Esempio n. 1
 // Rebind function that takes a key as paramter instead of having a new function for every single button
 public void Rebind(InputManager.Keys key)
     // Stops the player from moving
     inputManager.transform.parent.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().move = false;
     // Starts a coroutine
Esempio n. 2
    // TODO: change name of function to better represent what it does
    public IEnumerator Test(InputManager.Keys key)
        // Enables a window telling player what to do

        // done is used to check when if a player has pressed a new key, default it to false
        done = false;

        // Saves the old key incase player wants to abort keybinding
        KeyCode old = inputManager.RemoveKey(key);

        while (true)
            // If the player has pressed a key
            if (done)
                // Checks if new keybinding has been added successfully
                if (inputManager.AddKey(key, code))
                    break;  // Exits the while loop
                // If not added successfully, we try again for a new key
                done = false;
                code = KeyCode.None;
            // If player aborts keybinding
            else if (stop)
                // Re adds the old key
                inputManager.AddKey(key, old);
                stop = false;
                break;  // Exits the while loop
            // Yield so other code/threads can run
            yield return(null);

        // Enables player to move again and disables info window
        inputManager.transform.parent.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().move = true;
 private static void PressKey(Keys k, int timeInMS = 50)
        void keyToCode(string musicKey, out Keys code, out int coctave)
            musicKey = musicKey.Replace("Sharp", "");
            musicKey = musicKey.TrimEnd('+', '-');
            coctave = int.Parse("" + musicKey[1]);
            int codekey = key.IndexOf(musicKey[0]);

            switch (codekey)
                case 0:
                    code =  Keys.D1;
                    if (coctave == octave + 1 || coctave == 6)
                        code = Keys.D8;
                        coctave = octave;
                case 1:
                    code =  Keys.D2; break;
                case 2:
                    code =  Keys.D3; break;
                case 3:
                    code =  Keys.D4; break;
                case 4:
                    code =  Keys.D5; break;
                case 5:
                    code =  Keys.D6; break;
                case 6:
                    code =  Keys.D7; break;
                case 7:
                    code =  Keys.D8; break;
                    code =  0;
        public void queueKeyPress(Keys xmidikey,  int deltaOctave)
            midikey k = new midikey();
            k.k = xmidikey;
            k.deltaOctave = deltaOctave;

        // Catch User Key Presses
        protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
            if ( btnKeyFrmPress.Enabled == false)
                cbPressValue.SelectedItem = keyData.ToString();

                btnKeyFrmPress.Enabled = true;
                btnKeyFrmPress.Text = "From Press";

                return true; // handled key input.

            // Call the base class
            return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);