Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Processes a TIFF data sequence.</summary>
        /// <param name="reader">the <see cref="IndexedReader"/> from which the data should be read</param>
        /// <param name="handler">the <see cref="ITiffHandler"/> that will coordinate processing and accept read values</param>
        /// <exception cref="TiffProcessingException">if an error occurred during the processing of TIFF data that could not be ignored or recovered from</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">an error occurred while accessing the required data</exception>
        /// <exception cref="TiffProcessingException"/>
        public static void ProcessTiff(IndexedReader reader, ITiffHandler handler)
            // Read byte order.
            var byteOrder = reader.GetInt16(0);

            reader = byteOrder switch
                0x4d4d => reader.WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: true),
                0x4949 => reader.WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: false),
                _ => throw new TiffProcessingException("Unclear distinction between Motorola/Intel byte ordering: " + reader.GetInt16(0)),

            // Check the next two values for correctness.
            int tiffMarker = reader.GetUInt16(2);


            var firstIfdOffset = reader.GetInt32(4);

            // David Ekholm sent a digital camera image that has this problem
            // TODO calling Length should be avoided as it causes IndexedCapturingReader to read to the end of the stream
            if (firstIfdOffset >= reader.Length - 1)
                handler.Warn("First IFD offset is beyond the end of the TIFF data segment -- trying default offset");
                // First directory normally starts immediately after the offset bytes, so try that
                firstIfdOffset = 2 + 2 + 4;

            var processedIfdOffsets = new HashSet <int>();

            ProcessIfd(handler, reader, processedIfdOffsets, firstIfdOffset);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process PrintIM IFD
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Converted from Exiftool version 10.33 created by Phil Harvey
        /// lib\Image\ExifTool\
        /// </remarks>
        private void ProcessPrintIM([NotNull] Directory directory, int tagValueOffset, [NotNull] IndexedReader reader, int byteCount)
            if (byteCount == 0)
                Error("Empty PrintIM data");
            else if (byteCount <= 15)
                Error("Bad PrintIM data");

            string header = reader.GetString(tagValueOffset, 12, Encoding.UTF8);

            if (!string.Equals(header.Substring(0, 7), "PrintIM", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                Error("Invalid PrintIM header");

            var localReader = reader;
            // check size of PrintIM block
            var num = localReader.GetUInt16(tagValueOffset + 14);

            if (byteCount < 16 + num * 6)
                // size is too big, maybe byte ordering is wrong
                localReader = reader.WithByteOrder(!reader.IsMotorolaByteOrder);
                num         = localReader.GetUInt16(tagValueOffset + 14);
                if (byteCount < 16 + num * 6)
                    Error("Bad PrintIM size");

            directory.Set(PrintIMDirectory.TagPrintImVersion, header.Substring(8, 4));

            for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
                int pos = tagValueOffset + 16 + n * 6;
                var tag = localReader.GetUInt16(pos);
                var val = localReader.GetUInt32(pos + 2);

                directory.Set(tag, val);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>Processes a TIFF IFD.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// IFD Header:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        ///   <item><b>2 bytes</b> number of tags</item>
        /// </list>
        /// Tag structure:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        ///   <item><b>2 bytes</b> tag type</item>
        ///   <item><b>2 bytes</b> format code (values 1 to 12, inclusive)</item>
        ///   <item><b>4 bytes</b> component count</item>
        ///   <item><b>4 bytes</b> inline value, or offset pointer if too large to fit in four bytes</item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="handler">the <see cref="ITiffHandler"/> that will coordinate processing and accept read values</param>
        /// <param name="reader">the <see cref="IndexedReader"/> from which the data should be read</param>
        /// <param name="processedGlobalIfdOffsets">the set of visited IFD offsets, to avoid revisiting the same IFD in an endless loop</param>
        /// <param name="ifdOffset">the offset within <c>reader</c> at which the IFD data starts</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">an error occurred while accessing the required data</exception>
        public static void ProcessIfd(ITiffHandler handler, IndexedReader reader, ICollection <int> processedGlobalIfdOffsets, int ifdOffset)
                // Check for directories we've already visited to avoid stack overflows when recursive/cyclic directory structures exist.
                // Note that we track these offsets in the global frame, not the reader's local frame.
                var globalIfdOffset = reader.ToUnshiftedOffset(ifdOffset);
                if (processedGlobalIfdOffsets.Contains(globalIfdOffset))

