Esempio n. 1
        public void FlatDirectionNotAccountedToAllocation(Language language, InsightDirection direction)
            SetPortfolioConstruction(language, _algorithm);

            // Modifying fee model for a constant one so numbers are simplified
            foreach (var security in _algorithm.Securities)
                security.Value.FeeModel = new ConstantFeeModel(1);

            // Equity, minus $1 for fees
            var amount          = (_algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue - 1 * (_algorithm.Securities.Count - 1)) * (decimal)Weight;
            var expectedTargets = _algorithm.Securities.Select(x =>
                // Expected target quantity for SPY is zero, since its insight will have flat direction
                var quantity = x.Key.Value == "SPY" ? 0 : (int)direction
                               * Math.Floor(amount * (1 - _algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage)
                                            / x.Value.Price);
                return(new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, quantity));

            var insights = _algorithm.Securities.Keys.Select(x =>
                // SPY insight direction is flat
                var actualDirection = x.Value == "SPY" ? InsightDirection.Flat : direction;
                return(GetInsight(x, actualDirection, _algorithm.UtcTime));
            var actualTargets = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights.ToArray());

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, actualTargets);
        public void FlatDirectionNotAccountedToAllocation(Language language, InsightDirection direction)

            // Equity will be divided by all securities minus 1, since its insight will have flat direction
            var amount          = _algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / (_algorithm.Securities.Count - 1);
            var expectedTargets = _algorithm.Securities.Select(x =>
                // Expected target quantity for SPY is zero, since its insight will have flat direction
                var quantity = x.Key.Value == "SPY" ? 0 : (int)direction * Math.Floor(amount / x.Value.Price);
                return(new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, quantity));

            var insights = _algorithm.Securities.Keys.Select(x =>
                // SPY insight direction is flat
                var actualDirection = x.Value == "SPY" ? InsightDirection.Flat : direction;
                return(GetInsight(x, actualDirection, _algorithm.UtcTime));
            var actualTargets = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights.ToArray());

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTargets.Count(), actualTargets.Count());

            foreach (var expected in expectedTargets)
                var actual = actualTargets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Symbol == expected.Symbol);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected.Quantity, actual.Quantity);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Private constructor used to keep track of how a user defined the insight period.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">The symbol this insight is for</param>
        /// <param name="periodSpec">A specification defining how the insight's period was defined, via time span, via resolution/barcount, via close time</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of insight, price/volatility</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The predicted direction</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">The predicted magnitude as a percentage change</param>
        /// <param name="confidence">The confidence in this insight</param>
        /// <param name="sourceModel">An identifier defining the model that generated this insight</param>
        /// <param name="weight">The portfolio weight of this insight</param>
        private Insight(Symbol symbol, IPeriodSpecification periodSpec, InsightType type, InsightDirection direction, double?magnitude, double?confidence, string sourceModel = null, double?weight = null)
            Id          = Guid.NewGuid();
            Score       = new InsightScore();
            SourceModel = sourceModel;

            Symbol    = symbol;
            Type      = type;
            Direction = direction;

            // Optional
            Magnitude  = magnitude;
            Confidence = confidence;
            Weight     = weight;

            _periodSpecification = periodSpec;

            // keep existing behavior of Insight.Price such that we set the period immediately
            var period = (periodSpec as TimeSpanPeriodSpecification)?.Period;

            if (period != null)
                Period = period.Value;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new insight for predicting the percent change in price over the specified period
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">The symbol this insight is for</param>
        /// <param name="closeTimeLocal">The insight's closing time in the security's exchange time zone</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The predicted direction</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">The predicted magnitude as a percent change</param>
        /// <param name="confidence">The confidence in this insight</param>
        /// <param name="sourceModel">The model generating this insight</param>
        /// <param name="weight">The portfolio weight of this insight</param>
        /// <returns>A new insight object for the specified parameters</returns>
        public static Insight Price(Symbol symbol, DateTime closeTimeLocal, InsightDirection direction, double?magnitude = null, double?confidence = null, string sourceModel = null, double?weight = null)
            var spec = closeTimeLocal == Time.EndOfTime ? (IPeriodSpecification)
                       new EndOfTimeCloseTimePeriodSpecification() : new CloseTimePeriodSpecification(closeTimeLocal);

            return(new Insight(symbol, spec, InsightType.Price, direction, magnitude, confidence, sourceModel, weight));
Esempio n. 5
        public void InsightExpirationUndoesAccumulation(Language language, InsightDirection direction)
            SetPortfolioConstruction(language, _algorithm);

