public object Execute(Schema schema, string query, object root = null, Inputs inputs = null, string operationName = "") { var source = new Source(query ?? "", "GraphQL Request"); return string.Empty; }
public ExecutionContext BuildExecutionContext( Schema schema, object root, Document document, string operationName, Inputs inputs) { var context = new ExecutionContext(); context.Schema = schema; context.RootObject = root; var operation = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(operationName) ? document.Operations.WithName(operationName) : document.Operations.FirstOrDefault(); if (operation == null) { context.Errors.Add(new ExecutionError("Unknown operation name: {0}".ToFormat(operationName))); return context; } context.Operation = operation; context.Variables = GetVariableValues(schema, operation.Variables, inputs); context.Fragments = document.Fragments; return context; }
// // // UnityEngine magic methods // Do not define Awake, Start, Update or FixedUpdate in subclasses of NetworkedTimestepMovement. // // // Parent class override methods public override void GetInputs (ref Inputs inputs) { inputs.sides = RoundToLargest( Input.GetAxis("Horizontal" ) ); inputs.forward = RoundToLargest( Input.GetAxis("Vertical" ) ); inputs.yaw = -Input.GetAxis( "Mouse Y" ) * m_mouseSense * Time.fixedDeltaTime / Time.deltaTime; inputs.pitch = Input.GetAxis( "Mouse X" ) * m_mouseSense * Time.fixedDeltaTime / Time.deltaTime; inputs.sprint = Input.GetButton( "Sprint" ); inputs.crouch = Input.GetButton( "Crouch" ); float verticalTarget = -1; if ( router.characterController.isGrounded ) { if( Input.GetButton( "Jump" ) ) { m_jump = true; } inputs.vertical = 0; verticalTarget = 0; } if ( m_jump ) { verticalTarget = 1; if( inputs.vertical >= 0.9f ) { m_jump = false; } } inputs.vertical = Mathf.Lerp( inputs.vertical, verticalTarget, 20 * Time.deltaTime ); if( Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Escape) ) { if (m_pausedPanel != null) { m_pausedPanel.SetActive(true); } // Enable the paused panel // lock the controls InputsSetLock(true); } }
public List<Station> getStations(Inputs input) { List<Station> ret = new List<Station>(); RegistryManager registry = new RegistryManager(); byte[] value = registry.getStations(input); int segmentLength = 40; int stationEndpoint = segmentLength * registry.getStationCount(input); for (int i = 8; i < stationEndpoint; i += segmentLength) { ArraySegment<byte> segment = new ArraySegment<byte>(value, i, segmentLength); Station s = new Station(); s.Input = input; s.PhysicalChannel = BitConverter.ToInt16(segment.Array, segment.Offset + (int)StationBytePositions.PhysicalChannel); s.VirtualChannel = BitConverter.ToInt16(segment.Array, segment.Offset + (int)StationBytePositions.VirtualChannel); s.SubChannel = segment.Array[segment.Offset + (int)StationBytePositions.SubChannel]; // TODO: (KJM 02/21/06) Figure out how to treat 0xFF as -1 rather than 255. int minorChannel = segment.Array[segment.Offset + (int)StationBytePositions.MinorChannel]; if (255 == minorChannel) { minorChannel = -1; } s.MinorChannel = minorChannel; // TODO: (KJM 02/21/06) Figure out a way of actually reading in the name without dying on channels without names. //s.Name = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(segment.Array, segment.Offset + 16, 5); ret.Add(s); } return ret; }
public Outputs Create(Inputs inputs) { Keypad ke = new Keypad(inputs.SKeypad, Stream.Never<Unit>()); return new Outputs() .SetPresetLcd(ke.Value.Map(Formatters.FormatPresetAmount)) .SetBeep(ke.SBeep); }
public static Cell<string> PriceLcd( Cell<IMaybe<Fuel>> fillActive, Cell<double> fillPrice, Fuel fuel, Inputs inputs) { Cell<double> idlePrice; switch (fuel) { case Fuel.One: idlePrice = inputs.Price1; break; case Fuel.Two: idlePrice = inputs.Price2; break; case Fuel.Three: idlePrice = inputs.Price3; break; default: idlePrice = null; break; } return fillActive.Lift(fillPrice, idlePrice, (fuelSelectedMaybe, fillPriceLocal, idlePriceLocal) => fuelSelectedMaybe.Match(f => f == fuel ? Formatters.FormatPrice(fillPriceLocal, 4) : string.Empty, () => Formatters.FormatPrice(idlePriceLocal, 4))); }
public Outputs Create(Inputs inputs) { StreamLoop<Fuel> sStart = new StreamLoop<Fuel>(); Fill fi = new Fill( inputs.SClearSale, inputs.SFuelPulses, inputs.Calibration, inputs.Price1, inputs.Price2, inputs.Price3, sStart); NotifyPointOfSale np = new NotifyPointOfSale( new LifeCycle(inputs.SNozzle1, inputs.SNozzle2, inputs.SNozzle3), inputs.SClearSale, fi); sStart.Loop(np.SStart); return new Outputs() .SetDelivery(np.FuelFlowing.Map( m => m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.One)) ? Delivery.Fast1 : m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.Two)) ? Delivery.Fast2 : m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.Three)) ? Delivery.Fast3 : Delivery.Off)) .SetSaleCostLcd(fi.DollarsDelivered.Map(Formatters.FormatSaleCost)) .SetSaleQuantityLcd(fi.LitersDelivered.Map(Formatters.FormatSaleQuantity)) .SetPriceLcd1(ShowDollarsPump.PriceLcd(np.FillActive, fi.Price, Fuel.One, inputs)) .SetPriceLcd2(ShowDollarsPump.PriceLcd(np.FillActive, fi.Price, Fuel.Two, inputs)) .SetPriceLcd3(ShowDollarsPump.PriceLcd(np.FillActive, fi.Price, Fuel.Three, inputs)) .SetBeep(np.SBeep) .SetSaleComplete(np.SSaleComplete); }
