private void optimizeInternally(List <string> indicatorsToTry, IndicatorSelector selector)
            while (ended == false)
                    //generator.getGeneratedIndicator(Convert.ToInt32(outcomeTimeframe / 1000 / 15), Convert.ToInt32(outcomeTimeframe * 100 / 1000));
                    int index = getNextIndex();
                    if (index >= indicatorsToTry.Count)

                    WalkerIndicator   wi = IndicatorGenerator.getIndicatorByString(indicatorsToTry[index]);
                    LearningIndicator li = new LearningIndicator(wi, priceData, outcomeCodeData, outcomeData, outcomeTimeframe, outcomeCodePercent, minPercentThreshold, learningIndicatorSteps, true);

                catch (TooLittleValidDataException e)
                    //Logger.log("E:" + e.Message);
                catch (TooLittleStatesException e)
                    //Logger.log("E:" + e.Message);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.log("FATAL:" + e.Message);

            ended = true;
Esempio n. 2
        public void startRunningRandomIndicators(IndicatorGenerator generator)
            if (running == true)
                throw new Exception("Already running!");

            submitResults(LearningIndicator.getPredictivePowerArrayHeader() + "usedValues;name;id");

            Logger.log("Start testing indicators");
            new Thread(delegate() {
                running = true;
                while (running)
                    //How about a genetic algo?
                    try {
                        testAndSubmitResult(generator.getGeneratedIndicator(Convert.ToInt32(outcomeTimeframe / 1000 / 15), Convert.ToInt32(outcomeTimeframe * 100 / 1000)));
                    catch (TooLittleValidDataException e)
                        Logger.log("E:" + e.Message);
                    catch (TooLittleStatesException e)
                        Logger.log("E:" + e.Message);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.log("FATAL:" + e.Message);
Esempio n. 3
        private void maxPpOutcomeCodeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataminingInputDialog id = new DataminingInputDialog(new string[] { "instrument", "outcomeCodeId" }, dataminingDb.getInfo());


            long operationSum    = 0;
            int  operationsCount = 0;

            if (id.isValidResult())
                string instrument = id.getResult()["instrument"];
                string outcomeId  = id.getResult()["outcomeCodeId"];

                string folderPath = Config.startupPath + "/analysis/";
                if (Directory.Exists(folderPath) == false)

                string graphFolderPath = folderPath + "ppForIndicators-" + outcomeId + "/";

                string indicatorListFilename = folderPath + "ppForIndicators-" + outcomeId + ".csv";
                if (File.Exists(indicatorListFilename) == false)
                    writeTextToFile(indicatorListFilename, "OverHalf;MaxDiff;Direction;LinRegr;LogRegr;Indicator" + Environment.NewLine);

                //Start some threads for
                for (int threadId = 0; threadId < 2; threadId++) //Todo: Do 4 threads
                    new Thread(delegate()
                        while (true)
                                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

                                WalkerIndicator indicator = IndicatorGenerator.getRandomIndicator();
                                string indicatorId        = "mid-" + indicator.getName();

                                Logger.log("Start indicator: " + indicatorId, "maxPp");

                                setState("Max pp: avg" + Math.Round(operationSum / 1000d / (operationsCount != 0 ? operationsCount : 1)) + "s" + " n" + operationsCount);

                                try {
                                    dataminingDb.addIndicator(indicator, instrument, "mid");
                                } catch (IndicatorNeverValidException)
                                    writeTextToFile(indicatorListFilename, "x;x;x;" + indicatorId + Environment.NewLine);
                                    Logger.log("Invalid Indicator " + indicatorId, "maxPp");

                                Logger.log("Get info", "maxPp");
                                DistributionRange range = dataminingDb.getInfo(indicatorId).ranges["5"];

                                SampleOutcomeCodeExcelGenerator excel = new SampleOutcomeCodeExcelGenerator(graphFolderPath + indicatorId + ".xls");

                                Logger.log("Start sampling", "maxPp");
                                double[] ppMethod1 = dataminingDb.getOutcomeCodeIndicatorSampling(excel, indicatorId, 20, range, outcomeId, instrument);


                                /*double[][] inputsTraining = new double[0][], outputsTraining = new double[0][];
                                 * dataminingDb.getInputOutputArrays(new string[] { indicatorId }, outcomeId, instrument, ref inputsTraining, ref outputsTraining, DataGroup.All, 1000 * 20, 0);
                                 * double[][] inputsTest = new double[0][], outputsTest = new double[0][];
                                 * dataminingDb.getInputOutputArrays(new string[] { indicatorId }, outcomeId, instrument, ref inputsTest, ref outputsTest, DataGroup.All, 5000, 1);
                                 * double ppMethod2 = PredictivePowerAnalyzer.getPredictivePowerWithMl(inputsTraining, outputsTraining, inputsTest, outputsTest, MLMethodForPPAnalysis.LinearRegression);
                                 * double ppMethod3 = PredictivePowerAnalyzer.getPredictivePowerWithMl(inputsTraining, outputsTraining, inputsTest, outputsTest, MLMethodForPPAnalysis.LogRegression);*/

                                Logger.log("write to file", "maxPp");
                                //over 0.5, maxDiff, direction
                                string resultLine = ppMethod1[0] + ";" + ppMethod1[1] + ";" + ppMethod1[2] + ";" + "ni" + ";" + "ni" + ";" + indicatorId;
                                writeTextToFile(indicatorListFilename, resultLine + Environment.NewLine);
                                Logger.sendImportantMessage(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " - " + resultLine);

                                Logger.log("remove datasets", "maxPp");
                                dataminingDb.removeDataset(indicatorId, instrument);

