public void OnInstalledObjectCreated(InstalledObject _inObj)
        //create a visual GameObject linked to this data
        GameObject inObj_GO = new GameObject();

        //add the Object/GameObject pair to dictionary
        installedObjectGameObjectMap.Add(_inObj, inObj_GO); = _inObj.ObjectType + "_" + _inObj.Tile.X + "," + _inObj.Tile.Y;
        inObj_GO.transform.position = new Vector3(_inObj.Tile.X, _inObj.Tile.Y, 0);
        inObj_GO.transform.SetParent(transform, true);

        if (_inObj.ObjectType == "Door")
            //By default, door graphic is made for walls to east/west, let check to see if there are walls north/south, and if so, rotate the GO

            Tile northTile = world.GetTileAt(_inObj.Tile.X, _inObj.Tile.Y + 1);
            Tile southTile = world.GetTileAt(_inObj.Tile.X, _inObj.Tile.Y - 1);
            if (northTile != null && southTile != null && northTile.InstalledObject != null && southTile.InstalledObject != null &&
                northTile.InstalledObject.ObjectType == "Wall" && southTile.InstalledObject.ObjectType == "Wall")
                inObj_GO.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 90));

        //add a sprite renderer
        SpriteRenderer sr = inObj_GO.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        sr.sprite           = GetSpriteForInstalledObject(_inObj);
        sr.sortingLayerName = "InstalledObjects";

        //register callback so our GameObject gets updated
Esempio n. 2
    public void OnInstalledObjectCreated(InstalledObject obj)
        if (obj == null)
        //todo does not consider multi-tile objects or rotated objects
        GameObject objGO = new GameObject(); // create a gameobject for each tile

        installedObjectGameObjectMap.Add(obj, objGO); = obj.ObjectType + "_" + obj.Tile.X + "_" + obj.Tile.Y; // name the tile
        objGO.transform.position = new Vector3(obj.Tile.X, obj.Tile.Y, 0); //move the game object to its correct position
        objGO.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = wallSprite;         // todo add sprites
        objGO.transform.SetParent(walls.transform, true);
    public void OnInstalledObjectCreated(InstalledObject obj)

        // Debug.Log("OnInstalledObjectCreated()");
        // Conditions that require ObjectType definitions can be run here to differentiate the different furniture visually

        GameObject obj_go = new GameObject();

        installedObjectGameObjectMap.Add(obj, obj_go);
        obj_go.transform.position = new Vector3(obj.tile.X, obj.tile.Y, -1);
        SpriteRenderer obj_sr = obj_go.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        obj_sr.sortingLayerName = "Installed Object Layer";
        obj_sr.sprite           = WallSprite;
    /// <summary>
    /// Create the visual component linked to the given data
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="installedObject">Functions as the data.</param>
    public void OnInstalledObjectCreated(InstalledObject installedObject)
        // Creating new gameObject
        GameObject installedObject_GameObject = new GameObject();

        // Add data and installedObject_GameObject to the dictionary (data is the key)
        installedObjectGameObjectMap.Add(installedObject, installedObject_GameObject);

        // Adding a name and position to each installedObject_GameObject = installedObject.ObjectType + "_" + installedObject.Tile.X + "_" + installedObject.Tile.Y;
        installedObject_GameObject.transform.position = new Vector2(installedObject.Tile.X, installedObject.Tile.Y);
        // Setting the new tile as a child, maintaining a clean hierarchy
        installedObject_GameObject.transform.SetParent(this.transform, true);

        if (installedObject.ObjectType == "Door")
            /// By default the door sprite is for walls to the east & west
            /// Check to see if this door is meant for walls to the north & south
            /// If so, rotate this gameobject by 90 degrees

            Tile northTile = World.GetTileAt(installedObject.Tile.X, installedObject.Tile.Y + 1);
            Tile southTile = World.GetTileAt(installedObject.Tile.X, installedObject.Tile.Y - 1);

            // If true, there are wall to the north and south => rotate the GO 90 degress
            if (northTile != null &&
                southTile != null &&
                northTile.InstalledObject != null &&
                southTile.InstalledObject != null &&
                northTile.InstalledObject.ObjectType == "Wall" &&
                southTile.InstalledObject.ObjectType == "Wall")
                installedObject_GameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 90);

        SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = installedObject_GameObject.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        spriteRenderer.sprite           = GetSpriteForInstalledObject(installedObject);
        spriteRenderer.sortingLayerName = "TileUI";
        spriteRenderer.color            = installedObject.color;

        // Register action, which will run the funtion when 'tile' gets changed