public static bool RequireValues(this InputFieldType fieldType) { switch (fieldType) { case InputFieldType.Text: case InputFieldType.TextArea: case InputFieldType.Wyswyg: case InputFieldType.Number: case InputFieldType.Email: case InputFieldType.DateTime: case InputFieldType.ImageUpload: case InputFieldType.FileUpload: case InputFieldType.Hidden: return(false); case InputFieldType.CheckBox: case InputFieldType.RadioButton: case InputFieldType.Color: case InputFieldType.Dropdown: return(true); default: return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a new input field /// </summary> /// <param name="fieldName">The name of the new field</param> /// <param name="formName">THe name of the form the field would be added</param> /// <param name="type">The type of the field</param> public void InsertInputField(string fieldName, string formName, InputFieldType type, string formValue) { string fieldType = string.Empty; switch (type) { case InputFieldType.Button: fieldType = "button"; break; case InputFieldType.Password: fieldType = "password"; break; case InputFieldType.Submit: fieldType = "submit"; break; case InputFieldType.Text: fieldType = "text"; break; } IHTMLFormElement form = this.GetElementByName(formName) as IHTMLFormElement; (form as IHTMLElement).innerHTML += "<input type=\"" + fieldType + "\" name=\"" + fieldName + "\" style=\"position: absolute\"" + "value=\"" + formValue + "\" />"; MakeInsertedElementMovable(); }
public InputField(Point pos, string preText, InputFieldController ctor, InputFieldType InputType) { startPos = pos; PreText = preText; TabId = ++ctor.TabIdMax; inputType = InputType; Text = ""; }
private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string formName = this.FormName; string fieldName = this.FieldName; InputFieldType type = this.FieldType; string value = this.FieldValue; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None; } }
public void ShowPopup(bool show, InputFieldType type, string text, EventHandler onOkayClicked = null, EventHandler onCancelClicked = null) { _informationLabel.text = text; _inputField.gameObject.SetActive(type == InputFieldType.Single); _inputField1.gameObject.SetActive(type == InputFieldType.Duo); _inputField2.gameObject.SetActive(type == InputFieldType.Duo); if (onOkayClicked != null) { OnOkayButtonPressedEventHandler += onOkayClicked; } if (onCancelClicked != null) { OnCancelButtonPressedEventHandler += onCancelClicked; } gameObject.SetActive(show); }
/// <summary> /// Builds a text input element for each element in the enum-based model property using its enum property as a key /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TModel">Model type</typeparam> /// <typeparam name="TCollectionItem">Type of the property of the model which to render the inputs for</typeparam> /// <typeparam name="TEnumProperty">Type of enum property that's used as a key</typeparam> /// <param name="helper"></param> /// <param name="collectionPropertyExpression">Collection property of the model which to render the inputs for</param> /// <param name="enumPropertyExpression">Property of Enum type that's used as an identifying key for the object and is hidden in the form</param> /// <param name="valuePropertyExpression">Property to build the inputs for</param> /// <param name="cssClasses">Object that contains css class names for elements built by this helper</param> /// <param name="inputFieldType">Type of value input fields</param> /// <returns></returns> public static MvcHtmlString EditorForEnumBasedCollection <TModel, TCollectionItem, TEnumProperty>(this HtmlHelper <TModel> helper, Expression <Func <TModel, IList <TCollectionItem> > > collectionPropertyExpression, Expression <Func <TCollectionItem, TEnumProperty> > enumPropertyExpression, Expression <Func <TCollectionItem, object> > valuePropertyExpression, CssClasses cssClasses, InputFieldType inputFieldType) where TModel : Content.Base where TEnumProperty : struct, IConvertible, IComparable, IFormattable //This TEnumProperty constraint is supposed to ensure that only Enum types are passed { TModel model = helper.ViewData.Model; MemberInfo enumProperty = Reflection.Reflection.GetMemberInfo(enumPropertyExpression); MemberInfo valueProperty = Reflection.Reflection.GetMemberInfo(valuePropertyExpression); IList <MemberInfo> collectionPropertyTree = Reflection.Reflection.GetMemberInfoRecursive(collectionPropertyExpression); //Ordered list that contains all properties that lead from TModel type to the target property string propertyQualifiedName = collectionPropertyTree.JoinValues(item => item.Name, '.'); // String.Join(".", collectionPropertyTree);// Reflection.GenerateFullPropertyName(collectionPropertyTree); string keyPropertyName = enumProperty.Name; string valuePropertyName = valueProperty.Name; IList <object> enumValues = GetEnumPropertyValues(enumProperty); //All values of the supplied Enum type IDictionary <object, object> modelPropertyValues = new Dictionary <object, object>(); //Values that the model's TCollectionItem collection property contains //Get all values from model's TCollectionItem collection property if (model != null) { IList <TCollectionItem> modelValues = GetCollectionPropertyValues <TModel, TCollectionItem>(model, collectionPropertyTree); foreach (TCollectionItem item in modelValues) { object key = Reflection.Reflection.GetPropertyValue <TCollectionItem>(item, enumProperty); object value = Reflection.Reflection.GetPropertyValue <TCollectionItem>(item, valueProperty); modelPropertyValues.Add(key, value); } } StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in enumValues) { string value = null; //Get model's value for this enumeration value if (model != null) { if (modelPropertyValues.ContainsKey(item)) { value = (string)modelPropertyValues[item]; } } int id = (int)item; output.AppendLine($"<div{GetHtmlClassString(cssClasses?.RootContainerClass)}>"); MvcHtmlString htmlLabel = helper.Label($"{propertyQualifiedName}[{id}].