Esempio n. 1
 public virtual void  OnInit <T>(IList <T> commits) where T : IndexCommit
     lock (this)
         lastCommit = commits[commits.Count - 1];
Esempio n. 2
 public virtual void  OnInit(System.Collections.IList commits)
     lock (this)
         lastCommit = (IndexCommit)commits[commits.Count - 1];
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary> Initialize the deleter: find all previous commits in
        /// the Directory, incref the files they reference, call
        /// the policy to let it delete commits.  This will remove
        /// any files not referenced by any of the commits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
        /// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
        public IndexFileDeleter(Directory directory, IndexDeletionPolicy policy, SegmentInfos segmentInfos, System.IO.StreamWriter infoStream, DocumentsWriter docWriter, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> synced)
            this.docWriter = docWriter;
            this.infoStream = infoStream;
            this.synced = synced;

            if (infoStream != null)
                Message("init: current segments file is \"" + segmentInfos.GetCurrentSegmentFileName() + "\"; deletionPolicy=" + policy);

            this.policy = policy;
   = directory;

            // First pass: walk the files and initialize our ref
            // counts:
            long currentGen = segmentInfos.GetGeneration();
            IndexFileNameFilter filter = IndexFileNameFilter.GetFilter();

            System.String[] files = directory.ListAll();

            CommitPoint currentCommitPoint = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)

                System.String fileName = files[i];

                if (filter.Accept(null, fileName) && !fileName.Equals(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS_GEN))

                    // Add this file to refCounts with initial count 0:

                    if (fileName.StartsWith(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS))

                        // This is a commit (segments or segments_N), and
                        // it's valid (<= the max gen).  Load it, then
                        // incref all files it refers to:
                        if (infoStream != null)
                            Message("init: load commit \"" + fileName + "\"");
                        SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
                            sis.Read(directory, fileName);
                        catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e)
                            // LUCENE-948: on NFS (and maybe others), if
                            // you have writers switching back and forth
                            // between machines, it's very likely that the
                            // dir listing will be stale and will claim a
                            // file segments_X exists when in fact it
                            // doesn't.  So, we catch this and handle it
                            // as if the file does not exist
                            if (infoStream != null)
                                Message("init: hit FileNotFoundException when loading commit \"" + fileName + "\"; skipping this commit point");
                            sis = null;
                        catch (System.IO.IOException e)
                            if (SegmentInfos.GenerationFromSegmentsFileName(fileName) <= currentGen)
                                throw e;
                                // Most likely we are opening an index that
                                // has an aborted "future" commit, so suppress
                                // exc in this case
                                sis = null;
                        if (sis != null)
                            CommitPoint commitPoint = new CommitPoint(this,commitsToDelete, directory, sis);
                            if (sis.GetGeneration() == segmentInfos.GetGeneration())
                                currentCommitPoint = commitPoint;
                            IncRef(sis, true);

                            if (lastSegmentInfos == null || sis.GetGeneration() > lastSegmentInfos.GetGeneration())
                                lastSegmentInfos = sis;

            if (currentCommitPoint == null)
                // We did not in fact see the segments_N file
                // corresponding to the segmentInfos that was passed
                // in.  Yet, it must exist, because our caller holds
                // the write lock.  This can happen when the directory
                // listing was stale (eg when index accessed via NFS
                // client with stale directory listing cache).  So we
                // try now to explicitly open this commit point:
                SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
                    sis.Read(directory, segmentInfos.GetCurrentSegmentFileName());
                catch (System.IO.IOException e)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("failed to locate current segments_N file");
                if (infoStream != null)
                    Message("forced open of current segments file " + segmentInfos.GetCurrentSegmentFileName());
                currentCommitPoint = new CommitPoint(this, commitsToDelete, directory, sis);
                IncRef(sis, true);

            // We keep commits list in sorted order (oldest to newest):

            // Now delete anything with ref count at 0.  These are
            // presumably abandoned files eg due to crash of
            // IndexWriter.
            System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<System.String, RefCount>> it = refCounts.GetEnumerator();
            while (it.MoveNext())
                System.String fileName = (System.String) it.Current.Key;
                RefCount rc = (RefCount) refCounts[fileName];
                if (0 == rc.count)
                    if (infoStream != null)
                        Message("init: removing unreferenced file \"" + fileName + "\"");

            // Finally, give policy a chance to remove things on
            // startup:

