private static void CheckForUpdateCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { object[] asyncState = (object[]) ar.AsyncState; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) asyncState[0]; SynchronizationContext context = (SynchronizationContext) asyncState[1]; Ini ini = null; Exception exception = null; bool flag = false; try { HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.EndGetResponse(ar); ini = new Ini(); using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { ini.Read(reader); } FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Application.ExecutablePath); ini.Set("Version", "CurrentVersion", versionInfo.ProductVersion); } catch (WebException exception2) { exception = exception2; flag = true; } catch (Exception exception3) { exception = exception3; } context.Send(new SendOrPostCallback(CheckForUpdatesDialog.ShowCheckResult), new object[] { exception, flag, ini }); }
public DaMonitor(String iniFileName) { ini = new Ini(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + iniFileName); isMnt = ini.ReadValue("DbServer", "isMnt"); if (isMnt == "1") { //Unit code sOrgCode = ini.ReadValue("Server", "sOrg"); //Turn on the monitoring function //sIP = ini.ReadValue("DbServer", "sIP"); //sPort = ini.ReadValue("DbServer", "sPort"); //sSID = ini.ReadValue("DbServer", "sSID"); //sUID = ini.ReadValue("DbServer", "sUID"); //sPWD = ini.ReadValue("DbServer", "sPWD");"Administrator", " Monitoring function is turned on, key is as :" + isMnt); //" IP :", sIP); //" Port is as :", sPort); //" UID is as :", sUID); //" PWD is as :", sPWD); dbm = new DbManager(); //Create SystemInfo object sysInfo = new SystemInfo(); } else {"Administrator", "Monitoring function is turned off, key is as :" + isMnt); } }
public void Run(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Core/Config/Ini test:"); using (var ini = new Ini()) { string file = "test_ini.ini"; Console.WriteLine("Load config file: {0}", file); ini.LoadFromFile(file); var helloSection = ini["Hello"]; Console.WriteLine("Hello section get: {0}", helloSection.sectionName); var unknownSection = ini.GetSection("sdfsafafas"); Console.WriteLine("Get not exist section, return: {0}", unknownSection); Console.WriteLine("[Hello] Cfg1 = {0}", ini.GetValue<int>("Hello", "Cfg1")); Console.WriteLine("[Hello] Cfg2 = {0}", ini.GetValue<string>("Hello", "Cfg2")); Console.WriteLine("[Hello] Cfg3 = {0}", ini.GetValue<string>("Hello", "Cfg3")); Console.WriteLine("[Hello] Cfg4 = {0}", ini.GetValue<bool>("Hello", "Cfg4")); Console.WriteLine("[World] Cfg1 = {0}", ini.GetValue<int>("World", "Cfg1")); Console.WriteLine("[World] Cfg2 = {0}", ini.GetValue<string>("World", "Cfg2")); Console.WriteLine("[World] Cfg3 = {0}", ini.GetValue<string>("World", "Cfg3")); Console.WriteLine("[World] Cfg4 = {0}", ini.GetValue<bool>("World", "Cfg4")); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public SpaceRecycler(String iniFileName) { //读取Main.ini Ini ini = new Ini(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + iniFileName); //系统重启时刻 sRebootTime = ini.ReadValue("Timer", "sRebootTime"); if ("" == sRebootTime || "24:00" == sRebootTime || "24:00:00" == sRebootTime) { sRebootTime = " 23:59:58"; } else { sRebootTime = " " + sRebootTime; } //缓存目录 sCacheDir = ini.ReadValue("Local", "sCacheDir"); //声音警告 iDriveQuota = ini.ReadValue("Local", "iDriveQuota"); //文件缓存期限 String sDays = ini.ReadValue("Local", "iDays"); if ("" == sDays) { //If cache duration is not setted, using default as 7 days iDays = 7; } else { iDays = Convert.ToInt16(sDays); } }
protected override ResourceSet InternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo culture, bool createIfNotExists, bool tryParents) { ResourceSet set = (ResourceSet) base.ResourceSets[culture]; if (set == null) { if (this.FLngIni == null) { this.FLngIni = new Ini(); using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(this.FLngPath, Encoding.Default, true)) { this.FLngIni.Read(reader); } } string language = this.GetLanguage(culture); if (!((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(language) && (language != "ENG")) && this.FLngIni.ContainsSection(language))) { language = "ENG"; } if (!this.FLngIni.ContainsSection(language) && tryParents) { CultureInfo parent = culture.Parent; if (parent != CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) { return this.InternalGetResourceSet(parent, createIfNotExists, tryParents); } } set = new IniResourceSet(this.FLngIni, language); base.ResourceSets.Add(culture, set); } return set; }
public IniFormStringLocalizer(Ini iniSource) { if (iniSource == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } this.FIniSource = iniSource; }
public IniFormStringLocalizer(Ini iniSource, string iniPath) { if ((iniSource == null) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(iniPath)) { throw new ArgumentException(); } this.FIniSource = iniSource; this.FIniPath = iniPath; }
public IniResourceReader(Ini iniSource, Type resourceSource) { if (resourceSource == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceType"); } this.InitializeSource(iniSource); this.InitializeSection(resourceSource.FullName); }
/// <summary> /// Read PAD settings from INI file. /// </summary> /// <param name="padSectionName">INI section.</param> /// <param name="s">Settings.</param> /// <param name="p">PAD Settings.</param> /// <remarks>use 'ref' to indicate that objects will be updated inside.</remarks> void ReadWritePadSettings(string padSectionName, ref Setting s, ref PadSetting p, bool write) { s = new Setting(); p = new PadSetting(); // Get PAD1 settings data as a reference. var items = SettingsMap.Where(x => x.MapTo == MapTo.Controller1).ToArray(); var sProps = s.GetType().GetProperties(); var pProps = p.GetType().GetProperties(); var ini2 = new Ini(IniFileName); foreach (var item in items) { string key = item.IniPath.Split('\\')[1]; // Try to find property inside Settings object. var sProp = sProps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == item.PropertyName); if (sProp != null) { if (write) { var sv = (string)sProp.GetValue(s, null) ?? ""; // Write value to INI file. ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, key, sv); } else { // Read value from INI file. var sv = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, key) ?? ""; sProp.SetValue(s, sv, null); } continue; } // Try to find property inside PAD Settings object. var pProp = pProps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == item.PropertyName); if (pProp != null) { if (write) { var pv = (string)pProp.GetValue(p, null) ?? ""; // Write value to INI file. ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, key, pv); } else { // Read value from INI file. var pv = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, key) ?? ""; sProp.SetValue(s, pv, null); } continue; } // Property was not found. var message = string.Format("ReadWritePadSettings: Property '{0}' was not found", item.PropertyName); // Inform developer with the message. MessageBoxForm.Show(message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void Start() { var location = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "maxstax.ini"); if (!File.Exists(location)) return; var settings = new Ini(location); if (!settings.ContainsSection("MaxStax")) return; settings.SetSection("MaxStax"); if (!settings.ContainsKey("Size")) return; this._maxStack = settings.GetInteger("Size", 100); }
private static string GetConnectionStr() { if (_connectionString == "") { Ini ini = new Ini(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Main.ini"); string dataBaseName = ini.ReadValue("DbServer", "sSID"); string userId = ini.ReadValue("DbServer", "sUID"); string password = ini.ReadValue("DbServer", "sPWD"); string dataSource = ini.ReadValue("DbServer", "sIP"); _connectionString = "Database='" + dataBaseName + "';"; _connectionString += "Data Source='" + dataSource + "';User Id='" + userId + "';"; _connectionString += "Password='******';charset='utf8';pooling=true"; } return _connectionString; }