{valuePropertyName}", item.ToString(), new { @class = cssClasses?.InputLabelClass }); output.AppendLine(htmlLabel.ToHtmlString()); output.AppendLine($"<div{GetHtmlClassString(cssClasses?.InputContainerClass)}>"); MvcHtmlString htmlKey = helper.Hidden($"{propertyQualifiedName}[{id}].{keyPropertyName}", id); string valueInputHtml; string valueInputName = $"{propertyQualifiedName}[{id}].{valuePropertyName}"; object valueInputHtmlAttributes = new { @class = cssClasses?.InputClass, check_for_val = "true" }; //check_for_val is an attribute that tells to check this input element's value when checking if model is empty on the client side using Javascript if (inputFieldType == InputFieldType.TextArea || inputFieldType == InputFieldType.TextAreaModal) { if (inputFieldType == InputFieldType.TextAreaModal) { MvcHtmlString input = helper.TextArea(valueInputName, value, new { @class = cssClasses?.InputClass }); string modalId = EscapeDots($"modal_{propertyQualifiedName}{id}"); MvcHtmlString ModalOpenButton = helper.ModalOpenButton(modalId, "Edit"); MvcHtmlString modal = helper.ModalDialog(modalId, input, item.ToString()); valueInputHtml = ModalOpenButton.ToString() + modal.ToString(); } else { valueInputHtml = helper.TextArea(valueInputName, value, valueInputHtmlAttributes).ToHtmlString(); } } else { //helper.ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix contains model name info valueInputHtml = helper.EditorFor(m => value, null, valueInputName, new { htmlAttributes = valueInputHtmlAttributes }).ToString(); } output.AppendLine(htmlKey.ToHtmlString()); output.AppendLine(valueInputHtml); output.AppendLine("</div></div>"); } return(new MvcHtmlString(output.ToString())); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the value of an input field. /// </summary> /// <param name="driver">this</param> /// <param name="inputFieldSelector">The selector for the input field to populate.</param> /// <param name="inputFieldType">The InputFieldType of the input field.</param> /// <param name="value">The value with which to populate the specified input field.</param> public static void SetInputFieldValue(this IWebDriver driver, By inputFieldSelector, InputFieldType inputFieldType, string value) { driver.ScrollIntoView(inputFieldSelector); var inputField = RetryPolicies.HandleDriverException().Execute(() => driver.FindElement(inputFieldSelector)); switch (inputFieldType) { case InputFieldType.Text: case InputFieldType.Password: inputField.Clear(); inputField.SendKeys(value); break; case InputFieldType.Dropdown: case InputFieldType.MultiSelectBox: var selectElement = new SelectElement(inputField); selectElement.SelectByText(value); break; case InputFieldType.Checkbox: case InputFieldType.RadioButton: var currentValue = inputField.Selected ? "true" : "false"; if (!currentValue.Equals(value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { inputField.Click(); } break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"{inputFieldType} is not a valid input field type."); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the current value of a given input field. /// </summary> /// <param name="driver">this</param> /// <param name="inputFieldSelector">The selector for the input field to pull the current value from.</param> /// <param name="inputFieldType">The InputFieldType of the input field.</param> /// <returns>The current value of the specified input field.</returns> public static string GetInputFieldValue(this IWebDriver driver, By inputFieldSelector, InputFieldType inputFieldType) { driver.ScrollIntoView(inputFieldSelector); var inputField = RetryPolicies.HandleDriverException().Execute(() => driver.FindElement(inputFieldSelector)); switch (inputFieldType) { case InputFieldType.Text: case InputFieldType.Password: return(inputField.GetAttribute("value")); case InputFieldType.Dropdown: case InputFieldType.MultiSelectBox: var selectElement = new SelectElement(inputField); return(selectElement.SelectedOption.Text); case InputFieldType.Checkbox: case InputFieldType.RadioButton: return(inputField.Selected ? "true" : "false"); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"{inputFieldType} is not a valid input field type."); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the current value(s) of a given input field. /// </summary> /// <param name="driver">this</param> /// <param name="inputFieldSelector">The selector for the input field to pull the current value(s) from.</param> /// <param name="inputFieldType">The InputFieldType of the input field.</param> /// <returns>A list of the current value(s) of the specified input field. All input field types other than a Multi-Select Box will return a list with a single entry.</returns> public static List <string> GetInputFieldValues(this IWebDriver driver, By inputFieldSelector, InputFieldType inputFieldType) { driver.ScrollIntoView(inputFieldSelector); if (inputFieldType == InputFieldType.MultiSelectBox) { var inputField = RetryPolicies.HandleDriverException().Execute(() => driver.FindElement(inputFieldSelector)); return(new SelectElement(inputField).Options.Select(x => x.Text).ToList()); } return(new List <string> { GetInputFieldValue(driver, inputFieldSelector, inputFieldType) }); }