            // Always protect the incoming segmentInfos since
            // sometime it may not be the most recent commit
            Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);

            startingCommitDeleted = currentCommitPoint.IsDeleted();

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary> Initialize the deleter: find all previous commits in
        /// the Directory, incref the files they reference, call
        /// the policy to let it delete commits.  This will remove
        /// any files not referenced by any of the commits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
        /// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
        public IndexFileDeleter(Directory directory, IndexDeletionPolicy policy, SegmentInfos segmentInfos, System.IO.StreamWriter infoStream, DocumentsWriter docWriter, HashSet <string> synced)
            this.docWriter  = docWriter;
            this.infoStream = infoStream;
            this.synced     = synced;

            if (infoStream != null)
                Message("init: current segments file is \"" + segmentInfos.GetCurrentSegmentFileName() + "\"; deletionPolicy=" + policy);

            this.policy    = policy;
   = directory;

            // First pass: walk the files and initialize our ref
            // counts:
            long currentGen            = segmentInfos.Generation;
            IndexFileNameFilter filter = IndexFileNameFilter.Filter;

            System.String[] files = directory.ListAll();

            CommitPoint currentCommitPoint = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                System.String fileName = files[i];

                if (filter.Accept(null, fileName) && !fileName.Equals(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS_GEN))
                    // Add this file to refCounts with initial count 0:

                    if (fileName.StartsWith(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS))
                        // This is a commit (segments or segments_N), and
                        // it's valid (<= the max gen).  Load it, then
                        // incref all files it refers to:
                        if (infoStream != null)
                            Message("init: load commit \"" + fileName + "\"");
                        SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
                            sis.Read(directory, fileName);
                        catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                            // LUCENE-948: on NFS (and maybe others), if
                            // you have writers switching back and forth
                            // between machines, it's very likely that the
                            // dir listing will be stale and will claim a
                            // file segments_X exists when in fact it
                            // doesn't.  So, we catch this and handle it
                            // as if the file does not exist
                            if (infoStream != null)
                                Message("init: hit FileNotFoundException when loading commit \"" + fileName + "\"; skipping this commit point");
                            sis = null;
                        catch (System.IO.IOException)
                            if (SegmentInfos.GenerationFromSegmentsFileName(fileName) <= currentGen)
                                // Most likely we are opening an index that
                                // has an aborted "future" commit, so suppress
                                // exc in this case
                                sis = null;
                        if (sis != null)
                            CommitPoint commitPoint = new CommitPoint(this, commitsToDelete, directory, sis);
                            if (sis.Generation == segmentInfos.Generation)
                                currentCommitPoint = commitPoint;
                            IncRef(sis, true);

                            if (lastSegmentInfos == null || sis.Generation > lastSegmentInfos.Generation)
                                lastSegmentInfos = sis;

            if (currentCommitPoint == null)
                // We did not in fact see the segments_N file
                // corresponding to the segmentInfos that was passed
                // in.  Yet, it must exist, because our caller holds
                // the write lock.  This can happen when the directory
                // listing was stale (eg when index accessed via NFS
                // client with stale directory listing cache).  So we
                // try now to explicitly open this commit point:
                SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
                    sis.Read(directory, segmentInfos.GetCurrentSegmentFileName());
                catch (System.IO.IOException)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("failed to locate current segments_N file");
                if (infoStream != null)
                    Message("forced open of current segments file " + segmentInfos.GetCurrentSegmentFileName());
                currentCommitPoint = new CommitPoint(this, commitsToDelete, directory, sis);
                IncRef(sis, true);

            // We keep commits list in sorted order (oldest to newest):

            // Now delete anything with ref count at 0.  These are
            // presumably abandoned files eg due to crash of
            // IndexWriter.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, RefCount> entry in refCounts)
                string   fileName = entry.Key;
                RefCount rc       = refCounts[fileName];
                if (0 == rc.count)
                    if (infoStream != null)
                        Message("init: removing unreferenced file \"" + fileName + "\"");

            // Finally, give policy a chance to remove things on
            // startup:

            // Always protect the incoming segmentInfos since
            // sometime it may not be the most recent commit
            Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);

            startingCommitDeleted = currentCommitPoint.IsDeleted;