                // Remember that we've visited this directory so that we don't visit it again later

                // Validate IFD offset
                if (ifdOffset >= reader.Length || ifdOffset < 0)
                    handler.Error("Ignored IFD marked to start outside data segment");

                // First two bytes in the IFD are the number of tags in this directory
                int dirTagCount = reader.GetUInt16(ifdOffset);

                // Some software modifies the byte order of the file, but misses some IFDs (such as makernotes).
                // The entire test image repository doesn't contain a single IFD with more than 255 entries.
                // Here we detect switched bytes that suggest this problem, and temporarily swap the byte order.
                // This was discussed in GitHub issue #136.
                if (dirTagCount > 0xFF && (dirTagCount & 0xFF) == 0)
                    dirTagCount >>= 8;
                    reader        = reader.WithByteOrder(!reader.IsMotorolaByteOrder);

                var dirLength = 2 + 12 * dirTagCount + 4;
                if (dirLength + ifdOffset > reader.Length)
                    handler.Error("Illegally sized IFD");

                // Handle each tag in this directory
                var invalidTiffFormatCodeCount = 0;
                for (var tagNumber = 0; tagNumber < dirTagCount; tagNumber++)
                    var tagOffset = CalculateTagOffset(ifdOffset, tagNumber);

                    // 2 bytes for the tag id
                    int tagId = reader.GetUInt16(tagOffset);

                    // 2 bytes for the format code
                    var formatCode = (TiffDataFormatCode)reader.GetUInt16(tagOffset + 2);

                    // 4 bytes dictate the number of components in this tag's data
                    var componentCount = reader.GetUInt32(tagOffset + 4);

                    var format = TiffDataFormat.FromTiffFormatCode(formatCode);

                    long byteCount;
                    if (format == null)
                        if (!handler.TryCustomProcessFormat(tagId, formatCode, componentCount, out byteCount))
                            // This error suggests that we are processing at an incorrect index and will generate
                            // rubbish until we go out of bounds (which may be a while).  Exit now.
                            handler.Error($"Invalid TIFF tag format code {formatCode} for tag 0x{tagId:X4}");
                            // TODO specify threshold as a parameter, or provide some other external control over this behaviour
                            if (++invalidTiffFormatCodeCount > 5)
                                handler.Error("Stopping processing as too many errors seen in TIFF IFD");
                        byteCount = componentCount * format.ComponentSizeBytes;

                    long tagValueOffset;
                    if (byteCount > 4)
                        // If it's bigger than 4 bytes, the dir entry contains an offset.
                        tagValueOffset = reader.GetUInt32(tagOffset + 8);
                        if (tagValueOffset + byteCount > reader.Length)
                            // Bogus pointer offset and / or byteCount value
                            handler.Error("Illegal TIFF tag pointer offset");
                        // 4 bytes or less and value is in the dir entry itself.
                        tagValueOffset = tagOffset + 8;

                    if (tagValueOffset < 0 || tagValueOffset > reader.Length)
                        handler.Error("Illegal TIFF tag pointer offset");

                    // Check that this tag isn't going to allocate outside the bounds of the data array.
                    // This addresses an uncommon OutOfMemoryError.
                    if (byteCount < 0 || tagValueOffset + byteCount > reader.Length)
                        handler.Error("Illegal number of bytes for TIFF tag data: " + byteCount);

                    // Some tags point to one or more additional IFDs to process
                    var isIfdPointer = false;
                    if (byteCount == checked (4L * componentCount))
                        for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                            if (handler.TryEnterSubIfd(tagId))
                                isIfdPointer = true;
                                var subDirOffset = reader.GetUInt32((int)(tagValueOffset + i * 4));
                                ProcessIfd(handler, reader, processedGlobalIfdOffsets, (int)subDirOffset);