public async Task<ExecutionResult> ExecuteAsync(Schema schema, object root, string query, string operationName, Inputs inputs = null) { var document = _documentBuilder.Build(query); var result = new ExecutionResult(); var validationResult = _documentValidator.IsValid(schema, document, operationName); if (validationResult.IsValid) { var context = BuildExecutionContext(schema, root, document, operationName, inputs); if (context.Errors.Any()) { result.Errors = context.Errors; return result; } result.Data = await ExecuteOperation(context); result.Errors = context.Errors; } else { result.Data = null; result.Errors = validationResult.Errors; } return result; }
public Outputs Create(Inputs inputs) { StreamLoop<Fuel> sStart = new StreamLoop<Fuel>(); Fill fi = new Fill(inputs.SClearSale, inputs.SFuelPulses, inputs.Calibration, inputs.Price1, inputs.Price2, inputs.Price3, sStart); NotifyPointOfSale np = new NotifyPointOfSale( new LifeCycle(inputs.SNozzle1, inputs.SNozzle2, inputs.SNozzle3), inputs.SClearSale, fi); sStart.Loop(np.SStart); CellLoop<bool> keypadActive = new CellLoop<bool>(); Keypad ke = new Keypad(inputs.SKeypad, inputs.SClearSale, keypadActive); Preset pr = new Preset(ke.Value, fi, np.FuelFlowing); keypadActive.Loop(pr.KeypadActive); return new Outputs() .SetDelivery(pr.Delivery) .SetSaleCostLcd(fi.DollarsDelivered.Map(Formatters.FormatSaleCost)) .SetSaleQuantityLcd(fi.LitersDelivered.Map(Formatters.FormatSaleQuantity)) .SetPriceLcd1(ShowDollarsPump.PriceLcd(np.FillActive, fi.Price, Fuel.One, inputs)) .SetPriceLcd2(ShowDollarsPump.PriceLcd(np.FillActive, fi.Price, Fuel.Two, inputs)) .SetPriceLcd3(ShowDollarsPump.PriceLcd(np.FillActive, fi.Price, Fuel.Three, inputs)) .SetSaleComplete(np.SSaleComplete) .SetPresetLcd(ke.Value.Map(Formatters.FormatPresetAmount)) .SetBeep(np.SBeep.OrElse(ke.SBeep)); }
public void Apply(string msg, Inputs.InputListener listener) { JObject json = new JObject(); listener.AddDefaultFields(json); json["message"] = ExpandField(msg, json); listener.ProcessJson(json); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Echo"/> class. /// </summary> public Echo() { if (_isLoaded) { UnLoad(); } _isLoaded = false; _inputs = null; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HelloWorld"/> class. /// </summary> public HelloWorld() { if (_isLoaded) { UnLoad(); } _isLoaded = false; _inputs = null; }
public static bool GetButton(int player, Inputs.Button button) { switch(button) { case Inputs.Button.Fire1: return Input.GetButton("Fire1" + PLAYER_SUFFIX[player]); case Inputs.Button.Fire2: return Input.GetButton("Fire2" + PLAYER_SUFFIX[player]); case Inputs.Button.Start: return Input.GetButton("Start"); } return false; }
public KinectDeviceSettingsViewModel( Inputs.Kinect.KinectSensorController controller ) { this._controller = controller; this.MinimumElevationAngle = this._controller.Sensor.MinElevationAngle; this.MaximumElevationAngle = this._controller.Sensor.MaxElevationAngle; int angle = this._controller.Sensor.ElevationAngle; if ( angle > MaximumElevationAngle ) { this.CurrentElevationAngle = MaximumElevationAngle; } else if ( angle < MinimumElevationAngle ) { this.CurrentElevationAngle = MinimumElevationAngle; } else { this.CurrentElevationAngle = this._controller.Sensor.ElevationAngle; } if ( this._controller.Sensor.DepthStream.Range == Microsoft.Kinect.DepthRange.Near ) { this.NearModeIsEnabled = true; } else { this.NearModeIsEnabled = false; } if ( this._controller.Sensor.SkeletonStream.TrackingMode == Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonTrackingMode.Seated ) { this.SeatingModeIsEnabled = true; } else { this.SeatingModeIsEnabled = false; } if ( this._controller.Sensor.SkeletonStream.IsSmoothingEnabled ) { this.SkeletonSmoothingIsEnabled = true; } else { this.SkeletonSmoothingIsEnabled = false; } if ( this._controller.DepthImageEnabled ) { this.DepthImageIsDisabled = false; } else { this.DepthImageIsDisabled = true; } }
public async Task<ExecutionResult> Execute( ISchema schema, object rootObject, string query, string operationName = null, Inputs inputs = null) { return await _executer.ExecuteAsync(schema, rootObject, query, operationName); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BadStart"/> class. /// </summary> public BadStart() { if (_isLoaded) { UnLoad(); } _isLoaded = false; _inputs = null; }
