private IEnumerable <string> EnumerateIndexedWords(IndexNode node) { if (node.IntraNodeText.Length > 0) { this.navigatedWith.Append(node.IntraNodeText); } if (node.HasMatches) { yield return(this.navigatedWith.ToString()); } if (node.HasChildNodes) { foreach (var childNode in node.ChildNodes) { this.navigatedWith.Append(childNode.Key); foreach (var result in this.EnumerateIndexedWords(childNode.Value)) { yield return(result); } this.navigatedWith.Length -= 1; } } if (node.IntraNodeText.Length > 0) { this.navigatedWith.Length -= node.IntraNodeText.Length; } }
public IEnumerable <ITreeNode> GetChildren(bool refresh) { var commandText = "select index_name from sys.all_indexes where owner = '{0}' and table_name = '{1}' order by index_name"; commandText = string.Format(commandText, _table.Schema.Name, _table.Name); var command = new OracleCommand(commandText, _table.Schema.SchemasNode.Connection); command.FetchSize = 256 * 1024; var dataTable = command.ExecuteDataTable(CancellationToken.None); var count = dataTable.Rows.Count; var indexes = new string[count]; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var name = (string)dataTable.Rows[i][0]; indexes[i] = name; } var treeNodes = new ITreeNode[indexes.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < indexes.Length; i++) { treeNodes[i] = new IndexNode(_table, indexes[i]); } return(treeNodes); }
public void ImportPath(string source, string dest) { var sourceInfo = new DirectoryInfo(source); if (!sourceInfo.Exists) { throw new ArgumentException("Source folder does not exist", nameof(source)); } if (!dest.StartsWith('/')) { throw new ArgumentException("Destination path must start with /", nameof(dest)); } var destPath = dest.TrimEnd('/').Split("/"); IndexNode destRoot = null; for (var i = 0; i < destPath.Length; i++) { destRoot = GetOrCreateDir(destPath[i], destRoot?.ParentID ?? 0); } CopyIn(sourceInfo, destRoot); void CopyIn(DirectoryInfo dirInfo, IndexNode parent) { foreach (var childDirInfo in dirInfo.EnumerateDirectories()) { var childDir = GetOrCreateDir(childDirInfo.Name, parent.ID); CopyIn(childDirInfo, childDir); } foreach (var fileInfo in dirInfo.EnumerateFiles()) { AddFile(fileInfo, parent); } } }
/// <summary> /// Executes an index opeation. /// </summary> public SkryptObject ExecuteIndex(IndexNode node, ScopeContext scopeContext) { var arguments = new List <SkryptObject>(); foreach (var subNode in node.Arguments) { var result = ExecuteExpression(subNode, scopeContext); arguments.Add(result); } var Object = ExecuteExpression(node.Getter, scopeContext); // Dynamically change type so we can get it's actual operations. dynamic left = Convert.ChangeType(Object, Object.GetType()); Operation opLeft = SkryptObject.GetOperation(Operators.Index, Object.GetType(), arguments[0].GetType(), left.Operations); OperationDelegate operation = null; if (opLeft != null) { operation = opLeft.OperationDelegate; } else { _engine.ThrowError("No such operation as index " + left.Name + "!", node.Getter.Token); } var inputArray = new List <SkryptObject>(arguments); inputArray.Insert(0, Object); return(operation(inputArray.ToArray(), _engine)); }
internal void Initialize(IndexNode node, IIndexNavigatorPool pool) { this.pool = pool; this.currentNode = node; this.intraNodeTextPosition = 0; this.navigatedWith.Length = 0; }
public override void ReadContent(BinaryReader reader) { this.Nodes = new Dictionary<ushort, IndexNode>(this.ItemCount); for (var i = 0; i < this.ItemCount; i++) { var index = reader.ReadUInt16(); var levels = reader.ReadByte(); var node = new IndexNode(levels); node.Page = this; node.Position = new PageAddress(this.PageID, index); node.KeyLength = reader.ReadUInt16(); node.Key = reader.ReadBsonValue(node.KeyLength); node.DataBlock = reader.ReadPageAddress(); for (var j = 0; j < node.Prev.Length; j++) { node.Prev[j] = reader.ReadPageAddress(); node.Next[j] = reader.ReadPageAddress(); } this.Nodes.Add(node.Position.Index, node); } }
public AdvancingFrontIndex(double min, double max, int depth) { if (depth > 5) { depth = 5; } _root = createIndex(depth); }