                    // If it wasn't an IFD pointer, allow custom tag processing to occur
                    if (!isIfdPointer && !handler.CustomProcessTag((int)tagValueOffset, processedGlobalIfdOffsets, reader, tagId, (int)byteCount))
                        // If no custom processing occurred, process the tag in the standard fashion
                        ProcessTag(handler, tagId, (int)tagValueOffset, (int)componentCount, formatCode, reader);

                // at the end of each IFD is an optional link to the next IFD
                var finalTagOffset = CalculateTagOffset(ifdOffset, dirTagCount);
                var nextIfdOffset  = reader.GetInt32(finalTagOffset);
                if (nextIfdOffset != 0)
                    if (nextIfdOffset >= reader.Length)
                        // Last 4 bytes of IFD reference another IFD with an address that is out of bounds
                    else if (nextIfdOffset < ifdOffset)
                        // TODO is this a valid restriction?
                        // Last 4 bytes of IFD reference another IFD with an address that is before the start of this directory

                    if (handler.HasFollowerIfd())
                        ProcessIfd(handler, reader, processedGlobalIfdOffsets, nextIfdOffset);
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private bool ProcessMakernote(int makernoteOffset, [NotNull] ICollection <int> processedIfdOffsets, [NotNull] IndexedReader reader)
            Debug.Assert(makernoteOffset >= 0, "makernoteOffset >= 0");

            var cameraMake = Directories.OfType <ExifIfd0Directory>().FirstOrDefault()?.GetString(ExifDirectoryBase.TagMake);

            var firstTwoChars    = reader.GetString(makernoteOffset, 2, Encoding.UTF8);
            var firstThreeChars  = reader.GetString(makernoteOffset, 3, Encoding.UTF8);
            var firstFourChars   = reader.GetString(makernoteOffset, 4, Encoding.UTF8);
            var firstFiveChars   = reader.GetString(makernoteOffset, 5, Encoding.UTF8);
            var firstSixChars    = reader.GetString(makernoteOffset, 6, Encoding.UTF8);
            var firstSevenChars  = reader.GetString(makernoteOffset, 7, Encoding.UTF8);
            var firstEightChars  = reader.GetString(makernoteOffset, 8, Encoding.UTF8);
            var firstTenChars    = reader.GetString(makernoteOffset, 10, Encoding.UTF8);
            var firstTwelveChars = reader.GetString(makernoteOffset, 12, Encoding.UTF8);

            if (string.Equals("OLYMP\0", firstSixChars, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                string.Equals("EPSON", firstFiveChars, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                string.Equals("AGFA", firstFourChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // Olympus Makernote
                // Epson and Agfa use Olympus makernote standard:
                PushDirectory(new OlympusMakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8);
            else if (string.Equals("OLYMPUS\0II", firstTenChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // Olympus Makernote (alternate)
                // Note that data is relative to the beginning of the makernote
                PushDirectory(new OlympusMakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithShiftedBaseOffset(makernoteOffset), processedIfdOffsets, 12);
            else if (cameraMake != null && cameraMake.StartsWith("MINOLTA", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Cases seen with the model starting with MINOLTA in capitals seem to have a valid Olympus makernote
                // area that commences immediately.
                PushDirectory(new OlympusMakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset);
            else if (cameraMake != null && cameraMake.TrimStart().StartsWith("NIKON", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (string.Equals("Nikon", firstFiveChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    switch (reader.GetByte(makernoteOffset + 6))
                    case 1:
                        /* There are two scenarios here:
                         * Type 1:                  **
                         * :0000: 4E 69 6B 6F 6E 00 01 00-05 00 02 00 02 00 06 00 Nikon...........
                         * :0010: 00 00 EC 02 00 00 03 00-03 00 01 00 00 00 06 00 ................
                         * Type 3:                  **
                         * :0000: 4E 69 6B 6F 6E 00 02 00-00 00 4D 4D 00 2A 00 00 Nikon....MM.*...
                         * :0010: 00 08 00 1E 00 01 00 07-00 00 00 04 30 32 30 30 ............0200
                        PushDirectory(new NikonType1MakernoteDirectory());
                        TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8);

                    case 2:
                        PushDirectory(new NikonType2MakernoteDirectory());
                        TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithShiftedBaseOffset(makernoteOffset + 10), processedIfdOffsets, 8);

