public override void HandleInput(InputState input) { #region Wenn Spieler Auswählt (Hier Leertaste) if (input.WasKeyPressed(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Space, PlayerIndex.One)) { klick = true; } else { klick = false; } #endregion #region Wenn Spieler eine Waffe abgefeuert hat (Hier noch mit S realisiert) if (input.WasKeyPressed(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.S, PlayerIndex.One)) { shoot=true; } else { shoot = false; } #endregion #region Spiel Beenden (Esc) if (input.IsKeyPressed(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Escape, PlayerIndex.One)) { Environment.Exit(0); } #endregion base.HandleInput(input); }
public void HandleInput(InputState input) { // -- Select Gizmo Mode -- // if (input.WasKeyPressed(Keys.D1)) { ActiveMode = GizmoMode.Translate; } else if (input.WasKeyPressed(Keys.D2)) { ActiveMode = GizmoMode.Rotate; } else if (input.WasKeyPressed(Keys.D3)) { ActiveMode = GizmoMode.NonUniformScale; } else if (input.WasKeyPressed(Keys.D4)) { ActiveMode = GizmoMode.UniformScale; } // -- Cycle TransformationSpaces -- // if (input.WasKeyPressed(Keys.Space)) { if (ActiveSpace == TransformSpace.Local) ActiveSpace = TransformSpace.World; else ActiveSpace = TransformSpace.Local; } // -- Cycle PivotTypes -- // if (input.WasKeyPressed(Keys.P)) { if (ActivePivot == PivotType.WorldOrigin) ActivePivot = PivotType.ObjectCenter; else ActivePivot++; } // -- Toggle PrecisionMode -- // if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) { precisionMode = true; } else precisionMode = false; // -- Toggle Snapping -- // if (input.WasKeyPressed(Keys.C)) { SnapEnabled = !SnapEnabled; } if (input.Mouse.WasButtonPressed(Framework.MouseButtons.Left) && ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.None) { // add to selection or clear current selection if (input.IsKeyUp(addToSelection) && input.IsKeyUp(removeFromSelection) || input.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftAlt)) { Selection.Clear(); } PickObject(input.Mouse.Position, input.IsKeyDown(removeFromSelection)); } else if (input.WasKeyPressed(Keys.R)) { Selection.Clear(); } if (Enabled) { if (input.Mouse.WasButtonPressed(Framework.MouseButtons.Left)) { // reset for intersection (plane vs. ray) intersectPosition = Vector3.Zero; // reset for snapping translationScaleSnapDelta = Vector3.Zero; rotationSnapDelta = 0; } lastIntersectionPosition = intersectPosition; if (input.Mouse.WasButtonHeld(Framework.MouseButtons.Left) && ActiveAxis != GizmoAxis.None) { if (ActiveMode == GizmoMode.Translate || ActiveMode == GizmoMode.NonUniformScale || ActiveMode == GizmoMode.UniformScale) { #region Translate & Scale Vector3 delta = Vector3.Zero; Ray ray = Engine.ray; Matrix transform = Matrix.Invert(rotationMatrix); ray.Position = Vector3.Transform(ray.Position, transform); ray.Direction = Vector3.TransformNormal(ray.Direction, transform); if (ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.X || ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.XY) { Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Transform(position, Matrix.Invert(rotationMatrix)).Z); float? intersection = ray.Intersects(plane); if (intersection.HasValue) { intersectPosition = (ray.Position + (ray.Direction * intersection.Value)); if (lastIntersectionPosition != Vector3.Zero) { translationDelta = intersectPosition - lastIntersectionPosition; } if (ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.X) delta = new Vector3(translationDelta.X, 0, 0); else delta = new Vector3(translationDelta.X, translationDelta.Y, 0); } } else if (ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.Y || ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.YZ || ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.Z) { Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.Left, Vector3.Transform(position, Matrix.Invert(rotationMatrix)).X); float? intersection = ray.Intersects(plane); if (intersection.HasValue) { intersectPosition = (ray.Position + (ray.Direction * intersection.Value)); if (lastIntersectionPosition != Vector3.Zero) { translationDelta = intersectPosition - lastIntersectionPosition; } if (ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.Y) delta = new Vector3(0, translationDelta.Y, 0); else if (ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.Z) delta = new Vector3(0, 0, translationDelta.Z); else delta = new Vector3(0, translationDelta.Y, translationDelta.Z); } } else if (ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.ZX) { Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.Down, Vector3.Transform(position, Matrix.Invert(rotationMatrix)).Y); float? intersection = ray.Intersects(plane); if (intersection.HasValue) { intersectPosition = (ray.Position + (ray.Direction * intersection.Value)); if (lastIntersectionPosition != Vector3.Zero) { translationDelta = intersectPosition - lastIntersectionPosition; } } delta = new Vector3(translationDelta.X, 0, translationDelta.Z); } if (SnapEnabled) { float snapValue = TranslationSnapValue; if (ActiveMode == GizmoMode.UniformScale || ActiveMode == GizmoMode.NonUniformScale) snapValue = ScaleSnapValue; if (precisionMode) { delta *= precisionModeScale; snapValue *= precisionModeScale; } translationScaleSnapDelta += delta; delta = new Vector3( (int)(translationScaleSnapDelta.X / snapValue) * snapValue, (int)(translationScaleSnapDelta.Y / snapValue) * snapValue, (int)(translationScaleSnapDelta.Z / snapValue) * snapValue); translationScaleSnapDelta -= delta; } else if (precisionMode) delta *= precisionModeScale; if (ActiveMode == GizmoMode.Translate) { // transform (local or world) delta = Vector3.Transform(delta, rotationMatrix); // apply foreach (Framework.SceneEntity entity in Selection) { entity.position += delta; } } else if (ActiveMode == GizmoMode.NonUniformScale) { // -- Apply Scale -- // foreach (Framework.SceneEntity entity in Selection) { entity.scale += delta; entity.scale = Vector3.Clamp(entity.scale, Vector3.Zero, entity.scale); } } else if (ActiveMode == GizmoMode.UniformScale) { float diff = 1 + ((delta.X + delta.Y + delta.Z) / 3); foreach (Framework.SceneEntity entity in Selection) { entity.scale *= diff; entity.scale = Vector3.Clamp(entity.scale, Vector3.Zero, entity.scale); } } #endregion } else if (ActiveMode == GizmoMode.Rotate) { #region Rotate float delta = input.Mouse.Delta.X; delta *= inputScale; if (SnapEnabled) { float snapValue = MathHelper.ToRadians(RotationSnapValue); if (precisionMode) { delta *= precisionModeScale; snapValue *= precisionModeScale; } rotationSnapDelta += delta; float snapped = (int)(rotationSnapDelta / snapValue) * snapValue; rotationSnapDelta -= snapped; delta = snapped; } else if (precisionMode) { delta *= precisionModeScale; } // rotation matrix to transform - if more than one objects selected, always use world-space. Matrix rot = Matrix.Identity; rot.Forward = sceneWorld.Forward; rot.Up = sceneWorld.Up; rot.Right = sceneWorld.Right; if (ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.X) { rot *= Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(rotationMatrix.Right, delta); } else if (ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.Y) { rot *= Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(rotationMatrix.Up, delta); } else if (ActiveAxis == GizmoAxis.Z) { rot *= Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(rotationMatrix.Forward, delta); } // -- Apply rotation -- // foreach (Framework.SceneEntity entity in Selection) { // use gizmo position for all PivotTypes except for object-center, it should use the entity.position instead. Vector3 pos = position; if (ActivePivot == PivotType.ObjectCenter) { pos = entity.position; } Matrix localRot = Matrix.Identity; localRot.Forward = entity.forward; localRot.Up = entity.up; localRot.Right = Vector3.Cross(entity.forward, entity.up); localRight.Normalize(); localRot.Translation = entity.position - pos; Matrix newRot = localRot * rot; entity.forward = newRot.Forward; entity.up = newRot.Up; entity.position = newRot.Translation + pos; } #endregion } } else { UpdateAxisSelection(input.Mouse.Position); } } // Enable only if something is selected. if (Selection.Count < 1) Enabled = false; else Enabled = true; }