public bool Equals(Inputs other) { return this.Language.Equals(other.Language) && this.AnalyzerReferencesCount == other.AnalyzerReferencesCount && this.ProjectReferencesCount == other.ProjectReferencesCount && this.MetadataReferencesCount == other.MetadataReferencesCount && this.DocumentsCount == other.DocumentsCount && this.AdditionalDocumentsCount == other.AdditionalDocumentsCount; }
public ExecutionResult Execute( Schema schema, object rootObject, string query, string operationName = null, Inputs inputs = null) { var executer = new DocumentExecuter(); return executer.Execute(schema, rootObject, query, operationName); }
public async Task<ExecutionResult> Execute( Schema schema, object rootObject, string query, string operationName = null, Inputs inputs = null) { var executer = new DocumentExecuter(); return await executer.ExecuteAsync(schema, rootObject, query, operationName); }
public ExecutionResult AssertQuerySuccess( ISchema schema, string query, string expected, Inputs inputs = null, object root = null, object userContext = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken), IEnumerable<IValidationRule> rules = null) { var queryResult = CreateQueryResult(expected); return AssertQuery(schema, query, queryResult, inputs, root, userContext, cancellationToken, rules); }
public override Quaternion Rotate (Inputs inputs, Results current) { pawn.rotation = current.rotation; float mHor = current.rotation.eulerAngles.y + inputs.pitch * Time.fixedDeltaTime; float mVert = current.rotation.eulerAngles.x + inputs.yaw * Time.fixedDeltaTime; if (mVert > 180) mVert -= 360; mVert = Mathf.Clamp (mVert, -verticalMouseLookLimit * 0.5f, verticalMouseLookLimit * 0.5f); pawn.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (0, mHor, 0); pawnRotation = Quaternion.Euler (mVert, mHor, 0); return pawnRotation; }
public async Task<ExecutionResult> ExecuteAsync( ISchema schema, object root, string query, string operationName, Inputs inputs = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken), IEnumerable<IValidationRule> rules = null) { var result = new ExecutionResult(); try { var document = _documentBuilder.Build(query); var validationResult = _documentValidator.Validate(query, schema, document, rules); if (validationResult.IsValid) { var context = BuildExecutionContext(schema, root, document, operationName, inputs, cancellationToken); if (context.Errors.Any()) { result.Errors = context.Errors; return result; } result.Data = await ExecuteOperationAsync(context).ConfigureAwait(false); if (context.Errors.Any()) { result.Errors = context.Errors; } } else { result.Data = null; result.Errors = validationResult.Errors; } return result; } catch (Exception exc) { if (result.Errors == null) { result.Errors = new ExecutionErrors(); } result.Data = null; result.Errors.Add(new ExecutionError(exc.Message, exc)); return result; } }
public Outputs Create(Inputs inputs) { LifeCycle lc = new LifeCycle(inputs.SNozzle1, inputs.SNozzle2, inputs.SNozzle3); return new Outputs() .SetDelivery(lc.FillActive.Map(m => m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.One)) ? Delivery.Fast1 : m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.Two)) ? Delivery.Fast2 : m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.Three)) ? Delivery.Fast3 : Delivery.Off)) .SetSaleQuantityLcd(lc.FillActive.Map(m => m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.One)) ? "1" : m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.Two)) ? "2" : m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.Three)) ? "3" : string.Empty)); }
public override Quaternion Rotate (Inputs inputs, Results current) { m_observer.rotation = current.rotation; float mHor = current.rotation.eulerAngles.y + inputs.pitch * Time.fixedDeltaTime; float mVert = current.rotation.eulerAngles.x + inputs.yaw * Time.fixedDeltaTime; if (mVert > 180) mVert -= 360; mVert = Mathf.Clamp (mVert, -m_verticalMouseLookLimit * 0.5f, m_verticalMouseLookLimit * 0.5f); m_observer.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (0, mHor, 0); m_observerRotation = Quaternion.Euler (mVert, mHor, 0); // These three are to show the values in the inspector. m_observerRotationEuler = m_observerRotation.eulerAngles; m_viewPitch = mHor; m_viewYaw = mVert; return m_observerRotation; }
public Station getStation(Inputs input, int virtualChannel) { List<Station> stations = getStations(input); // Go through each station until we find one with the same virutal channel number -- return that station. foreach (Station s in stations) { if (s.VirtualChannel == virtualChannel) { return s; } } // If no station exists with the given virtual channel number, return null. return null; }