private static void AutoUpdate() { Console.WriteLine("Checking Updates..."); Plugin[] Plugins = (from x in Updater.TreeRepositorie() where Updater.IsInstalled(x) select x).ToArray(); bool Updated = true; foreach (Plugin Plugin in Plugins) { if (!Updater.IsUpdated(Plugin) && Ini.GetConfig("Plugin", "AutoUpdate", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Plugins/" + Plugin.File, false) != "false") { if (Updated) { AllocConsole(); Updated = false; } Console.WriteLine("Updating {0}", Plugin.Name); Updater.Install(Plugin); } } }
private void VirusTotalBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(sender is Label owner)) { return; } owner.Enabled = false; try { foreach (var key in Ini.GetKeys("SHA256", HashInfo)) { Process.Start(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CorePaths.VirusTotalUrl, Ini.Read("SHA256", key, HashInfo))); Thread.Sleep(200); } } catch (Exception ex) when(ex.IsCaught()) { Log.Write(ex); } owner.Enabled = true; }
public void Set_3(EngineState s) { string pPath = s.Project.MainScript.FullPath; Ini.DeleteKey(pPath, "Variables", "%Set_3%"); string rawCode = "Set,%Set_3%,PEBakery,PERMANENT"; EngineTests.Eval(s, rawCode, CodeType.Set, ErrorCheck.Success); string comp = "PEBakery"; string dest = s.Variables.GetValue(VarsType.Global, "Set_3"); Assert.IsTrue(dest.Equals(comp, StringComparison.Ordinal)); string permanent = Ini.GetKey(pPath, "Variables", "%Set_3%"); Assert.IsTrue(dest.Equals(comp, StringComparison.Ordinal)); Ini.DeleteKey(pPath, "Variables", "%Set_3%"); }
public static T Get <T>(string section, string key, T @default) { var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(T)); var target = default(Section); if ((target = new Ini(Dirs.ConfigFile)[section]) is null) { return(@default); } var value = default(PropertyValue); if ((value = target[key]) == default) { return(@default); } if (value.IsEmpty()) { return(@default); } return((T)converter.ConvertFrom(value.ToString())); }
public bool ContainsInstanceSectionOld(Guid instanceGuid, string iniFileName, out string sectionName) { var ini2 = new Ini(iniFileName); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { var section = string.Format("PAD{0}", i); var v = ini2.GetValue(section, "InstanceGUID"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)) { continue; } if (v.ToLower() == instanceGuid.ToString("D").ToLower()) { sectionName = section; return(true); } } sectionName = null; return(false); }
public static void Initialize() { Busy = false; State = EAppState.Opening; Properties = new AppProperies(); Properties.Load(); string dbPath = Ini.GetString("Database", "FileName"); if (Path.IsPathRooted(dbPath) == false) { dbPath = Path.GetFullPath(dbPath); } DB = new AppDatabase(); DB.Database = dbPath; DB.Open(); //Recipes = new RecipeList(); }
public override DownLoadState DownloadImpl() { try { var cls = new WinPrice.WPLibClass(); var Profile = cls.OpenProfile(EprikaFile); var Session = Profile.StartSession("Price"); for (int i = 0; i < 5 * 60; i++) { if (Session.WaitComplete(500)) break; } if (Profile.HasPrice()) { string exchfilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(this.EprikaFile, "exchange.ini"); var Ini = new Ini(exchfilename); string filename = Ini.GetValue("FileName", "export").Replace("\"", ""); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filename))) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filename)); } Profile.ExportPrice(filename); } Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(Session); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(Profile); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(cls); cls = null; Profile = null; Session = null; return new DownLoadState() { }; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(Name, ex); throw; } }
public static List <LogInfo> IniRead(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd) { List <LogInfo> logs = new List <LogInfo>(); Debug.Assert(cmd.Info.GetType() == typeof(CodeInfo_IniRead)); CodeInfo_IniRead info = cmd.Info as CodeInfo_IniRead; string fileName = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.FileName); string sectionName = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.Section); string key = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.Key); if (sectionName.Equals(string.Empty, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { throw new ExecuteException("Section name cannot be empty"); } if (key.Equals(string.Empty, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { throw new ExecuteException("Key name cannot be empty"); } string value = Ini.GetKey(fileName, sectionName, key); if (value != null) { logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"Key [{key}] and its value [{value}] read from [{fileName}]")); string escapedValue = StringEscaper.Escape(value, false, true); List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, info.DestVar, escapedValue, false, false, false); logs.AddRange(varLogs); } else { logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Ignore, $"Key [{key}] does not exist in [{fileName}]")); List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, info.DestVar, string.Empty, false, false, false); logs.AddRange(varLogs); } return(logs); }
private async Task UpdateTeam(Match currentMatch = null) { if (currentMatch == null) { currentMatch = await GetCurrentMatch(); } var matchWorlds = currentMatch.Worlds; var worldRepo = GW2.V2.Worlds.ForDefaultCulture(); var worlds = new World[] { await worldRepo.FindAsync(matchWorlds.Red), await worldRepo.FindAsync(matchWorlds.Green), await worldRepo.FindAsync(matchWorlds.Blue) }; CurrentWorlds["Red"] = worlds[0].AbbreviatedName; CurrentWorlds["Green"] = worlds[1].AbbreviatedName; CurrentWorlds["Blue"] = worlds[2].AbbreviatedName; var index = Array.IndexOf(TeamList, OurTeam); OurWorld = worlds[index].AbbreviatedName; LeftTeam = TeamList[(index - 1 + TeamList.Length) % TeamList.Length]; RightTeam = TeamList[(index + 1) % TeamList.Length]; LeftWorld = worlds[(index - 1 + TeamList.Length) % TeamList.Length].AbbreviatedName; RightWorld = worlds[(index + 1) % TeamList.Length].AbbreviatedName; CurrentTeams[OurTeam] = "Our"; CurrentTeams[LeftTeam] = "Left"; CurrentTeams[RightTeam] = "Right"; Ini.Write("OurWorld", OurWorld, "GW2"); Ini.Write("LeftTeam", LeftTeam, "GW2"); Ini.Write("RightTeam", RightTeam, "GW2"); Ini.Write("LeftWorld", LeftWorld, "GW2"); Ini.Write("RightWorld", RightWorld, "GW2"); Ini.Write("RedWorld", CurrentWorlds["Red"], "GW2"); Ini.Write("GreenWorld", CurrentWorlds["Green"], "GW2"); Ini.Write("BlueWorld", CurrentWorlds["Blue"], "GW2"); }
private void PokedexOrderEditor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Offset1 = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NationalDexTable", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); Offset2 = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "SecondDexTable", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); if (MainObject.Header2 == "BPE") { Offset3 = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "HoenntoNationalDex", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } int LoopVar; ListBox1.Items.Clear(); LoopVar = 0; while (LoopVar < Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfPokemon", "")) - 1d == true) { LoopVar = LoopVar + 1; ListBox1.Items.Add(GetNameFunctions.GetPokemonName(LoopVar)); } if (MainObject.Header2 == "BPE") { GroupBox4.Enabled = true; } else { GroupBox4.Enabled = false; } ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); throw; } }
public static void ConfigOverwrite(Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > iniMap, string path) { if (iniMap?.Any() != true) { return; } var file = PathEx.Combine(path); try { var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(file); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(dir); } if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } if (!File.Exists(file)) { File.Create(file).Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(ex); return; } foreach (var data in iniMap) { var section = data.Key; foreach (var pair in iniMap[section]) { var key = pair.Key; var value = pair.Value; Ini.WriteDirect(section, key, value, path); } } }