            // First emit long term insight
            var insights = new[]
                GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)),
                GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))
            var targets         = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights).ToList();
            var expectedTargets = new List <IPortfolioTarget> {
                PortfolioTarget.Percent(_algorithm, Symbols.SPY, (int)direction * 1m * 2 * (decimal)DefaultPercent)

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, targets);

            // both insights should expire
            targets = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, new Insight[0]).ToList();

            expectedTargets = new List <IPortfolioTarget> {
                PortfolioTarget.Percent(_algorithm, Symbols.SPY, 0)

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, targets);

            // we expect no target
            targets = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, new Insight[0]).ToList();
            AssertTargets(new List <IPortfolioTarget>(), targets);
Esempio n. 6
        public void FlatUndoesAccumulation(Language language, InsightDirection direction)
            SetPortfolioConstruction(language, _algorithm);

            // First emit long term insight
            var insights        = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime) };
            var targets         = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights).ToList();
            var expectedTargets = new List <IPortfolioTarget> {
                PortfolioTarget.Percent(_algorithm, Symbols.SPY, (int)direction * 1m * (decimal)DefaultPercent)

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, targets);

            // One minute later, emits insight to add to portfolio
            insights = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime) };
            targets  = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights).ToList();

            expectedTargets = new List <IPortfolioTarget> {
                PortfolioTarget.Percent(_algorithm, Symbols.SPY, (int)direction * 1m * 2 * (decimal)DefaultPercent)
            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, targets);

            // One minute later, emits flat insight
            insights = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, InsightDirection.Flat, _algorithm.UtcTime) };
            targets  = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights).ToList();

            expectedTargets = new List <IPortfolioTarget> {
                PortfolioTarget.Percent(_algorithm, Symbols.SPY, (int)direction * 1m * (decimal)DefaultPercent)

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, targets);
Esempio n. 7
        public void AutomaticallyRemoveInvested(Language language, InsightDirection direction)

            var spyHolding = _algorithm.Portfolio[Symbols.SPY];

            spyHolding.SetHoldings(spyHolding.Price, 100);
            _algorithm.Portfolio.SetCash(_startingCash - spyHolding.HoldingsValue);

            // Equity will be divided by all securities minus 1, since SPY is already invested and we want to remove it
            var amount          = _algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / (_algorithm.Securities.Count - 1);
            var expectedTargets = _algorithm.Securities.Select(x =>
                // Expected target quantity for SPY is zero, since it will be removed
                var quantity = x.Key.Value == "SPY" ? 0 : (int)direction * Math.Floor(amount / x.Value.Price);
                return(new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, quantity));

            // Do no include SPY in the insights
            var insights = _algorithm.Securities.Keys
                           .Where(x => x.Value != "SPY")
                           .Select(x => GetInsight(x, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime));

            var actualTargets = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights.ToArray());

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTargets.Count(), actualTargets.Count());

            foreach (var expected in expectedTargets)
                var actual = actualTargets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Symbol == expected.Symbol);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected.Quantity, actual.Quantity);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConstantAlphaModel"/> class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type of insight</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The direction of the insight</param>
        /// <param name="period">The period over which the insight with come to fruition</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">The predicted change in magnitude as a +- percentage</param>
        /// <param name="confidence">The confidence in the insight</param>
        public ConstantAlphaModel(InsightType type, InsightDirection direction, TimeSpan period, double?magnitude, double?confidence)
            _type      = type;
            _direction = direction;
            _period    = period;

            // Optional
            _magnitude  = magnitude;
            _confidence = confidence;

            _securities           = new HashSet <Security>();
            _insightsTimeBySymbol = new Dictionary <Symbol, DateTime>();

            Name = $"{nameof(ConstantAlphaModel)}({type},{direction},{period}";
            if (magnitude.HasValue)
                Name += $",{magnitude.Value}";

            if (confidence.HasValue)
                Name += $",{confidence.Value}";

