Esempio n. 1
            protected sealed override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
                Graphics          g        = e.Graphics;
                TabPageCollection tabPages = base.TabPages;
                int selectedIndex          = base.SelectedIndex;
                int tabCount = base.TabCount;

                if (tabCount > 0)
                    // Draw the background behind the tabs
                    Rectangle tabChannel = base.GetTabRect(0);
                    tabChannel.X     = 0;
                    tabChannel.Width = base.Width;
                    g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, tabChannel);

                    // Draw each tab
                    InlineTabRenameTextBox renamingTextBox = myRenamingTextBox;
                    TabPage renamingTabPage = (renamingTextBox != null) ? renamingTextBox.RenamingTabPage : null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++)
                        DrawTab(g, base.GetTabRect(i), tabPages[i], i == selectedIndex, renamingTabPage);
Esempio n. 2
            private void DrawTab(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, TabPage tabPage, bool selected, TabPage renamingTabPage)
                const int diagramImagePadding = 2;

                bounds.Inflate(-TabOutsideBorderLength, -TabOutsideBorderLength);

                // Draw the background (if selected) and border
                if (selected)
                    g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Window, bounds);
                    g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.WindowFrame, bounds);
                    g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.ControlDark, bounds);

                bounds.Inflate(-TabInsideBorderLength, -TabInsideBorderLength);

                // Draw the image, if any
                ImageList imageList = base.ImageList;

                if (imageList != null)
                    int imageIndex = imageList.Images.IndexOfKey(tabPage.ImageKey);
                    if (imageIndex >= 0)
                        int imageY = bounds.Y + ((bounds.Height - DiagramImageHeight) / 2);
                        imageList.Draw(g, bounds.X, imageY, imageIndex);
                        bounds.Width -= DiagramImageWidth + diagramImagePadding;
                        bounds.X     += DiagramImageWidth + diagramImagePadding;

                // Draw the text box for renaming or the tab name
                if (tabPage == renamingTabPage)
                    InlineTabRenameTextBox renamingTextBox = myRenamingTextBox;
                    renamingTextBox.Bounds      = bounds;
                    renamingTextBox.Location    = bounds.Location;
                    renamingTextBox.MinimumSize = renamingTextBox.MaximumSize = renamingTextBox.Size = bounds.Size;
                    if (!renamingTextBox.Visible)
                        renamingTextBox.Visible = true;
                    const TextFormatFlags textFormatFlags = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.NoPrefix | TextFormatFlags.NoClipping;
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tabPage.Name, base.Font, bounds, SystemColors.WindowText, textFormatFlags);
			private void RenameTab(DiagramTabPage tabPage)
				if (tabPage != null)
					InlineTabRenameTextBox renamingTextBox = myRenamingTextBox;
					if (renamingTextBox != null)
						if (renamingTextBox.RenamingTabPage == tabPage)
							// If we already have an InlineTabRenameTextBox for this tab page, do nothing
							// If we already have an InlineTabRenameTextBox for a different tab page, save the changes and close it
					myRenamingTextBox = new InlineTabRenameTextBox(this, tabPage);