public ActionResult Index(InputSearch input) { if (IsGetRequest) { return(View(CurrentUser)); } var result = new BaseOutput(); var roleRepo = GetRepo <Role>(); int total = 0; Expression <Func <Role, bool> > myFilter = ExpressionBuilder.Where <Role>(f => f.Level < Level); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Name)) { myFilter = myFilter.And(f => f.Name.Contains(input.Name)); } var list = roleRepo.GetPaged(out total, input.PageIndex, input.PageSize, myFilter).ToList(); = total; var dtoList = MapTo <List <RoleDto> >(list); = dtoList; if (dtoList.Any()) { SetResponse(s => s.Success, input, result); } else { SetResponse(s => s.NoData, input, result); } return(JsonNet(result, true)); }
public ActionResult Search(InputSearch model) { var primaryKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["searchPrimaryKey"]; var _searchClient = new SearchServiceClient(_searchServiceName, new SearchCredentials(primaryKey)); var _indexClient = _searchClient.Indexes.GetClient(_indexName); SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters() { SearchMode = SearchMode.Any, Top = 10, Filter = model.Filter, Skip = model.CurrentPage > 0 ? model.CurrentPage - 1 : 0, IncludeTotalResultCount = true, Facets = new List <string> { "city", "state", "neighborhood", "placeType", "numberOfBedrooms", "numberOfSuites", "floorArea", "locationValue" } }; var response = _indexClient.Documents.Search(model.Q, parameters); return(new JsonResult { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new PlaceModel() { Results = response.Results, Facets = response.Facets, Count = Convert.ToInt32(response.Count) } }); }
public OrdersController(ISessionAppService sessionAppService, OrdersAppService ordersAppService, UserAppService userAppService, IAccountAppService accountAppService) { _ordersAppService = ordersAppService; _userAppService = userAppService; _accountAppService = accountAppService; _user = sessionAppService.GetCurrentLoginInformations().Result.User; _inputSearch = new InputSearch { ClientId = _user.UserType == UserType.User ? _user.Id : 0 }; }
public SearchResultPage Search(string inputSearing) { InputSearch.Clear(); InputSearch.SendKeys(inputSearing); BtnSearch.Click(); while (!_driver.Url.Contains("SearchString")) { Thread.Sleep(200); } return(new SearchResultPage()); }
public ActionResult Index(InputSearch input) { if (IsGetRequest) { return(View(CurrentUser)); } var result = new BaseOutput(); var userRepo = GetRepo <User>(); Expression <Func <User, bool> > myFilter = ExpressionBuilder.Where <User>(f => f.Id != UserId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.UserName)) { myFilter = myFilter.And(f => f.UserName.Contains(input.UserName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.RealName)) { myFilter = myFilter.And(f => f.RealName.Contains(input.RealName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Mobile)) { myFilter = myFilter.And(f => f.Mobile.Contains(input.Mobile)); } if (input.Status.HasValue) { myFilter = myFilter.And(f => f.Status == input.Status); } int total = 0; var now = DateTime.Now; var list = userRepo.GetPaged(out total, input.PageIndex, input.PageSize, myFilter).ToList(); = total; var dtoList = MapTo <List <UserDto> >(list); if (dtoList.Any()) { var roleRepo = GetRepo <Role>(); var roleIdList = dtoList.SelectMany(s => s.Roles).Distinct().ToList(); var roleList = roleRepo.GetFiltered(f => roleIdList.Contains(f.Id)).Select(s => new { s.Id, s.Name }).ToList(); foreach (var item in dtoList) { item.Pwd = null; var roleNames = string.Join(",", roleList.Where(f => item.Roles.Contains(f.Id)).Select(s => s.Name)); item.RoleNames = roleNames; } = dtoList; SetResponse(s => s.Success, input, result); } else { SetResponse(s => s.NoData, input, result); } return(JsonNet(result, true)); }
private async void Search() { StateContext.ItemMovieResponses.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputSearch)) { var responseMovie = await _apiService.GetMovieBySearch(InputSearch.ToLower()); responseMovie.Search.ForEach(e => StateContext.ItemMovieResponses.Add(e)); InputSearch = ""; RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(InputSearch)); } }
private void MerchandiseColorFilterColors() { InputSearch.ClearAndEnterText("White"); WaitForAjax(); TableColors.Verify(); InputSearch.ClearAndEnterText("BlahBlah"); WaitForAjax(); TableColors.Verify(); InputSearch.ClearAndEnterText("Black"); WaitForAjax(); TableColors.Verify(); Console.WriteLine("Verified that filtering the list of color list works."); }
