperties.Add(new InstancePropertyModel() { PropertyName = "quartz.threadPool.type", PropertyValue = "Quartz.Simpl.SimpleThreadPool, Quartz" }); instance.InstanceProperties.Add(new InstancePropertyModel() { PropertyName = "quartz.scheduler.proxy", PropertyValue = "true" }); instance.InstanceProperties.Add(new InstancePropertyModel() { PropertyName = "quartz.scheduler.proxy.address", PropertyValue = "tcp://localhost:567/QuartzScheduler" }); return(instance); }
public void List_all_triggers_in_an_instance() { // Arrange InstanceController controller = GetInstanceController(); InstanceModel instance = GetTestInstance(); controller.Repository.Save(instance); // Act ActionResult result = controller.Connect(instance.InstanceName); int countOfTriggers = 0; if (result is ViewResult) { if (((ViewResult)result).ViewData.Model is InstanceViewModel) { countOfTriggers = ((InstanceViewModel)((ViewResult)result).ViewData.Model).Triggers.Count; } } // Assert Assert.IsTrue(countOfTriggers > 0); }
public void Verify_quartz_is_running() { // Arrange InstanceController controller = GetInstanceController(); InstanceModel instance = GetTestInstance(); controller.Repository.Save(instance); // Act ActionResult result = controller.Connect(instance.InstanceName); bool isConnected = false; if (result is ViewResult) { if (((ViewResult)result).ViewData.Model is InstanceViewModel) { isConnected = true; } } // Assert Assert.IsTrue(isConnected); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a Lib learner. /// </summary> /// <param name="owner"> the guide model owner </param> /// <param name="learnerMode"> the mode of the learner BATCH or CLASSIFY </param> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public Lib( owner, System.Nullable<int> learnerMode, String learningMethodName) throws org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException public Lib(InstanceModel owner, int?learnerMode, string learningMethodName) { this.owner = owner; this.learnerMode = learnerMode.Value; name = learningMethodName; if (Configuration.getOptionValue("lib", "verbosity") != null) { verbosity = Enum.Parse(typeof(Verbostity), Configuration.getOptionValue("lib", "verbosity").ToString().ToUpper()); } else { verbosity = Verbostity.SILENT; } NumberOfInstances = 0; if (Configuration.getOptionValue("singlemalt", "null_value") != null && Configuration.getOptionValue("singlemalt", "null_value").ToString().Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { excludeNullValues = true; } else { excludeNullValues = false; } if (learnerMode.Value == LearningMethod_Fields.BATCH) { featureMap = new FeatureMap(); instanceOutput = new StreamWriter(getInstanceOutputStreamWriter(".ins")); } else if (learnerMode.Value == LearningMethod_Fields.CLASSIFY) { featureMap = (FeatureMap)getConfigFileEntryObject(".map"); } else { featureMap = null; } }
public async Task <List <DeploymentModel> > GetAllDeploymentsForReleaseAsync(InstanceModel instanceModel, SpaceModel space, ProjectModel project, ReleaseModel release, Dictionary <string, EnvironmentModel> environmentDictionary, Dictionary <string, TenantModel> tenantDictionary) { var startIndex = -10; var returnList = new List <DeploymentModel>(); var continueQuery = true; var client = new RestClient(instanceModel.Url); while (continueQuery) { startIndex += 10; var request = new RestRequest($"api/{space.OctopusId}/releases/{release.OctopusId}/deployments"); request.AddQueryParameter("skip", startIndex.ToString()); request.AddQueryParameter("task", "10"); request.AddHeader("X-Octopus-ApiKey", instanceModel.ApiKey); var response = await client.ExecuteGetAsync(request); var pagedModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PagedOctopusModel <DeploymentOctopusModel> >(response.Content); foreach (var item in pagedModel.Items) { var deploymentRequest = new RestRequest(item.Links.Task); deploymentRequest.AddHeader("X-Octopus-ApiKey", instanceModel.ApiKey); var deploymentResponse = await client.ExecuteGetAsync(deploymentRequest); var deploymentTaskModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DeploymentOctopusTaskModel>(deploymentResponse.Content); returnList.Add(_modelConverter.ConvertFromOctopusToDeploymentModel(item, deploymentTaskModel, release.Id, environmentDictionary, tenantDictionary)); } continueQuery = returnList.Count < pagedModel.TotalResults && pagedModel.Items.Count > 0; } return(returnList); }
private void modelLoaded(object sender, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) instanceModel = new InstanceModel((Model)sender); }
public JobRepository(InstanceModel instance) { quartzInstance = instance; }
public JobRepository(string instanceName) { InstanceRepository repo = new InstanceRepository(); quartzInstance = repo.GetInstance(instanceName); }
public CalendarRepository(Models.InstanceModel instance) { quartzInstance = instance; }
private InstanceModel GetTestInstance() { InstanceModel instance = new InstanceModel(); instance.InstanceName = "MyTestInstance"; instance.InstanceProperties.Add(new InstancePropertyModel() { PropertyName = "quartz.scheduler.instanceName", PropertyValue = "SampleQuartzScheduler" }); instance.InstanceProperties.Add(new InstancePropertyModel() { PropertyName = "quartz.threadPool.type", PropertyValue = "Quartz.Simpl.SimpleThreadPool, Quartz" }); instance.InstanceProperties.Add(new InstancePropertyModel() { PropertyName = "quartz.scheduler.proxy", PropertyValue = "true" }); instance.InstanceProperties.Add(new InstancePropertyModel() { PropertyName = "quartz.scheduler.proxy.address", PropertyValue = "tcp://localhost:567/QuartzScheduler" }); return instance; }
public TriggerRepository(InstanceModel instance) { quartzInstance = instance; }
public void Delete(InstanceModel instance) { _instances.Remove(instance); }
public void Can_Save_Valid_Instance() { // Организация - создание имитированного хранилища данных Mock<IInstanceRepository> mock = new Mock<IInstanceRepository>(); // Организация - создание контроллера InstanceController controller = CreateInstanceController(mock.Object, null, null, null); //Организация - создание объекта Варианта InstanceModel instance = new InstanceModel(); // Действие - попытка сохранения Варианта ActionResult result = controller.Edit(instance,null); // Утверждение - проверка того, что к хранилищу производится обращение mock.Verify(m => m.Save(instance)); // Утверждение - проверка типа результата метода Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult)); }