public static bool validateInsert(string name, string desc, out string errorMsg) { errorMsg = ""; ProductType pt = InsertProductTypeHandler.searchByName(name); if (name == "" || desc == "") { errorMsg = "Cannot be empty"; return(false); } else if (pt == null && name.Length >= 5) { InsertProductTypeHandler.insertPT(name, desc); errorMsg = "Success"; return(true); } else { if (name.Length < 5) { errorMsg = "Product Type must consist of 5 characters or more!"; return(false); } else { errorMsg = "Product Type Name already exists!"; return(false); } } }
public static Response DoInsertProductType(Int64 ID, String Name, String Description) { if (Name == "") { return(new Response(false, "Product Type Name Cannot Be Empty")); } if (Name.Length < 5) { return(new Response(false, "Product Type Name Consists of 5 Characters or More")); } if (Description == "") { return(new Response(false, "Product Type Description Cannot Be Empty")); } Response response = InsertProductTypeHandler.DoInsertProductType(ID, Name, Description); return(response); }
public static Boolean ProductTypeValidation(string name, string desc, out string errorMessage) { errorMessage = ""; if (name == String.Empty || desc == String.Empty) { errorMessage = "No data can empty"; return(false); } else if (name.Length < 5) { errorMessage = "Name must be more than 5 characters"; return(false); } else if (InsertProductTypeHandler.CheckProductTypeHandler(name) > 0) { errorMessage = "Already have the product name"; return(false); } return(true); }
public static int CountData() { int ID = InsertProductTypeHandler.CountData(); return(ID); }
public static void InsertNewProductTypeController(string name, string desc) { InsertProductTypeHandler.InsertNewProductTypeHandler(name, desc); }