            Name += ")";
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// When a new insight comes in, close down anything that might be open.
        /// </summary>
        public override List <IPortfolioTarget> PossiblyCloseCurrentTargets(QCAlgorithmFramework algorithm, Symbol symbol, IEnumerable <OptionHolding> optionHoldings, Insight insight)
            //check to see which direction our existing holdings are,
            // and filter out any insights that would duplicate that leg.
            InsightDirection direction = insight.Direction;

            foreach (var holding in optionHoldings)
                if (holding.Symbol.ID.OptionRight == OptionRight.Put)
                    if (direction == InsightDirection.Up)
                        //abort -- don't duplicate leg!!

                    direction = InsightDirection.Down;
                if (holding.Symbol.ID.OptionRight == OptionRight.Call)
                    if (direction == InsightDirection.Down)
                        //abort -- don't duplicate leg!!

                    direction = InsightDirection.Up;

            return(FindPotentialOptions(algorithm, symbol, direction));
Esempio n. 10
        public void LongTermInsightAccumulatesByNew(Language language, InsightDirection direction)
            SetPortfolioConstruction(language, _algorithm);

            // First emit long term insight
            var insights        = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime) };
            var targets         = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights).ToList();
            var expectedTargets = new List <IPortfolioTarget> {
                PortfolioTarget.Percent(_algorithm, Symbols.SPY, (int)direction * 1m * (decimal)DefaultPercent)

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, targets);

            // One minute later, emits short term insight to add long
            insights = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime, Time.OneMinute) };
            targets  = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights).ToList();

            expectedTargets = new List <IPortfolioTarget> {
                PortfolioTarget.Percent(_algorithm, Symbols.SPY, (int)direction * 1m * 2 * (decimal)DefaultPercent)
            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, targets);

            // One minute later, emit empty insights array, should return to nomral after the long expires

            expectedTargets = new List <IPortfolioTarget> {
                PortfolioTarget.Percent(_algorithm, Symbols.SPY, (int)direction * 1m * (decimal)DefaultPercent)

            // Create target from an empty insights array
            var actualTargets = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, new Insight[0]);

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, actualTargets);
Esempio n. 11
        public void AutomaticallyRemoveInvestedWithNewInsights(Language language, InsightDirection direction)
            SetPortfolioConstruction(language, _algorithm);

            // Let's create a position for SPY
            var insights = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime) };

            foreach (var target in _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights))
                var holding = _algorithm.Portfolio[target.Symbol];
                holding.SetHoldings(holding.Price, target.Quantity);
                _algorithm.Portfolio.SetCash(_startingCash - holding.HoldingsValue);


            var amount          = _algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * (decimal)Weight;
            var expectedTargets = _algorithm.Securities.Select(x =>
                // Expected target quantity for SPY is zero, since it will be removed
                var quantity = x.Key.Value == "SPY" ? 0 : (int)direction
                               * Math.Floor(amount * (1 - _algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage)
                                            / x.Value.Price);
                return(new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, quantity));

            // Do no include SPY in the insights
            insights = _algorithm.Securities.Keys.Where(x => x.Value != "SPY")
                       .Select(x => GetInsight(x, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime)).ToArray();

            var actualTargets = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights);

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, actualTargets);
        public override Insight GetInsight(Symbol symbol, InsightDirection direction, DateTime generatedTimeUtc, TimeSpan?period = null, double?weight = _weight)
            period = period ?? TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
            var insight = Insight.Price(symbol, period.Value, direction, weight: Math.Max(_weight, Algorithm.Securities.Count));

            insight.GeneratedTimeUtc = generatedTimeUtc;
            insight.CloseTimeUtc     = generatedTimeUtc.Add(period.Value);
Esempio n. 13
        private Insight GetInsight(Symbol symbol, InsightDirection direction, DateTime generatedTimeUtc, TimeSpan?period = null, double?weight = Weight)
            period = period ?? TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
            var insight = Insight.Price(symbol, period.Value, direction, weight: weight);