                                operationSum += watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                            catch {
                                Logger.log("Error in thread method", "maxPp");
Esempio n. 4
        public void updateIndicators(long timeframeToLookBack, long timeframeToLookBackForIndicatorInit, IndicatorSelector indicatorSelector)
            List <double[]> selectedPriceData = new List <double[]>();

            for (int i = priceData.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (Convert.ToInt64(priceData[i][(int)PriceDataIndeces.Date]) > timestampNow - timeframeToLookBack)
                    selectedPriceData.Insert(0, priceData[i]); //Todo: List direction correct?

            double[][] selectedPriceDataArray = selectedPriceData.ToArray();
            double     s;

            double[][] outcomeData = OutcomeGenerator.getOutcome(selectedPriceDataArray, outcomeTimeframe, out s);
            if (s < 0.6)
                throw new Exception("s < o.6: " + s);

            //bool[][] outcomeCodeData = OutcomeGenerator.getOutcomeCode(selectedPriceDataArray, outcomeData, outcomeCodePercent, out s);
            bool[][] outcomeCodeFirstData = OutcomeGenerator.getOutcomeCodeFirst(selectedPriceDataArray, outcomeTimeframe, outcomeCodePercent, out s);
            if (s < 0.6)
                throw new Exception("s < o.6: " + s);

            string[] indicatorIds;

            //This part can be skipped by caching todo: get from outside
            double hash = outcomeTimeframe + selectedPriceData[0].Sum() + selectedPriceData[selectedPriceData.Count - 1].Sum() + selectedPriceData[selectedPriceData.Count / 2].Sum();
            string optimalIndicatorsFileName = cachePath + "/" + "optimalIndicatorsIn_" + hash + "_" + selectedPriceData[selectedPriceData.Count - 1][(int)PriceDataIndeces.Date] + "_" + timeframeToLookBack + "_" + outcomeCodePercent + ".txt";

            if (cachePath != null && File.Exists(optimalIndicatorsFileName))
                indicatorIds = File.ReadAllText(optimalIndicatorsFileName).Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                Logger.log("Loaded optimal indicators from file: " + optimalIndicatorsFileName);
                //Shuffle okay indicators? todo:
                Logger.log("Generated optimal indicators");
                IndicatorOptimizer optimizer = new IndicatorOptimizer(selectedPriceDataArray, outcomeData, outcomeCodeFirstData, outcomeTimeframe, outcomeCodePercent, minPercentThreshold, learningIndicatorSteps);
                indicatorIds = optimizer.getOptimizedIndicators(okayIndicators, indicatorSelector, 8);

                File.WriteAllLines(optimalIndicatorsFileName, indicatorIds);

            Logger.log("Selected indicators: ");
            List <LearningIndicator> lis = new List <LearningIndicator>();

            foreach (string str in indicatorIds)

                WalkerIndicator ind = IndicatorGenerator.getIndicatorByString(str);
                if (ind.getName() != str)
                    throw new Exception(str + "!=" + ind.getName());

                lis.Add(new LearningIndicator(ind, selectedPriceDataArray, outcomeCodeFirstData, outcomeData, outcomeTimeframe, outcomeCodePercent, minPercentThreshold, learningIndicatorSteps, false));

            SignalMachine sm = new AlternativeSignalMachine(lis.ToArray()); //Todo: make accessable copy?

            Logger.log("SM STATE: ##################" + Environment.NewLine + sm.getStateMessage());

            //Make them up to date
            List <double[]> selectedPriceDataForIndicatorInit = new List <double[]>();

            for (int i = priceData.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (Convert.ToInt64(priceData[i][(int)PriceDataIndeces.Date]) > timestampNow - timeframeToLookBackForIndicatorInit)
                    selectedPriceDataForIndicatorInit.Insert(0, priceData[i]); //Todo: List direction correct?

            foreach (double[] row in selectedPriceDataForIndicatorInit)

            this.signalMachine = sm;
Esempio n. 5
        private void FindOkayIndicatorsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            string okayIndicatorsFile = "okayIndicators" + outcomeTimeframe + ".txt";

            if (File.Exists(okayIndicatorsFile))
                List <string> lines = File.ReadLines(okayIndicatorsFile).ToList();
                foreach (string line in lines)
                    if (line != "" && line != null && line != " ")
                        found.Add(line, true);

            DataLoader dl = new DataLoader(Config.DataPath + pair);

            double[][] priceData = dl.getArray(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30l,
                                               minTimestep); //One month, but the second. Every 10 secs

            double success;

            bool[][] outcomeCodeFirstData = OutcomeGenerator.getOutcomeCodeFirst(priceData, outcomeTimeframe, outcomeCodePercent, out success);

            if (success < 0.7)
                throw new Exception("OutcomeCode low success: " + success);

            double[][] outcomeData = OutcomeGenerator.getOutcome(priceData, outcomeTimeframe, out success);

            if (success < 0.7)
                throw new Exception("Outcome low success: " + success);

            IndicatorGenerator generator = new IndicatorGenerator();

            new Thread(delegate() {
                while (true)
                    WalkerIndicator ind = generator.getGeneratedIndicator(Convert.ToInt32((outcomeTimeframe / 1000) / 10), Convert.ToInt32((outcomeTimeframe / 1000) * 100));

                        if (found.ContainsKey(ind.getName()) == false)
                            new LearningIndicator(ind, priceData, outcomeCodeFirstData, outcomeData, outcomeTimeframe, outcomeCodePercent, minPercentThreshold, learningIndicatorSteps, false);
                            File.AppendAllText(okayIndicatorsFile, ind.getName() + Environment.NewLine);
                            found.Add(ind.getName(), true);
                    catch (Exception) { }