/// <summary> /// 添加索引 /// </summary> public static void AddIndex(IndexNode node, List <IndexBase> indexs) { var doc = CreateDoucment(node); foreach (var index in indexs) { index.AddIndex(doc); } }
static IndexNode[] CreateIndexTable(int length) { var table = new IndexNode[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { table[i] = new IndexNode(); } return(table); }
public IIndexNavigator Create(IndexNode node) { if (!pool.TryTake(out var navigator)) { navigator = new IndexNavigator(); } navigator.Initialize(node, this); return(navigator); }
/// <summary> /// 建立以节目预告名称为索引的字典 /// </summary> private static List <IndexNode> CreateNewNode(LiveVideoNode video, string builder) { var flag = video.Flags.FormatListToStr(SplitArray.Line, 16); var list = new List <IndexNode>(video.Items.Count + 1); list.Add(AddNameVideo(video, builder, flag)); foreach (var parade in video.Items) { IndexNode node = new IndexNode(); var indexnames = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(5); var paradename = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.ParadeName, parade.Language[CustomArray.LanguageArray[0]].Title); var paradecnname = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.ParadeCnName, string.Format("{0}{1}", parade.Language[CustomArray.LanguageArray[0]].Title, SplitArray.IndexCnName)); var flags = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.Flags, flag); var pindex = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.PlatformIndex, string.Format("{0}{1}", builder, SplitArray.IndexFlag)); var fbcode = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.ForbiddenCode, string.Format("{0},{1}", string.Join(",", ForbiddenAreaCache.Instance.ForbiddenNames.Except(video.ForbiddenAreas).ToArray()), SplitArray.IndexFlag)); indexnames.Add(paradename); indexnames.Add(paradecnname); indexnames.Add(flags); indexnames.Add(pindex); indexnames.Add(fbcode); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > indexvalues = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(5); KeyValuePair <string, string> vid = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.IndexValue, parade.ID.ToString()); KeyValuePair <string, string> paradeid = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.ParadeId, parade.ID.ToString()); KeyValuePair <string, string> vipflag = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.VipFlag, video.Main.VipFlag.ToString()); var tabletype = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.TableType, video.Main.TableType.ToString()); var group = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.IsGroup, video.IsGroup ? "1" : "0"); indexvalues.Add(vid); indexvalues.Add(paradeid); indexvalues.Add(vipflag); indexvalues.Add(tabletype); indexvalues.Add(group); List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > indexnumerices = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >(3); KeyValuePair <string, int> bitrate = new KeyValuePair <string, int>(LiveEpgNode.BitrateRange, video.Main.BitRate); KeyValuePair <string, int> hight = new KeyValuePair <string, int>(LiveEpgNode.HightRange, video.Main.VideoHeight); KeyValuePair <string, int> width = new KeyValuePair <string, int>(LiveEpgNode.WidthRange, video.Main.VideoWidth); KeyValuePair <string, int> paradebegintime = new KeyValuePair <string, int>(LiveEpgNode.ParadeBeginTime, video.Main.VideoWidth); indexnumerices.Add(bitrate); indexnumerices.Add(hight); indexnumerices.Add(width); var indexlongs = new List <KeyValuePair <string, long> >(1); KeyValuePair <string, long> begintime = new KeyValuePair <string, long>(LiveEpgNode.ParadeBeginTime, parade.StartTime.Ticks); indexlongs.Add(begintime); node.IndexNames = indexnames; node.IndexValues = indexvalues; node.IndexNumerices = indexnumerices; node.IndexLongs = indexlongs; list.Add(node); } return(list); }
public IndexPage(uint pageID) { PageID = pageID; NextPageID = uint.MaxValue; Nodes = new IndexNode[IndexPage.NODES_PER_PAGE]; IsDirty = false; for (int i = 0; i < IndexPage.NODES_PER_PAGE; i++) { Nodes[i] = new IndexNode(this); } }
public override Node VisitIndexLValue([NotNull] TigerParser.IndexLValueContext context) { var node = new IndexNode(context); var lvalue = (LValueNode)Visit(context.lvalue()); lvalue.ByValue = true; node.Children.Add(lvalue); // LVALUE node.Children.Add(Visit(context.expr())); // INDEX EXPRESSION return(node); }