            insight.GeneratedTimeUtc = generatedTimeUtc;
            insight.CloseTimeUtc     = generatedTimeUtc.Add(period.Value);
Esempio n. 14
        private Insight GetInsight(Symbol symbol, InsightDirection direction, DateTime generatedTimeUtc)
            var period  = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
            var insight = Insight.Price(symbol, period, direction);

            insight.GeneratedTimeUtc = generatedTimeUtc;
            insight.CloseTimeUtc     = generatedTimeUtc.Add(period);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new insight for predicting the percent change in price over the specified period
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">The symbol this insight is for</param>
        /// <param name="period">The period over which the prediction will come true</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The predicted direction</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">The predicted magnitude as a percent change</param>
        /// <param name="confidence">The confidence in this insight</param>
        /// <param name="sourceModel">The model generating this insight</param>
        /// <returns>A new insight object for the specified parameters</returns>
        public static Insight Price(Symbol symbol, TimeSpan period, InsightDirection direction, double? magnitude = null, double? confidence = null, string sourceModel = null)
            if (period < Time.OneSecond)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(period), "Insight period must be greater than or equal to 1 second.");

            var spec = period == Time.EndOfTimeTimeSpan ? (IPeriodSpecification)
                new EndOfTimeCloseTimePeriodSpecification() : new TimeSpanPeriodSpecification(period);
            return new Insight(symbol, spec, InsightType.Price, direction, magnitude, confidence, sourceModel);
 /// <summary>
 /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data</param>
 public override void OnData(Slice data)
     if (_step == 0)
         _expectedConfidence       = 1;
         _expectedInsightDirection = InsightDirection.Up;
         SetHoldings(_spy, 0.75);
     else if (_step == 1)
         _expectedConfidence       = 1;
         _expectedInsightDirection = InsightDirection.Up;
         SetHoldings(_spy, 0.80);
     else if (_step == 2)
         _expectedConfidence       = 0.5;
         _expectedInsightDirection = InsightDirection.Up;
         SetHoldings(_spy, 0.40);
     else if (_step == 3)
         _expectedConfidence       = 0.25;
         _expectedInsightDirection = InsightDirection.Up;
         SetHoldings(_spy, 0.20);
     else if (_step == 4)
         _expectedConfidence       = 1;
         _expectedInsightDirection = InsightDirection.Flat;
         SetHoldings(_spy, 0);
     else if (_step == 5)
         _expectedConfidence       = 1;
         _expectedInsightDirection = InsightDirection.Down;
         SetHoldings(_spy, -0.5);
     else if (_step == 6)
         _expectedConfidence       = 1;
         _expectedInsightDirection = InsightDirection.Up;
         SetHoldings(_spy, 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConstantAlphaModel"/> class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type of insight</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The direction of the insight</param>
        /// <param name="period">The period over which the insight with come to fruition</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">The predicted change in magnitude as a +- percentage</param>
        /// <param name="confidence">The confidence in the insight</param>
        public ConstantAlphaModel(InsightType type, InsightDirection direction, TimeSpan period, double?magnitude, double?confidence)
            _type      = type;
            _direction = direction;
            _period    = period;

            // Optional
            _magnitude  = magnitude;
            _confidence = confidence;

            _securities           = new HashSet <Security>();
            _insightsTimeBySymbol = new Dictionary <Symbol, DateTime>();
Esempio n. 18
        public void RespectsRebalancingPeriod(Language language, InsightDirection direction)
            PortfolioConstructionModel model = new AccumulativeInsightPortfolioConstructionModel(Resolution.Daily);

            if (language == Language.Python)
                using (Py.GIL())
                    var     name     = nameof(AccumulativeInsightPortfolioConstructionModel);
                    dynamic instance = Py.Import(name).GetAttr(name);
                    model = new PortfolioConstructionModelPythonWrapper(instance(Resolution.Daily));

            model.RebalanceOnSecurityChanges = false;
            model.RebalanceOnInsightChanges  = false;

            SetUtcTime(new DateTime(2018, 7, 31));
            // First emit long term insight
            var insights = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime, TimeSpan.FromDays(10)) };

            AssertTargets(new List <IPortfolioTarget>(), model.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights).ToList());