public static List <LogInfo> IniAddSection(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd) { List <LogInfo> logs = new List <LogInfo>(); Debug.Assert(cmd.Info.GetType() == typeof(CodeInfo_IniAddSection)); CodeInfo_IniAddSection info = cmd.Info as CodeInfo_IniAddSection; string fileName = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.FileName); string sectionName = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.Section); // WB082 : 여기 값은 변수 Expand 안한다. if (sectionName.Equals(string.Empty, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { throw new InvalidCodeCommandException("Section name cannot be empty", cmd); } if (StringEscaper.PathSecurityCheck(fileName, out string errorMsg) == false) { logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, errorMsg)); return(logs); } string dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName); if (Directory.Exists(dirPath) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); } bool result = Ini.AddSection(fileName, sectionName); if (result) { logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"Section [{sectionName}] added to [{fileName}]", cmd)); } else { logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Could not add section [{sectionName}] to [{fileName}]", cmd)); } return(logs); }
private void Load(string _sName, SerialPort _Port, string _sPath = "") { //Set Dir. string sExeFolder = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string sFileName = "Util\\SerialPort"; string sSerialPath = sExeFolder + sFileName + ".ini"; string sTitle = ""; if (sName == "") { sTitle = "PortID_" + iPortId.ToString(); } else { sTitle = _sName; } CIniFile Ini; if (_sPath == "") { Ini = new CIniFile(sSerialPath); } else { Ini = new CIniFile(_sPath); } int iPortNo = 0; Ini.Load(sTitle, "PortNo", ref iPortNo); if (iPortNo == 0) { iPortNo = 1; } //맨처음 파일 없을때 대비. Ini.Save(sTitle, "PortNo ", iPortNo); _Port.PortName = "Com" + iPortNo.ToString(); }
private void LogIn_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Settingini파일 Load if (Directory.Exists(@"D:BarCodeLabel_Config") == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@"D:BarCodeLabel_Config"); } if (File.Exists(@"D:BarCodeLabel_Config\Setting.ini") == false) { File.Create(@"D:BarCodeLabel_Config\Setting.ini"); } if (File.Exists(@"D:BarCodeLabel_Config\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".ini") == false) { File.Create(@"D:BarCodeLabel_Config\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".ini"); } SettingIni = new Ini(@"D:BarCodeLabel_Config\Setting.ini"); HistoryIni = @"D:BarCodeLabel_Config\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".ini"; txt_ID.Text = ""; txt_PW.Text = ""; CM_Main.UID = ""; CM_Main.UPW = ""; CM_Main.Read_INI(); if(CM_Main.UID != "") { txt_ID.Text = CM_Main.UID; check_SaveID.Checked = true; } else { txt_ID.Text = ""; check_SaveID.Checked = false; } if(CM_Main.UPW != "") { txt_PW.Text = CM_Main.UPW; check_SavePW.Checked = true; } else { txt_PW.Text = ""; check_SavePW.Checked = false; } }
private void btnSubcfgSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.AddExtension = true; sfd.AutoUpgradeEnabled = true; sfd.CheckPathExists = true; sfd.DefaultExt = ".ini"; sfd.DereferenceLinks = true; sfd.OverwritePrompt = true; sfd.ValidateNames = true; sfd.FileName = path; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return; } Ini ini = new Ini(sfd.FileName); KeyconfigExport(ini); }
private void AssociateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var owner = sender as Control; if (owner == null) { return; } var isNull = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileTypes.Text); if (!isNull) { if (fileTypes.Text.Contains(",")) { isNull = fileTypes.Text.Split(',').Where(s => !s.StartsWith(".")).ToArray().Length == 0; } else { isNull = fileTypes.Text.StartsWith("."); } } if (isNull) { MessageBoxEx.Show(this, Lang.GetText($"{owner.Name}Msg"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } var appName = Main.GetAppInfo(appsBox.SelectedItem.ToString()).ShortName; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(appName) || FileTypesConflict()) { MessageBoxEx.Show(this, Lang.GetText(nameof(en_US.OperationCanceledMsg)), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (!fileTypes.Text.EqualsEx(Ini.Read(appName, "FileTypes"))) { SaveBtn_Click(saveBtn, EventArgs.Empty); } Main.AssociateFileTypesHandler(appName, this); }
public void SaveImmediately() { if (!_canSave) { _hasToSave = true; return; } try { SetToIni(); IgnoreChangesForAWhile(); Ini.Save(Filename); } catch (Exception e) { if (Path.GetFileName(Filename) != "assetto_corsa.ini") { NonfatalError.Notify(ToolsStrings.AcSettings_CannotSave, ToolsStrings.AcSettings_CannotSave_Commentary, e); } } finally { IsSaving = false; _hasToSave = false; } }
private const double DRC = 0.8; // Dynamic Range Compression to 80% public ConvertWithMencoder(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, string tool, VideoInfo videoFile, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog, Scanner commercialScan) : base(conversionOptions, tool, videoFile, jobStatus, jobLog, commercialScan) { //Check if MEncoder EDL Removal has been disabled at conversion time Ini ini = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile); mEncoderEDLSkip = ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, "MEncoderEDLSkip", false); _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "MEncoder skip EDL cuts (MEncoderEDLSkip) : " + mEncoderEDLSkip.ToString(), Log.LogEntryType.Debug); _extractCC = conversionOptions.extractCC; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_extractCC)) // If Closed Caption extraction is enabled, we don't use cut EDL using Mencoder during encoding, Mencoder has a bug which causes it to cut out of sync with the EDL file which throws the CC out of sync, it will be cut separately { _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Closed Captions Enabled, skipping EDL cutting during encoding"), Log.LogEntryType.Information); mEncoderEDLSkip = true; } if ((_startTrim != 0) || (_endTrim != 0)) // If trimming is enabled skip cutting using EDL otherwise MEncoder messes it up { _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Trimming Enabled, skipping EDL cutting during encoding"), Log.LogEntryType.Information); mEncoderEDLSkip = true; } }
public void Typical() { var fileSystem = new MockFileSystem(new Dictionary <string, MockFileData>() { { Ini.GetTypicalPath(GameRelease.SkyrimSE).Path, new MockFileData(@"[Archive] sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures0.bsa") } }); var get = new GetArchiveIniListings( fileSystem, new GameReleaseInjection(GameRelease.SkyrimSE)); get.Get(Ini.GetTypicalPath(GameRelease.SkyrimSE)) .Should().Equal(new FileName[] { "Skyrim - Misc.bsa", "Skyrim - Shaders.bsa", "Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa", "Skyrim - Textures0.bsa", }); }
private void ListBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string pagepointer; string pokemonpointer; string localReadHEX() { int argStart2 = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "HabitatTable", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + ListBox1.SelectedIndex * 8; int argLength = 4; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret); } string localReverseHEX() { string argHEXData = "hs2f853a68fa4e437f85e1eeac891b4e61()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret); } pagepointer = Conversion.Hex(int.Parse(localReverseHEX(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) - 0x8000000); string localReadHEX1() { int argStart2 = int.Parse(pagepointer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + ListBox2.SelectedIndex * 8; int argLength = 4; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret); } string localReverseHEX1() { string argHEXData = "hs973c9cb15ed243c8bc67e408979f365f()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret); } pokemonpointer = Conversion.Hex(int.Parse(localReverseHEX1(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) - 0x8000000); string localReadHEX2() { int argStart2 = int.Parse(pokemonpointer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + ListBox3.SelectedIndex * 2; int argLength = 2; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret); } string localReverseHEX2() { string argHEXData = "hs689333cc3fb64fe8b6c4b213ad46319f()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret); } ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(localReverseHEX2(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) - 1; }