private async Task WriteNodeAsync(IndexNode node) { var matchCount = node.Matches.Count; var childNodeCount = node.ChildNodes.Count; var intraNodeTextLength = node.IntraNodeText.Length; this.writer.Write(intraNodeTextLength); this.writer.Write(matchCount); this.writer.Write(childNodeCount); if (intraNodeTextLength > 0) {
private IndexNode <A> createIndex(int n) { IndexNode <A> node = null; if (n > 0) { node = new IndexNode <A>(); node.bigger = createIndex(n - 1); node.smaller = createIndex(n - 1); } return(node); }
public static void AddTag(TagNode tag, string dimension, IndexBase index) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); //Dictionary<int, string[]> fbcodes = new Dictionary<int, string[]>(tag.Channels.Keys.Count); foreach (var plat in tag.Channels.Keys) { var indexx = VideoNodeKeyArray.Instance.Items[VideoNodeKeyArray.Instance.FindKey(plat.PlatForm, 0, plat.Auth)]; builder.Append(indexx); builder.Append(SplitArray.DH); //IEnumerable<string> fbcode = null; //var query = tag.Channels[plat].Select(v => ListCache.Instance.Dictionary[v].ForbiddenAreas); //foreach (var q in query) //{ // if (fbcode == null) // fbcode = q; // else // fbcode = fbcode.Intersect(q); //} //fbcodes[indexx] = fbcode.ToArray(); } if (builder.Length < 2) { return; } var node = new IndexNode(); var indexnames = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(3); var name = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(EpgIndexNode.Name, tag.Language[CustomArray.LanguageArray[0]].Title); var cnname = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(EpgIndexNode.CnName, string.Format("{0}{1}", tag.Language[CustomArray.LanguageArray[0]].Title, SplitArray.IndexCnName)); var pindex = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(EpgIndexNode.PlatformIndex, string.Format("{0}{1}", builder.Remove(builder.Length - 1, 1), SplitArray.IndexFlag)); //foreach (var fbcode in fbcodes) //{ // var fb = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(string.Format("{0}{1}", EpgIndexNode.ForbiddenCode, fbcode.Key), string.Format("{0},{1}", string.Join(",", ForbiddenAreaCache.Instance.ForbiddenNames.Except(fbcode.Value).ToArray()), SplitArray.IndexFlag)); // indexnames.Add(fb); //} indexnames.Add(name); indexnames.Add(cnname); indexnames.Add(pindex); var indexvalues = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(2); var vid = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(EpgIndexNode.IndexValue, tag.Language[CustomArray.LanguageArray[0]].Title); var dimen = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(EpgIndexNode.Flags, dimension); indexvalues.Add(vid); indexvalues.Add(dimen); node.IndexNames = indexnames; node.IndexValues = indexvalues; LuceneNetUtils.AddIndex(node, index); }
public AstNode VisitIndex(IndexNode n) { Visit(n.Instance); Append("["); Visit(n.Arguments[0]); for (var i = 1; i < n.Arguments.Count; i++) { Append(", "); Visit(n.Arguments[i]); } Append("]"); return(n); }
public void Parse_SafeAccessor_Index() { ASTNode root = ExpressionParser.Parse("instance?[1]"); MemberAccessExpressionNode node = AssertInstanceOfAndReturn <MemberAccessExpressionNode>(root); Assert.AreEqual(1,; Assert.AreEqual("instance", node.identifier); Assert.IsInstanceOf <IndexNode>([0]); IndexNode indexNode = (IndexNode)[0]; Assert.IsTrue(indexNode.isNullableAccess); Assert.AreEqual(1, indexNode.arguments.Count); Assert.IsInstanceOf <LiteralNode>(indexNode.arguments[0]); }
public void WithCustomIndexNodeFactory_ShouldPassCustomImplementationToIndex() { var factory = new Mock <IIndexNodeFactory>(); var expectedRoot = new IndexNode(null, null, null); factory.Setup(f => f.CreateRootNode()).Returns(expectedRoot); this.sut.WithIndexNodeFactory(factory.Object); var index = this.sut.Build(); index.Root.Should().Be(expectedRoot); factory.Verify(f => f.CreateRootNode(), Times.Once); }
