/**Initialises the game settings based on
     * info from the initialisation info object that is passed to the level
     * when it is loaded
    private void InitialiseGame()
        if (!initialised)
            initialised = true;

            //Get the initialisation info from the singleton class
            InitialisationInfo info = InitialisationInfo.getInitialisationInfo();

            //Set level attributes
            isMultiplayer = info.isMultiplayer;
            level         = info.level;

            //Set player1 attributes
            player1Score = info.player1Score;
            player1ID    = info.player1ID;
            player1Name  = info.player1Name;

            //Instantiate player object at start spawn
            GameObject p1StartPosition = GameObject.FindWithTag("P1 Start");
            GameObject player          = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(info.player1Character), p1StartPosition.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            //Set the player number on the player object
            PlayerController playerController = player.GetComponent <PlayerController>();

            //If multiplayer set player2 attributes
            if (isMultiplayer)
                player2Score = info.player2Score;
                GameObject p2StartPosition = GameObject.FindWithTag("P2 Start");
                player           = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(info.player2Character), p2StartPosition.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
                playerController = player.GetComponent <PlayerController>();
                player2ID        = info.player2ID;
                player2Name      = info.player2Name;

                //Below only for testing multiplayer in one game instance with different keyboard inputs assigned
                if (info.isTest)
                    player.AddComponent <OtherPlayerController>();
                    playerController = player.GetComponent <PlayerController>();

                //Set the player number on the instantiated object
                //Otherwise hide the player 2 score and health info on the canvas
                GameObject p2Info = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("P2Info");
    /**Input the test data on awake (before start)
    void Awake()
        info = new InitialisationInfo();
        info.isMultiplayer = false;
        info.level         = 11;
        info.isTest        = true;

        info.player1Character = "Satyr";
        info.player1Score     = 1000;

        info.player2Character = "Pink";
        info.player2Score     = 2000;
 //Returns the instance of the singleton class
 //Creates a new object with default values if instance does not yet exist
 public static InitialisationInfo getInitialisationInfo()
     if (info == null)
         //Initialise all variables with default data for testing
         info = new InitialisationInfo();
         info.isMultiplayer    = false;
         info.isSavedGame      = false;
         info.level            = 1;
         info.difficulty       = "Easy";
         info.player1ID        = "DefaultID";
         info.player1Name      = "DefaultName";
         info.player1Character = "NinjaGirl";
         info.player1Lives     = 3;
         info.player1Score     = 0;
 void Awake()
     info = new InitialisationInfo();
 public void updateInitialisationInfo(InitialisationInfo info)
     this.info = info;
 //Updates the singleton instance with newInfo
 public static void setInitialisationInfo(InitialisationInfo newInfo)
     info = newInfo;