private Tuple<ExecutionContext, IEnumerable<ExecutionError>> BuildExecutionContext( ISchema schema, object root, Document document, string operationName, Inputs inputs, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object userContext) { Operation operation = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( operationName ) ? document.Operations.WithName( operationName ) : document.Operations.FirstOrDefault(); ExecutionContext executionContext; if (operation == null) { IEnumerable<ExecutionError> executionErrors = new List<ExecutionError> { new ExecutionError( string.Format( "Unknown operation name: {0}", operationName ) ) }; executionContext = new ExecutionContext( schema, root, cancellationToken, userContext); return new Tuple<ExecutionContext, IEnumerable<ExecutionError>>( executionContext, executionErrors ); } executionContext = new ExecutionContext( schema, root, operation, document.Fragments, GetVariableValues(schema, operation.Variables, inputs), cancellationToken, userContext); return new Tuple<ExecutionContext, IEnumerable<ExecutionError>>( executionContext, null ); }
public Outputs Create(Inputs inputs) { LifeCycle lc = new LifeCycle(inputs.SNozzle1, inputs.SNozzle2, inputs.SNozzle3); Cell<double> litersDelivered = Accumulate(lc.SStart.Map(_ => Unit.Value), inputs.SFuelPulses, inputs.Calibration); return new Outputs() .SetDelivery(lc.FillActive.Map( m => m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.One)) ? Delivery.Fast1 : m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.Two)) ? Delivery.Fast2 : m.Equals(Maybe.Just(Fuel.Three)) ? Delivery.Fast3 : Delivery.Off)) .SetSaleQuantityLcd(litersDelivered.Map(Formatters.FormatSaleQuantity)); }
// Move, Rotate, UpdatePosition, and UpdateRotation. public override Vector3 Move (Inputs inputs, Results current) { m_observer.position = current.position; float speed = 2; if (current.crouching) { speed = 1.5f; } if (current.sprinting) { speed = 3; } if (inputs.vertical > 0) { m_verticalSpeed = inputs.vertical * m_jumpHeight; } else { m_verticalSpeed = inputs.vertical * Physics.gravity.magnitude; } router.characterController.Move (m_observer.TransformDirection((Vector3.ClampMagnitude(new Vector3(inputs.sides,0,inputs.forward),1) * speed) + new Vector3(0,m_verticalSpeed,0) ) * Time.fixedDeltaTime); return m_observer.position; }
public ExecutionResult AssertQuery( ISchema schema, string query, ExecutionResult expectedExecutionResult, Inputs inputs, object root, object userContext = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken), IEnumerable<IValidationRule> rules = null) { var runResult = Executer.ExecuteAsync( schema, root, query, null, inputs, userContext, cancellationToken, rules ).Result; var writtenResult = Writer.Write(runResult); var expectedResult = Writer.Write(expectedExecutionResult); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine(writtenResult); #endif string additionalInfo = null; if (runResult.Errors?.Any() == true) { additionalInfo = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, runResult.Errors .Where(x => x.InnerException is GraphQLSyntaxErrorException) .Select(x => x.InnerException.Message)); } writtenResult.ShouldBe(expectedResult, additionalInfo); return runResult; }
public async Task<ExecutionResult> ExecuteAsync( ISchema schema, object root, string query, string operationName, Inputs inputs = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default( CancellationToken ), object userContext = null) { Document document = _documentBuilder.Build(query); ValidationResult validationResult = _documentValidator.IsValid(schema, document, operationName); if (!validationResult.IsValid) { return new ExecutionResult( validationResult.Errors ); } Tuple<ExecutionContext, IEnumerable<ExecutionError>> buildResults = BuildExecutionContext( schema, root, document, operationName, inputs, cancellationToken, userContext ); if( buildResults.Item2 != null ) { return new ExecutionResult( buildResults.Item2 ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HACK - Need to figure out a way to get rid of this variable and instead return the errors collection during the processing operations... // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List<ExecutionError> executionErrors = new List<ExecutionError>(); IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> data = await ExecuteOperation( buildResults.Item1, executionErrors ); if( executionErrors.Count > 0 ) { return new ExecutionResult( data, executionErrors ); } return new ExecutionResult( data ); }