//private TypeInfo Visit(PlusNode node) //{ // return BinaryOperator(node, "Plus"); //} //private TypeInfo Visit(MinusNode node) //{ // return BinaryOperator(node, "Minus"); //} //private TypeInfo Visit(MultNode node) //{ // return BinaryOperator(node, "Mul"); //} //private TypeInfo Visit(DivNode node) //{ // return BinaryOperator(node, "Div"); //} //private TypeInfo Visit(ModNode node) //{ // return BinaryOperator(node, "Mod"); //} //private TypeInfo Visit(EqualNode node) //{ // return BinaryOperator(node, "Equals"); //} //private TypeInfo Visit(NotEqualNode node) //{ // return BinaryOperator(node, "NotEquals"); //} private void Visit(IndexNode node) { var where = node.Where; var args = new List <BasicNode>() { node.Index }; var method = new MethodCallNode("Get", where, args); ReplaceNode(node.Parent, node.ChildIndex, method); Visit(where as dynamic); Visit(node.Index as dynamic); }
private void WriteMatchLocations(IndexNode node) { foreach (var match in node.Matches) { this.writer.Write(match.Key); this.writer.Write(match.Value.Count); foreach (var fieldMatch in match.Value) { this.writer.Write(fieldMatch.FieldId); this.writer.Write(fieldMatch.Locations.Count); this.WriteWordLocations(fieldMatch); } } }
internal override Node SetItem(int index, T value) { int pageIndex = FindLowerBound(_offsets, _nodeCount, index); Node node = _nodes[pageIndex].SetItem(index - _offsets[pageIndex], value); if (node == _nodes[pageIndex]) { return(this); } IndexNode mutableNode = AsMutable(); mutableNode._nodes[pageIndex] = node; return(mutableNode); }
/// <summary> /// 创建Document /// </summary> public static Document CreateDoucment(IndexNode node) { Document doc = new Document(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> name in node.IndexNames) { var field = new Field(name.Key, name.Value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED); var boost = SettingCache.Boost; switch (name.Key) { case "name": break; case "catalog": boost = boost - 4; break; case "act": boost = boost - 8; break; case "area": boost = boost - 16; break; } field.SetBoost(boost); doc.Add(field); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> value in node.IndexValues) { doc.Add(new Field(value.Key, value.Value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); } if (node.IndexNumerices != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> numeric in node.IndexNumerices) { doc.Add(new NumericField(numeric.Key, Field.Store.YES, true).SetIntValue(numeric.Value)); } } if (node.IndexLongs != null) { foreach (var numeric in node.IndexLongs) { doc.Add(new NumericField(numeric.Key, Field.Store.YES, true).SetLongValue(numeric.Value)); } } return(doc); }
public void WriteFS(FileSystem fs) { fs.UpdateBitmap(); WriteHeader(fs.Header); var emptyIndex = new IndexNode(); for (long i = 0; i < fs.IndexNodes.LongLength; i++) { WriteIndex(fs.IndexNodes[i] ?? emptyIndex); } WriteBitmap(fs.Bitmap); var emptyData = new DataSector(); for (long i = 0; i < fs.DataSectors.LongLength; i++) { WriteData(fs.DataSectors[i]); } }
public void AddNode(int lIdx, int vIdx) { try { if (this.CanBeAdded(lIdx, vIdx)) { IndexNode item = new IndexNode { ListIndex = lIdx, ViewIndex = vIdx }; this.idxList.Add(item); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error at DeviceIndexTable.AddNode!\n" + exception.Message); } }
internal static Node InsertRange(Node root, int index, IEnumerable <T> collection) { if (collection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection)); } if (index < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); } if (index > root.Count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } // We can't insert a range into the empty node if (root == Empty) { root = new LeafNode(); } ImmutableTreeList <Node> .Node?splitNode = root.InsertRange(index == root.Count, index, collection); while (splitNode != null) { if (splitNode.Count == 1) { root = splitNode[0]; break; } else { // Make a new level, walking nodes on the previous root level from 'node' to 'splitNode' IndexNode newRoot = new IndexNode(splitNode, out splitNode); root = newRoot; } } if (root.Count == 0) { return(Empty); } return(root); }