private static bool GetSolution() { var solutionFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog { Title = "Select Clarion Solution", FileName = string.Empty, Filter = "Clarion Solution Files|*.sln" }; var dr = solutionFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { UserSettings.SolutionName = solutionFileDialog.FileName; var versionControlINI = Path.GetDirectoryName(solutionFileDialog.FileName) + "\\up_vcSettings.ini"; var iniFile = new Ini(versionControlINI); UserSettings.FilesFolder = $"{Path.GetDirectoryName(versionControlINI)}\\{iniFile.GetValue("OutputFolder", "VC_InterFace").Remove(0, 2)}"; return(true); } return(false); }
public static Bitmap GetCryImage(Cry cry) { Bitmap cryImage; if (Ini.GetString(MainObject.AppPath + "GBAPGESettings.ini", "Settings", "DisableCryImage", "0") == "1") { cryImage = new Bitmap(128, 128); } else { cryImage = new Bitmap(cry.Data.Length, 128); using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(cryImage)) { for (int i = 1, loopTo = cry.Data.Length - 1; i <= loopTo; i++) { g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, i - 1, 64 + cry.Data[i - 1], i, 64 + cry.Data[i]); } } } return(cryImage); }
private void FinishedOnMenuItems_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var senderItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender; var fm = GetSelectedFM(); fm.FinishedOn = 0; fm.FinishedOnUnknown = false; if (senderItem == FinishedOnUnknownMenuItem) { fm.FinishedOnUnknown = senderItem.Checked; } else { uint at = 1; foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in FinishedOnMenu !.Items) { if (item == FinishedOnUnknownMenuItem) { continue; } if (item.Checked) { fm.FinishedOn |= at; } at <<= 1; } if (fm.FinishedOn > 0) { FinishedOnUnknownMenuItem !.Checked = false; fm.FinishedOnUnknown = false; } } Owner.RefreshSelectedFMRowOnly(); Ini.WriteFullFMDataIni(); }
/// <summary> /// Save pad settings. /// </summary> /// <param name="padIndex">Source PAD index.</param> /// <param name="file">Destination INI file name.</param> /// <param name="iniSection">Destination INI section to save.</param> public bool SavePadSettings(int padIndex, string file) { var ini = new Ini(file); var saved = false; var pad = string.Format("PAD{0}", padIndex + 1); foreach (string path in SettingsMap.Keys) { string section = path.Split('\\')[0]; // If this is not PAD section then skip. if (section != pad) { continue; } var r = SaveSetting(ini, path); if (r) { saved = true; } } return(saved); }
private void StopTrace() { StartBtn.Text = StrStart; TraceCb.Enabled = true; TagTB.Enabled = true; speedupBtn.Enabled = false; speeddownBtn.Enabled = false; pauseBtn.Enabled = false; isStop = false; if (null != ShowThread) { if (ShowThread.IsAlive) { ShowThread.Abort(); } ShowThread = null; } Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(10); ClearTagPen(); Ini.Close(Ini.CardPath); }
public static void SaveAnimationSpriteToFreeSpace(int pokemonindex, byte[] sprite) { var sOffset = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "PokemonAnimations", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + pokemonindex * 8; // Pointer to Pokemon front sprites, + 8 = Bulbasaur. string imgString; byte[] imgBytes; string imgNewOffset; string LocalCompressLz77String() { var argsrcString = WichuRomFunctions.ConvertByteArrayToString(ref sprite); var ret = WichuRomFunctions.CompressLz77String(ref argsrcString); return(ret); } var argstr = LocalCompressLz77String(); imgBytes = WichuRomFunctions.ConvertStringToByteArray(ref argstr); imgString = ByteFunctions.ByteArrayToHexString(imgBytes); imgNewOffset = modSearchFreeSpace.SearchFreeSpaceFourAligned(MainObject.LoadedRom, 0xFF, (long)(Strings.Len(imgString) / 2d), Conversions.ToLong("&H" + Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "StartSearchingForSpaceOffset", "800000"))).ToString(); var argStart = Conversions.ToInteger(imgNewOffset); HexFunctions.WriteHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart, ref imgString); string LocalReverseHex() { var argHexData = Conversion.Hex(Conversions.ToDouble(imgNewOffset) + 134217728d); var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData); return(ret); } var argData = LocalReverseHex(); HexFunctions.WriteHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref sOffset, ref argData); }
public static string ConvertIniStringToXmlString(string iniString) { var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); var root = xmlDoc.CreateElement("root"); var ini = Ini.FromString(iniString); foreach (var section in ini.Sections) { if (section.Comment != null) { root.AppendChild(xmlDoc.CreateComment(section.Comment)); } var node = xmlDoc.CreateElement(section.SectionStart.SectionName); foreach (var i in section.Elements) { XmlNode ele = null; if (i is IniBlankLine) { } else if (i is IniCommentary) { ele = xmlDoc.CreateComment((i as IniCommentary).Comment); } else if (i is IniValue) { ele = xmlDoc.CreateElement((i as IniValue).Key); ele.InnerText = (i as IniValue).Value; } if (ele != null) { node.AppendChild(ele); } } root.AppendChild(node); } return(root.InnerXml); }
/// <summary> /// Load the specified SIMO file (in plain format) into the dictionary. /// TODO: The function is really slow... A good optimization is needed! /// </summary> public void LoadFromTxt(String Path) { Clear(); lock (Entries) { Ini Ini = new Ini(Path); using (StreamReader Stream = new StreamReader(Path, Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1252"))) { String Line = null; while ((Line = Stream.ReadLine()) != null) { if (Line.StartsWith("[")) { Int32 UniqId = Int32.Parse(Line.Substring("[ObjIDType".Length, Line.IndexOf("]") - "[ObjIDType".Length)); Int32 Amount = Ini.ReadInt32("ObjIDType" + UniqId, "PartAmount"); Int32 Length = sizeof(Entry) + Amount * sizeof(Part); Entry *pEntry = (Entry *)Kernel.malloc(Length); pEntry->UniqId = UniqId; pEntry->Amount = Amount; for (Int32 i = 0; i < Amount; i++) { ((Part *)pEntry->Parts)[i].PartID = Ini.ReadInt32("ObjIDType" + UniqId, "Part" + i.ToString()); ((Part *)pEntry->Parts)[i].Texture = Ini.ReadInt32("ObjIDType" + UniqId, "Texture" + i.ToString()); } if (!Entries.ContainsKey(pEntry->UniqId)) { Entries.Add(pEntry->UniqId, (IntPtr)pEntry); } } } } } }
public void Draw(MySpriteDrawFrame frame, Data dataChanged) { if (UseDataMinMax) { def.min = shipData[].Min; def.max = shipData[].Max; total = def.max - def.min; } val = Ini.AdjustToUnit(def, shipData, total, UseDataMinMax); //Check for hide condition. if (Ini.MeetsConditions(def.conditions, val, def.condVals)) { return; } if ((dataChanged & != 0) { spriteSize.X = (float)Math.Abs(MathHelper.Clamp(shipData[].Value, def.min, def.max) / total * def.size.X); //_sprite.Position = sm.AdjustToAnchor(def.anchor, def.position, spriteSize); sprite.Position = sm.AdjustToRotation(sm.AdjustToAnchor(def.anchor, def.position, spriteSize), def.position, def.rotation); sprite.Size = spriteSize; if (def.backgroundSet) { frame.Add(background); } frame.Add(sprite); } else { sprite.Size = spriteSize; if (def.backgroundSet) { frame.Add(background); } frame.Add(sprite); } }