                        Error("Unsupported Nikon makernote data ignored.");
                    // The IFD begins with the first Makernote byte (no ASCII name).  This occurs with CoolPix 775, E990 and D1 models.
                    PushDirectory(new NikonType2MakernoteDirectory());
                    TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset);
            else if (string.Equals("SONY CAM", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                     string.Equals("SONY DSC", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                PushDirectory(new SonyType1MakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 12);
            // Do this check LAST after most other Sony checks
            else if (cameraMake != null && cameraMake.StartsWith("SONY", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                     reader.GetBytes(makernoteOffset, 2) != new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 })
                // The IFD begins with the first Makernote byte (no ASCII name). Used in SR2 and ARW images
                PushDirectory(new SonyType1MakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset);
            else if (string.Equals("SEMC MS\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000", firstTwelveChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // Force Motorola byte order for this directory
                // skip 12 byte header + 2 for "MM" + 6
                PushDirectory(new SonyType6MakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: true), processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 20);
            else if (string.Equals("SIGMA\u0000\u0000\u0000", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                     string.Equals("FOVEON\u0000\u0000", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                PushDirectory(new SigmaMakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 10);
            else if (string.Equals("KDK", firstThreeChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                var directory = new KodakMakernoteDirectory();
                ProcessKodakMakernote(directory, makernoteOffset, reader.WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: firstSevenChars == "KDK INFO"));
            else if ("CANON".Equals(cameraMake, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                PushDirectory(new CanonMakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset);
            else if (cameraMake != null && cameraMake.StartsWith("CASIO", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (string.Equals("QVC\u0000\u0000\u0000", firstSixChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    PushDirectory(new CasioType2MakernoteDirectory());
                    TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 6);
                    PushDirectory(new CasioType1MakernoteDirectory());
                    TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset);
            else if (string.Equals("FUJIFILM", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                     string.Equals("FUJIFILM", cameraMake, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Note that this also applies to certain Leica cameras, such as the Digilux-4.3.
                // The 4 bytes after "FUJIFILM" in the makernote point to the start of the makernote
                // IFD, though the offset is relative to the start of the makernote, not the TIFF header
                var makernoteReader = reader.WithShiftedBaseOffset(makernoteOffset).WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: false);
                var ifdStart        = makernoteReader.GetInt32(8);
                PushDirectory(new FujifilmMakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, makernoteReader, processedIfdOffsets, ifdStart);
            else if (string.Equals("KYOCERA", firstSevenChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                PushDirectory(new KyoceraMakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 22);
            else if (string.Equals("LEICA", firstFiveChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // used by the X1/X2/X VARIO/T
                // (X1 starts with "LEICA\0\x01\0", Make is "LEICA CAMERA AG")
                // (X2 starts with "LEICA\0\x05\0", Make is "LEICA CAMERA AG")
                // (X VARIO starts with "LEICA\0\x04\0", Make is "LEICA CAMERA AG")
                // (T (Typ 701) starts with "LEICA\0\0x6", Make is "LEICA CAMERA AG")
                // (X (Typ 113) starts with "LEICA\0\0x7", Make is "LEICA CAMERA AG")