/// <summary> /// 建立以频道名称为索引的字典 /// </summary> private static IndexNode AddNameVideo(LiveVideoNode video, string builder, string flag) { IndexNode node = new IndexNode(); var indexnames = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(5); var name = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.Name, video.ChannelName); var cnname = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.CnName, string.Format("{0}{1}", video.ChannelName, SplitArray.IndexCnName)); var flags = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.Flags, flag); var pindex = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.PlatformIndex, string.Format("{0}{1}", builder, SplitArray.IndexFlag)); var fbcode = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.ForbiddenCode, string.Format("{0},{1}", string.Join(",", ForbiddenAreaCache.Instance.ForbiddenNames.Except(video.ForbiddenAreas).ToArray()), SplitArray.IndexFlag)); indexnames.Add(name); indexnames.Add(cnname); indexnames.Add(flags); indexnames.Add(pindex); indexnames.Add(fbcode); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > indexvalues = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(5); KeyValuePair <string, string> vid = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.IndexValue, video.Main.ChannelID.ToString()); KeyValuePair <string, string> channelid = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.ChannelId, video.Main.ChannelID.ToString()); KeyValuePair <string, string> vipflag = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.VipFlag, video.Main.VipFlag.ToString()); var tabletype = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.TableType, video.Main.TableType.ToString()); var group = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(LiveEpgNode.IsGroup, video.IsGroup ? "1" : "0"); indexvalues.Add(vid); indexvalues.Add(channelid); indexvalues.Add(vipflag); indexvalues.Add(tabletype); indexvalues.Add(group); List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > indexnumerices = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >(3); KeyValuePair <string, int> bitrate = new KeyValuePair <string, int>(LiveEpgNode.BitrateRange, video.Main.BitRate); KeyValuePair <string, int> hight = new KeyValuePair <string, int>(LiveEpgNode.HightRange, video.Main.VideoHeight); KeyValuePair <string, int> width = new KeyValuePair <string, int>(LiveEpgNode.WidthRange, video.Main.VideoWidth); indexnumerices.Add(bitrate); indexnumerices.Add(hight); indexnumerices.Add(width); node.IndexNames = indexnames; node.IndexValues = indexvalues; node.IndexNumerices = indexnumerices; return(node); }
private async Task WriteNodeAsync(IndexNode node) { var matchCount = node.Matches.Count; var childNodeCount = node.ChildNodes.Count; var intraNodeTextLength = node.IntraNodeText.Length; this.writer.Write(intraNodeTextLength); this.writer.Write(matchCount); this.writer.Write(childNodeCount); if (intraNodeTextLength > 0) { void WriteIntraNodeText(BinaryWriter writer, ReadOnlySpan <char> span) { for (var i = 0; i < span.Length; i++) { writer.Write(span[i]); } } WriteIntraNodeText(this.writer, node.IntraNodeText.Span); } if (childNodeCount > 0) { foreach (var childNode in node.ChildNodes) { this.writer.Write(childNode.Key); await this.WriteNodeAsync(childNode.Value).ConfigureAwait(false); } } if (matchCount > 0) { this.WriteMatchLocations(node); } if (childNodeCount > 0) { await this.FlushAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } }
internal IndexNode(int branchingFactor, Node firstChild, Node lastChild, out IndexNode lastNode) : this(branchingFactor) { lastNode = null; for (Node current = firstChild; current != null; current = current == lastChild ? null : current.NextNode) { if (_nodeCount == _nodes.Length) { // TODO: Avoid recursion here _next = new IndexNode(branchingFactor, current, lastChild, out lastNode); break; } _nodes[_nodeCount] = current; _offsets[_nodeCount] = _count; _count += current.Count; _nodeCount++; } lastNode = lastNode ?? this; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new index and returns head page address (skip list) /// </summary> public CollectionIndex CreateIndex(CollectionPage col) { // get index slot var index = col.GetFreeIndex(); // get a new index page for first index page var page = _pager.NewPage<IndexPage>(); // create a empty node with full