public static List <LogInfo> IniDelete(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd) { List <LogInfo> logs = new List <LogInfo>(); Debug.Assert(cmd.Info.GetType() == typeof(CodeInfo_IniDelete)); CodeInfo_IniDelete info = cmd.Info as CodeInfo_IniDelete; string fileName = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.FileName); string sectionName = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.Section); // WB082 : 여기 값은 변수 Expand 안한다. string key = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.Key); // WB082 : 여기 값은 변수 Expand는 안 하나, Escaping은 한다. if (sectionName.Equals(string.Empty, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { throw new InvalidCodeCommandException("Section name cannot be empty", cmd); } if (key.Equals(string.Empty, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { throw new InvalidCodeCommandException("Key name cannot be empty", cmd); } if (StringEscaper.PathSecurityCheck(fileName, out string errorMsg) == false) { logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, errorMsg)); return(logs); } bool result = Ini.DeleteKey(fileName, sectionName, key); if (result) { logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"Key [{key}] deleted from [{fileName}]", cmd)); } else { logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Ignore, $"Could not delete key [{key}] from [{fileName}]", cmd)); } return(logs); }
private static void UpdateAppInfoData(string config, string[] blacklist = null, byte[] serverKey = null) { var sectionContainsFilter = new[] { AppSupplierHosts.PortableApps, $"By{nameof(AppSuppliers.PortableApps)}" }; foreach (var section in Ini.GetSections(config, false)) { if (blacklist?.ContainsEx(section) == true || section.ContainsEx(sectionContainsFilter)) { continue; } #region Name var name = Ini.Read(section, "Name", config); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { continue; } var filters = new[]
/// <summary> /// Write value to INI file by control. /// </summary> bool WriteSettingsToIni(params SettingsMapItem[] items) { var saved = false; var ini = new Ini(IniFileName); foreach (var item in items) { if (item != null) { var section = item.IniSection; string key = item.IniKey; var iniValue = ini.GetValue(section, key); var newValue = GetSettingValue(item.Control); if (iniValue != newValue) { var result = ini.SetValue(section, key, newValue); if (result != 0) saved = true; } } } return saved; }
/// <summary> /// Read settings from INI file into windows form controls. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">INI file containing settings.</param> /// <param name="iniSection">Read setings from specified section only. Null - read from all sections.</param> public void ReadSettings(string file) { var ini2 = new Ini(file); foreach (string path in SettingsMap.Keys) { string section = path.Split('\\')[0]; // If this is PAD section. var padIndex = SettingName.GetPadIndex(path); if (padIndex > -1) { section = GetInstanceSection(padIndex); // If destination section is empty because controller is not connected then skip. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(section)) continue; } Control control = SettingsMap[path]; string key = path.Split('\\')[1]; string v = ini2.GetValue(section, key); ReadSettingTo(control, key, v); } loadCount++; if (ConfigLoaded != null) ConfigLoaded(this, new SettingEventArgs(ini2.File.Name, loadCount)); // Read XML too. SettingsFile.Current.Load(); }
///// <summary> ///// Write game settings to INI file. ///// </summary> ///// <param name="game"></param> //public string GetIniContent(Game game) //{ // // Get game directory. // var dir = new FileInfo(game.FullPath).Directory; // // Get INI file. // var iniFile = dir.GetFiles(IniFileName).FirstOrDefault(); // var ini = new Ini(iniFile.FullName); // var optionKeys = new[] { SettingName.PAD1, SettingName.PAD2, SettingName.PAD3, SettingName.PAD4 }; // for (int i = 0; i < optionKeys.Length; i++) // { // var optionKey = optionKeys[i]; // var mapTo = (MapTo)(i + 1); // // Write PADx. // var mapItem = SettingsMap.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IniSection == OptionsSection && x.IniKey == optionKey); // WriteSettingsToIni(mapItem); // var settings = SettingManager.Settings.Items.Where(x => x.MapTo == (int)mapTo).ToArray(); // for (int s = 0; s < settings.Length; s++) // { // var setting = settings[i]; // var padSetting = SettingManager.GetPadSetting(setting.PadSettingChecksum); // var padSectionName = string.Format("IG_{0:N}", setting.InstanceGuid); // WritePadSettingsToIni(padSectionName, setting, padSetting); // } // } // return null; //} /// <summary> /// Write game settings to INI file. /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> public string GetIniContent2(Game game) { // Get game directory. var dir = new FileInfo(game.FullPath).Directory; // Get INI file. var iniFile = dir.GetFiles(IniFileName).FirstOrDefault(); var ini = new Ini(iniFile.FullName); var optionKeys = new[] { SettingName.PAD1, SettingName.PAD2, SettingName.PAD3, SettingName.PAD4 }; for (int i = 0; i < optionKeys.Length; i++) { var optionKey = optionKeys[i]; var mapTo = (MapTo)(i + 1); // Write PADx. var mapItem = SettingsMap.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IniSection == OptionsSection && x.IniKey == optionKey); WriteSettingsToIni(mapItem); var settings = SettingManager.Settings.Items.Where(x => x.MapTo == (int)mapTo).ToArray(); for (int s = 0; s < settings.Length; s++) { var setting = settings[i]; var padSetting = SettingManager.GetPadSetting(setting.PadSettingChecksum); var padSectionName = string.Format("IG_{0:N}", setting.InstanceGuid); WritePadSettingsToIni(padSectionName, setting, padSetting); } } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Get PadSetting object from INI by device Instance GUID. /// </summary> /// <param name="instanceGuid">Instance GUID.</param> /// <returns>PadSettings object.</returns> public PadSetting GetPadSetting(string padSectionName) { var ini2 = new Ini(IniFileName); var ps = new PadSetting(); ps.PadSettingChecksum = Guid.Empty; ps.AxisToDPadDeadZone = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.AxisToDPadDeadZone); ps.AxisToDPadEnabled = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.AxisToDPadEnabled); ps.AxisToDPadOffset = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.AxisToDPadOffset); ps.ButtonA = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonA); ps.ButtonB = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonB); ps.ButtonGuide = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonGuide); ps.ButtonBig = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonBig); ps.ButtonBack = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonBack); ps.ButtonStart = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonStart); ps.ButtonX = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonX); ps.ButtonY = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonY); ps.DPad = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DPad); ps.DPadDown = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DPadDown); ps.DPadLeft = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DPadLeft); ps.DPadRight = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DPadRight); ps.DPadUp = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DPadUp); ps.ForceEnable = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ForceEnable); ps.ForceOverall = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ForceOverall); ps.ForceSwapMotor = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ForceSwapMotor); ps.ForceType = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ForceType); ps.GamePadType = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DeviceSubType); ps.LeftMotorPeriod = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftMotorPeriod); ps.LeftMotorStrength = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftMotorStrength); ps.LeftShoulder = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftShoulder); ps.LeftThumbAntiDeadZoneX = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbAntiDeadZoneX); ps.LeftThumbAntiDeadZoneY = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbAntiDeadZoneY); ps.LeftThumbLinearX = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbLinearX); ps.LeftThumbLinearY = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbLinearY); ps.LeftThumbAxisX = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbAxisX); ps.LeftThumbAxisY = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbAxisY); ps.LeftThumbButton = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbButton); ps.LeftThumbDeadZoneX = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbDeadZoneX); ps.LeftThumbDeadZoneY = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbDeadZoneY); ps.LeftThumbDown = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbDown); ps.LeftThumbLeft = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbLeft); ps.LeftThumbRight = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbRight); ps.LeftThumbUp = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbUp); ps.LeftTrigger = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftTrigger); ps.LeftTriggerDeadZone = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftTriggerDeadZone); ps.PassThrough = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.PassThrough); ps.RightMotorPeriod = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightMotorPeriod); ps.RightMotorStrength = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightMotorStrength); ps.RightShoulder = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightShoulder); ps.RightThumbAntiDeadZoneX = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbAntiDeadZoneX); ps.RightThumbAntiDeadZoneY = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbAntiDeadZoneY); ps.RightThumbAxisX = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbAxisX); ps.RightThumbAxisY = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbAxisY); ps.RightThumbButton = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbButton); ps.RightThumbDeadZoneX = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbDeadZoneX); ps.RightThumbDeadZoneY = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbDeadZoneY); ps.RightThumbLinearX = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbLinearX); ps.RightThumbLinearY = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbLinearY); ps.RightThumbDown = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbDown); ps.RightThumbLeft = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbLeft); ps.RightThumbRight = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbRight); ps.RightThumbUp = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbUp); ps.RightTrigger = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightTrigger); ps.RightTriggerDeadZone = ini2.GetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightTriggerDeadZone); return ps; }
/// <summary> /// Get array[4] of direct input devices. /// </summary> DeviceInstance[] GetDevices() { var devices = Manager.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AllDevices).ToArray(); var orderedDevices = new DeviceInstance[4]; // Assign devices to their positions. for (int d = 0; d < devices.Length; d++) { var ig = devices[d].InstanceGuid; var section = SettingManager.Current.GetInstanceSection(ig); var ini2 = new Ini(SettingManager.IniFileName); string v = ini2.GetValue(section, SettingName.MapToPad); int mapToPad = 0; if (int.TryParse(v, out mapToPad) && mapToPad > 0 && mapToPad <= 4) { // If position is not occupied then... if (orderedDevices[mapToPad - 1] == null) { orderedDevices[mapToPad - 1] = devices[d]; } } } // Get list of unassigned devices. var unassignedDevices = devices.Except(orderedDevices).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < unassignedDevices.Length; i++) { // Assign to first empty slot. for (int d = 0; d < orderedDevices.Length; d++) { // If position is not occupied then... if (orderedDevices[d] == null) { orderedDevices[d] = unassignedDevices[i]; break; } } } return orderedDevices; }
/// <summary> /// Read PAD settings from INI file to form. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">INI file name.</param> /// <param name="iniSection">Source INI pad section.</param> /// <param name="padIndex">Destination pad index.</param> public void ReadPadSettings(string file, string iniSection, int padIndex) { var ini2 = new Ini(file); var pad = string.Format("PAD{0}", padIndex + 1); foreach (string path in SettingsMap.Keys) { string section = path.Split('\\')[0]; if (section != pad) continue; string key = path.Split('\\')[1]; Control control = SettingsMap[path]; string dstPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", pad, key); control = SettingsMap[dstPath]; string v = ini2.GetValue(iniSection, key); ReadSettingTo(control, key, v); } loadCount++; if (ConfigLoaded != null) ConfigLoaded(this, new SettingEventArgs(ini2.File.Name, loadCount)); }
public void SetPadSetting(string padSectionName, DeviceInstance di) { var ini2 = new Ini(IniFileName); //ps.PadSettingChecksum = Guid.Empty; ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ProductName, di.ProductName); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ProductGuid, di.ProductGuid.ToString()); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.InstanceGuid, di.InstanceGuid.ToString()); }
public bool ContainsInstanceSectionOld(Guid instanceGuid, string iniFileName, out string sectionName) { var ini2 = new Ini(iniFileName); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { var section = string.Format("PAD{0}", i); var v = ini2.GetValue(section, "InstanceGUID"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)) continue; if (v.ToLower() == instanceGuid.ToString("D").ToLower()) { sectionName = section; return true; } } sectionName = null; return false; }
/// <summary> /// Check settings. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if settings changed.</returns> public bool CheckSettings(List<DeviceInstance> diInstances, List<DeviceInstance> diInstancesOld) { var updated = false; var ini2 = new Ini(IniFileName); var oldCount = diInstancesOld.Count; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var pad = string.Format("PAD{0}", i + 1); var section = ""; // If direct Input instance is connected. if (i < diInstances.Count) { var ig = diInstances[i].InstanceGuid; section = GetInstanceSection(ig); // If INI file contain settings for this device then... string sectionName = null; if (ContainsInstanceSection(ig, IniFileName, out sectionName)) { var samePosition = i < oldCount && diInstancesOld[i].InstanceGuid.Equals(diInstances[i].InstanceGuid); // Load settings. if (!samePosition) { MainForm.Current.SuspendEvents(); ReadPadSettings(IniFileName, section, i); MainForm.Current.ResumeEvents(); } } else { MainForm.Current.MainTabControl.SelectedIndex = i; MainForm.Current.SuspendEvents(); ClearPadSettings(i); MainForm.Current.ResumeEvents(); var f = new NewDeviceForm(); f.LoadData(diInstances[i], i); f.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; var result = f.ShowDialog(MainForm.Current); f.Dispose(); updated = (result == DialogResult.OK); } } else { MainForm.Current.SuspendEvents(); ClearPadSettings(i); MainForm.Current.ResumeEvents(); } // Update Mappings. ini2.SetValue(SettingName.Mappings, pad, section); } return updated; }
/// <summary> /// Save setting from windows form control to current INI file. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">path of parameter (related to actual control)</param> /// <param name="dstIniSection">if not null then section will be different inside INI file than specified in path</param> public bool SaveSetting(Ini ini, string path) { var control = SettingsMap[path]; string key = path.Split('\\')[1]; string v = string.Empty; if (key == SettingName.HookMode || key.EndsWith(SettingName.DeviceSubType) || key.EndsWith(SettingName.ForceType)) { var v1 = ((ComboBox)control).SelectedItem; if (v1 == null) { v = "0"; } else if (v1 is KeyValuePair) { v = ((KeyValuePair)v1).Value; } else { v = System.Convert.ToInt32(v1).ToString(); } } // If di menu strip attached. else if (control is ComboBox) { var cbx = (ComboBox)control; if (control.ContextMenuStrip == null) { v = control.Text; } else { v = new SettingsConverter(control.Text, key).ToIniSetting(); // make sure that disabled button value is "0". if (SettingName.IsButton(key) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)) v = "0"; } } else if (control is TextBox) { // if setting is readonly. if (key == SettingName.InstanceGuid || key == SettingName.ProductGuid) { v = string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.Text) ? Guid.Empty.ToString("D") : control.Text; } else v = control.Text; } else if (control is ListBox) { var lbx = (ListBox)control; v = string.Join(",", lbx.Items.Cast<string>().ToArray()); } else if (control is NumericUpDown) { NumericUpDown nud = (NumericUpDown)control; v = nud.Value.ToString(); } else if (control is TrackBar) { TrackBar tc = (TrackBar)control; // convert 100% to 256 if (key == SettingName.AxisToDPadDeadZone || key == SettingName.AxisToDPadOffset || key == SettingName.LeftTriggerDeadZone || key == SettingName.RightTriggerDeadZone) { v = System.Convert.ToInt32((float)tc.Value / 100F * 256F).ToString(); } // convert 100% to 500 else if (key == SettingName.LeftMotorPeriod || key == SettingName.RightMotorPeriod) { v = System.Convert.ToInt32((float)tc.Value / 100F * 500F).ToString(); } // Convert 100% to 32767 else if (key == SettingName.LeftThumbDeadZoneX || key == SettingName.LeftThumbDeadZoneY || key == SettingName.RightThumbDeadZoneX || key == SettingName.RightThumbDeadZoneY) { v = System.Convert.ToInt32((float)tc.Value / 100F * ((float)Int16.MaxValue)).ToString(); } else v = tc.Value.ToString(); } else if (control is CheckBox) { CheckBox tc = (CheckBox)control; v = tc.Checked ? "1" : "0"; } if (SettingName.IsThumbAxis(key)) { v = v.Replace(SettingName.SType.Axis, ""); } if (SettingName.IsDPad(key)) v = v.Replace(SettingName.SType.DPad, ""); if (v == "v1") v = "UP"; if (v == "v2") v = "RIGHT"; if (v == "v3") v = "DOWN"; if (v == "v4") v = "LEFT"; if (v == "") { if (key == SettingName.DPadUp) v = "UP"; if (key == SettingName.DPadDown) v = "DOWN"; if (key == SettingName.DPadLeft) v = "LEFT"; if (key == SettingName.DPadRight) v = "RIGHT"; } // add comment. //var l = SettingName.MaxNameLength - key.Length + 24; //v = string.Format("{0, -" + l + "} # {1} Default: '{2}'.", v, SettingName.GetDescription(key), SettingName.GetDefaultValue(key)); var section = path.Split('\\')[0]; var padIndex = SettingName.GetPadIndex(path); // If this is PAD section then if (padIndex > -1) { section = GetInstanceSection(padIndex); // If destination section is empty because controller is not connected then skip. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(section)) return false; } var oldValue = ini.GetValue(section, key); var saved = false; if (oldValue != v) { ini.SetValue(section, key, v); saveCount++; saved = true; if (ConfigSaved != null) ConfigSaved(this, new SettingEventArgs(IniFileName, saveCount)); } // Flush XML too. SettingsFile.Current.Save(); return saved; }
public bool ContainsInstanceSection(Guid instanceGuid, string iniFileName, out string sectionName) { var ini2 = new Ini(iniFileName); var section = GetInstanceSection(instanceGuid); var contains = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ini2.GetValue(section, "InstanceGUID")); sectionName = contains ? section : null; return contains; }
public void createCalendar(Ini.IniFile ini, List<Classroom> classrooms, PAZController controller) { _controller = controller; DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(ini["DATES"]["startdate"]); DateTime stopDate = DateTime.Parse(ini["DATES"]["enddate"]); Brush headerColor = Brushes.LightGray; int interval = 1; int rows = 0; //Firste column color rec Rectangle recC = new Rectangle(); recC.Fill = headerColor; Grid.SetColumn(recC, 0); Grid.SetRow(recC, 0); Children.Add(recC); //Defining rowdef & row height RowDefinition row = new RowDefinition(); GridLength height = new GridLength(140); for (DateTime dateTime = startDate; dateTime <= stopDate; dateTime += TimeSpan.FromDays(interval)) { if (dateTime.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday && dateTime.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday) { //Adding color Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(); rec.Fill = headerColor; Grid.SetColumn(rec, 0); Grid.SetRow(rec, rows); Grid.SetColumnSpan(rec, classrooms.Count + 1); Children.Add(rec); //Add labels for (int c = 0; c < classrooms.Count + 1; c++) { if (ColumnDefinitions.Count != classrooms.Count + 1) { //making columns ColumnDefinition column = new ColumnDefinition(); GridLength width; if (c == 0) width = new GridLength(75); else width = new GridLength(120); column.Width = width; ColumnDefinitions.Add(column); } //making labels Label header = new Label(); if (c == 0) header.Content = dateTime.ToString("dddd", new CultureInfo("nl-NL")) + "\n" + dateTime.ToShortDateString(); else header.Content = classrooms[c - 1].Room_number; header.VerticalContentAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center; header.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; Grid.SetColumn(header, c); Grid.SetRow(header, rows); Children.Add(header); } List<Timeslot> timeslots = controller.Timeslots; //Making rows for (int block = 0; block < timeslots.Count ; ++block) { row = new RowDefinition(); //blok 0 = row for headers(classrooms,date) if (block == 0) row.Height = new GridLength(60); else row.Height = height; RowDefinitions.Add(row); rows++; Label blk = new Label(); blk.Content = timeslots[block].Time; blk.VerticalContentAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center; blk.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; Grid.SetColumn(blk, 0); Grid.SetRow(blk, rows); Children.Add(blk); } //Maken dateGrids Grid dateGrid = new Grid(); for (int i = 0; i < ColumnDefinitions.Count - 1; i++) { ColumnDefinition column = new ColumnDefinition(); GridLength width = new GridLength(120); column.Width = width; dateGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(column); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { row = new RowDefinition(); row.Height = height; dateGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(row); } for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < dateGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Count; i++) { CustomLabel emptySession = new CustomLabel(); Grid.SetColumn(emptySession, i); Grid.SetRow(emptySession, j); emptySession.AllowDrop = true; emptySession.Drop += new DragEventHandler(Session_Drop); dateGrid.Children.Add(emptySession); } } Grid.SetColumn(dateGrid, 1); Grid.SetColumnSpan(dateGrid, dateGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Count); Grid.SetRow(dateGrid, rows - 3); Grid.SetRowSpan(dateGrid, dateGrid.RowDefinitions.Count); dateGrid.ShowGridLines = true; dateGrids.Add(dateTime.ToShortDateString(), dateGrid); Children.Add(dateGrid); //row block 4 row = new RowDefinition(); row.Height = height; RowDefinitions.Add(row); rows++; } } //set first column color over all rows Grid.SetRowSpan(recC, rows); }
/// <summary> /// Save control value to INI file. /// </summary> public bool SaveSetting(Control control) { var ini = new Ini(IniFileName); var saved = false; foreach (string path in SettingsMap.Keys) { if (SettingsMap[path] == control) { var r = SaveSetting(ini, path); if (r) saved = r; break; } } return saved; }
/// <summary> /// Save all setting values to INI file. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool SaveSettings() { var ini = new Ini(IniFileName); var saved = false; foreach (string path in SettingsMap.Keys) { var r = SaveSetting(ini, path); if (r) saved = true; } return saved; }
