Esempio n. 1
        override protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            AppointmentDa aptDa = new AppointmentDa();

            //populate clinic list Physicians from look up codes
            //rptClinicPhysicians.DataSource = CacheManager.GetLookupCodeList("apptPhysician");
            //updated 9/22 fs
            rptClinicPhysicians.DataSource = aptDa.GetDistinctAppointmentPhysicians().Tables[0].DefaultView;

            //append inpatient services to the bottom of the clinic list drop down
            //added 12/06/04 to allow form printing of inpatients
            InPatientDa ipda = new InPatientDa();

            rptInPatientServices.DataSource = ipda.GetInPatientServices();

            //populate contact status from distinct values- status also present in look up codes
            PatientDa patDa = new PatientDa();
            //count of patients in each contact status should be based on dataset user is logged into
            string  datasetSql      = CacheManager.GetDatasetSQL(Session[SessionKey.DatasetId]);
            DataSet contactStatusDs = patDa.GetDistinctContactStatus(datasetSql);

            rptStatus.DataSource = contactStatusDs;

            //populate categories from distinct values, takes username to display private
            SecurityController ct       = new SecurityController();
            string             userName = ct.GetUserName();

            CategoryDa catDa = new CategoryDa();
            DataSet    catDs = catDa.GetDistinctCategories(userName);

            rptCategories.DataSource = catDs;

            //v5.1: count of patients by action items
            ActionDa  actionDa = new ActionDa();
            DataTable actionDt = actionDa.GetDistinctPatientActions(datasetSql);

            rptActions.DataSource = actionDt;
Esempio n. 2
        override protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            base.Page_Load(sender, e);

            if (patientMRN != null && patientMRN.Length > 0)
                InPatientDa piDa = new InPatientDa();
                DataSet     piDs = piDa.GetInPatientsRecordByMRN(patientMRN);

                if (!piDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count.Equals(0))
                    InPatientAdmitDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(piDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["InPtAdmitDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                    InPatientRoomNumber  = piDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["InPtBedNum"].ToString();
                    InPatientAdmitReason = piDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["InPtAdmitReason"].ToString();