            // One minute later, emits insight to add to portfolio
            insights = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)) };
            AssertTargets(new List <IPortfolioTarget>(), model.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights));

            // the second insight should expire
            AssertTargets(new List <IPortfolioTarget>(), model.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights));

            // the rebalancing period is due and the first insight is still valid
            var targets         = model.CreateTargets(_algorithm, new Insight[0]);
            var expectedTargets = new List <IPortfolioTarget> {
                PortfolioTarget.Percent(_algorithm, Symbols.SPY, (int)direction * 1m * (decimal)DefaultPercent)

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, targets);

            // the rebalancing period is due and no insight is valid
                new List <IPortfolioTarget> {
                PortfolioTarget.Percent(_algorithm, Symbols.SPY, 0)
                model.CreateTargets(_algorithm, new Insight[0]));

            AssertTargets(new List <IPortfolioTarget>(), model.CreateTargets(_algorithm, new Insight[0]));
Esempio n. 19
        public void InsightsReturnsTargetsConsistentWithDirection(Language language, InsightDirection direction)
            SetPortfolioConstruction(language, _algorithm);

            var amount          = _algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * (decimal)DefaultPercent;
            var expectedTargets = _algorithm.Securities
                                  .Select(x => new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, (int)direction
                                                                   * Math.Floor(amount / x.Value.Price)));

            var insights      = _algorithm.Securities.Keys.Select(x => GetInsight(x, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime));
            var actualTargets = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights.ToArray());

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, actualTargets);
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Insight"/> class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">The symbol this insight is for</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of insight, price/volatility</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The predicted direction</param>
        /// <param name="period">The period over which the prediction will come true</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">The predicted magnitude as a percentage change</param>
        /// <param name="confidence">The confidence in this insight</param>
        public Insight(Symbol symbol, InsightType type, InsightDirection direction, TimeSpan period, double?magnitude, double?confidence)
            Id    = Guid.NewGuid();
            Score = new InsightScore();

            Symbol    = symbol;
            Type      = type;
            Direction = direction;
            Period    = period;

            // Optional
            Magnitude  = magnitude;
            Confidence = confidence;
        public void InsightsReturnsTargetsConsistentWithDirection(Language language, InsightDirection direction)
            SetPortfolioConstruction(language, _algorithm);

            // Equity will be divided by all securities
            var amount          = _algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / _algorithm.Securities.Count;
            var expectedTargets = _algorithm.Securities
                                  .Select(x => new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, (int)direction
                                                                   * Math.Floor(amount * (1 - _algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage)
                                                                                / x.Value.Price)));

            var insights      = _algorithm.Securities.Keys.Select(x => GetInsight(x, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime));
            var actualTargets = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights.ToArray());

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, actualTargets);
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Insight"/> class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">The symbol this insight is for</param>
        /// <param name="period">The period over which the prediction will come true</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of insight, price/volatility</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The predicted direction</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">The predicted magnitude as a percentage change</param>
        /// <param name="confidence">The confidence in this insight</param>
        /// <param name="sourceModel">An identifier defining the model that generated this insight</param>
        public Insight(Symbol symbol, TimeSpan period, InsightType type, InsightDirection direction, double? magnitude, double? confidence, string sourceModel = null)
            Id = Guid.NewGuid();
            Score = new InsightScore();
            SourceModel = sourceModel;

            Symbol = symbol;
            Type = type;
            Direction = direction;
            Period = period;

            // Optional
            Magnitude = magnitude;
            Confidence = confidence;

            _periodSpecification = new TimeSpanPeriodSpecification(period);
Esempio n. 23
        public void InsightsReturnsTargetsConsistentWithDirection(Language language, InsightDirection direction)

            // Equity will be divided by all securities
            var amount          = _algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / _algorithm.Securities.Count;
            var expectedTargets = _algorithm.Securities
                                  .Select(x => new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, (int)direction * Math.Floor(amount / x.Value.Price)));

            var insights      = _algorithm.Securities.Keys.Select(x => GetInsight(x, direction, _algorithm.UtcTime));
            var actualTargets = _algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(_algorithm, insights.ToArray());