private void MerchandiseSizeFilterSizes() { InputSearch.ClearAndEnterText("Small"); WaitForAjax(); TableSizes.Verify(); InputSearch.ClearAndEnterText("BlahBlah"); WaitForAjax(); TableSizes.Verify(); InputSearch.ClearAndEnterText("Small"); WaitForAjax(); TableSizes.Verify(); Console.WriteLine("Verified that filtering the list of Sizes works."); }
public CartController(ISessionAppService sessionAppService, OrdersAppService ordersAppService, UserAppService userAppService, OrdersHistoryAppService ordersHistoryAppService) { _ordersAppService = ordersAppService; _userAppService = userAppService; _ordersHistoryAppService = ordersHistoryAppService; _user = sessionAppService.GetCurrentLoginInformations().Result.User; _inputSearch = new InputSearch { ClientId = _user.Id }; _userDto = new UserDto { Id = _user.Id }; }
public ActionResult Search(InputSearch input) { string id = SearchDAO.SearchNameToId(input.NameProduct); if (input.NameProduct != id) { return(RedirectToAction("ProductDetail", "Product", new RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Product", action = "ProductDetail", Id = id }))); } else { // TODO // chức năng tìm kiếm nâng cao return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult Search(InputSearch input) { var result = new BaseOutput(); int total = 0; var repo = GetRepo <District>(); var list = repo.GetPaged(out total, input.PageIndex, input.PageSize, f => f.Name.Contains(input.DistrictName), o => o.Name); = total; = MapTo <List <DistrictDto> >(list); if (list.Any()) { SetResponse(s => s.NoData, input, result); } else { SetResponse(s => s.Success, input, result); } return(JsonNet(result)); }
public virtual async Task <PagedResultDto <DtoOrdersHistory> > GetAllByUser(InputSearch input) { CheckGetAllPermission(); var query = Repository.GetAll() .WhereIf(input.ClientId > 0, m => m.CreatorUserId == input.ClientId); var totalCount = await AsyncQueryableExecuter.CountAsync(query); query = ApplySorting(query, input); query = ApplyPaging(query, input); var entities = await AsyncQueryableExecuter.ToListAsync(query); return(new PagedResultDto <DtoOrdersHistory>( totalCount, entities.Select(MapToEntityDto).ToList() )); }
public ActionResult Index(InputSearch input) { if (IsGetRequest) { return(View(CurrentUser)); } var result = new BaseOutput(); Expression <Func <Contact, bool> > myFilter = f => f.CreatedBy == UserId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Name)) { myFilter = myFilter.And(f => f.ContactName.Contains(input.Name)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Address)) { myFilter = myFilter.And(f => f.Address.Contains(input.Address)); } if (input.StartTime.HasValue) { myFilter = myFilter.And(f => f.CreatedAt >= input.StartTime); } if (input.EndTime.HasValue) { myFilter = myFilter.And(f => f.CreatedAt <= input.EndTime); } int total = 0; var repo = GetRepo <Contact>(); var list = repo.GetPaged(out total, input.PageIndex, input.PageSize, myFilter, o => o.CreatedAt, false); if (!list.Any()) { SetResponse(s => s.NoData, input, result); } else { = total; = MapTo <List <ContactDto> >(list); SetResponse(s => s.Success, input, result); } return(JsonNet(result)); }
private void ListItemTxt_DoubleClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var ser = sender as ELabel; if (ser != null) { var father = ser.Parent as MetroForListItem; ser.Visible = false; if (father != null) { if (ModifyTitleInput != null) { ModifyTitleInput.Parent.Visible = true; } else { ModifyTitleInput = new InputSearch ( father, 1, 1, "修改", "", new System.Drawing.Font(FontFamily, 12.5F), new System.Drawing.Size(60, 32), new System.Drawing.Font(FontFamily, 12F), new System.Drawing.Size(ser.Width + 1, 32), new System.Drawing.Point(-1, ser.Height / 2 - 15), BackColor, ForeColor, ForeColor, ForeColor, BackColor, BackColor, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(75, 75, 75), System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(25, 25, 25), Searchbtn_MouseClick, SearchBox_KeyDown, System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top ); } // ModifyTitleInput.Text = ListItemTxt.Text; } } }
public void FillSearchForm() { InputSearch.ClearAndSendKeys("Selenium"); InputSearch.Submit(); }