/// <summary> /// Get array[4] of direct input devices. /// </summary> DeviceInstance[] GetDevices() { var devices = Manager.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AllDevices).ToList(); if (SettingManager.Current.ExcludeSuplementals) { // Supplemental devices are specialized device with functionality unsuitable for the main control of an application, // such as pedals used with a wheel.The following subtypes are defined. var supplementals = devices.Where(x => x.Type == SharpDX.DirectInput.DeviceType.Supplemental).ToArray(); foreach (var supplemental in supplementals) { devices.Remove(supplemental); } } // Move gaming wheels to the top index position by default. // Games like GTA need wheel to be first device to work properly. var wheels = devices.Where(x => x.Type == SharpDX.DirectInput.DeviceType.Driving || x.Subtype == (int)DeviceSubType.Wheel).ToArray(); foreach (var wheel in wheels) { devices.Remove(wheel); devices.Insert(0, wheel); } var orderedDevices = new DeviceInstance[4]; // Assign devices to their positions. for (int d = 0; d < devices.Count; d++) { var ig = devices[d].InstanceGuid; var section = SettingManager.Current.GetInstanceSection(ig); var ini2 = new Ini(SettingManager.IniFileName); string v = ini2.GetValue(section, SettingName.MapToPad); int mapToPad = 0; if (int.TryParse(v, out mapToPad) && mapToPad > 0 && mapToPad <= 4) { // If position is not occupied then... if (orderedDevices[mapToPad - 1] == null) { orderedDevices[mapToPad - 1] = devices[d]; } } } // Get list of unassigned devices. var unassignedDevices = devices.Except(orderedDevices).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < unassignedDevices.Length; i++) { // Assign to first empty slot. for (int d = 0; d < orderedDevices.Length; d++) { // If position is not occupied then... if (orderedDevices[d] == null) { orderedDevices[d] = unassignedDevices[i]; break; } } } return orderedDevices; }
/// <summary> /// Read INI file by game. /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> public SearchResult ReadIniFile(Game game) { var result = new SearchResult(); var settings = new List<Setting>(); var padSettings = new List<PadSetting>(); // Get game directory. var dir = new FileInfo(game.FullPath).Directory; // Get INI file. var iniFile = dir.GetFiles(IniFileName).FirstOrDefault(); if (iniFile != null) { var ini = new Ini(iniFile.FullName); var optionKeys = new[] { SettingName.PAD1, SettingName.PAD2, SettingName.PAD3, SettingName.PAD4, }; for (int i = 0; i < optionKeys.Length; i++) { var optionKey = optionKeys[i]; var mapTo = (MapTo)(i + 1); var value = ini.GetValue(OptionsSection, optionKey); var padSectionNames = value.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var padSectionName in padSectionNames) { Setting setting; PadSetting padSetting; ReadPadSettingsFromIni(padSectionName, out setting, out padSetting); setting.MapTo = (int)mapTo; // If settings was not added already then... if (!settings.Any(x => x.InstanceGuid.Equals(setting.InstanceGuid))) { settings.Add(setting); // If PAD setting was not added already then... if (padSettings.Any(x => x.PadSettingChecksum.Equals(x.PadSettingChecksum))) { padSettings.Add(padSetting); } } } } } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Save pad settings. /// </summary> /// <param name="padIndex">Source PAD index.</param> /// <param name="file">Destination INI file name.</param> /// <param name="iniSection">Destination INI section to save.</param> public bool SavePadSettings(int padIndex, string file) { var ini = new Ini(file); var saved = false; var pad = string.Format("PAD{0}", padIndex + 1); foreach (string path in SettingsMap.Keys) { string section = path.Split('\\')[0]; // If this is not PAD section then skip. if (section != pad) continue; var r = SaveSetting(ini, path); if (r) saved = true; } return saved; }
/// <summary> /// Set INI settings from PadSetting object by device Instance GUID. /// </summary> /// <param name="instanceGuid">Instance GUID.</param> /// <returns>PadSettings object.</returns> public void SetPadSetting(string padSectionName, PadSetting ps) { var ini2 = new Ini(IniFileName); //ps.PadSettingChecksum = Guid.Empty; ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.AxisToDPadDeadZone, ps.AxisToDPadDeadZone); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.AxisToDPadEnabled, ps.AxisToDPadEnabled); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.AxisToDPadOffset, ps.AxisToDPadOffset); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonA, ps.ButtonA); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonB, ps.ButtonB); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonGuide, ps.ButtonBig); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonBack, ps.ButtonBack); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonStart, ps.ButtonStart); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonX, ps.ButtonX); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ButtonY, ps.ButtonY); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DPad, ps.DPad); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DPadDown, ps.DPadDown); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DPadLeft, ps.DPadLeft); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DPadRight, ps.DPadRight); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DPadUp, ps.DPadUp); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ForceEnable, ps.ForceEnable); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ForceOverall, ps.ForceOverall); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ForceSwapMotor, ps.ForceSwapMotor); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.ForceType, ps.ForceType); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.DeviceSubType, ps.GamePadType); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftMotorPeriod, ps.LeftMotorPeriod); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftMotorStrength, ps.LeftMotorStrength); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftShoulder, ps.LeftShoulder); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbAntiDeadZoneX, ps.LeftThumbAntiDeadZoneX); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbAntiDeadZoneY, ps.LeftThumbAntiDeadZoneY); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbLinearX, ps.LeftThumbLinearX); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbLinearY, ps.LeftThumbLinearY); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbAxisX, ps.LeftThumbAxisX); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbAxisY, ps.LeftThumbAxisY); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbButton, ps.LeftThumbButton); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbDeadZoneX, ps.LeftThumbDeadZoneX); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbDeadZoneY, ps.LeftThumbDeadZoneY); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbDown, ps.LeftThumbDown); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbLeft, ps.LeftThumbLeft); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbRight, ps.LeftThumbRight); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftThumbUp, ps.LeftThumbUp); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftTrigger, ps.LeftTrigger); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.LeftTriggerDeadZone, ps.LeftTriggerDeadZone); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.PassThrough, ps.PassThrough); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightMotorPeriod, ps.RightMotorPeriod); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightMotorStrength, ps.RightMotorStrength); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightShoulder, ps.RightShoulder); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbAntiDeadZoneX, ps.RightThumbAntiDeadZoneX); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbAntiDeadZoneY, ps.RightThumbAntiDeadZoneY); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbLinearX, ps.RightThumbLinearX); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbLinearY, ps.RightThumbLinearY); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbAxisX, ps.RightThumbAxisX); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbAxisY, ps.RightThumbAxisY); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbButton, ps.RightThumbButton); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbDeadZoneX, ps.RightThumbDeadZoneX); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbDeadZoneY, ps.RightThumbDeadZoneY); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbDown, ps.RightThumbDown); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbLeft, ps.RightThumbLeft); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbRight, ps.RightThumbRight); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightThumbUp, ps.RightThumbUp); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightTrigger, ps.RightTrigger); ini2.SetValue(padSectionName, SettingName.RightTriggerDeadZone, ps.RightTriggerDeadZone); }