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTargets.Count(), actualTargets.Count());

            foreach (var expected in expectedTargets)
                var actual = actualTargets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Symbol == expected.Symbol);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected.Quantity, actual.Quantity);
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new insight for predicting the percent change in price over the specified period
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">The symbol this insight is for</param>
        /// <param name="resolution">The resolution used to define the insight's period and also used to determine the insight's close time</param>
        /// <param name="barCount">The number of resolution time steps to make in market hours to compute the insight's closing time</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The predicted direction</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">The predicted magnitude as a percent change</param>
        /// <param name="confidence">The confidence in this insight</param>
        /// <param name="sourceModel">The model generating this insight</param>
        /// <returns>A new insight object for the specified parameters</returns>
        public static Insight Price(Symbol symbol, Resolution resolution, int barCount, InsightDirection direction, double? magnitude = null, double? confidence = null, string sourceModel = null)
            if (barCount < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(barCount), $"Insight barCount must be greater than zero.");

            var spec = new ResolutionBarCountPeriodSpecification(resolution, barCount);
            return new Insight(symbol, spec, InsightType.Price, direction, magnitude, confidence, sourceModel);
        public override void FlatDirectionNotAccountedToAllocation(Language language, InsightDirection direction)

            // Equity, minus $1 for fees, will be divided by all securities minus 1, since its insight will have flat direction
            var amount = (Algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue - 1 * (Algorithm.Securities.Count - 1)) * 1 /
                         (decimal)((1 / Weight) - 1) * (1 - Algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage);

            var expectedTargets = Algorithm.Securities.Select(x =>
                // Expected target quantity for SPY is zero, since its insight will have flat direction
                var quantity = x.Key.Value == "SPY" ? 0 : (int)direction * Math.Floor(amount / x.Value.Price);
                return(new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, quantity));

            var insights = Algorithm.Securities.Keys.Select(x =>
                // SPY insight direction is flat
                var actualDirection = x.Value == "SPY" ? InsightDirection.Flat : direction;
                return(GetInsight(x, actualDirection, Algorithm.UtcTime));
            var actualTargets = Algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(Algorithm, insights.ToArray());

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, actualTargets);
        public override void DelistedSecurityEmitsFlatTargetWithNewInsights(Language language, InsightDirection direction)

            var insights = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, InsightDirection.Down, Algorithm.UtcTime) };
            var targets  = Algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(Algorithm, insights).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, targets.Count);

            // Removing SPY should clear the key in the insight collection
            var changes = SecurityChanges.Removed(Algorithm.Securities[Symbols.SPY]);

            Algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.OnSecuritiesChanged(Algorithm, changes);

            // Equity will be divided by all securities minus 1, since SPY is already invested and we want to remove it
            var amount = Algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / (decimal)(1 / Weight - 1) *
                         (1 - Algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage);

            var expectedTargets = Algorithm.Securities.Select(x =>
                // Expected target quantity for SPY is zero, since it will be removed
                var quantity = x.Key.Value == "SPY" ? 0 : (int)direction * Math.Floor(amount / x.Value.Price);
                return(new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, quantity));

            // Do no include SPY in the insights
            insights = Algorithm.Securities.Keys.Where(x => x.Value != "SPY")
                       .Select(x => GetInsight(x, direction, Algorithm.UtcTime)).ToArray();

            // Create target from an empty insights array
            var actualTargets = Algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(Algorithm, insights);

            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, actualTargets);
Esempio n. 27
 public ConstantFutureContractAlphaModel(InsightType type, InsightDirection direction, TimeSpan period)
     : base(type, direction, period)
        public override void AutomaticallyRemoveInvestedWithNewInsights(Language language, InsightDirection direction)

            // Let's create a position for SPY
            var insights = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, direction, Algorithm.UtcTime) };

            foreach (var target in Algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(Algorithm, insights))
                var holding = Algorithm.Portfolio[target.Symbol];
                holding.SetHoldings(holding.Price, target.Quantity);
                Algorithm.Portfolio.SetCash(StartingCash - holding.HoldingsValue);