internal static Output Execute(Inputs inputData, _InputsMeta inputMeta) { Output output = Output.CreateNew(); try { // TODO: Implement your algorithm here... // You can also write messages to the main window: //Inputs m_input = inputData; InputDataAdapter m_input = new InputDataAdapter(); m_input.ReadFromInputData(inputData); output.OutputData.P1 = 3 * m_input.VAYPM * m_input.IAWPM * Math.Cos((m_input.VAYPA - m_input.IAWPA) / 180 * Math.PI); output.OutputData.Q1 = 3 * m_input.VAYPM * m_input.IAWPM * Math.Sin((m_input.VAYPA - m_input.IAWPA) / 180 * Math.PI); output.OutputData.P2 = 3 * m_input.VBYPM * m_input.IBWPM * Math.Cos((m_input.VBYPA - m_input.IBWPA) / 180 * Math.PI); output.OutputData.Q2 = 3 * m_input.VBYPM * m_input.IBWPM * Math.Sin((m_input.VBYPA - m_input.IBWPA) / 180 * Math.PI); output.OutputData.P3 = 3 * m_input.VAZPM * m_input.ICWPM * Math.Cos((m_input.VAZPA - m_input.ICWPA) / 180 * Math.PI); output.OutputData.Q3 = 3 * m_input.VAZPM * m_input.ICWPM * Math.Sin((m_input.VAZPA - m_input.ICWPA) / 180 * Math.PI); output.OutputData.P4 = 3 * m_input.VBZPM * m_input.IAXPM * Math.Cos((m_input.VBZPA - m_input.IAXPA) / 180 * Math.PI); output.OutputData.Q4 = 3 * m_input.VBZPM * m_input.IAXPM * Math.Sin((m_input.VBZPA - m_input.IAXPA) / 180 * Math.PI); //output.OutputData.P5 = 3 * m_input.VAYPM * m_input.IAWPM * Math.Cos((m_input.VAYPA - m_input.IAWPA) / 180 * Math.PI); //output.OutputData.Q5 = 3 * m_input.VAYPM * m_input.IAWPM * Math.Sin((m_input.VAYPA - m_input.IAWPA) / 180 * Math.PI); //output.OutputData.P6 = 3 * m_input.VAYPM * m_input.IAWPM * Math.Cos((m_input.VAYPA - m_input.IAWPA) / 180 * Math.PI); //output.OutputData.Q6 = 3 * m_input.VAYPM * m_input.IAWPM * Math.Sin((m_input.VAYPA - m_input.IAWPA) / 180 * Math.PI); StringBuilder _msg = new StringBuilder(); _msg.AppendLine($" ================ SEL421_PowerCalculator ================"); _msg.AppendLine($" VAY VBY VCY"); _msg.AppendLine($"MAG(kV) | {inputData.VAYPM: 000.000} {inputData.VBYPM: 000.000} {inputData.VCYPM: 000.000} "); _msg.AppendLine($"ANG(deg) | {inputData.VAYPA: 000.00} {inputData.VBYPA: 000.00} {inputData.VCYPA: 000.00} "); _msg.AppendLine($" | VAZ VBZ VCZ"); _msg.AppendLine($"MAG(kV) | {inputData.VAZPM: 000.000} {inputData.VBZPM: 000.000} {inputData.VCZPM: 000.000} "); _msg.AppendLine($"ANG(deg) | {inputData.VAZPA: 000.00} {inputData.VBZPA: 000.00} {inputData.VCZPA: 000.00} "); _msg.AppendLine($" | IAW IBW ICW"); _msg.AppendLine($"MAG(kV) | {inputData.IAWPM: 000.000} {inputData.IBWPM: 000.000} {inputData.ICWPM: 000.000} "); _msg.AppendLine($"ANG(deg) | {inputData.IAWPA: 000.00} {inputData.IBWPA: 000.00} {inputData.ICWPA: 000.00} "); _msg.AppendLine($" | IAX IBX ICX"); _msg.AppendLine($"MAG(kV) | {inputData.IAXPM: 000.000} {inputData.IBXPM: 000.000} {inputData.ICXPM: 000.000} "); _msg.AppendLine($"ANG(deg) | {inputData.IAXPA: 000.00} {inputData.IBXPA: 000.00} {inputData.ICXPA: 000.00} "); _msg.AppendLine($" MW MVAR"); _msg.AppendLine($"PQ1 | {output.OutputData.P1: 000.000} {output.OutputData.Q1: 000.000}"); _msg.AppendLine($"PQ2 | {output.OutputData.P2: 000.000} {output.OutputData.Q2: 000.000}"); _msg.AppendLine($"PQ3 | {output.OutputData.P3: 000.000} {output.OutputData.Q3: 000.000}"); _msg.AppendLine($"PQ4 | {output.OutputData.P4: 000.000} {output.OutputData.Q4: 000.000}"); _msg.AppendLine($"PQ5 | {output.OutputData.P5: 000.000} {output.OutputData.Q5: 000.000}"); _msg.AppendLine($"PQ6 | {output.OutputData.P6: 000.000} {output.OutputData.Q6: 000.000}"); //MainWindow.WriteMessage(_msg.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { // Display exceptions to the main window MainWindow.WriteError(new InvalidOperationException($"Algorithm exception: {ex.Message}", ex)); } return(output); }
public HWDLineFailReport() { Inputs.Add(startTime); Inputs.Add(endTime); }
internal static string key_name(Inputs input) { return(InputConfig.KeyName(input)); }
public ObservableInput this[string name] { get { return(Inputs.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == name)); } }
// Use this for initialization // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (deactivated && !Player.disabled) { Player.disabled = true; } buycoinstext [0].text =; buycoinstext [1].text = GameData.instance.coins.ToString(); if (!finishedThePrompt) { if (Inputs.pressed("a")) { finishedThePrompt = true; StopAllCoroutines(); Inputs.dialogueCheck = false; dialoguetext.text = ""; cursor.SetActive(false); } if (Inputs.pressed("b")) { switch (taskType) { case 0: selectedOption = 1; break; case 1: selectedOption = 3; break; } StopAllCoroutines(); Inputs.dialogueCheck = false; dialoguetext.text = ""; cursor.SetActive(false); finishedThePrompt = true; } if (Inputs.pressed("down")) { selectedOption++; switch (taskType) { case 0: MathE.Clamp(ref selectedOption, 0, 1); cursor.SetPosition(120, 72 - 16 * selectedOption); break; case 1: MathE.Clamp(ref selectedOption, 0, 2); cursor.SetPosition(120, 40 - 16 * selectedOption); break; } } if (Inputs.pressed("up")) { selectedOption--; switch (taskType) { case 0: MathE.Clamp(ref selectedOption, 0, 1); cursor.SetPosition(120, 72 - 16 * selectedOption); break; case 1: MathE.Clamp(ref selectedOption, 0, 2); cursor.SetPosition(120, 40 - 16 * selectedOption); break; } } } if (GameData.instance.textChoice == 2) { scrollequation = 3 * 0.016f; } if (GameData.instance.textChoice == 1) { scrollequation = 2f * 0.016f; } if (GameData.instance.textChoice == 0) { scrollequation = 1f * 0.016f; } }