max level var head = new IndexNode(IndexNode.MAX_LEVEL_LENGTH) { Key = BsonValue.MinValue, KeyLength = (ushort)BsonValue.MinValue.GetBytesCount(false), Slot = (byte)index.Slot, Page = page, Position = new PageAddress(page.PageID, 0) }; // add as first node page.Nodes.Add(head.Position.Index, head); // update freebytes + item count (for head) page.UpdateItemCount(); // set index page as dirty _pager.SetDirty(index.Page); // add indexPage on freelist if has space _pager.AddOrRemoveToFreeList(true, page, index.Page, ref index.FreeIndexPageID); // point the head/tail node to this new node position index.HeadNode = head.Position; // insert tail node var tail = this.AddNode(index, BsonValue.MaxValue, IndexNode.MAX_LEVEL_LENGTH, null); index.TailNode = tail.Position; return index; }
public Node(T value, long data, Node <T> parent, ObjectStorage <IndexNode> indexStorage, ObjectStorage <T> dataStorage, bool duplicable = false) { _parent = parent; _indexStorage = indexStorage; _dataStorage = dataStorage; _duplicable = duplicable; _duplicates = duplicable ? new List <long>() : null; _data = data > 0 ? data : dataStorage.WriteObject(value); _left = 0; _right = 0; var indexNode = new IndexNode { Data = _data, Left = _left, Right = _right, DuplicateCount = 0, Duplicates = new long[0] }; _offset = indexStorage.WriteObject(indexNode); }
private IndexNode GetOrCreateDir(string name, uint parentId) { var node = FS.GetChildren(parentId).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name); if (node == null) { node = new IndexNode { ID = FS.GenerateIndexId(), Flags = IndexFlags.Directory | IndexFlags.Valid, ParentID = parentId, Name = name }; FS.InsertIndexNode(node); return(node); } if (!node.Flags.HasFlag(IndexFlags.Directory)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("existing index record is not a directory"); } return(node); }
private long Save() { var duplicateCount = _duplicable ? _duplicates.Count : 0; var duplicates = _duplicable ? _duplicates.ToArray() : new long[0]; var indexNode = new IndexNode { Data = _data, Left = _left, Right = _right, DuplicateCount = duplicateCount, Duplicates = duplicates }; var offset = _indexStorage.UpdateObject(_offset, indexNode); if (offset != _offset) { _parent?.UpdateChild(_offset, offset); _offset = offset; } return(offset); }
/// <summary> /// Get all node list from any index node (go fordward and backward) /// </summary> public IEnumerable<IndexNode> GetNodeList(IndexNode node, bool includeInitial) { var next = node.NextNode; var prev = node.PrevNode; // returns some inital node if (includeInitial) yield return node; // go fordward while (next.IsEmpty == false) { var n = this.GetNode(next); next = n.NextNode; yield return n; } // go backward while (prev.IsEmpty == false) { var p = this.GetNode(prev); prev = p.PrevNode; yield return p; } }
/// <summary> /// Insert a new node index inside an collection index. Flip coin to know level /// </summary> public IndexNode AddNode(CollectionIndex index, BsonValue key, IndexNode last) { // call AddNode with key value return this.AddNode(index, key, this.FlipCoin(), last); }
/// <summary> /// Go first/last occurence of this index value /// </summary> private IndexNode FindBoundary(CollectionIndex index, IndexNode cur, BsonValue value, int order, int level) { var last = cur; while (cur.Key.CompareTo(value) == 0) { last = cur; cur = this.GetNode(cur.NextPrev(0, order)); if (cur.IsHeadTail(index)) break; } return last; }
static IndexNode[] CreateIndexTable(int length) { var table = new IndexNode[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { table[i] = new IndexNode(); } return table; }
