Esempio n. 1
 public async Task OnGet(string logoutId)
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(logoutId))
         InputLogout = await BuildLoggedOutViewModelAsync(logoutId);
Esempio n. 2
        private async Task <InputLogoutModel> BuildLoggedOutViewModelAsync(string logoutId)
            // get context information (client name, post logout redirect URI and iframe for federated signout)
            var logout = await _interaction.GetLogoutContextAsync(logoutId);

            var vm = new InputLogoutModel
                // AutomaticRedirectAfterSignOut = AccountOptions.AutomaticRedirectAfterSignOut,
                PostLogoutRedirectUri = logout?.PostLogoutRedirectUri,
                ClientName            = string.IsNullOrEmpty(logout?.ClientName) ? logout?.ClientId : logout?.ClientName,
                SignOutIframeUrl      = logout?.SignOutIFrameUrl,
                LogoutId = logoutId

            if (User?.Identity.IsAuthenticated == true)
                var idp = User.FindFirst(JwtClaimTypes.IdentityProvider)?.Value;
                if (idp != null && idp != IdentityServer4.IdentityServerConstants.LocalIdentityProvider)
                    var providerSupportsSignout = await HttpContext.GetSchemeSupportsSignOutAsync(idp);

                    if (providerSupportsSignout)
                        if (vm.LogoutId == null)
                            // if there's no current logout context, we need to create one
                            // this captures necessary info from the current logged in user
                            // before we signout and redirect away to the external IdP for signout
                            vm.LogoutId = await _interaction.CreateLogoutContextAsync();

                        vm.ExternalAuthenticationScheme = idp;