void Awake() { controls = new Inputs(); UIManager.onChangeValues += uiUpdate; UIManager.onStartValues += uiStart; }
public override void InitSequence() { Outputs.Clear(); Inputs.Clear(); }
internal static void lock_repeat(Inputs input_name) { Input.PlayerOneInputs.LockRepeat(input_name); }
private static int held_time(Inputs input_name) { return(Input.PlayerOneInputs.HeldTime(input_name)); }
private static bool repeated(Inputs input_name) { return(Input.PlayerOneInputs.Repeated(input_name)); }
private static bool pressed(Inputs input_name) { return(Input.PlayerOneInputs.Pressed(input_name)); }
private static bool triggered(Inputs input_name) { return(Input.PlayerOneInputs.Triggered(input_name)); }
internal async Task <ExecutionResult> Execute( object rootObject, string query, string operationName, Inputs inputs, IUserContext userContext, IDependencyInjector dependencyInjector, ComplexityConfiguration complexityConfiguration, bool enableValidation = true, bool enableProfiling = false, IEnumerable <IValidationRule> rules = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default, IEnumerable <IDocumentExecutionListener> listeners = null) { if (!enableValidation) { rules = new[] { new NoopValidationRule() }; } var configuration = new ExecutionOptions { Schema = _schema, Root = rootObject, Query = query, OperationName = operationName, Inputs = inputs, UserContext = UserContextWrapper.Create(userContext, dependencyInjector ?? new WrappedDependencyInjector(_constructor.TypeResolutionDelegate)), ValidationRules = rules != null && rules.Any() ? rules : null, ComplexityConfiguration = complexityConfiguration, CancellationToken = cancellationToken, ExposeExceptions = _exposeExceptions }; if (listeners != null && listeners.Any()) { foreach (var listener in listeners) { configuration.Listeners.Add(listener); } } if (userContext is IDataLoaderContextProvider) { configuration.Listeners.Add(new DataLoaderListener()); } if (enableProfiling) { configuration.FieldMiddleware.Use <InstrumentFieldsMiddleware>(); } foreach (var middleware in _middleware) { configuration.FieldMiddleware.Use(middleware); } var result = await _documentExecutor.ExecuteAsync(configuration).ConfigureAwait(false); if (result.Errors != null && _errorTransformation != null) { result.Errors = _errorTransformation.Transform(result.Errors); } return(result); }
protected override ExecutionOptions GetOptions(string operationName, string query, Inputs variables, IDictionary <string, object> context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var options = base.GetOptions(operationName, query, variables, context, cancellationToken); foreach (var configHandler in _configureHandlers) { configHandler.Configure(options); } return(options); }
public bool Contains(Input input) => Inputs.Contains(input);
/// <summary> /// Gets whether an input was pressed on this tick. /// </summary> public bool Triggered(Inputs inputName) { return(InputsHeldTime[(int)inputName] == 1); }
public ulong CalculateCoinJoinEquality() => CalculateEquality(Inputs.Select(x => x.PrevOutput.Value)) + CalculateEquality(Outputs.Select(x => x.Value));
/// <summary> /// Gets whether an input is being held down. /// </summary> public bool Pressed(Inputs inputName) { return(InputsHeldTime[(int)inputName] >= 1); }
IEnumerator AnimateText(string strComplete) { Inputs.dialogueCheck = true; box.enabled = true; dialoguetext.enabled = true; dialoguetext.text = ""; dialoguetext.gameObject.SetActive(true); indicator.SetActive(false); strComplete = strComplete.Replace("<player>", GameData.instance.playerName).Replace("<rival>", GameData.instance.rivalName).Replace("#MON", "POKéMON").Replace("//", "\n").Replace("\n", "\n\n"); int i = 0; if (currentDialogueType != DialogueType.Done) { str = ""; } else { str = stringToReveal; } if (currentDialogueType == DialogueType.Continue) { str = laststring + "\n\n"; } if (currentDialogueType != DialogueType.Done) { laststring = strComplete.Substring(strComplete.IndexOf("\n\n") + 2); } dialoguetext.text = str; if (currentDialogueType != DialogueType.Done) { if (fastText) { str += strComplete; dialoguetext.text = str; i = strComplete.Length; } while (i < strComplete.Length) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); if (i < strComplete.Length - 1 && strComplete.Substring(i, 2) == "\n\n") //are we at a double line break? { str += strComplete.Substring(i, 2); i += 2; } else if (i < strComplete.Length - 1 && strComplete[i] == '<') //is the current character a left bracket? { foreach (BracketChar bracketChar in fontAtlas.bracketChars) { string currentBracketChar = "<" + + ">"; if (strComplete.Substring(i).IndexOf(currentBracketChar) == 0) //is the current bracket expression detected the current entry? { str += strComplete.Substring(i, currentBracketChar.Length); i += currentBracketChar.Length; break; } } } else { str += strComplete[i++]; //if not just add the current character } dialoguetext.text = str; if (!fastText) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(scrollequation)); } } } if (currentDialogueType == DialogueType.Done) { indicator.SetActive(true); while (!Inputs.pressed("a")) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.001f)); if (Inputs.pressed("a")) { SoundManager.instance.PlayABSound(); break; } } Inputs.dialogueCheck = false; if (!keepTextOnScreen) { box.enabled = false; dialoguetext.text = ""; dialoguetext.enabled = false; dialoguetext.gameObject.SetActive(false); } keepTextOnScreen = false; indicator.SetActive(false); finishedText = true; stringToReveal = ""; } stringToReveal = str; }
/* Some noteworthy observations: * * Output Directory structure: * protoc seems designed so that you invoke it once with a list of all .proto source files, but it provides * no mechanisms for configuring the structure of the output directory. The only option you have is to * specify base_namespace, in which case the output directory structure is based on the "package" line * within the .proto files, or to not specify base_namespace in which case the output directory is flat with * no structure at all. Neither of these options lends itself to allowing protoc to be used in a make-like * system which expects to know where to find inputs and outputs so that it can tell when they are out of * date. In order to have msbuild be able to determine the output, given the input, we'd either need to * create a task to parse the file (thus eliminating much of the benefit of change-detection in the build * system) or have it dump everything in the same directory. Both options prevent using "DependentUpon" * in visual studio which requires that source and target be in the same directory. In order to mirror * the directory structure of the source in the output, we will need to invoke protoc at least once for * every unique source path. Furthermore, even if we used the whole output folder as the output, this * will cause problems when .proto files are deleted but their previously-generated .cs files are still * around. Normally we'd instruct msbuild not to compile only the .cs files associated with an extant .proto * file but we must know how to map the one to the other in order to do this. */ public override bool Execute() { OutputFiles = Inputs.Select(inc => new TaskItem { ItemSpec = inc.GetMetadata("OutputSpec") ?? Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(inc.ItemSpec), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inc.ItemSpec).SnakeToPascalCase() + Path.GetExtension(inc.ItemSpec) + ".cs"), }) .ToArray(); var arch = (RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture.HasFlag(Architecture.X64) ? "x64" : "x86"); string environment = $"windows_{arch}"; string executable = "protoc.exe"; if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX)) { environment = $"macosx_{arch}"; executable = "protoc"; } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { environment = $"linux_{arch}"; executable = "protoc"; } var protocPath = Path.Combine(ProtoToolsPath, "tools", environment, executable); var protocInclude = Path.Combine(ProtoToolsPath, "tools"); Log.LogMessage("ProtoToolsPath: {0}", protocPath); // We want to mirror the input directory structure to the output directory structure // see note above about why we need this and how protoc doesn't support it // to do this we must find the distinct list of directories var directories = new Directories(); foreach (var item in Inputs) { directories.Add(item); } foreach (var entry in directories) { var dirPair = entry.Key; var files = entry.Value; var inputs = string.Join(" ", files.Select(file => $"\"{Path.Combine(dirPair.InputDir, file)}\"")); var outputDir = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, dirPair.OutputDir); var arguments = $" --error_format=msvs -I\"{protocInclude}\" {string.Join(" ", Includes.Split(';').Select(path => $"-I\"{path}\""))} --csharp_out={outputDir} --csharp_opt=file_extension=.proto.cs {inputs}"; var cmdLine = $"\"{protocPath}\" {arguments}"; Log.LogCommandLine(cmdLine); if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir); } var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = protocPath, Arguments = arguments, CreateNoWindow = true, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, }; var proc = Process.Start(psi); //gcc error format var errorPattern = new Regex("^(?<file>.*)\\((?<line>[0-9]+)\\) : error in column=(?<column>[0-9]+): (?<message>.*)$|^(?<file>.*):(?