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the deleter: find all previous commits in
        /// the Directory, incref the files they reference, call
        /// the policy to let it delete commits.  this will remove
        /// any files not referenced by any of the commits. </summary>
        /// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
        public IndexFileDeleter(Directory directory, IndexDeletionPolicy policy, SegmentInfos segmentInfos, InfoStream infoStream, IndexWriter writer, bool initialIndexExists)
            this.InfoStream = infoStream;
            this.Writer = writer;

            string currentSegmentsFile = segmentInfos.SegmentsFileName;

            if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IFD"))
                infoStream.Message("IFD", "init: current segments file is \"" + currentSegmentsFile + "\"; deletionPolicy=" + policy);

            this.Policy = policy;
            this.Directory = directory;

            // First pass: walk the files and initialize our ref
            // counts:
            long currentGen = segmentInfos.Generation;

            CommitPoint currentCommitPoint = null;
            string[] files = null;
                files = directory.ListAll();
            catch (NoSuchDirectoryException e)
                // it means the directory is empty, so ignore it.
                files = new string[0];

            if (currentSegmentsFile != null)
                Regex r = IndexFileNames.CODEC_FILE_PATTERN;
                foreach (string fileName in files)
                    if (!fileName.EndsWith("write.lock") && !fileName.Equals(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS_GEN)
                        && (r.IsMatch(fileName) || fileName.StartsWith(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS)))
                        // Add this file to refCounts with initial count 0:

                        if (fileName.StartsWith(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS))
                            // this is a commit (segments or segments_N), and
                            // it's valid (<= the max gen).  Load it, then
                            // incref all files it refers to:
                            if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IFD"))
                                infoStream.Message("IFD", "init: load commit \"" + fileName + "\"");
                            SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
                                sis.Read(directory, fileName);
                            catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                                // LUCENE-948: on NFS (and maybe others), if
                                // you have writers switching back and forth
                                // between machines, it's very likely that the
                                // dir listing will be stale and will claim a
                                // file segments_X exists when in fact it
                                // doesn't.  So, we catch this and handle it
                                // as if the file does not exist
                                if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IFD"))
                                    infoStream.Message("IFD", "init: hit FileNotFoundException when loading commit \"" + fileName + "\"; skipping this commit point");
                                sis = null;
                            catch (IOException e)
                                if (SegmentInfos.GenerationFromSegmentsFileName(fileName) <= currentGen && directory.FileLength(fileName) > 0)
                                    throw e;
                                    // Most likely we are opening an index that
                                    // has an aborted "future" commit, so suppress
                                    // exc in this case
                                    sis = null;
                            if (sis != null)
                                CommitPoint commitPoint = new CommitPoint(CommitsToDelete, directory, sis);
                                if (sis.Generation == segmentInfos.Generation)
                                    currentCommitPoint = commitPoint;
                                IncRef(sis, true);

                                if (LastSegmentInfos_Renamed == null || sis.Generation > LastSegmentInfos_Renamed.Generation)
                                    LastSegmentInfos_Renamed = sis;

            if (currentCommitPoint == null && currentSegmentsFile != null && initialIndexExists)
                // We did not in fact see the segments_N file
                // corresponding to the segmentInfos that was passed
                // in.  Yet, it must exist, because our caller holds
                // the write lock.  this can happen when the directory
                // listing was stale (eg when index accessed via NFS
                // client with stale directory listing cache).  So we
                // try now to explicitly open this commit point:
                SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
                    sis.Read(directory, currentSegmentsFile);
                catch (IOException e)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("failed to locate current segments_N file \"" + currentSegmentsFile + "\"");
                if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IFD"))
                    infoStream.Message("IFD", "forced open of current segments file " + segmentInfos.SegmentsFileName);
                currentCommitPoint = new CommitPoint(CommitsToDelete, directory, sis);
                IncRef(sis, true);

            // We keep commits list in sorted order (oldest to newest):

            // Now delete anything with ref count at 0.  These are
            // presumably abandoned files eg due to crash of
            // IndexWriter.
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, RefCount> entry in RefCounts)
                RefCount rc = entry.Value;
                string fileName = entry.Key;
                if (0 == rc.Count)
                    if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IFD"))
                        infoStream.Message("IFD", "init: removing unreferenced file \"" + fileName + "\"");

            // Finally, give policy a chance to remove things on
            // startup:

            // Always protect the incoming segmentInfos since
            // sometime it may not be the most recent commit
            Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);

            StartingCommitDeleted = currentCommitPoint == null ? false : currentCommitPoint.Deleted;
