// Use this for initialization
    // gets the input script from the main camera and figures out how tall the character is for movement
    void Start()
        fRopeLength = Vector3.Distance(goRopePivotPoint.transform.position, goRopeEndPoint.transform.position);

        fMaxFallTime = fMaxJumpTime / iJumpFallFraction;
        if (iActiveShadows > 0)
            SendShadowMessage("ChangeFacing", 4);
        //disable the attack boxes

        scrptInput = CameraScriptInGame.GrabMainCamera().GetComponent <InputScript2>();       //Camera.main.GetComponent<InputScript2>();

        CapsuleCollider myCollider = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();

        fHeight = myCollider.height;
        fWidth  = myCollider.radius;
    // Use this for initialization
    // gets the input script from the main camera and figures out how tall the character is for movement
    void Start()
        fRopeLength = Vector3.Distance(goRopePivotPoint.transform.position, goRopeEndPoint.transform.position);

        fMaxFallTime = fMaxJumpTime/iJumpFallFraction;
        if(iActiveShadows > 0)
            SendShadowMessage("ChangeFacing" , 4);
        //disable the attack boxes

        scrptInput = CameraScriptInGame.GrabMainCamera().GetComponent<InputScript2>();//Camera.main.GetComponent<InputScript2>();

        CapsuleCollider myCollider = GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
        fHeight = myCollider.height;
        fWidth = myCollider.radius;