                if (string.Equals("LEICA\0\x1\0", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    string.Equals("LEICA\0\x4\0", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    string.Equals("LEICA\0\x5\0", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    string.Equals("LEICA\0\x6\0", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    string.Equals("LEICA\0\x7\0", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    PushDirectory(new LeicaType5MakernoteDirectory());
                    TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithShiftedBaseOffset(makernoteOffset), processedIfdOffsets, 8);
                else if (string.Equals("Leica Camera AG", cameraMake, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    PushDirectory(new LeicaMakernoteDirectory());
                    TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: false), processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8);
                else if (string.Equals("LEICA", cameraMake, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // Some Leica cameras use Panasonic makernote tags
                    PushDirectory(new PanasonicMakernoteDirectory());
                    TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: false), processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8);
            else if (string.Equals("Panasonic\u0000\u0000\u0000", firstTwelveChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // NON-Standard TIFF IFD Data using Panasonic Tags. There is no Next-IFD pointer after the IFD
                // Offsets are relative to the start of the TIFF header at the beginning of the EXIF segment
                // more information here:
                PushDirectory(new PanasonicMakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 12);
            else if (string.Equals("AOC\u0000", firstFourChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // NON-Standard TIFF IFD Data using Casio Type 2 Tags
                // IFD has no Next-IFD pointer at end of IFD, and
                // Offsets are relative to the start of the current IFD tag, not the TIFF header
                // Observed for:
                // - Pentax ist D
                PushDirectory(new CasioType2MakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithShiftedBaseOffset(makernoteOffset), processedIfdOffsets, 6);
            else if (cameraMake != null && (cameraMake.StartsWith("PENTAX", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || cameraMake.StartsWith("ASAHI", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                // NON-Standard TIFF IFD Data using Pentax Tags
                // IFD has no Next-IFD pointer at end of IFD, and
                // Offsets are relative to the start of the current IFD tag, not the TIFF header
                // Observed for:
                // - PENTAX Optio 330
                // - PENTAX Optio 430
                PushDirectory(new PentaxMakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithShiftedBaseOffset(makernoteOffset), processedIfdOffsets, 0);
//          else if ("KC" == firstTwoChars || "MINOL" == firstFiveChars || "MLY" == firstThreeChars || "+M+M+M+M" == firstEightChars)
//          {
//              // This Konica data is not understood.  Header identified in accordance with information at this site:
//              //
//              // TODO add support for minolta/konica cameras
//              exifDirectory.addError("Unsupported Konica/Minolta data ignored.");
//          }
            else if (string.Equals("SANYO\x0\x1\x0", firstEightChars, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                PushDirectory(new SanyoMakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithShiftedBaseOffset(makernoteOffset), processedIfdOffsets, 8);
            else if (cameraMake != null && cameraMake.StartsWith("RICOH", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (string.Equals(firstTwoChars, "Rv", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    string.Equals(firstThreeChars, "Rev", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // This is a textual format, where the makernote bytes look like:
                    //   Rv0103;Rg1C;Bg18;Ll0;Ld0;Aj0000;Bn0473800;Fp2E00:������������������������������
                    //   Rv0103;Rg1C;Bg18;Ll0;Ld0;Aj0000;Bn0473800;Fp2D05:������������������������������
                    //   Rv0207;Sf6C84;Rg76;Bg60;Gg42;Ll0;Ld0;Aj0004;Bn0B02900;Fp10B8;Md6700;Ln116900086D27;Sv263:0000000000000000000000��
                    // This format is currently unsupported
                if (firstFiveChars.Equals("RICOH", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    PushDirectory(new RicohMakernoteDirectory());
                    // Always in Motorola byte order
                    TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: true).WithShiftedBaseOffset(makernoteOffset), processedIfdOffsets, 8);
            else if (string.Equals(firstTenChars, "Apple iOS\0", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                PushDirectory(new AppleMakernoteDirectory());
                // Always in Motorola byte order
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader.WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: true).WithShiftedBaseOffset(makernoteOffset), processedIfdOffsets, 14);
            else if (string.Equals("RECONYX", cameraMake, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                     reader.GetUInt16(makernoteOffset) == ReconyxMakernoteDirectory.HyperFireMakernoteVersion)
                var directory = new ReconyxMakernoteDirectory();
                ProcessReconyxMakernote(directory, makernoteOffset, reader);
            else if (string.Equals("SAMSUNG", cameraMake, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // Only handles Type2 notes correctly. Others aren't implemented, and it's complex to determine which ones to use
                PushDirectory(new SamsungType2MakernoteDirectory());
                TiffReader.ProcessIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset);
                // The makernote is not comprehended by this library.
                // If you are reading this and believe a particular camera's image should be processed, get in touch.