<line>[0-9]+):(?<column>[0-9]+): (?<message>.*)$|^(?<option>.*): (?<file>.*): (?<message>.*)$", RegexOptions.Compiled); var noLinePattern = new Regex("^(?<file>[^:]+): (?<message>.*)$", RegexOptions.Compiled); var warnPattern = new Regex("^\\[(?<sourcemodule>.*) (?<level>.*) (?<sourcefile>.*):(?<sourceline>[0-9]+)\\] (?<message>.*)", RegexOptions.Compiled); var protoFilePattern = new Regex("proto file: (?<filename>.*\\.proto)", RegexOptions.Compiled); var errors = 0; var stdErrTask = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => { string line; while (null != (line = proc.StandardError.ReadLine())) { var match = errorPattern.Match(line); if (match.Success) { var filename = match.Groups["file"].Value; var lineNum = ParseInt(match.Groups["line"].Value, 0); var columnNum = ParseInt(match.Groups["column"].Value, 0); var message = match.Groups["message"].Value; errors++; Log.LogError("protobuf", null, null, filename, lineNum, columnNum, lineNum, columnNum, message, messageArgs: new string[0]); continue; } match = warnPattern.Match(line); if (match.Success) { var message = match.Groups["message"].Value; var filename = protoFilePattern.Match(message).Groups["filename"].Value; if (filename != null) { Log.LogWarning("protobuf", null, null, filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, "{0}", message); } else { Log.LogWarning("{0}", message); } continue; } match = noLinePattern.Match(line); if (match.Success) { var filename = match.Groups["file"].Value; var message = match.Groups["message"].Value; errors++; Log.LogError("protobuf", null, null, filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, message, messageArgs: new string[0]); continue; } Log.LogMessageFromText(line, MessageImportance.High); } }); var stdInTask = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => { Log.LogMessagesFromStream(proc.StandardOutput, MessageImportance.High); }); proc.WaitForExit(); System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WaitAll(stdErrTask, stdInTask); var exitCode = proc.ExitCode; if (exitCode != 0) { // if we didn't catch any errors being logged from the output // then just explain that protoc returned a non-zero exit code without telling us anything if (errors == 0) { Log.LogError("protoc returned {0}", exitCode); } return(false); } } return(true); }
void Start() { Inputs.InitHttpReader(); }
public virtual IEnumerable <TType> InputsFrom <TType>() { return(Inputs.Select(p => p.GetOutput(this.Node as IConnectableProvider)).OfType <TType>()); }
public void GpuTransferInput() { Inputs.ForEach(input => input.Write()); }
/// <summary> /// Samples from model. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputs">The inputs.</param> /// <param name="numberOfSamples">The number of samples.</param> /// <param name="parameters">The parameters.</param> /// <returns>The inputs</returns> public abstract Inputs SampleFromModel(Inputs inputs, int numberOfSamples, params object[] parameters);
/// <summary> /// Gets whether an input was released on this tick. /// </summary> public bool Released(Inputs inputName) { return(InputsReleased[(int)inputName] && InputsHeldTime[(int)inputName] == 0); }
public virtual TType InputFrom <TType>() { return(Inputs.Select(p => p.GetOutput(this.Node as IConnectableProvider)).OfType <TType>().FirstOrDefault()); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the time an input has been held down. /// </summary> public int HeldTime(Inputs inputName) { return(InputsHeldTime[(int)inputName]); }
protected override void CalculateResult() { Result = !Inputs.First(); }
internal static Buttons PadRedirect(Inputs input) { return(InputConfig.PadRedirect[input]); }
public double[] calculateOutput(bool isTraining, bool probValue = false) { if (Factory.ProgresReport.BestSolution == null) { return(null); } // var ch = Factory.ProgresReport.BestSolution;//.expressionTree; var par = Factory.Parameters; if (par.RootFunctionNode == null) { setLearningType(par); } double[] yc = null; if (ch != null) { yc = Inputs.CalculateOutput(ch, par, isTraining);//gp //no testing data set if (yc == null) { return(null); } //de normalize output double[] output = yc; for (int i = 0; i < yc.Length; i++) { //calculate de normalization if (ExpData.GetOutputColumnType() == ColumnType.Numeric) { double[] normRow = new double[1] { yc[i] }; output[i] = ExpData.GetDecodedOutputRow(normRow)[0]; } else { if (par.RootFunctionNode.Id == 2048) //sigmoid { if (probValue) //when model is evaluate we need probability f event in order to optimize threshold value { output[i] = yc[i]; } else { output[i] = yc[i] > par.RootFunctionNode.Parameter ? 1 : 0; } } else if (par.RootFunctionNode.Id == 2050)//step { output[i] = Math.Truncate(yc[i]); } else { output[i] = Math.Truncate(yc[i]); } } } return(output); } return(null);//no solution yet }