/// <summary> /// Insert a new node index inside an collection index. /// </summary> private IndexNode AddNode(CollectionIndex index, BsonValue key, byte level) { // creating a new index node var node = new IndexNode(level) { Key = key, KeyLength = key.GetBytesCount() }; if (node.KeyLength > MAX_INDEX_LENGTH) { throw LiteException.IndexKeyTooLong(); } // get a free page to insert my index node var page = _pager.GetFreePage<IndexPage>(index.FreeIndexPageID, node.Length); node.Position = new PageAddress(page.PageID, page.Nodes.NextIndex()); node.Page = page; // add index node to page page.Nodes.Add(node.Position.Index, node); // update freebytes + items count page.UpdateItemCount(); // now, let's link my index node on right place var cur = this.GetNode(index.HeadNode); // scan from top left for (var i = IndexNode.MAX_LEVEL_LENGTH - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // for(; <while_not_this>; <do_this>) { ... } for (; cur.Next[i].IsEmpty == false; cur = this.GetNode(cur.Next[i])) { // read next node to compare var diff = this.GetNode(cur.Next[i]).Key.CompareTo(key); // if unique and diff = 0, throw index exception (must rollback transaction - others nodes can be dirty) if (diff == 0 && index.Options.Unique) throw LiteException.IndexDuplicateKey(index.Field, key); if (diff == 1) break; } if (i <= (level - 1)) // level == length { // cur = current (imediatte before - prev) // node = new inserted node // next = next node (where cur is poiting) node.Next[i] = cur.Next[i]; node.Prev[i] = cur.Position; cur.Next[i] = node.Position; var next = this.GetNode(node.Next[i]); if (next != null) { next.Prev[i] = node.Position; next.Page.IsDirty = true; } cur.Page.IsDirty = true; } } // add/remove indexPage on freelist if has space _pager.AddOrRemoveToFreeList(page.FreeBytes > IndexPage.INDEX_RESERVED_BYTES, page, index.Page, ref index.FreeIndexPageID); page.IsDirty = true; return node; }
/// <summary> /// Insert a new node index inside an collection index. /// </summary> private IndexNode AddNode(CollectionIndex index, BsonValue key, byte level, IndexNode last) { // calc key size var keyLength = key.GetBytesCount(false); if (keyLength > MAX_INDEX_LENGTH) { throw LiteException.IndexKeyTooLong(); } // creating a new index node var node = new IndexNode(level) { Key = key, KeyLength = (ushort)keyLength, Slot = (byte)index.Slot }; // get a free page to insert my index node var page = _pager.GetFreePage<IndexPage>(index.FreeIndexPageID, node.Length); node.Position = new PageAddress(page.PageID, page.Nodes.NextIndex()); node.Page = page; // add index node to page page.Nodes.Add(node.Position.Index, node); // update freebytes + items count page.UpdateItemCount(); // now, let's link my index node on right place var cur = this.GetNode(index.HeadNode); // using as cache last IndexNode cache = null; // scan from top left for (var i = IndexNode.MAX_LEVEL_LENGTH - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // get cache for last node cache = cache != null && cache.Position.Equals(cur.Next[i]) ? cache : this.GetNode(cur.Next[i]); // for(; <while_not_this>; <do_this>) { ... } for (; cur.Next[i].IsEmpty == false; cur = cache) { // get cache for last node cache = cache != null && cache.Position.Equals(cur.Next[i]) ? cache : this.GetNode(cur.Next[i]); // read next node to compare var diff = cache.Key.CompareTo(key); // if unique and diff = 0, throw index exception (must rollback transaction - others nodes can be dirty) if (diff == 0 && index.Unique) throw LiteException.IndexDuplicateKey(index.Field, key); if (diff == 1) break; } if (i <= (level - 1)) // level == length { // cur = current (imediatte before - prev) // node = new inserted node // next = next node (where cur is poiting) _pager.SetDirty(cur.Page); node.Next[i] = cur.Next[i]; node.Prev[i] = cur.Position; cur.Next[i] = node.Position; var next = this.GetNode(node.Next[i]); if (next != null) { next.Prev[i] = node.Position; _pager.SetDirty(next.Page); } } } // add/remove indexPage on freelist if has space _pager.AddOrRemoveToFreeList(page.FreeBytes > IndexPage.INDEX_RESERVED_BYTES, page, index.Page, ref index.FreeIndexPageID); // if last node exists, create a double link list if (last != null) { // link new node with last node if (last.NextNode.IsEmpty == false) { // fix link pointer with has more nodes in list var next = this.GetNode(last.NextNode); next.PrevNode = node.Position; last.NextNode = node.Position; node.PrevNode = last.Position; node.NextNode = next.Position; _pager.SetDirty(next.Page); } else { last.NextNode = node.Position; node.PrevNode = last.Position; } // set last node page as dirty _pager.SetDirty(last.Page); } return node; }