            // Since we have 3 B, 2 T and 1 X, each security in each sector will get
            // B => .166%, T => .25, X => 0% (removed)
            var sectorCount     = 2;
            var groupedBySector = Algorithm.Securities
                                  .Where(pair => pair.Value.Fundamentals?.CompanyReference?.IndustryTemplateCode != null)
                                  .GroupBy(pair => pair.Value.Fundamentals.CompanyReference.IndustryTemplateCode);

            var expectedTargets = new List <PortfolioTarget>();

            foreach (var securities in groupedBySector)
                var list   = securities.ToList();
                var amount = Algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / list.Count / sectorCount *
                             (1 - Algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage);

                                         .Select(x => new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, x.Key.Value == "SPY" ? 0
                        : (int)direction * Math.Floor(amount / x.Value.Price))));

            // Do no include SPY in the insights
            insights = Algorithm.Securities.Keys.Where(x => x.Value != "SPY")
                       .Select(x => GetInsight(x, direction, Algorithm.UtcTime)).ToArray();

            var actualTargets = Algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(Algorithm, insights);

            Assert.Greater(Algorithm.Securities.Count, expectedTargets.Count);
            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, actualTargets);
        public override void FlatDirectionNotAccountedToAllocation(Language language, InsightDirection direction)

            // Since we have 3 B, 2 T and 1 X, each security in each sector will get
            // B => .166%, T => .25, X => 0% (removed)
            var sectorCount     = 2;
            var groupedBySector = Algorithm.Securities
                                  .Where(pair => pair.Value.Fundamentals?.CompanyReference?.IndustryTemplateCode != null)
                                  .GroupBy(pair => pair.Value.Fundamentals.CompanyReference.IndustryTemplateCode);

            var expectedTargets = new List <PortfolioTarget>();

            foreach (var securities in groupedBySector)
                var list   = securities.ToList();
                var amount = Algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / list.Count / sectorCount *
                             (1 - Algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage);

                                         .Select(x => new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, x.Key.Value == "SPY" ? 0
                        : (int)direction * Math.Floor(amount / x.Value.Price))));

            var insights = Algorithm.Securities.Keys.Select(x =>
                // SPY insight direction is flat
                var actualDirection = x.Value == "SPY" ? InsightDirection.Flat : direction;
                return(GetInsight(x, actualDirection, Algorithm.UtcTime));
            var actualTargets = Algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(Algorithm, insights.ToArray());

            Assert.Greater(Algorithm.Securities.Count, expectedTargets.Count);
            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, actualTargets);
        public override void DelistedSecurityEmitsFlatTargetWithNewInsights(Language language, InsightDirection direction)

            var insights = new[] { GetInsight(Symbols.SPY, InsightDirection.Down, Algorithm.UtcTime) };
            var targets  = Algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(Algorithm, insights).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, targets.Count);

            // Removing SPY should clear the key in the insight collection
            var changes = SecurityChanges.Removed(Algorithm.Securities[Symbols.SPY]);

            Algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.OnSecuritiesChanged(Algorithm, changes);

            // Since we have 3 B, 2 T and 1 X, each security in each sector will get
            // B => .166%, T => .25, X => 0% (removed)
            var sectorCount     = 2;
            var groupedBySector = Algorithm.Securities
                                  .Where(pair => pair.Value.Fundamentals?.CompanyReference?.IndustryTemplateCode != null)
                                  .GroupBy(pair => pair.Value.Fundamentals.CompanyReference.IndustryTemplateCode);

            var expectedTargets = new List <PortfolioTarget>();

            foreach (var securities in groupedBySector)
                var list   = securities.ToList();
                var amount = Algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / list.Count / sectorCount *
                             (1 - Algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage);

                                         .Select(x => new PortfolioTarget(x.Key, x.Key.Value == "SPY" ? 0
                        : (int)direction * Math.Floor(amount / x.Value.Price))));

            // Do no include SPY in the insights
            insights = Algorithm.Securities.Keys.Where(x => x.Value != "SPY")
                       .Select(x => GetInsight(x, direction, Algorithm.UtcTime)).ToArray();

            // Create target from an empty insights array
            var actualTargets = Algorithm.PortfolioConstruction.CreateTargets(Algorithm, insights);

            Assert.Greater(Algorithm.Securities.Count, expectedTargets.Count);
            AssertTargets(expectedTargets, actualTargets);